
thanks for the author of https://www.cnblogs.com/junneyang/p/6203710.html


1. golang语言定义的复合数据类型当成结构体对待, 不要当成指针;

2. 空结构体指针变量不要进行比较, 在逃逸的情况下, 相等, 非逃逸不相等, 逃逸情况下堆统一分配zerobase

3. golang语言结构体赋值时是对结构体内各个字段分别赋值, 不会改变被赋值结构体变量的内存地址, 赋值多次, 结构体变量的内容会发生多次改变, 但是结构体变量的内存地址指向的结构体都会是同一个;

p1, p2 := new(struct{}), new(struct{})

fmt.Println(p1 == p2) // 不添加下面的两个代码,为false,添加为true

fmt.Printf("%p\n", p1)	// 逃逸
fmt.Printf("%p\n", p2)	// 逃逸

bool alias for uint8
float32 == float (in C lang)
float64 == double (in C lang)
uint, int, uintptr --bit count decided by cpu and compiler
Array types is always transfered by value, not reference, copy the all elements of array
Slice types will be transfered by reference, not value, like alias, don’t copy, many slices may point to the same array which they are underlying, when the cap(slice) change, you should get the new slice from the new underlying array, and the old slices still point to the old array, not the new array. The old slices is invalid for using. So getting the new slice first when you change the cap(slice).

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Runtime type representation.

package runtime

import "unsafe"

// tflag is documented in reflect/type.go.
// tflag values must be kept in sync with copies in:
//	cmd/compile/internal/gc/reflect.go
//	cmd/link/internal/ld/decodesym.go
//	reflect/type.go
type tflag uint8

const (
	tflagUncommon  tflag = 1 << 0
	tflagExtraStar tflag = 1 << 1
	tflagNamed     tflag = 1 << 2

// Needs to be in sync with ../cmd/link/internal/ld/decodesym.go:/^func.commonsize,
// ../cmd/compile/internal/gc/reflect.go:/^func.dcommontype and
// ../reflect/type.go:/^type.rtype.
type _type struct {
	size       uintptr
	ptrdata    uintptr // size of memory prefix holding all pointers
	hash       uint32
	tflag      tflag
	align      uint8
	fieldalign uint8
	kind       uint8
	alg        *typeAlg
	// gcdata stores the GC type data for the garbage collector.
	// If the KindGCProg bit is set in kind, gcdata is a GC program.
	// Otherwise it is a ptrmask bitmap. See mbitmap.go for details.
	gcdata    *byte
	str       nameOff
	ptrToThis typeOff

func (t *_type) string() string {
	s := t.nameOff(t.str).name()
	if t.tflag&tflagExtraStar != 0 {
		return s[1:]
	return s

func (t *_type) uncommon() *uncommontype {
	if t.tflag&tflagUncommon == 0 {
		return nil
	switch t.kind & kindMask {
	case kindStruct:
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u
	case kindPtr:
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u
	case kindFunc:
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u
	case kindSlice:
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u
	case kindArray:
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u
	case kindChan:
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u
	case kindMap:
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u
	case kindInterface:
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u
		type u struct {
			u uncommontype
		return &(*u)(unsafe.Pointer(t)).u

func (t *_type) name() string {
	if t.tflag&tflagNamed == 0 {
		return ""
	s := t.string()
	i := len(s) - 1
	for i >= 0 && s[i] != '.' {
	return s[i+1:]

// pkgpath returns the path of the package where t was defined, if
// available. This is not the same as the reflect package's PkgPath
// method, in that it returns the package path for struct and interface
// types, not just named types.
func (t *_type) pkgpath() string {
	if u := t.uncommon(); u != nil {
		return t.nameOff(u.pkgpath).name()
	switch t.kind & kindMask {
	case kindStruct:
		st := (*structtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		return st.pkgPath.name()
	case kindInterface:
		it := (*interfacetype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		return it.pkgpath.name()
	return ""

// reflectOffs holds type offsets defined at run time by the reflect package.
// When a type is defined at run time, its *rtype data lives on the heap.
// There are a wide range of possible addresses the heap may use, that
// may not be representable as a 32-bit offset. Moreover the GC may
// one day start moving heap memory, in which case there is no stable
// offset that can be defined.
// To provide stable offsets, we add pin *rtype objects in a global map
// and treat the offset as an identifier. We use negative offsets that
// do not overlap with any compile-time module offsets.
// Entries are created by reflect.addReflectOff.
var reflectOffs struct {
	lock mutex
	next int32
	m    map[int32]unsafe.Pointer
	minv map[unsafe.Pointer]int32

func reflectOffsLock() {
	if raceenabled {

func reflectOffsUnlock() {
	if raceenabled {

func resolveNameOff(ptrInModule unsafe.Pointer, off nameOff) name {
	if off == 0 {
		return name{}
	base := uintptr(ptrInModule)
	for md := &firstmoduledata; md != nil; md = md.next {
		if base >= md.types && base < md.etypes {
			res := md.types + uintptr(off)
			if res > md.etypes {
				println("runtime: nameOff", hex(off), "out of range", hex(md.types), "-", hex(md.etypes))
				throw("runtime: name offset out of range")
			return name{(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(res))}

	// No module found. see if it is a run time name.
	res, found := reflectOffs.m[int32(off)]
	if !found {
		println("runtime: nameOff", hex(off), "base", hex(base), "not in ranges:")
		for next := &firstmoduledata; next != nil; next = next.next {
			println("\ttypes", hex(next.types), "etypes", hex(next.etypes))
		throw("runtime: name offset base pointer out of range")
	return name{(*byte)(res)}

func (t *_type) nameOff(off nameOff) name {
	return resolveNameOff(unsafe.Pointer(t), off)

func resolveTypeOff(ptrInModule unsafe.Pointer, off typeOff) *_type {
	if off == 0 {
		return nil
	base := uintptr(ptrInModule)
	var md *moduledata
	for next := &firstmoduledata; next != nil; next = next.next {
		if base >= next.types && base < next.etypes {
			md = next
	if md == nil {
		res := reflectOffs.m[int32(off)]
		if res == nil {
			println("runtime: typeOff", hex(off), "base", hex(base), "not in ranges:")
			for next := &firstmoduledata; next != nil; next = next.next {
				println("\ttypes", hex(next.types), "etypes", hex(next.etypes))
			throw("runtime: type offset base pointer out of range")
		return (*_type)(res)
	if t := md.typemap[off]; t != nil {
		return t
	res := md.types + uintptr(off)
	if res > md.etypes {
		println("runtime: typeOff", hex(off), "out of range", hex(md.types), "-", hex(md.etypes))
		throw("runtime: type offset out of range")
	return (*_type)(unsafe.Pointer(res))

func (t *_type) typeOff(off typeOff) *_type {
	return resolveTypeOff(unsafe.Pointer(t), off)

func (t *_type) textOff(off textOff) unsafe.Pointer {
	base := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(t))
	var md *moduledata
	for next := &firstmoduledata; next != nil; next = next.next {
		if base >= next.types && base < next.etypes {
			md = next
	if md == nil {
		res := reflectOffs.m[int32(off)]
		if res == nil {
			println("runtime: textOff", hex(off), "base", hex(base), "not in ranges:")
			for next := &firstmoduledata; next != nil; next = next.next {
				println("\ttypes", hex(next.types), "etypes", hex(next.etypes))
			throw("runtime: text offset base pointer out of range")
		return res
	res := uintptr(0)

	// The text, or instruction stream is generated as one large buffer.  The off (offset) for a method is
	// its offset within this buffer.  If the total text size gets too large, there can be issues on platforms like ppc64 if
	// the target of calls are too far for the call instruction.  To resolve the large text issue, the text is split
	// into multiple text sections to allow the linker to generate long calls when necessary.  When this happens, the vaddr
	// for each text section is set to its offset within the text.  Each method's offset is compared against the section
	// vaddrs and sizes to determine the containing section.  Then the section relative offset is added to the section's
	// relocated baseaddr to compute the method addess.

	if len(md.textsectmap) > 1 {
		for i := range md.textsectmap {
			sectaddr := md.textsectmap[i].vaddr
			sectlen := md.textsectmap[i].length
			if uintptr(off) >= sectaddr && uintptr(off) < sectaddr+sectlen {
				res = md.textsectmap[i].baseaddr + uintptr(off) - uintptr(md.textsectmap[i].vaddr)
	} else {
		// single text section
		res = md.text + uintptr(off)

	if res > md.etext && GOARCH != "wasm" { // on wasm, functions do not live in the same address space as the linear memory
		println("runtime: textOff", hex(off), "out of range", hex(md.text), "-", hex(md.etext))
		throw("runtime: text offset out of range")
	return unsafe.Pointer(res)

func (t *functype) in() []*_type {
	// See funcType in reflect/type.go for details on data layout.
	uadd := uintptr(unsafe.Sizeof(functype{}))
	if t.typ.tflag&tflagUncommon != 0 {
		uadd += unsafe.Sizeof(uncommontype{})
	return (*[1 << 20]*_type)(add(unsafe.Pointer(t), uadd))[:t.inCount]

func (t *functype) out() []*_type {
	// See funcType in reflect/type.go for details on data layout.
	uadd := uintptr(unsafe.Sizeof(functype{}))
	if t.typ.tflag&tflagUncommon != 0 {
		uadd += unsafe.Sizeof(uncommontype{})
	outCount := t.outCount & (1<<15 - 1)
	return (*[1 << 20]*_type)(add(unsafe.Pointer(t), uadd))[t.inCount : t.inCount+outCount]

func (t *functype) dotdotdot() bool {
	return t.outCount&(1<<15) != 0

type nameOff int32
type typeOff int32
type textOff int32

type method struct {
	name nameOff
	mtyp typeOff
	ifn  textOff
	tfn  textOff

type uncommontype struct {
	pkgpath nameOff
	mcount  uint16 // number of methods
	xcount  uint16 // number of exported methods
	moff    uint32 // offset from this uncommontype to [mcount]method
	_       uint32 // unused

type imethod struct {
	name nameOff
	ityp typeOff

type interfacetype struct {
	typ     _type
	pkgpath name
	mhdr    []imethod

type maptype struct {
	typ        _type
	key        *_type
	elem       *_type
	bucket     *_type // internal type representing a hash bucket
	keysize    uint8  // size of key slot
	elemsize   uint8  // size of elem slot
	bucketsize uint16 // size of bucket
	flags      uint32

// Note: flag values must match those used in the TMAP case
// in ../cmd/compile/internal/gc/reflect.go:dtypesym.
func (mt *maptype) indirectkey() bool { // store ptr to key instead of key itself
	return mt.flags&1 != 0
func (mt *maptype) indirectelem() bool { // store ptr to elem instead of elem itself
	return mt.flags&2 != 0
func (mt *maptype) reflexivekey() bool { // true if k==k for all keys
	return mt.flags&4 != 0
func (mt *maptype) needkeyupdate() bool { // true if we need to update key on an overwrite
	return mt.flags&8 != 0
func (mt *maptype) hashMightPanic() bool { // true if hash function might panic
	return mt.flags&16 != 0

type arraytype struct {
	typ   _type
	elem  *_type
	slice *_type
	len   uintptr

type chantype struct {
	typ  _type
	elem *_type
	dir  uintptr

type slicetype struct {
	typ  _type
	elem *_type

type functype struct {
	typ      _type
	inCount  uint16
	outCount uint16

type ptrtype struct {
	typ  _type
	elem *_type

type structfield struct {
	name       name
	typ        *_type
	offsetAnon uintptr

func (f *structfield) offset() uintptr {
	return f.offsetAnon >> 1

type structtype struct {
	typ     _type
	pkgPath name
	fields  []structfield

// name is an encoded type name with optional extra data.
// See reflect/type.go for details.
type name struct {
	bytes *byte

func (n name) data(off int) *byte {
	return (*byte)(add(unsafe.Pointer(n.bytes), uintptr(off)))

func (n name) isExported() bool {
	return (*n.bytes)&(1<<0) != 0

func (n name) nameLen() int {
	return int(uint16(*n.data(1))<<8 | uint16(*n.data(2)))

func (n name) tagLen() int {
	if *n.data(0)&(1<<1) == 0 {
		return 0
	off := 3 + n.nameLen()
	return int(uint16(*n.data(off))<<8 | uint16(*n.data(off + 1)))

func (n name) name() (s string) {
	if n.bytes == nil {
		return ""
	nl := n.nameLen()
	if nl == 0 {
		return ""
	hdr := (*stringStruct)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
	hdr.str = unsafe.Pointer(n.data(3))
	hdr.len = nl
	return s

func (n name) tag() (s string) {
	tl := n.tagLen()
	if tl == 0 {
		return ""
	nl := n.nameLen()
	hdr := (*stringStruct)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
	hdr.str = unsafe.Pointer(n.data(3 + nl + 2))
	hdr.len = tl
	return s

func (n name) pkgPath() string {
	if n.bytes == nil || *n.data(0)&(1<<2) == 0 {
		return ""
	off := 3 + n.nameLen()
	if tl := n.tagLen(); tl > 0 {
		off += 2 + tl
	var nameOff nameOff
	copy((*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&nameOff))[:], (*[4]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(n.data(off)))[:])
	pkgPathName := resolveNameOff(unsafe.Pointer(n.bytes), nameOff)
	return pkgPathName.name()

// typelinksinit scans the types from extra modules and builds the
// moduledata typemap used to de-duplicate type pointers.
func typelinksinit() {
	if firstmoduledata.next == nil {
	typehash := make(map[uint32][]*_type, len(firstmoduledata.typelinks))

	modules := activeModules()
	prev := modules[0]
	for _, md := range modules[1:] {
		// Collect types from the previous module into typehash.
		for _, tl := range prev.typelinks {
			var t *_type
			if prev.typemap == nil {
				t = (*_type)(unsafe.Pointer(prev.types + uintptr(tl)))
			} else {
				t = prev.typemap[typeOff(tl)]
			// Add to typehash if not seen before.
			tlist := typehash[t.hash]
			for _, tcur := range tlist {
				if tcur == t {
					continue collect
			typehash[t.hash] = append(tlist, t)

		if md.typemap == nil {
			// If any of this module's typelinks match a type from a
			// prior module, prefer that prior type by adding the offset
			// to this module's typemap.
			tm := make(map[typeOff]*_type, len(md.typelinks))
			pinnedTypemaps = append(pinnedTypemaps, tm)
			md.typemap = tm
			for _, tl := range md.typelinks {
				t := (*_type)(unsafe.Pointer(md.types + uintptr(tl)))
				for _, candidate := range typehash[t.hash] {
					seen := map[_typePair]struct{}{}
					if typesEqual(t, candidate, seen) {
						t = candidate
				md.typemap[typeOff(tl)] = t

		prev = md

type _typePair struct {
	t1 *_type
	t2 *_type

// typesEqual reports whether two types are equal.
// Everywhere in the runtime and reflect packages, it is assumed that
// there is exactly one *_type per Go type, so that pointer equality
// can be used to test if types are equal. There is one place that
// breaks this assumption: buildmode=shared. In this case a type can
// appear as two different pieces of memory. This is hidden from the
// runtime and reflect package by the per-module typemap built in
// typelinksinit. It uses typesEqual to map types from later modules
// back into earlier ones.
// Only typelinksinit needs this function.
func typesEqual(t, v *_type, seen map[_typePair]struct{}) bool {
	tp := _typePair{t, v}
	if _, ok := seen[tp]; ok {
		return true

	// mark these types as seen, and thus equivalent which prevents an infinite loop if
	// the two types are identical, but recursively defined and loaded from
	// different modules
	seen[tp] = struct{}{}

	if t == v {
		return true
	kind := t.kind & kindMask
	if kind != v.kind&kindMask {
		return false
	if t.string() != v.string() {
		return false
	ut := t.uncommon()
	uv := v.uncommon()
	if ut != nil || uv != nil {
		if ut == nil || uv == nil {
			return false
		pkgpatht := t.nameOff(ut.pkgpath).name()
		pkgpathv := v.nameOff(uv.pkgpath).name()
		if pkgpatht != pkgpathv {
			return false
	if kindBool <= kind && kind <= kindComplex128 {
		return true
	switch kind {
	case kindString, kindUnsafePointer:
		return true
	case kindArray:
		at := (*arraytype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		av := (*arraytype)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
		return typesEqual(at.elem, av.elem, seen) && at.len == av.len
	case kindChan:
		ct := (*chantype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		cv := (*chantype)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
		return ct.dir == cv.dir && typesEqual(ct.elem, cv.elem, seen)
	case kindFunc:
		ft := (*functype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		fv := (*functype)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
		if ft.outCount != fv.outCount || ft.inCount != fv.inCount {
			return false
		tin, vin := ft.in(), fv.in()
		for i := 0; i < len(tin); i++ {
			if !typesEqual(tin[i], vin[i], seen) {
				return false
		tout, vout := ft.out(), fv.out()
		for i := 0; i < len(tout); i++ {
			if !typesEqual(tout[i], vout[i], seen) {
				return false
		return true
	case kindInterface:
		it := (*interfacetype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		iv := (*interfacetype)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
		if it.pkgpath.name() != iv.pkgpath.name() {
			return false
		if len(it.mhdr) != len(iv.mhdr) {
			return false
		for i := range it.mhdr {
			tm := &it.mhdr[i]
			vm := &iv.mhdr[i]
			// Note the mhdr array can be relocated from
			// another module. See #17724.
			tname := resolveNameOff(unsafe.Pointer(tm), tm.name)
			vname := resolveNameOff(unsafe.Pointer(vm), vm.name)
			if tname.name() != vname.name() {
				return false
			if tname.pkgPath() != vname.pkgPath() {
				return false
			tityp := resolveTypeOff(unsafe.Pointer(tm), tm.ityp)
			vityp := resolveTypeOff(unsafe.Pointer(vm), vm.ityp)
			if !typesEqual(tityp, vityp, seen) {
				return false
		return true
	case kindMap:
		mt := (*maptype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		mv := (*maptype)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
		return typesEqual(mt.key, mv.key, seen) && typesEqual(mt.elem, mv.elem, seen)
	case kindPtr:
		pt := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		pv := (*ptrtype)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
		return typesEqual(pt.elem, pv.elem, seen)
	case kindSlice:
		st := (*slicetype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		sv := (*slicetype)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
		return typesEqual(st.elem, sv.elem, seen)
	case kindStruct:
		st := (*structtype)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
		sv := (*structtype)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
		if len(st.fields) != len(sv.fields) {
			return false
		if st.pkgPath.name() != sv.pkgPath.name() {
			return false
		for i := range st.fields {
			tf := &st.fields[i]
			vf := &sv.fields[i]
			if tf.name.name() != vf.name.name() {
				return false
			if !typesEqual(tf.typ, vf.typ, seen) {
				return false
			if tf.name.tag() != vf.name.tag() {
				return false
			if tf.offsetAnon != vf.offsetAnon {
				return false
		return true
		println("runtime: impossible type kind", kind)
		throw("runtime: impossible type kind")
		return false



// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

	Package builtin provides documentation for Go's predeclared identifiers.
	The items documented here are not actually in package builtin
	but their descriptions here allow godoc to present documentation
	for the language's special identifiers.
package builtin

// bool is the set of boolean values, true and false.
type bool bool

// true and false are the two untyped boolean values.
const (
	true  = 0 == 0 // Untyped bool.
	false = 0 != 0 // Untyped bool.

// uint8 is the set of all unsigned 8-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 255.
type uint8 uint8

// uint16 is the set of all unsigned 16-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 65535.
type uint16 uint16

// uint32 is the set of all unsigned 32-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 4294967295.
type uint32 uint32

// uint64 is the set of all unsigned 64-bit integers.
// Range: 0 through 18446744073709551615.
type uint64 uint64

// int8 is the set of all signed 8-bit integers.
// Range: -128 through 127.
type int8 int8

// int16 is the set of all signed 16-bit integers.
// Range: -32768 through 32767.
type int16 int16

// int32 is the set of all signed 32-bit integers.
// Range: -2147483648 through 2147483647.
type int32 int32

// int64 is the set of all signed 64-bit integers.
// Range: -9223372036854775808 through 9223372036854775807.
type int64 int64

// float32 is the set of all IEEE-754 32-bit floating-point numbers.
type float32 float32

// float64 is the set of all IEEE-754 64-bit floating-point numbers.
type float64 float64

// complex64 is the set of all complex numbers with float32 real and
// imaginary parts.
type complex64 complex64

// complex128 is the set of all complex numbers with float64 real and
// imaginary parts.
type complex128 complex128

// string is the set of all strings of 8-bit bytes, conventionally but not
// necessarily representing UTF-8-encoded text. A string may be empty, but
// not nil. Values of string type are immutable.
type string string

// int is a signed integer type that is at least 32 bits in size. It is a
// distinct type, however, and not an alias for, say, int32.
type int int

// uint is an unsigned integer type that is at least 32 bits in size. It is a
// distinct type, however, and not an alias for, say, uint32.
type uint uint

// uintptr is an integer type that is large enough to hold the bit pattern of
// any pointer.
type uintptr uintptr

// byte is an alias for uint8 and is equivalent to uint8 in all ways. It is
// used, by convention, to distinguish byte values from 8-bit unsigned
// integer values.
type byte = uint8

// rune is an alias for int32 and is equivalent to int32 in all ways. It is
// used, by convention, to distinguish character values from integer values.
type rune = int32

// iota is a predeclared identifier representing the untyped integer ordinal
// number of the current const specification in a (usually parenthesized)
// const declaration. It is zero-indexed.
const iota = 0 // Untyped int.

// nil is a predeclared identifier representing the zero value for a
// pointer, channel, func, interface, map, or slice type.
var nil Type // Type must be a pointer, channel, func, interface, map, or slice type

// Type is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a stand-in
// for any Go type, but represents the same type for any given function
// invocation.
type Type int

// Type1 is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a stand-in
// for any Go type, but represents the same type for any given function
// invocation.
type Type1 int

// IntegerType is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a stand-in
// for any integer type: int, uint, int8 etc.
type IntegerType int

// FloatType is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a stand-in
// for either float type: float32 or float64.
type FloatType float32

// ComplexType is here for the purposes of documentation only. It is a
// stand-in for either complex type: complex64 or complex128.
type ComplexType complex64

// The append built-in function appends elements to the end of a slice. If
// it has sufficient capacity, the destination is resliced to accommodate the
// new elements. If it does not, a new underlying array will be allocated.
// Append returns the updated slice. It is therefore necessary to store the
// result of append, often in the variable holding the slice itself:
//	slice = append(slice, elem1, elem2)
//	slice = append(slice, anotherSlice...)
// As a special case, it is legal to append a string to a byte slice, like this:
//	slice = append([]byte("hello "), "world"...)
func append(slice []Type, elems ...Type) []Type

// The copy built-in function copies elements from a source slice into a
// destination slice. (As a special case, it also will copy bytes from a
// string to a slice of bytes.) The source and destination may overlap. Copy
// returns the number of elements copied, which will be the minimum of
// len(src) and len(dst).
func copy(dst, src []Type) int

// The delete built-in function deletes the element with the specified key
// (m[key]) from the map. If m is nil or there is no such element, delete
// is a no-op.
func delete(m map[Type]Type1, key Type)

// The len built-in function returns the length of v, according to its type:
//	Array: the number of elements in v.
//	Pointer to array: the number of elements in *v (even if v is nil).
//	Slice, or map: the number of elements in v; if v is nil, len(v) is zero.
//	String: the number of bytes in v.
//	Channel: the number of elements queued (unread) in the channel buffer;
//	         if v is nil, len(v) is zero.
// For some arguments, such as a string literal or a simple array expression, the
// result can be a constant. See the Go language specification's "Length and
// capacity" section for details.
func len(v Type) int

// The cap built-in function returns the capacity of v, according to its type:
//	Array: the number of elements in v (same as len(v)).
//	Pointer to array: the number of elements in *v (same as len(v)).
//	Slice: the maximum length the slice can reach when resliced;
//	if v is nil, cap(v) is zero.
//	Channel: the channel buffer capacity, in units of elements;
//	if v is nil, cap(v) is zero.
// For some arguments, such as a simple array expression, the result can be a
// constant. See the Go language specification's "Length and capacity" section for
// details.
func cap(v Type) int

// The make built-in function allocates and initializes an object of type
// slice, map, or chan (only). Like new, the first argument is a type, not a
// value. Unlike new, make's return type is the same as the type of its
// argument, not a pointer to it. The specification of the result depends on
// the type:
//	Slice: The size specifies the length. The capacity of the slice is
//	equal to its length. A second integer argument may be provided to
//	specify a different capacity; it must be no smaller than the
//	length. For example, make([]int, 0, 10) allocates an underlying array
//	of size 10 and returns a slice of length 0 and capacity 10 that is
//	backed by this underlying array.
//	Map: An empty map is allocated with enough space to hold the
//	specified number of elements. The size may be omitted, in which case
//	a small starting size is allocated.
//	Channel: The channel's buffer is initialized with the specified
//	buffer capacity. If zero, or the size is omitted, the channel is
//	unbuffered.
func make(t Type, size ...IntegerType) Type

// The new built-in function allocates memory. The first argument is a type,
// not a value, and the value returned is a pointer to a newly
// allocated zero value of that type.
func new(Type) *Type

// The complex built-in function constructs a complex value from two
// floating-point values. The real and imaginary parts must be of the same
// size, either float32 or float64 (or assignable to them), and the return
// value will be the corresponding complex type (complex64 for float32,
// complex128 for float64).
func complex(r, i FloatType) ComplexType

// The real built-in function returns the real part of the complex number c.
// The return value will be floating point type corresponding to the type of c.
func real(c ComplexType) FloatType

// The imag built-in function returns the imaginary part of the complex
// number c. The return value will be floating point type corresponding to
// the type of c.
func imag(c ComplexType) FloatType

// The close built-in function closes a channel, which must be either
// bidirectional or send-only. It should be executed only by the sender,
// never the receiver, and has the effect of shutting down the channel after
// the last sent value is received. After the last value has been received
// from a closed channel c, any receive from c will succeed without
// blocking, returning the zero value for the channel element. The form
//	x, ok := <-c
// will also set ok to false for a closed channel.
func close(c chan<- Type)

// The panic built-in function stops normal execution of the current
// goroutine. When a function F calls panic, normal execution of F stops
// immediately. Any functions whose execution was deferred by F are run in
// the usual way, and then F returns to its caller. To the caller G, the
// invocation of F then behaves like a call to panic, terminating G's
// execution and running any deferred functions. This continues until all
// functions in the executing goroutine have stopped, in reverse order. At
// that point, the program is terminated with a non-zero exit code. This
// termination sequence is called panicking and can be controlled by the
// built-in function recover.
func panic(v interface{})

// The recover built-in function allows a program to manage behavior of a
// panicking goroutine. Executing a call to recover inside a deferred
// function (but not any function called by it) stops the panicking sequence
// by restoring normal execution and retrieves the error value passed to the
// call of panic. If recover is called outside the deferred function it will
// not stop a panicking sequence. In this case, or when the goroutine is not
// panicking, or if the argument supplied to panic was nil, recover returns
// nil. Thus the return value from recover reports whether the goroutine is
// panicking.
func recover() interface{}

// The print built-in function formats its arguments in an
// implementation-specific way and writes the result to standard error.
// Print is useful for bootstrapping and debugging; it is not guaranteed
// to stay in the language.
func print(args ...Type)

// The println built-in function formats its arguments in an
// implementation-specific way and writes the result to standard error.
// Spaces are always added between arguments and a newline is appended.
// Println is useful for bootstrapping and debugging; it is not guaranteed
// to stay in the language.
func println(args ...Type)

// The error built-in interface type is the conventional interface for
// representing an error condition, with the nil value representing no error.
type error interface {
	Error() string





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