笔记 绝望主妇第1季 第1章--- desperate housewives session 1 episode 1

session 1 episode 1 第1季 第1章

Mary Alice:
My name is Mary Alice Young 我叫玛丽.爱丽丝.杨

When you read this morning's paper 当你看到今天的早报
you may   come across  an article   你可能会读到一篇文章 (come across 偶遇 偶然间发现)
about the unusual day I had last week 有关我上周异常的一天

Normally,there is never anything   newsworthy about my life.通常 我的生活没有任何新闻价值 (newsworthy 有新闻价值的)
but that all  changed last thursday。然而,上周四一切都改变了。

Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. 当然,起初一切都显得很正常
I made breakfirst for my family. 我为家人准备了早餐。
I   performed my   chores.我做了我的家务事。(perform=get something done,chore 家务琐事 家务事, 也可以用do my housework)
I completed my projects;完成我的手工制作
I ran my   errands.取回干洗的衣服 (errand n.差事  incomprehensible errand 难以理解的差事)

In truth,I spent the day   as I spent every other day .事实上,我像往常的每一天一样打发了这天。

Quietly   polishing the   routines of my life. 静静地打理着家里的一切(polish vt磨光,润色,使完美;改进 routine n 日常工作,例行公事)
until it was gleaned with perfection 知道收拾完美 (glean vt 拾(落穗),收拾散落物)

That is why it is so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway   closet  and retrieve  a revolver that had never been used
那就是为什么,当我决定去门厅的必出里拿出一把从未用过的左轮手枪时候,会那么令人震惊(closet n壁橱 橱柜,retrieve vt检索 重新得到 取回,revolver n.左轮手枪,旋转器。revolve vi旋转,转动 the moon revolves around the earth 月亮围绕地球转。因为左轮手枪的轮是旋转的,所以叫它revolver)

My body was discovered by my neighbour, Mrs Martha Huber,我的尸体是我的邻居玛莎.胡博发现的
who's been   startled by a strange   popping  sound. 她被这突如其来的声音吓了一大跳
(pop n.砰地一声,爆破声。vi突然爆开,popping adj砰地一声的)

Her   curiosity aroused,Mrs Huber tried to think of a reason for  dropping in on  me    unannounced 。好奇心被激起了,她想到一个不请自来的理由 
(drop in on sb 拜访某人,unannounced adj 未宣布的 未通知的)

After some initial   hesitations,在犹豫片刻后 (initial adj 最初的)
she decided to return the   blender she had borrowed from me   six monthes before.他决定将半年前借去的搅拌机还给我(blender n 搅拌机 混合物。blend vt 混合 调和 six monthes before 6个月前)

Martha Huber:
It's my neighbour. I think   she's been shot.我的邻居,她被枪击了。(  sb be shot 某人被枪击了 )
There's blood everywhere. 到处都是血
Yes,you got to send a   ambulance 是的 你们必须马上派救护车,(have got to do 必须做...)
you got to send one right now.你们必须现在就派一辆

Mary Alice:
Fut   for a moment ,Mrs Huber stood   motionless in her kitchen   grief- stricken   by this   senseless tragedy.
(motionless adj 静止的不动的  grief n 悲伤 忧伤 ; stricken strike的过去分词 struck也是; senseless adj. 无知觉的,无意识的; tragedy n 悲剧)
但是 过一会儿之后,huber太太呆呆滴站在厨房里,因为这个悲剧而嫉妒悲伤。
But for a moment 但是只有那么一会儿。

If there was one thing Mrs.Huber   was known for,It was her ability to  look on the bright side.
(be known for sth 因为...而出名 ;look sth on the bright side 对....报乐观态度)

I was laid to rest on a Monday。我在一个星期一被安葬。(be laid to rest 表示我被安葬了,laid 表示被放下,rest表示休息)

After the funeral, all the   residents of   Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects.葬礼后,所有的紫藤郡的居民都来表示对我的尊敬(resident n.居民;Wisteria n.紫藤,一种植物; lane n.小巷。)

And as people do  in this situations ,they brought food。这种情况下,人们通常做的那样。他们带来了食物(in this situation 在这种情况下)

Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken.Lynette Scavo 带来了炸鸡。(fried chicken 炸鸡,fried chicken hamburg 炸鸡汉堡)
Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken.Lynette 有一个非常好的炸鸡秘方。(recipe n.食谱 秘方)
Of course,she didn't cook much as she was moving up the corporate ladders.当然她还在打拼事业的时候,很少做饭
She didn't have time.    她没有时间

But when her hansband announced Lynette was pregnant,her hunsband had a idea.但是当她的医生告诉她怀孕了的时候, 他的丈夫Tom想了个办法。

Why not quit your job? Kids do much better with stay-at-home mums. It was so much. 为什么不辞职呢?妈妈待在家里带出来的孩子会比较好,而且这样压力也比较小。(quit my/his/her job 辞职 ; stay-at-home adj.呆在家的)

But this was not the case。但是事实并非如此。(it is the case 情况正是如此)

In fact ,Lynette's life had become so hectic 事实上,lynette的生活变得更加忙乱 (hectic adj.紧张 忙乱)

she was now forced to get her fried chicken form the fast food restaurant.她不得不去快餐店买一只炸鸡。

irony n 讽刺 反语 adj具有讽刺意味的,反语
you are going to behave today 你们今天要乖一点。(behave vi 举止端庄)
humiliate vt 羞辱 使...丢脸
         you know how serious I am ?你知道我是认真的
         Santa n.圣诞老人
cell-phone 手机
        elf n 小精灵
        act up 调皮
2013/12/05 updated
you willing to risk it?想试一试吗? risk sth 冒险做....
get sth over with 把....做完
spicy adj 辣的

paella n.西班牙大锅饭 
Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich man。有钱人和高档食物比较对gabrielle比较对口(developed a taste for )
mergers and acquisitions 并购 。 our company had been pursued by Vista Capital, and the acquisition is completed now.
propose to sb 向某人求婚
well n 水井 vi 涌出   Gabrielle was touched when his tears welled up  in his eyes。 当Carlos的泪水喷涌而出的时候,Gabrielle 被感动了

it is the case 正是如此 case 情形。
piping hot 滚烫的 新鲜的. piping hot soup 滚烫的汤。
her relationship with her husband is considerably cooler。 她和她丈夫的关系变得很冷淡。 relationship with sb 与某人的关系,considerable adj 相当的 ;cool vi 变凉
casually adv 随便的 随口的 mention vt 提到。

why don't I pin a receipt on my chest? 为什么不把收据别再我的胸前。  receipt n 收据; pin vt 别;chest 胸;
convertible n 可折叠敞篷跑车
there is no way I can work that in. 我没办法插得进话。
mutual funds 公共基金
absolutely 确实
muffin n 松糕
from scratch 从头做起 I baked the muffin from scratch 我从头开始烤松糕
gardening 园艺 .bree is known for doing her gardening
throughout adv 贯穿遍及. bree's talent was konwn throughout the neighbourhood
reupholster vt 为(沙发、软椅等)重装椅面;给…装新椅面
think of sth 想出... think of an excuse / idea/solution

    2013/12/7  updated
    bree you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble.    不好意思这么麻烦你  
    go to trouble 麻烦 费力

    It's no trouble at all.不麻烦
    ribbon n条,带。basket with red ribbon 扎红带的篮子
    the least I could do is ....我能做的至少是.....
    decent adj 相当好的 正派的 look forward to 期望
    I know you are    out of mind with grief 我知道你已经悲痛欲绝了 out of mind 发疯 发狂
    serene adj 安详的 宁静的
macaroni n 通心粉
cheese n.奶酪
tease vi 取笑 戏弄 make fun of 取笑 嘲弄
salty adj咸的 
watery adj湿的 淡的 
It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Carl’s shirt. 在她发现卡尔tshit上的口红的时候 又太稀了。
 lipstick n 口红 wear a red lipstick 她打了红色口红

sometimes people pretend to be one way outside and they are totally different inside。 outside adv adj.外在的 inside adj adv 内在的 内心的。
that's a greate example.

confront vt 面对 

philanderer n 花花公子 玩弄女人的人
Zen look 无辜的表情 Zen look on his face 一脸无辜的表情
punch vt 用拳猛击
good for you 能这样不错
brunch 早午餐 breakfirst lunch dinner
erect adj 笔直的 竖立的。 stand erect 站得笔直
penis n 阴茎 erect penis 勃起的鸡巴
limp adj 软弱的,无力的 limp penis. 
ethical adj 道德的 ethic 道德
Rife n 来福枪  NRA National Rife Association 美国全国步枪协会
loaded Rife 上膛的来复枪
be on business 出差
have sex with ...  make love with ...
I just don't know how I am going to survive this 我不知道我该如何度过这一切 。survive vt生存

we can face them and head on 我们能面对并能继续前进 head on 前进
crisis n 危机
do you have a death wish? 你还有遗愿吗?death wish遗愿
screw up sth 弄糟  screw vt 拧紧
burnt adj 糊的  undercooked adj 没煮熟的
illustrate vt 为。。。画插图 illustrate children's book
plumber vt 水管工
clog vt n 堵塞 
vampire n 吸血鬼
wake n 守夜 守丧  we are at a wake
swimsuit 泳衣
concern vt 关心 挂念 涉及
did their cooking /clearning /yoga/homework
flirt vi 调情
be into sth/sb 喜欢...
housewarming n乔迁庆宴
eligible bachelor黄金单身汗  eligible adj. 合格的 有资格的
good news travels quickly 好事传千里
predator n掠夺者 肉食动物 predatory adj 肉食的 掠夺成性的
divorcee n 离了婚的人
radius n 半径
conquer vt战胜 攻取,  conquest n 战利品
varied adj多样化的   legendary adj 传奇的
slut n 荡妇
sausage n 腊肠
be in middle of 忙于某事  be busy at...
appointment n约会 约定
rivalry n 竞争 竞赛
stop by  顺便访问
the necklace you couldn't live without 没有了就活不了的项链
bandage n 绷带 邦迪
compromise n妥协
it is just a small cut 只是一个小伤口
the table is hand-carved 这是个手工雕刻的桌子
abnormal adj 不正常的
puree n浓汤
allergic adj 过敏 I am allergic to onion 我对洋葱过敏
in that sullen tone 那样闷闷不乐的语气 sullen闷闷不乐的
pork 猪肉 beef牛肉 mutton羊肉 chicken 鸡肉
cuisine n 烹饪 烹饪法
as fresh as paint 精神饱满的
run for mayor 竞选市长
household n一家人 adj 家庭的 日常的 
indignat adj 义愤 愤慨 indignation n 义愤 愤慨
threaten vt 威胁 threat n威胁
noodle n 面条
domestic adj 国内的 家庭的 domestic life
the question lynette always dreaded 。lynette害怕回答的问题 dread vt害怕
Absolutely not 绝对不行
plastic surgery 整形手术
it is not a big deal不是什么大事 小事一桩
stall vi 拖延
custody n 监护(权利)
ambrosia n 特别美味的食物
stuff v塞满 n东西 填充物
peanut butter 花生酱
cooking oil 食用油
olive 橄榄
napkin 餐巾纸
detergent n清洁剂 洗衣粉
betray vt 背叛 betrayal n背叛
defeat vt战胜 击败
mustard n芥末
honey 蜂蜜
dressing 调味品
dissolution n 分解 溶解 解散。 dissolution of my marriage
instantly adv 立即
frazzle vt 磨破 磨损 
frazzled adj 疲惫不堪
peach n 桃子
condom n避孕套
distracted adj 分心的 走神的
bizarre adj 怪异的奇异的
be sick of 讨厌 厌恶
pearl n 珍珠 
spatula n 压舌板
sob vi 抽泣
deaf adj 聋的 blind adj瞎的
the lown has been mowed 草坪被割了
soothe vt 安慰 使平静 缓和
the wee hours 后半夜
entertain vt 招待 entertain sb
unattended adj 无人看守的 unattended installing 静默安装
inhalation n 吸入 she got smoke inhalation 她吸入了烟
phoenix n 凤凰 
personal belongings 私人物品
skeleton 不可张扬的丑事
ironic adj 讽刺的

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