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转载 linux 解压war包

本文转载自  http://happyqing.iteye.com/blog/1927098网上很多人说用jar命令解压,但jar命令解压时不能指定目录,推荐使用unzip解压war包。unzip -d 指定目录[root@oracle upload]# unzip -oq common.war -d common 命令名: unzip功

2017-05-25 15:17:28 3378

转载 利用securecrt在linux与windows之间传输文件

(转)原文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/rangf/article/details/6096365SecureCRT这款SSH客户端软件同时具备了终端仿真器和文件传输功能。比ftp命令方便多了,而且服务器不用再开FTP服务了。rz,sz是便是Linux/Unix同Windows进行ZModem文件传输的命令行工具。  windows端需要支持ZMod

2016-02-04 10:24:08 379

转载 欢迎使用CSDN-markdown编辑器

欢迎使用Markdown编辑器写博客本Markdown编辑器使用StackEdit修改而来,用它写博客,将会带来全新的体验哦:Markdown和扩展Markdown简洁的语法代码块高亮图片链接和图片上传LaTex数学公式UML序列图和流程图离线写博客导入导出Markdown文件丰富的快捷键快捷键加粗 Ctrl + B 斜体 Ctrl + I 引用 Ctrl

2015-04-20 16:45:01 417

原创 Mysql导入大文件及导入中文乱码问题解决

问题描述:现在需要导入一个300M的SQL文件,是由别的mysql服务器上通过mysqldump导出的导出的命令是mysqldump -h 主机IP -u用户名 -p  数据库名字 >e:/db.sql我现在通过登录本地mysql使用source命令导入mysql -u root -pmysql> use  mydbmysql> source e:/db

2015-02-21 15:27:47 536

转载 解决windows下的mysql匿名登陆无法使用mysql数据库的问题

本文转自  http://www.cnblogs.com/bangbangjiang/p/3564321.html我在windows下安装了mysql,但是不用密码就能登进去,而root明明是有密码的,我用select user()命令查看当前登录用户是root。查看数据库,只能看到自带的两个数据库(information_schema和test),mysql这个数据库都看不到

2014-12-29 10:58:16 554

转载 win7 64位 PowerDesigner ODBC 连接 mysql 报Connection failed

win7 64位 PowerDesigner ODBC 连接 mysql 报Connection failed本贴转自 http://blog.csdn.net/yedahong/article/details/9291019刚开始安装的是mysql-odbc 64位的,但是pw连接的时候一直报连接错误,后来查了一下说是安装mysql-odbc32位的就行,但是mysql-

2014-12-26 14:36:44 913

原创 TopCoder 250 points 28-SRM 157 DIV 2 185.60/250 74.24%

普通的二分查找。Problem Statement  A popular guessing game is "Guess the number", where one person selects a number in a known range, and another person tries to guess that number.

2013-08-06 11:22:11 729

原创 TopCoder 300 points 27-SRM 157 DIV 1 90/300 30%

Problem Statement  Often employees at a company time stamp their arrivals and departures, so when the month is over the boss can check how much each employee has worked. Given the time sta

2013-08-05 14:18:13 754

原创 TopCoder 300 points 26-SRM 156 DIV 2 78.06/300 26.02%

Problem Statement  As of late, your usually high-performance computer has been acting rather sluggish. You come to realize that while you have plenty of free disk space on your machine, it

2013-08-03 17:21:08 674

原创 TopCoder 300 points 25-SRM 156 DIV 1 90.77/300 30.26%

大家都玩过扫雷,扫雷当中的格子分为三种:雷,空白,数字。数字代表了在它周围的格子中雷的个数。这道题和扫雷差不多,题目是这样的:在一个M x N 的格子雷区里,格子要么是雷,要么是空白区域。现在有一个游戏,要计算玩这个游戏的成功的概率,规则如下:.1. 只能在雷区里随机地点一次,如果是雷,游戏就失败。 2. 如果点的格子不是雷,并且在该格子周围不包含一颗雷(该区域属于空白区域),则游

2013-08-02 18:36:40 752

原创 TopCoder 300 points 24-SRM 155 DIV 2 75/250 30%

Problem Statement  The Incas used a sophisticated system of record keeping consisting of bundles of knotted cords. Such a bundle of cords is called aquipu. Each individual cord represent

2013-07-13 16:21:55 809

转载 Sublime text2 设置为ubuntu的默认文本编辑器

本文转自   http://www.thuai.com/archives/187sublime 程序员的神器, 功能强大。想在ubuntu 系统上面使用sublime作为系统默认的编辑器。很简单。1. 首先安装sublime首先当然是要安装sublime text 2了.安装好之后,创建一个软链接到/usr/bin目录下面,命名为sublimetex

2013-07-06 18:56:15 2151

转载 Hadoop 版本问题

本文转自   http://blog.csdn.net/on_way_/article/details/8656279最近一直再看《hadoop in action》这本书,这本书整体讲的不错,就是hadoop不同版本之间的区别比较大,大家学习时一定要用统一版本,否则事倍功半。书上第4章第四节讲的是版本间的区别,我这里简单整理一下:去hadoop的官网可以找到如

2013-07-04 10:53:11 703

原创 关于 VirtualBox 下 Ubuntu 10.04 磁盘空间 扩容解决办法

我正在使用的是VirtualBox4.1.2,在里面装的Ubuntu10.04,当时总共就申请只有8G的硬盘,现在已经只剩下1G多了,网上找了些办法扩大了硬盘空间,现在总结一下。1.先找到Ubuntu所在的磁盘位置。我的是在  D:\VirtualBoxVMs\ununtu10\ununtu10.vmdk2.需要使用到VirtualBox程序里的 "VBoxManage.exe"命

2013-07-01 00:11:16 2847

转载 熊绎:我看软件工程师的职业规划

本文转自  http://blog.jobbole.com/25440/写这篇文章源于某条微博评论,原内容大概是一个快40岁的人还在当程序员写代码,评论内容大概是:有些人就喜欢当程序员写代码,无可厚非。但是,现实情况中是否真的能做到“无可厚非”呢?我思考了一阵子以后,就有了这篇文章,希望与所有职场人共勉。首先我要申明一点,我不是砖家,也不是牛人,我只是一名普通的IT

2013-06-29 23:50:21 668

原创 TopCoder 300 points 23-SRM 155 DIV 1 116.71/300 38.90%

Problem Statement  DNA testing is one of the most popular methods of establishing paternity. In such a test, you compare samples of DNA from the man, the child, and the child's mother. For

2013-06-14 01:12:34 746

原创 TopCoder 350 points 22-SRM 154 DIV 2 246.20/300 82.07%

Problem Statement  Margin is defined as the percentage of the selling price of an item or group of items which is profit. For example, if an item costs $80 and is sold for $100, then there i

2013-06-14 00:03:48 994

原创 TopCoder 350 points 21-SRM 154 DIV 1 105/350 30%

这首题其实就是用到了KMP算法。Problem Statement  Checking to to see if a player enters a valid cheat code in a game is not just a simple matter of checking that the keypresses exactly line up with t

2013-06-06 16:15:50 803

原创 TopCoder 550 points 1-SRM 144 DIV 1 165/550 30%

这道题主要的一个问题是计算,一个N个数组成的序列(比如1到10),从中选取M个数(比如M=2)组成新的序列,要求新的序列是升序,问有几种选法?我在这道题里用到了递归,比如N=8,M=4,设计一个函数int  F(int M,  int  N);如果M==2,直接可以返回N*(N-1),前提是N>1,否则返回0如果M>2,刚调用一个循环,在循环中调用函数Ffor (int i =

2013-06-02 19:20:38 1127

原创 TopCoder 250 points 20-SRM 153 DIV 2 216.58/250 86.63%

Problem Statement  When selling goods, it is important to know exactly how much it costs to acquire each item. A number of distributed costs, such as marketing often make this difficult, but

2013-06-02 19:01:43 570

原创 TopCoder 250 points 19-SRM 153 DIV 1 84.72/250 33.89%

Problem Statement  Inventory control is an important part of any business that maintains an inventory. On the one hand, businesses want to have enough of a product in stock that they can shi

2013-06-02 18:59:51 605

原创 TopCoder 250 points 18-SRM 152 DIV 2 167.05/250 66.82%

Problem Statement  The fixed-point theorem is one of those cornerstones of mathematics that reaches towards all disciplines, and oddly enough it is also closely related to the ability of a

2013-06-02 18:53:27 641

原创 TopCoder 250 points 17-SRM 152 DIV 1 106.51/250 42.60%

Problem Statement  You and your friends are setting up a fantasy TopCoder league, where you choose coders to be on your team and score points in the league when any one of your coders wins

2013-06-02 18:51:31 852

原创 TopCoder 250 points 16-SRM 151 DIV 2 97.63/250 39.05%

Problem Statement  A prefix code is a set of words in which no word is a prefix of another word in the set. A wordv is said to be a prefix of a wordw if w starts with v.An important pr

2013-06-01 21:35:55 867

原创 TopCoder 250 points 15-SRM 151 DIV 1 121.73/250 48.69%

Problem Statement  The Greek mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse (287-212 B.C.) was most likely the first in finding a way to systematically (iteratively) approximate the value of Pi, the r

2013-06-01 20:51:34 613

原创 TopCoder 250 points 14-SRM 150 DIV 2 86.25/250 34.50%

Problem Statement  When a widget breaks, it is sent to the widget repair shop, which is capable of repairing at mostnumPerDay widgets per day. Given a record of the number of widgets that

2013-06-01 18:02:41 589

原创 TopCoder 250 points 13-SRM 150 DIV 1 82.63/250 33.05%

这道题有点意思,虽然花得时间有点长,不过还是一次做对的,所以打算写点感想。题目的大概意思是这样的:首先告诉你在10进制数的8个数中(0和1除外)有一些特别的数(比如3或9),把这些数乘以任何一个数,把所得到的结果的数的各位数字相加的和仍然能被这个特别的数整除,比如118*3=354,3+5+4=12,12忽仍然可以被3整除。又比如9,75*9=675, 6+7+5=18,18仍然可以被9整

2013-06-01 01:52:18 647

原创 TopCoder 250 points 12-SRM 149 DIV 2 103.92/250 41.57%

Problem Statement  In documents, it is frequently necessary to write monetary amounts in a standard format. We have decided to format amounts as follows:the amount must start with '$' th

2013-05-31 21:15:40 689

原创 TopCoder 250 points 11-SRM 149 DIV 1 86.62/250 34.65%

Problem Statement  BigBurger Inc. wants to see if having a single person at the counter both to take orders and to serve them is feasible. At each BigBurger, customers will arrive and get in

2013-05-31 20:26:50 602

原创 TopCoder 250 points 10-SRM 148 DIV 2 167.20/250 66.88%

Problem Statement  Create a class DivisorDigits containing a method howMany which takes an int number and returns how many digits in number divide evenly intonumber itself.Definiti

2013-05-31 18:41:43 601

原创 TopCoder 250 points 9-SRM 148 DIV 1 75/250 30%

Problem Statement  Tommy is learning a simple card game called Circle. To play the game, the single player shuffles a deck of cards. He or she then flips through the deck, removing all ins

2013-05-31 15:55:12 730

原创 TopCoder 250 points 8-SRM 147 DIV 2 176.36/250 70.54%

Problem Statement  Julius Caesar used a system of cryptography, now known as Caesar Cipher, which shifted each letter 2 places further through the alphabet (e.g. 'A' shifts to 'C', 'R' shi

2013-05-31 02:44:29 699

原创 TopCoder 350 points 7-SRM 147 DIV 1 105/350 30%

Problem Statement  There are numMales males and numFemales females arranged in a circle. Starting from a given point, you count clockwise and remove theK'th person from the circle (where K

2013-05-31 01:54:15 884

原创 TopCoder 250 points 6-SRM 146 DIV 2 162.67/250 65.07%

Problem Statement  This task is about the scoring in the first phase of the die-game Yahtzee, where five dice are used. The score is determined by the values on the upward die faces after

2013-05-30 23:41:20 492

原创 TopCoder 300 points 5-SRM 146 DIV 1 109.50/300 36.5%

Problem Statement  Given the width and height of a rectangular grid, return the total number of rectangles (NOT counting squares) that can be found on this grid.For example, width = 3, h

2013-05-30 23:07:32 586

原创 TopCoder 250 points 4-SRM 145 DIV 2 128.72/250 51.49%

Problem Statement  Sometimes when computer programs have a limited number of colors to use, they use a technique called dithering. Dithering is when you use a pattern made up of different

2013-05-30 21:43:18 779

原创 TopCoder 250 points 3-SRM 145 DIV 1 84.71/250 33.88%

Problem Statement  You have a certain amount of money to give out as a bonus to employees. The trouble is, who do you pick to receive what bonus? You decide to assign a number of points to

2013-05-30 20:52:59 634

原创 TopCoder 200 points 2-SRM 144 DIV 2 152.06/200 76.03%

Problem Statement  Computers tend to store dates and times as single numbers which represent the number of seconds or milliseconds since a particular date. Your task in this problem is to write a meth

2013-05-30 18:40:31 774

原创 TopCoder 300 points 1-SRM 144 DIV 1 90/300 30%

Problem Statement  Let's say you have a binary string such as the following: 011100011 One way to encrypt this string is to add to each digit the sum of its adjacent digits. For exampl

2013-05-30 17:51:43 730

原创 TopCoder 250 points Tournaments 153-TCCC 07 Round 1C DIV 1 78.15/250 31.26%

Problem Statement  Given a sequence of integers, s[0],s[1],..,s[n] we can define its difference sequence as the sequence s[1]-s[0], s[2]-s[1], ..., s[n]-s[n-1]. We can similarly generate its

2013-05-28 16:23:43 580


关于Oracle SQL编程的高级开发技巧。


Lucene in action (2rd edtion)

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REST in Practice.pdf




关于restful web service的资料,作者是Leonard Richardson and Sam Ruby



oracle性能优化的资料(打包),包括如下: 1.sql性能的调整-总结.pdf 2.PLSQL高级编程资料.pdf 3.Oracle性能调优实践中的几点心得.doc 4.oracle性能优化.doc 5.oracle_sql性能优化.doc


CareerCup-Top 150 Questions 4th






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