[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(032)



    Fiddler is an HTTP debugging proxy that examines the assets coming over the wire and helps identify any loading bottlenecks. Created by Eric Lawrence, this is a general purpose network analysis tool for Windows that provides detailed reports on any browser or web request. Visit http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/ for installation and other information.

    Fiddler是一个HTTP调试代理,检查资源在线传输情况,以定位加载瓶颈。它由Eric Lawrence创建,是一个Windows下通用的网络分析工具,可为任何浏览器或网页请求给出详细报告。其安装和其它信息参见http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/


    During installation, Fiddler automatically integrates with IE and Firefox. A button is added to the IE toolbar, and an entry is added under Firefox's Tools menu. Fiddler can also be started manually. Any browser or application that makes web requests can be analyzed. While running, all WinINET traffic is routed through Fiddler, allowing it to monitor and analyze the performance of downloaded assets. Some browsers (e.g., Opera and Safari) do not use WinINET, but they will detect the Fiddler proxy automatically, provided that it is running prior to launching the browser. Any program that allows for proxy settings can be manually run through Fiddler by pointing it at the Fiddler proxy (, port: 8888).



    Like Firebug, Web Inspector, and Page Speed, Fiddler provides a waterfall diagram that provides insights as to which assets are taking longer to load and which assets might be affecting the loading of other assets (Figure 10-15).

    像Firebug,网页检查器,Page Speed一样,Fiddler提供一个瀑布图,可深入察看哪些资源占用了较长加载时间,哪些资源可能影响了其它资源加载(图10-15)。

Figure 10-15. Fiddler waterfall diagram

图10-15  Fiddler的瀑布图


    Selecting one or more resources from the panel on the left shows them in the main view. Click the Timeline tab to visualize the assets over the wire. This view provides the timing of each asset relative to other assets, which allows you to study the effects of different loading strategies and makes it more obvious when something is blocking.



    The Statistics tab shows a detailed view of the actual performance of all selected assets—giving insight into DNS Lookup and TCP/IP Connect times—as well as a breakout of the size of and type of the various assets being requested (Figure 10-16).


Figure 10-16. Fiddler Statistics tab

图10-16  Fiddler的统计图表


    This data helps you decide which areas should be investigated further. For example, long DNS Lookup and TCP/IP Connect times may indicate a problem with the network. The resource chart makes it obvious which types of assets comprise the bulk of the page load, identifying possible candidates for deferred loading or profiling (in the case of scripts).





    The YSlow tool provides performance insights into the overall loading and execution of the initial page view. This tool was originally developed internally at Yahoo! by Steve Souders as a Firefox addon (via GreaseMonkey). It has been made available to the public as a Firebug addon, and is maintained and updated regularly by Yahoo! developers. Visit http://developer.yahoo.com/yslow/ for installation instructions and other product details.

    YSlow工具能够深入视察初始页面视图整体加载和运行过程的性能。它最初由Yahoo!内部的Steve Souders开发,作为Firefox插件(通过GreaseMonkey)。它已经发布为一个Firebug插件,由Yahoo!开发人员维护并定期更新。安装及其他产品细节参见http://developer.yahoo.com/yslow/


    YSlow scores the loading of external assets to the page, provides a report on page performance, and gives tips for improving loading speed. The scoring it provides is based on extensive research done by performance experts. Applying this feedback and reading more about the details behind the scoring helps ensure the fastest possible page load experience with the minimal number of resources.



    Figure 10-17 shows YSlow's default view of a web page that has been analyzed. It will make suggestions for optimizing the loading and rendering speed of the page. Each of the scores includes a detailed view with additional information and an explanation of the rule's rationale.


Figure 10-17. YSlow: All results

图10-17  YSlow:全部结果


    In general, improving the overall score will result in faster loading and execution of scripts. Figure 10-18 shows the results filtered by the JAVASCRIPT option, with some advice about how to optimize script delivery and execution.


Figure 10-18. YSlow: JavaScript results

图10-18  YSlow:JavaScript结果


    When interpreting the results, keep in mind that there may be exceptions to consider. These might include deciding when to make multiple requests for scripts versus combining into a single request, and which scripts or functions to defer until after the page renders.



dynaTrace Ajax Edition  Ajax版的dynaTrace


    The developers of dynaTrace, a robust Java/.NET performance diagnostic tool, have released an "Ajax Edition" that measures Internet Explorer performance (a Firefox version is coming soon). This free tool provides an end-to-end performance analysis, from network and page rendering to runtime scripts and CPU usage. The reports display all aspects together, so you can easily find where any bottlenecks may be occurring. The results can be exported for further dissection and analysis. To download, visit http://ajax.dynatrace.com/pages/.

    dynaTrace是一个强大的Java/.NET性能诊断工具,它的开发人员已经发布了一个“Ajax版”用于测量Internet Explorer的性能(Firefox版很快就会出现)。这个免费工具提供了一个“终端到终端”性能分析器,从网络和页面渲染,到脚本运行时间和CPU占用率都能分析。报告显示将所有信息汇总在一起,所以你可以容易地发现瓶颈之所在。结果可导出用于进一步剖析。它可在这里下载:http://ajax.dynatrace.com/pages/


    The Summary report shown in Figure 10-19 provides a visual overview that allows you to quickly determine which area or areas need more attention. From here you can drill down into the various narrower reports for more granular detail regarding that particular aspect of performance.



    The Network view, shown in Figure 10-20, provides a highly detailed report that breaks out time spent in each aspect of the network life cycle, including DNS lookup, connection, and server response times. This guides you to the specific areas of the network that might require some tuning. The panels below the report show the request and response headers (on the left) and the actual request response (on the right).


Figure 10-19. dynaTrace Ajax Edition: Summary report

图10-19  dynaTrace Ajax Edition:总结报告


    Selecting the JavaScript Triggers view brings up a detailed report on each event that fired during the trace (see Figure 10-21). From here you can drill into specific events ("load", "click", "mouseover", etc.) to find the root cause of runtime performance issues.



    This view includes any dynamic (Ajax) requests that a event may be triggering and any script "callback" that may be executed as a result of the request. This allows you to better understand the overall performance perceived by your users, which, because of the asynchronous nature of Ajax, might not be obvious in a script profile report.


Figure 10-20. dynaTrace Ajax Edition: Network report

图10-20  dynaTrace Ajax Edition:网络报告

Figure 10-21. dynaTrace Ajax Edition PurePaths panel

图10-21  Ajax版dynaTrace的PurePaths面板

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