Scope, Duration, and Linkage___CH_6

Each project corresponds to one program. 

6.1 — Compound statements (blocks)

A compound statement (also called a block, or block statement) is a group of zero or more statements that is treated by the compiler as if it were a single statement.

Block nesting levels

Best practice

Keep the nesting level of your functions to 3 or less. If your function has a need for more nested levels, consider refactoring your function into sub-functions.

6.2 — User-defined namespaces and the scope resolution operator

Using the scope resolution operator with no name prefix

The scope resolution operator can also be used in front of an identifier without providing a namespace name (e.g. ::doSomething). In such a case, the identifier (e.g. doSomething) is looked for in the global namespace.

#include <iostream>

void print() // this print lives in the global namespace
	std::cout << " there\n";

namespace foo
	void print() // this print lives in the foo namespace
		std::cout << "Hello";

int main()
	foo::print(); // call print() in foo namespace
	::print(); // call print() in global namespace (same as just calling print() in this case)

	return 0;

In the above example, the ::print() performs the same as if we’d called print() with no scope resolution, so use of the scope resolution operator is superfluous in this case. But the next example will show a case where the scope resolution operator with no namespace can be useful.

Identifier resolution from within a namespace

If an identifier inside a namespace is used and no scope resolution is provided, the compiler will first try to find a matching declaration in that same namespace. If no matching identifier is found, the compiler will then check each containing namespace in sequence to see if a match is found, with the global namespace being checked last.

#include <iostream>

void print() // this print lives in the global namespace
	std::cout << " there\n";

namespace foo
	void print() // this print lives in the foo namespace
		std::cout << "Hello";

	void printHelloThere()
		print(); // calls print() in foo namespace
		::print(); // calls print() in global namespace

int main()

	return 0;

This prints:

Hello there

In the above example, print() is called with no scope resolution provided. Because this use of print() is inside the foo namespace, the compiler will first see if a declaration for foo::print() can be found. Since one exists, foo::print() is called.

If foo::print() had not been found, the compiler would have checked the containing namespace (in this case, the global namespace) to see if it could match a print() there.

Note that we also make use of the scope resolution operator with no namespace (::print()) to explicitly call the global version of print().

Multiple namespace blocks are allowed


Do not add custom functionality to the std namespace.

Namespace aliases

One nice advantage of namespace aliases: If you ever want to move the functionality within foo::goo to a different place, you can just update the active alias to reflect the new destination, rather than having to find/replace every instance of foo::goo.

When you should use namespaces

6.3 — Local variables

Local variables have automatic storage duration

Local variables have no linkage

Variables should be defined in the most limited scope

Best practice

Define variables in the most limited existing scope. Avoid creating new blocks whose only purpose is to limit the scope of variables.

6.4 — Introduction to global variables

Declaring and naming global variables

Best practice

Consider using a “g” or “g_” prefix when naming non-const global variables, to help differentiate them from local variables and function parameters.

Global variables have file scope and static duration

Global variables are created when the program starts, and destroyed when it ends. This is called static duration. Variables with static duration are sometimes called static variables.

Global variable initialization

Constant global variables

Quick Summary

// Non-constant global variables
int g_x;                 // defines non-initialized global variable (zero initialized by default)
int g_x {};              // defines explicitly zero-initialized global variable
int g_x { 1 };           // defines explicitly initialized global variable

// Const global variables
const int g_y;           // error: const variables must be initialized
const int g_y { 2 };     // defines initialized global constant

// Constexpr global variables
constexpr int g_y;       // error: constexpr variables must be initialized
constexpr int g_y { 3 }; // defines initialized global const

6.5 — Variable shadowing (name hiding)

Each block defines its own scope region. So what happens when we have a variable inside a nested block that has the same name as a variable in an outer block? When this happens, the nested variable “hides” the outer variable in areas where they are both in scope. This is called name hiding or shadowing.

Avoid variable shadowing

Shadowing of local variables should generally be avoided, as it can lead to inadvertent errors where the wrong variable is used or modified. Some compilers will issue a warning when a variable is shadowed.

For the same reason that we recommend avoiding shadowing local variables, we recommend avoiding shadowing global variables as well. This is trivially avoidable if all of your global names use a “g_” prefix.

Best practice

Avoid variable shadowing.

6.6 — Internal linkage

Global variables with internal linkage

Global variables with internal linkage are sometimes called internal variables.

To make a non-constant global variable internal, we use the static keyword.

#include <iostream>

static int g_x{}; // non-constant globals have external linkage by default, but can be given internal linkage via the static keyword

const int g_y{ 1 }; // const globals have internal linkage by default
constexpr int g_z{ 2 }; // constexpr globals have internal linkage by default

int main()
    std::cout << g_x << ' ' << g_y << ' ' << g_z << '\n';
    return 0;

For advanced readers

The use of the static keyword above is an example of a storage class specifier, which sets both the name’s linkage and its storage duration (but not its scope). The most commonly used storage class specifiers are static, extern, and mutable. The term storage class specifier is mostly used in technical documentations.

The one-definition rule and internal linkage

In lesson 2.7 – Forward declarations and definitions, we noted that the one-definition rule says that an object or function can’t have more than one definition, either within a file or a program.

However, it’s worth noting that internal objects (and functions) that are defined in different files are considered to be independent entities (even if their names and types are identical), so there is no violation of the one-definition rule. Each internal object only has one definition.

Functions with internal linkage

Because linkage is a property of an identifier (not of a variable), function identifiers have the same linkage property that variable identifiers do. Functions default to external linkage (which we’ll cover in the next lesson), but can be set to internal linkage via the static keyword:

Quick Summary

// Internal global variables definitions:
static int g_x;          // defines non-initialized internal global variable (zero initialized by default)
static int g_x{ 1 };     // defines initialized internal global variable

const int g_y { 2 };     // defines initialized internal global const variable
constexpr int g_y { 3 }; // defines initialized internal global constexpr variable

// Internal function definitions:
static int foo() {};     // defines internal function

6.7 — External linkage and variable forward declarations

Functions have external linkage by default

In lesson 2.8 – Programs with multiple code files, you learned that you can call a function defined in one file from another file. This is because functions have external linkage by default.

In order to call a function defined in another file, you must place a forward declaration for the function in any other files wishing to use the function. The forward declaration tells the compiler about the existence of the function, and the linker connects the function calls to the actual function definition.

Here’s an example:


#include <iostream>

void sayHi() // this function has external linkage, and can be seen by other files
    std::cout << "Hi!\n";


void sayHi(); // forward declaration for function sayHi, makes sayHi accessible in this file

int main()
    sayHi(); // call to function defined in another file, linker will connect this call to the function definition

    return 0;

The above program prints:


In the above example, the forward declaration of function sayHi() in main.cpp allows main.cpp to access the sayHi() function defined in a.cpp. The forward declaration satisfies the compiler, and the linker is able to link the function call to the function definition.

If function sayHi() had internal linkage instead, the linker would not be able to connect the function call to the function definition, and a linker error would result.

Global variables with external linkage

Global variables with external linkage are sometimes called external variables. To make a global variable external (and thus accessible by other files), we can use the extern keyword to do so:

Variable forward declarations via the extern keyword


If you want to define an uninitialized non-const global variable, do not use the extern keyword, otherwise C++ will think you’re trying to make a forward declaration for the variable.


Although constexpr variables can be given external linkage via the extern keyword, they can not be forward declared, so there is no value in giving them external linkage.

This is because the compiler needs to know the value of the constexpr variable (at compile time). If that value is defined in some other file, the compiler has no visibility on what value was defined in that other file.

Note that function forward declarations don’t need the extern keyword – the compiler is able to tell whether you’re defining a new function or making a forward declaration based on whether you supply a function body or not. Variables forward declarations do need the extern keyword to help differentiate variables definitions from variable forward declarations (they look otherwise identical):

// non-constant
int g_x; // variable definition (can have initializer if desired)
extern int g_x; // forward declaration (no initializer)

// constant
extern const int g_y { 1 }; // variable definition (const requires initializers)
extern const int g_y; // forward declaration (no initializer)

File scope vs. global scope

The terms “file scope” and “global scope” tend to cause confusion, and this is partly due to the way they are informally used. Technically, in C++, all global variables have “file scope”, and the linkage property controls whether they can be used in other files or not.

Quick summary

// External global variable definitions:
int g_x;                       // defines non-initialized external global variable (zero initialized by default)
extern const int g_x{ 1 };     // defines initialized const external global variable
extern constexpr int g_x{ 2 }; // defines initialized constexpr external global variable

// Forward declarations
extern int g_y;                // forward declaration for non-constant global variable
extern const int g_y;          // forward declaration for const global variable
extern constexpr int g_y;      // not allowed: constexpr variables can't be forward declared

Quiz time

Question #1

What’s the difference between a variable’s scope, duration, and linkage? What kind of scope, duration, and linkage do global variables have?

Scope determines where a variable is accessible. Duration determines when a variable is created and destroyed. Linkage determines whether the variable can be exported to another file or not.

Global variables have global scope (aka. file scope), which means they can be accessed from the point of declaration to the end of the file in which they are declared.

Global variables have static duration, which means they are created when the program is started, and destroyed when it ends.

Global variables can have either internal or external linkage, via the static and extern keywords respectively.

6.8 — Why (non-const) global variables are evil

Why (non-const) global variables are evil

One of the key reasons to declare local variables as close to where they are used as possible is because doing so minimizes the amount of code you need to look through to understand what the variable does. Global variables are at the opposite end of the spectrum – because they can be accessed anywhere, you might have to look through the entire program to understand their usage. In small programs, this might not be an issue. In large ones, it will be.

Best practice

Use local variables instead of global variables whenever possible.

The initialization order problem of global variables


Dynamic initialization of global variables causes a lot of problems in C++. Avoid dynamic initialization whenever possible.

So what are very good reasons to use non-const global variables?

As a rule of thumb, any use of a global variable should meet at least the following two criteria: There should only ever be one of the thing the variable represents in your program, and its use should be ubiquitous throughout your program.

Protecting yourself from global destruction

If you do find a good use for a non-const global variable, a few useful bits of advice will minimize the amount of trouble you can get into. This advice isn’t only for non-const global variables, but can help with all global variables.

A joke

What’s the best naming prefix for a global variable?

Answer: //

C++ jokes are the best.

6.9 — Sharing global constants across multiple files (using inline variables)

Global constants as internal variables

Global constants as external variables

Given the above downsides, prefer defining your constants in a header file (either per the prior section, or per the next section). If you find that the values for your constants are changing a lot (e.g. because you are tuning the program) and this is leading to long compilation times, you can move just the offending constants into a .cpp file as needed.

Global constants as inline variables C++17

Best practice

If you need global constants and your compiler is C++17 capable, prefer defining inline constexpr global variables in a header file.

6.10 — Static local variables

Static local variables

Just like we use “g_” to prefix global variables, it’s common to use “s_” to prefix static (static duration) local variables.

Generating a unique ID number is very easy to do with a static duration local variable:

int generateID()
    static int s_itemID{ 0 };
    return s_itemID++; // makes copy of s_itemID, increments the real s_itemID, then returns the value in the copy

The first time this function is called, it returns 0. The second time, it returns 1. Each time it is called, it returns a number one higher than the previous time it was called. You can assign these numbers as unique IDs for your objects. Because s_itemID is a local variable, it can not be “tampered with” by other functions.

Best practice

Initialize your static local variables. Static local variables are only initialized the first time the code is executed, not on subsequent calls.

Don’t use static local variables to alter flow

Static local variables should only be used if in your entire program and in the foreseeable future of your program, the variable is unique and it wouldn’t make sense to reset the variable.

Best practice

Avoid static local variables unless the variable never needs to be reset.

6.11 — Scope, duration, and linkage summary

6.12 — Using declarations and using directives

Problems with using directives (a.k.a. why you should avoid “using namespace std;”)

In modern C++, using directives generally offer little benefit (saving some typing) compared to the risk. Because using directives import all of the names from a namespace (potentially including lots of names you’ll never use), the possibility for naming collisions to occur increases significantly (especially if you import the std namespace).

Best practices for using statements

Best practice

Prefer explicit namespaces over using statements. Avoid using directives whenever possible. using declarations are okay to use inside blocks.

6.13 — Inline functions

Inline expansion

Fortunately, the C++ compiler has a trick that it can use to avoid such overhead cost: Inline expansion is a process where a function call is replaced by the code from the called function’s definition.

When inline expansion occurs

Every function falls into one of three categories, where calls to the function:

Must be expanded.
May be expanded (most functions are in this category).
Can’t be expanded.
A function that is eligible to have its function calls expanded is called an inline function.

The inline keyword, historically

Best practice

Do not use the inline keyword to request inline expansion for your functions.

The inline keyword, modernly

Best practice

Avoid the use of the inline keyword for functions unless you have a specific, compelling reason to do so.

6.14 — Constexpr and consteval functions

Constexpr functions can be evaluated at compile-time

A constexpr function is a function whose return value may be computed at compile-time. To make a function a constexpr function, we simply use the constexpr keyword in front of the return type. Here’s a similar program to the one above, using a constexpr function:

#include <iostream>

constexpr int greater(int x, int y) // now a constexpr function
    return (x > y ? x : y);

int main()
    constexpr int x{ 5 };
    constexpr int y{ 6 };

    // We'll explain why we use variable g here later in the lesson
    constexpr int g { greater(x, y) }; // will be evaluated at compile-time

    std::cout << g << " is greater!\n";

    return 0;

Best practice

Use a constexpr return type for functions that need to return a compile-time constant.

Constexpr functions are implicitly inline

Constexpr functions can also be evaluated at runtime

Key insight

Allowing functions with a constexpr return type to be evaluated at either compile-time or runtime was allowed so that a single function can serve both cases.

Otherwise, you’d need to have separate functions (a function with a constexpr return type, and a function with a non-constexpr return type). This would not only require duplicate code, the two functions would also need to have different names!

So when is a constexpr function evaluated at compile-time?

Key insight

A constexpr function that is eligible to be evaluated at compile-time will only be evaluated at compile-time if the return value is used where a constant expression is required. Otherwise, compile-time evaluation is not guaranteed.

Thus, a constexpr function is better thought of as “can be used in a constant expression”, not “will be evaluated at compile-time”.

Determining if a constexpr function call is evaluating at compile-time or runtime

Prior to C++20, there are no standard language tools available to do this.

In C++20, std::is_constant_evaluated() (defined in the <type_traits> header) returns a bool indicating whether the current function call is executing in a constant context. This can be combined with a conditional statement to allow a function to behave differently when evaluated at compile-time vs runtime.

#include <type_traits> // for std::is_constant_evaluated
constexpr int someFunction()
    if (std::is_constant_evaluated()) // if compile-time evaluation
        // do something
    else // runtime evaluation
        // do something else

Used cleverly, you can have your function produce some observable difference (such as returning a special value) when evaluated at compile-time, and then infer how it evaluated from that result.

Forcing a constexpr function to be evaluated at compile-time


C++20 introduces the keyword consteval, which is used to indicate that a function must evaluate at compile-time, otherwise a compile error will result. Such functions are called immediate functions.

Just like constexpr functions, consteval functions are implicitly inline.

Best practice

Use consteval if you have a function that must run at compile-time for some reason (e.g. performance).

Using consteval to make constexpr execute at compile-time C++20

6.15 — Unnamed and inline namespaces

6.x — Chapter 6 summary and quiz

Inline functions were originally designed as a way to request that the compiler replace your function call with inline expansion of the function code. You should not need to use the inline keyword for this purpose because the compiler will generally determine this for you. In modern C++, the inline keyword is used to exempt a function from the one-definition rule, allowing its definition to be imported into multiple code files. Inline functions are typically defined in header files so they can be #included into any code files that needs them.

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