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原创 面试题目汇总


2017-10-10 19:13:12 199

转载 Container

vector(constructor)#include<vector>std::vector<int> first; // empty vector of intsstd::vector<int> second (4,100); // four ints with value 100std

2017-03-07 13:16:50 241

原创 [编程题]数字和为sum的方法数

链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/questionTerminal/7f24eb7266ce4b0792ce8721d6259800 来源:牛客网给定一个有n个正整数的数组A和一个整数sum,求选择数组A中部分数字和为sum的方案数。 当两种选取方案有一个数字的下标不一样,我们就认为是不同的组成方案。 输入描述: 输入为两行: 第一行为两个正整数n(1 ≤ n ≤ 10

2017-02-20 18:07:17 2529

转载 python笔记-RE

Basic PatternsThe power of regular expressions is that they can specify patterns, not just fixed characters. Here are the most basic patterns which match single chars:a, X, 9, < – ordinary characters

2017-02-07 21:45:17 186

转载 python笔记-list and dict

List MethodsHere are some other common list methods.list.append(elem) – adds a single element to the end of the list. Common error: does not return the new list, just modifies the original.list.inser

2017-02-07 15:30:43 229

转载 python笔记-string

String MethodsHere are some of the most common string methods. A method is like a function, but it runs “on” an object. If the variable s is a string, then the code s.lower() runs the lower() method on

2017-02-06 22:37:41 225

原创 C++中的accumulate

// accumulate example#include <iostream> // std::cout#include <functional> // std::minus#include <numeric> // std::accumulateint myfunction (int x, int y) {return x+2*y;}struct myclass {

2016-08-30 22:13:43 249

原创 c++中的find

// find example#include <iostream> // std::cout#include <algorithm> // std::find#include <vector> // std::vectorint main () { // using std::find with array and pointer: int myints[]

2016-08-27 21:01:39 301

转载 c++中的sort

// sort algorithm example#include <iostream> // std::cout#include <algorithm> // std::sort#include <vector> // std::vectorbool myfunction (int i,int j) { return (i<j); }struct myclass {

2016-08-27 20:37:56 302

原创 使用GDB调试C++

GDB是一个由GNU开源组织发布的、UNIX/LINUX操作系统下的、基于命令行的、功能强大的程序调试工具。 ——GDB调试利器Ubuntu14.04自带GNU gdb 7.7,无需安装。生成可执行文件然后执行gdb即可。$ g++ -g -std=c++11 test.cpp -o test$ gdb test(gdb) l可以显示代码段,一次10行,然后按回车可以继续显示。(但是不知道

2016-08-25 21:59:30 246

转载 Notes about Equinix Cloud Exchange

Equinix Cloud Exchange moves data between AWS and Microsoft Azure with easeHow it worksAmazon and Microsoft have edge servers in Equinix facilities around the world. By connecting the two end points at

2016-08-17 14:52:39 442

转载 notes about HTTP

HTTP协议 liuc: 在浏览器里输入192.168.236.128,对应访问的是服务器的哪个进程?该进程又怎么会显示出来这个页面?[hint: 学习一下HTTP协议]Reference:聊聊Socket、TCP/IP、HTTP、FTP及网络编程 HTTP协议是建立在TCP协议之上的一种应用,HTTP连接使用的是“请求—响应”的方式,不仅在请求时需要先建立TCP连接,而且需要客户端向服务

2016-08-15 20:41:18 303

转载 JavaScript notes

Getting Started with Programming"cake".length What can we use JavaScript for? make websites respond to user interaction build apps and games (e.g. blackjack) access information on the Int

2016-08-15 20:39:34 253

原创 新建一个实例

Step 1在ROLES列表下,点击之前建立的Role,点击右侧的Add to Farm。 、选择一个Farm添加。 Step 2更改这些地方,然后Add to Farm。 然后一定要点save farm。 end然后在Servers 列表下就可以看到了。

2016-08-15 14:01:42 169

原创 设置断点追踪entry_point

[root@ce66c469-721d-41bf-9f6d-73187d2c6410 log]# ps -ef | grep scalroot 2518 1 0 16:26 ? 00:00:00 /opt/scalarizr/embedded/bin/python /opt/scalarizr/bin/scalr-upd-client --daemonize --

2016-08-10 11:12:34 775

原创 无法访问scalr

重新配置scalr[root@localhost bin]# /opt/scalr-server/bin/scalr-server-ctl reconfigureRecipe: scalr-server::group_mysql_enabled_post * supervisor_service[mysql] action enable * template[/opt/scalr-ser

2016-08-09 17:20:48 549

原创 Scalr-Server无法获取公有IP问题的解决

problem: cannot find public id when import from a non-scalr serverstep 1首先要知道scalr不显示public,是因为云主机没有把ip传给它,还是因为传给它了,但是它读不出来。需要下载抓包软件 wireshark。为了获得更快的下载速度,这里对yum源进行了配置,添加了阿里云。安装好wireshark后,wireshark &

2016-08-09 10:48:10 1234

原创 Scalr安装

InstallReference: GitHub-Scalr/installer-ng scalr-wiki# Install the repositorycurl -L https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/scalr/scalr-server-oss/script.rpm | sudo bash# Install Scalrsudo y

2016-08-09 10:37:50 1930



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