苹果所有权限列表 protected resources



BluetoothNSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app needs access to Bluetooth.Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Descriptionnormal
BluetoothNSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting the ability to connect to Bluetooth peripherals.Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage DescriptionDeprecated
Calendar and RemindersNSCalendarsUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s calendar data.Privacy - Calendars Usage Descriptionnormal
Calendar and RemindersNSRemindersUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s reminders.Privacy - Reminders Usage Descriptionnormal
Camera and MicrophoneNSCameraUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the device’s camera.Privacy - Camera Usage Descriptionnormal
Camera and MicrophoneNSMicrophoneUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the device’s microphone.Privacy - Microphone Usage Descriptionnormal
ContactsNSContactsUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s contacts.Privacy - Contacts Usage Descriptionnormal
Face IDNSFaceIDUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting the ability to authenticate with Face ID.Privacy - Face ID Usage Descriptionnormal
Files and FoldersNSDesktopFolderUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app needs access to the user’s Desktop folder.Privacy - Desktop Folder Usage Descriptionnormal
Files and FoldersNSDocumentsFolderUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app needs access to the user’s Documents folder.Privacy - Documents Folder Usage Descriptionnormal
Files and FoldersNSDownloadsFolderUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app needs access to the user’s Downloads folder. Privacy - Downloads Folder Usage Descriptionnormal
Files and FoldersNSNetworkVolumesUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app needs access to files on a network volume.Privacy - Network Volumes Usage Descriptionnormal
Files and FoldersNSRemovableVolumesUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app needs access to files on a removable volume.Privacy - Removable Volumes Usage Descriptionnormal
Files and FoldersNSFileProviderPresenceUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app needs to be informed when other apps access files that it manages.Privacy - File Provider Presence Usage Descriptionnormal
Files and FoldersNSFileProviderDomainUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app needs access to files managed by a file provider.Privacy - Access to a File Provider Domain Usage Descriptionnormal
HealthNSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescriptionA message to the user that explains why the app requested permission to read clinical records.Privacy - Health Records Usage Descriptionnormal
HealthNSHealthShareUsageDescriptionA message to the user that explains why the app requested permission to read samples from the HealthKit store.Privacy - Health Share Usage Descriptionnormal
HealthNSHealthUpdateUsageDescriptionA message to the user that explains why the app requested permission to save samples to the HealthKit store.Privacy - Health Update Usage Descriptionnormal
HealthNSHealthRequiredReadAuthorizationTypeIdentifiersThe clinical record data types that your app must get permission to read. normal
HomeNSHomeKitUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s HomeKit configuration data.Privacy - HomeKit Usage Descriptionnormal
LocationNSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information at all times.Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Descriptionnormal
LocationNSLocationUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information.Privacy - Location Usage Descriptionnormal
Location NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information while the app is running in the foreground.Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Descriptionnormal
LocationNSLocationAlwaysUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user's location at all times. Privacy - Location Always Usage DescriptionDeprecated
LocationNSWidgetWantsLocationA Boolean value indicating that a widget uses the user’s location information.Widget wants locationnormal
MediaPlayerNSAppleMusicUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s media library.Privacy - Media Library Usage Descriptionnormal
MotionNSMotionUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the device’s accelerometer.Privacy - Motion Usage Descriptionnormal
NetworkingNSLocalNetworkUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the local network.Privacy - Local Network Usage Descriptionnormal
NFCNFCReaderUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the device’s NFC hardware.Privacy - NFC Scan Usage Descriptionnormal
PhotosNSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting write-only access to the user’s photo library.Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Descriptionnormal
PhotosNSPhotoLibraryUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s photo library.Privacy - Photo Library Usage Descriptionnormal
Scripting NSAppleScriptEnabledA Boolean value indicating whether AppleScript is enabled.Scriptablenormal
SecurityNSUserTrackingUsageDescriptionA message that informs the user why an app is requesting permission to use data for tracking the user or the device.Privacy - Tracking Usage DescriptionBeta
SecurityNSAppleEventsUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting the ability to send Apple events.Privacy - AppleEvents Sending Usage Descriptionnormal
SecurityNSSystemAdministrationUsageDescriptionA message in macOS that tells the user why the app is requesting to manipulate the system configuration.Privacy - System Administration Usage Descriptionnormal
SecurityITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryptionA Boolean value indicating whether the app uses encryption.App Uses Non-Exempt Encryptionnormal
SecurityITSEncryptionExportComplianceCodeThe export compliance code provided by App Store Connect for apps that require it.App Encryption Export Compliance Codenormal
SiriNSSiriUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting to send user data to Siri.Privacy - Siri Usage Descriptionnormal
SpeechNSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting to send user data to Apple’s speech recognition servers.Privacy - Speech Recognition Usage Descriptionnormal
TVNSVideoSubscriberAccountUsageDescriptionA message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s TV provider account.Privacy - Video Subscriber Account Usage Descriptionnormal
Wi-Fi UIRequiresPersistentWiFiA Boolean value indicating whether the app requires a Wi-Fi connection.Application uses Wi-Finormal


["Bluetooth","NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app needs access to Bluetooth.","Privacy - Bluetooth Always Usage Description","normal"],
["Bluetooth","NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting the ability to connect to Bluetooth peripherals.","Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description","Deprecated"],
["Calendar and Reminders","NSCalendarsUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s calendar data.","Privacy - Calendars Usage Description","normal"],
["Calendar and Reminders","NSRemindersUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s reminders.","Privacy - Reminders Usage Description","normal"],
["Camera and Microphone","NSCameraUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the device’s camera.","Privacy - Camera Usage Description","normal"],
["Camera and Microphone","NSMicrophoneUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the device’s microphone.","Privacy - Microphone Usage Description","normal"],
["Contacts","NSContactsUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s contacts.","Privacy - Contacts Usage Description","normal"],
["Face ID","NSFaceIDUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting the ability to authenticate with Face ID.","Privacy - Face ID Usage Description","normal"],
["Files and Folders","NSDesktopFolderUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app needs access to the user’s Desktop folder.","Privacy - Desktop Folder Usage Description","normal"],
["Files and Folders","NSDocumentsFolderUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app needs access to the user’s Documents folder.","Privacy - Documents Folder Usage Description","normal"],
["Files and Folders","NSDownloadsFolderUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app needs access to the user’s Downloads folder."," Privacy - Downloads Folder Usage Description","normal"],
["Files and Folders","NSNetworkVolumesUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app needs access to files on a network volume.","Privacy - Network Volumes Usage Description","normal"],
["Files and Folders","NSRemovableVolumesUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app needs access to files on a removable volume.","Privacy - Removable Volumes Usage Description","normal"],
["Files and Folders","NSFileProviderPresenceUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app needs to be informed when other apps access files that it manages.","Privacy - File Provider Presence Usage Description","normal"],
["Files and Folders","NSFileProviderDomainUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app needs access to files managed by a file provider.","Privacy - Access to a File Provider Domain Usage Description","normal"],
["Health","NSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescription","A message to the user that explains why the app requested permission to read clinical records.","Privacy - Health Records Usage Description","normal"],
["Health","NSHealthShareUsageDescription","A message to the user that explains why the app requested permission to read samples from the HealthKit store.","Privacy - Health Share Usage Description","normal"],
["Health","NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription","A message to the user that explains why the app requested permission to save samples to the HealthKit store.","Privacy - Health Update Usage Description","normal"],
["Health","NSHealthRequiredReadAuthorizationTypeIdentifiers","The clinical record data types that your app must get permission to read.","","normal"],
["Home","NSHomeKitUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s HomeKit configuration data.","Privacy - HomeKit Usage Description","normal"],
["Location","NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information at all times.","Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description","normal"],
["Location","NSLocationUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information.","Privacy - Location Usage Description","normal"],
["Location"," NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s location information while the app is running in the foreground.","Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description","normal"],
["Location","NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user's location at all times."," Privacy - Location Always Usage Description","Deprecated"],
["Location","NSWidgetWantsLocation","A Boolean value indicating that a widget uses the user’s location information.","Widget wants location","normal"],
["MediaPlayer","NSAppleMusicUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s media library.","Privacy - Media Library Usage Description","normal"],
["Motion","NSMotionUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the device’s accelerometer.","Privacy - Motion Usage Description","normal"],
["Networking","NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the local network.","Privacy - Local Network Usage Description","normal"],
["NFC","NFCReaderUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the device’s NFC hardware.","Privacy - NFC Scan Usage Description","normal"],
["Photos","NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting write-only access to the user’s photo library.","Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description","normal"],
["Photos","NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s photo library.","Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description","normal"],
["Scripting"," NSAppleScriptEnabled","A Boolean value indicating whether AppleScript is enabled.","Scriptable","normal"],
["Security","NSUserTrackingUsageDescription","A message that informs the user why an app is requesting permission to use data for tracking the user or the device.","Privacy - Tracking Usage Description","Beta"],
["Security","NSAppleEventsUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting the ability to send Apple events.","Privacy - AppleEvents Sending Usage Description","normal"],
["Security","NSSystemAdministrationUsageDescription","A message in macOS that tells the user why the app is requesting to manipulate the system configuration.","Privacy - System Administration Usage Description","normal"],
["Security","ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption","A Boolean value indicating whether the app uses encryption.","App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption","normal"],
["Security","ITSEncryptionExportComplianceCode","The export compliance code provided by App Store Connect for apps that require it.","App Encryption Export Compliance Code","normal"],
["Siri","NSSiriUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting to send user data to Siri.","Privacy - Siri Usage Description","normal"],
["Speech","NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting to send user data to Apple’s speech recognition servers.","Privacy - Speech Recognition Usage Description","normal"],
["TV","NSVideoSubscriberAccountUsageDescription","A message that tells the user why the app is requesting access to the user’s TV provider account.","Privacy - Video Subscriber Account Usage Description","normal"],
["Wi-Fi"," UIRequiresPersistentWiFi","A Boolean value indicating whether the app requires a Wi-Fi connection.","Application uses Wi-Fi","normal"]







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