
1:问题:在我的程序的某些部分,我可以调用 MessageBox 函数来建立一个信息对话 框,例如在视类中。但是,在其它部分我却不能,如文档类中。为什么?我怎样才 能在我的应用程序类中建立一个信息对话框?
\n解答:MessageBox函数来自CWnd类,所以你只能在从CWnd继承的类(如CView)中调 用它。但是,MFC也提供了AfxMessageBox函数,你可以在任何地方调用它。
\n解答:因为视窗口实际上是框架窗口的子窗口,所以你必须改变框架窗口的大小,而不 是改变视窗口。使用CView类中的GetParentFrame()函数获得指向框架窗口的指针,然 后调用MoveWindow()函数来改变框架的大小。这会使变尺寸的视充满框架窗口
\n BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
\n    // Set the position of the window to the upper -left corner.
\ncs.x =cs. y =0;
\n//Set the width and height of the window .
\ncs. cx=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSCREEN);
\ncs. cy=GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN) /2;
\nreturn CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs);} 
\nBOOL CSampleApp : : InitInstance ( )
\n调用CWnd : : SetWindowPos并指定SWP_NOSIZE标志。目的位置与父窗口有关
\n(顶层窗口与屏幕有关)。调用CWnd : : MoveWindow时必须要指定窗口的大小。
\n//Move window to positoin 100 , 100 of its parent window .
\nSetWindowPos (NULL, 100 , 100 , 0 , 0 , SWP_NOSIZE |SWP_NOACTIVATE);
\n5 如何获取窗口目前正在处理的消息
\nCRect rect(-1,-1,804,602);
\nCFrameWnd *pWnd=new CFrameWnd();
\n全局函数,其中RECT取-1,-1,804,602 是针对800*600分辨率,这
\n发信站: 饮水思源站
\nBOOL m_bFullScreen; //全屏幕显示标志
\nCRect m_FullScreenWindowRect; //全屏幕显示窗口Rect
\nWINDOWPLACEMENT m_wpPrev; //用于保存正常视图时的窗口位置信息
\nCToolBar * m_wndFullScreenBar; //全屏幕显示时的浮动工具条
\nvoid OnMenuFullscreen(); //全屏幕显示的处理函数
\nvoid OnGetMinMaxInfo(); //捕获WM_GETMINMAXINFO消息以便允许你增加
\nvoid OnUpdateViewFullScreen(); //更新“全屏幕显示”菜单的状态
\nvoid CMainFrame::OnMenuFullscreen()
\nRECT rectDesktop;
\nif (m_bFullScreen)
\nGetWindowPlacement (&m_wpPrev);
\nm_wpPrev.length = sizeof m_wpPrev;
\n::GetWindowRect ( ::GetDesktopWindow(), &rectDesktop );
\n::AdjustWindowRectEx(&rectDesktop, GetStyle(), TRUE,
\nm_FullScreenWindowRect = rectDesktop;
\nwpNew = m_wpPrev;
\nwpNew.showCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
\nwpNew.rcNormalPosition = rectDesktop;
\nm_wndFullScreenBar=new CToolBar;
\n|| !m_wndFullScreenBar->LoadToolBar(IDR_FULLSCREEN))
\nTRACE0("Failed to create toolbar
\nreturn; // fail to create
\nFloatControlBar(m_wndFullScreenBar, CPoint(100,100));
\ndelete m_wndFullScreenBar;
\nwpNew = m_wpPrev;
\nSetWindowPlacement ( &wpNew );
\nvoid CMainFrame::OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO FAR* lpMMI)
\nif (m_bFullScreen)
\nlpMMI->ptMaxSize.y = m_FullScreenWindowRect.Height();
\nlpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.y = lpMMI->ptMaxSize.y;
\nlpMMI->ptMaxSize.x = m_FullScreenWindowRect.Width();
\nlpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.x = lpMMI->ptMaxSize.x;
\nvoid CMainFrame::OnUpdateMenuFullscreen(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
\n※ 来源:·饮水思源站 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn·[FROM:]
\nUINT CEllipseWndDlg::OnNcHitTest(CPoint point)
\n// 取得鼠标所在的窗口区域
\nUINT nHitTest = CDialog::OnNcHitTest(point);
\n// 如果鼠标在窗口客户区,则返回标题条代号给Windows
\n// 使Windows按鼠标在标题条上类进行处理,即可单击移动
\nreturn (nHitTest==HTCLIENT) ? HTCAPTION : nHitTest;
\nvoid CEllipseWndDlg::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
\n// 调用父类处理函数完成基本操作
\nCDialog::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
\n// 使Windows认为鼠标在标题条上
\nMAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y));
\n9 怎样将一个窗口的屏幕在另一个窗?
\n发信站: 一网深情 (Mon May 31 23:57:26 1999), 转信
\n{ .
\nCWnd *m_pWndShow=GetDesktopWindow();//得到桌面窗口
\nCDC *pdc_Showed=m_pWndShow->GetDC();
\nCDC myDC;
\nCRect rect;
\npDC->BitBlt (0,0,rect.right,rect.bottom,pdc_Showed,0,0,SRCCOPY);
\n【 在 zhenyu (·真鱼·) 的大作中提到: 】
\n: 在传参时,应选什么参数呀?
\n: 俺试过传CClient dc;
\n: 结果是在目标窗口中用
\n: pDC->BitBlt(0,0,100,100,&dc,0,0,SRCCOPY);
\n: 后运行时没有一点点的反映。
\n: 传指针CClentDC * pdc吧,
\n: 编译时无错可运行时就有非法操作出现。
\n: 唉,真不知道怎么办,毕业设计可是没有时间了呀!
\n: 请大学帮一把!谢谢!!!
\n10 如何使用FindWindow()函数发信站: 我爱南开站 :
\n帮助文件中说的用法如下: : HWND FindWindow( : LPCTSTR lpClassName, // pointer to class name : LPCTSTR lpWindowName // pointer to window name : ); : 但不知 lpClassName和lpWindowName 参数该采取什么形式? : 是用CHAR, 还是用STRING,还是用其他形式? : 请大虾们给个例子。 : 多谢了! hWnd = FindWindow( TEXT( "MyWndClassName" ), TEXT( "MyWndTitleName" ) );
\n11:Re: 我要黑屏
\n发信站: 武汉白云黄鹤站
\n1 建立一个基于对话框的应用程序
\n2 在资源编辑器内设置对话框窗口无边框,无title bar,system modal
\n3 在InitDialog()中用SetDialogBkColor(RGB(0,0,0),RGB(x,x,x))
\n4 在InitInstance()中让窗口初始时最大化:
\n在 bone (李逍遥) 的大作中提到: 】
\n: 我后来发现用PreCreateWindow是一样的:
\n: BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs)
\n: {
\n: // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying
\n: // the CREATESTRUCT cs
\n: cs.hMenu = FALSE; //隐去菜单
\n: cs.style = WS_POPUP; //去边框
\n: cs.dwExStyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST; //不设此项则Windows任务栏会在下面露出一
\n: //线,屏不够黑
\n: cs.cy = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)+3;
\n: cs.cx = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)+3;
\n: cs.y = cs.x =-1; //这里比较奇怪,取0仍显示极细的边框,所以取了-1,
\n: //上面两处加3也是这原因,试出来的。
\n: return CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs);
\n: }
\n: /
\n: // CArtView drawing
\n: void CArtView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
\n: {
\n: CArtDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
\n: // TODO: add draw code for native data here
\n: RECT rcBounds;
\n: CBrush bkBrush(RGB(0,0,0)); //选了黑色
\n: GetClientRect(&rcBounds);
\n: pDC->FillRect(&rcBounds, &bkBrush );
\n: }
\n: 再请教了,如何屏蔽Windows键和Ctrl+Alt+Del键?
\n重载CWnd : : PreCreateWindow和修改CREATESTRUCT结构,关闭CEditView对象的ES_AUTOHSCROLL和WS_HSCROLL风格位, 由于CEditView : : PreCreateWindow显示设置cs. style,调用基类函数后要修改cs . style。
\nBOOL CSampleEDitView : : PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT&cs)
\n//First call basse class function .
\nBOOL bResutl =CEditView : : PreCreateWindow (cs) ;
\n// Now specify the new window style .
\ncs.style &= ~ (ES_AUTOHSCROLL |WS_HSCROLL);
\nreturn bResult ;
\n调用CWnd : : SetWindowPos并指定SWP_NOSIZE标志。目的位置与父窗口
\n有关(顶层窗口与屏幕有关)。调用CWnd : : MoveWindow时必须要指定窗口
\n//Move window to positoin 100 , 100 of its parent window .
\nSetWindowPos (NULL, 100 , 100 , 0 , 0 , SWP_NOSIZE |SWP_NOAORDER);
\n调用CWnd: : SetWindowPos并指定SWP_NOMOVE标志, 也可调用
\nCWnd : : MoveWindow 但必须指定窗口的位置。
\n// Get the size of the window .
\nCrect reWindow ;
\nGetWindowRect (reWindow );
\n//Make the window twice as wide and twice as tall .
\nSetWindowPos (NULL , 0 , 0 , reWindow . Width ( ) *2,
\nreWindow . Height () * 2,
\n以使用ClassWizard处理该信息并调用基类函数, 如果函数返回HTCLIENT 则表明
\nUINT CSampleDialog : : OnNcHitTest (Cpoint point )
\nUINT nHitTest =Cdialog: : OnNcHitTest (point );
\nreturn (nHitTest = =HTCLIENT)? HTCAPTION : nHitTest ;
\n上述技术有两点不利之处, 其一是在窗口的客户区域双击时, 窗口将极大;
\n其二, 它不适合包含几个视窗的主框窗口。还有一种方法,当用户按下鼠标左键
\nvoid CSampleView : : OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags , Cpoint point )
\nCView : : OnLButtonDow (nFlags , pont );
\n//Fool frame window into thinking somene clicked on
\nits caption bar .
\nGetParentFrame ( ) —> PostMessage (
\nWM_NCLBUTTONDOWN , HTCAPTION , MAKELPARAM (poitn .x , point .y) );
\n该技术也适用于对话框和基于对的应用程序,只是不必调用CWnd : : GetParentFrame 。
\nvoid CSampleDialog : : OnLbuttonDown (UINT nFlags, Cpoint point )
\nCdialog : : OnLButtonDow (nFlags, goint );
\n//Fool dialog into thinking simeone clicked on its caption bar .
\nPostMessage (WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN , HTCAPTION , MAKELPARM (point.x , point. y ) )
\n//Paint area that needs to be erased.
\nBOOL CSampleView : : OnEraseBkgnd (CDC* pDC)
\n// Create a pruple brush.
\nCBrush Brush (RGB (128 , 0 , 128) );
\n// Select the brush into the device context .
\nCBrush* pOldBrush = pDC—>SelcetObject (&brush);
\n// Get the area that needs to be erased .
\nCRect reClip ;
\npDC—>GetCilpBox (&rcClip);
\n//Paint the area.
\npDC—> PatBlt (rcClip.left , rcClip.top ,
\nrcClip.Width ( ) , rcClip.Height ( ) , PATCOPY );
\n//Unselect brush out of device context .
\npDC—>SelectObject (pOldBrush );
\n// Return nonzero to half fruther processing .
\nreturn TRUE;
\n调用CWnd : : SetWindowText可以改变任何窗口(包括控件)的标题。
\n//Set title for application’s main frame window .
\nAfxGetMainWnd ( ) —> SetWindowText (_T("Application title") );
\n//Set title for View’s MDI child frame window .
\nGetParentFrame ( ) —> SetWindowText ("_T ("MDI Child Frame new title") );
\n//Set title for dialog’s push button control.
\nGetDigitem (IDC_BUTTON) —> SetWindowText (_T ("Button new title ") );
\n联机帮助中找不到它,它在AFXPRIV.H中半文档化, 在以后发行的MFC中将文档化。
\nvoik AFXAPI AfxSetWindowText (HWND hWndCtrl , LPCTSTR IpszNew )
\nitn nNewLen= Istrlen (Ipaznew);
\nTCHAR szOld [256];
\n//fast check to see if text really changes (reduces flash in the controls )
\nif (nNewLen >_contof (szOld) ||
\n: : GetWindowText (hWndCrtl , szOld , _countof (szOld) !=nNewLen ||
\nIstrcmp (szOld , IpszNew )! = 0
\n//change it
\n: : SetWindowText (hWndCtrl , IpszNew );
\n创建主框窗口和MDI子窗口进通常具有FWS_ADDTOTITLE风格位, 如果不希望在
\n说明中自动添加文档名, 必须禁止该风格位, 可以使用ClassWizard重置
\nCWnd: : PreCreateWindow并关闭FWS_ADDTOTITLE风格。
\nBOOL CMainFrame : : PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCT&cs)
\n//Turn off FWS_ADDTOTITLE in main frame .
\ncs.styel & = ~FWS_ADDTOTITLE ; 
\nreturn CMDIFrameWnd : : PreCreateWindow (cs );
\n关闭MDI子窗口的FWS _ADDTOTITLE风格将创建一个具有空标题的窗口,可以调
\n用CWnd: : SetWindowText来设置标题。记住自己设置标题时要遵循接口风格指南。
\nClass CRoundDlg : public CDialog
\nprivate :
\nCrgn m_rgn : // window region
\n} ;
\nBOOL CRoundDlg : : OnInitDialog ( )
\nCDialog : : OnInitDialog ( ) ;
\n//Get size of dialog .
\nCRect rcDialog ;
\nGetClientRect (rcDialog );
\n// Create region and assign to window .
\nm_rgn . CreateEllipticRgn (0 , 0 , rcDialog.Width ( ) , rcDialog .Height ( ) );
\nSetWindowRgn (GetSafeHwnd ( ) , (HRGN) m_ rgn , TRUE );
\nreturn TRUE ;
\nvoik CRoundDlg : : OnPaint ( )
\nCPaintDC de (this) ; // device context for painting .
\n//draw ellipse with out any border
\ndc. SelecStockObject (NULL_PEN);
\n//get the RGB colour components of the sphere color
\nCOLORREF color= RGB( 0 , 0 , 255);
\nBYTE byRed =GetRValue (color);
\nBYTE byGreen = GetGValue (color);
\nBYTE byBlue = GetBValue (color);
\n// get the size of the view window
\nCrect rect ;
\nGetClientRect (rect);
\n// get minimun number of units
\nint nUnits =min (rect.right , rect.bottom );
\n//calculate he horiaontal and vertical step size
\nfloat fltStepHorz = (float) rect.right /nUnits ;
\nfloat fltStepVert = (float) rect.bottom /nUnits ;
\nint nEllipse = nUnits/3; // calculate how many to draw
\nint nIndex ; // current ellipse that is being draw
\nCBrush brush ; // bursh used for ellipse fill color
\nCBrush *pBrushOld; // previous brush that was selected into dc
\n//draw ellipse , gradually moving towards upper-right corner
\nfor (nIndex = 0 ; nIndes < + nEllipse ; nIndes ++)
\n//creat solid brush
\nbrush . CreatSolidBrush (RGB ( ( (nIndex *byRed ) /nEllipse ).
\n( ( nIndex * byGreen ) /nEllipse ), ( (nIndex * byBlue) /nEllipse ) ) );
\n//select brush into dc
\npBrushOld= dc .SelectObject (&brhsh);
\n//draw ellipse
\ndc .Ellipse ( (int) fltStepHorz * 2, (int) fltStepVert * nIndex ,
\nrect. right -( (int) fltStepHorz * nIndex )+ 1,
\nrect . bottom -( (int) fltStepVert * (nIndex *2) ) +1) ;
\n//delete the brush
\nbrush.DelecteObject ( );
\nUINT CRoundDlg : : OnNchitTest (Cpoint point )
\n//Let user move window by clickign anywhere on the window .
\nUINT nHitTest = CDialog : : OnNcHitTest (point) ;
\nrerurn (nHitTest = = HTCLIENT)? HTCAPTION: nHitTest ;




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