
















Liferay, Frameworks(Spring,MyBatis, Hibernate, etc), Java...

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原创 JSP "items" does not support runtime expressions

${datatables.engine} ${datatables.browser} ${datatables.platform} ${datatables.version} ${datatables.grade} In my JSP page, I import JSTL taglib like above, but it gives me the e

2012-12-27 00:07:53 9482 1

转载 Developing portlets using Spring Portlet MVC and Liferay ServiceBuilder

A good blog links to Liferay and Spring http://xebee.xebia.in/2011/09/04/developing-portlets-using-spring-portlet-mvc-and-liferay-servicebuilder/

2012-12-22 05:40:18 767

原创 JRebel

Recently, I tried an awesome an Tool - JRebel. It saves a lot of time of compile and deploy our project. In my case, I have to package a war file for my project and copy that from dist folder in our S

2012-12-22 02:04:37 435

原创 Customize Liferay SDK plugins(portlet) to Maven project

In our case, we use maven portlet instead of default ant portlet, every time we need to modify. What I do is to create our own template and read properties file to create the project. Here is my exam

2012-12-20 01:07:26 828

原创 Ant Task check if a file exists

This is to remember what I learned when I customize Liferay SDK plugins. In my case, I need to read a properties file and then get those values to create portlet. The first thing, I have to validate

2012-12-20 00:53:57 1711

原创 Get value from properties file outside a jar using Spring

I have a jar file which need to dynamically load external properties file and read values from this properties file. Those values are needed in the java program. With Spring, it's very easy to do that

2012-12-19 06:56:10 1410 1

转载 Java JDBC Performance vs. iBatis vs. Hibernate

http://phillips4jc.blogspot.com/2011/03/java-jdbc-performance-vs-ibatis.html http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0710/0710.1404.pdf

2012-12-14 23:21:56 1122

转载 Config log4j in standalone app

1. First make sure you've added the log4j.jar 2. config log4j.xml and log4j.properties Show an example: log4j.xml log4j.properties log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, CA log4j.ap

2012-12-14 07:39:42 803 1

原创 Spring config different datasource based on different environment(dev, test, prod) Two ways now

Spring is very powerful when I use Spring more and more, it provides a lot of fancy functions. In my standalone app, I config datasource in context.xml, jdbc.driver.name, url, username, password, all

2012-12-14 06:56:52 1102

原创 Maven generates jar file with main class setting and dependency libs copy

When I write a pure java project, I'm afraid of writing deployment doc. Because I need to generate jar file. The most frustrating thing is add other libs into the jar. Maven is a fabulous tool which g

2012-12-14 06:38:14 1777

原创 Eclipse or IDE integrated with Eclipse .project and .classpath files

Recently, I got a very interesting task. In our daily work, we use Liferay, Liferay uses Ant to create projects. All projects created by Liferay is basic not targeted to our client. So when we create

2012-12-12 22:47:23 1764

转载 Export table data sql scrpit on sql server 2008

Since this is my first time working on sql server, I didn't know how to export data. Previously, I was silly to write the insert sql manually. It's time-consuming.This time, I have to insert a lot of

2012-12-12 00:38:09 2468

原创 Liferay hook works with external customized jar which is built by Spring

I ran into the issue when I was customizing organization in Liferay. My organization hook needs to connect with external tables outside Liferay database. Another limitation is I have to use ant to bui

2012-12-11 07:17:17 851

原创 Liferay portlet or standalone app loads/overrides external spring configuration file of a jar

Modularization is really important. Since this is my first time to develop a portlet, For this portlet, I changed design several times because of performance. The last time, I changed it because of mo

2012-12-11 06:40:37 789

原创 Specify datasource on tomcat(app server)

I learned that from my coworker Michael. He's really helpful. I learned a lot from him in half an hour. In our company, we have several portlets in Liferay portal which we can add them into our pages

2012-12-05 06:14:06 545

原创 SQL Server 2008 alter table column type

I ran into the issue twice when I tried to change table column type. I directly went to table design page and tried to change column type as I do many times on MySQL. But it didn't work on SQL Server

2012-12-05 01:48:09 3813

转载 Export table structure on Sql server 2008

I just tried the first one, it works 1. Create a script  of the table's definition.  From Management Studio in Object Explorer,  right-click the table and point to Script Table as and then selec

2012-12-01 04:46:32 871

原创 Sql Sever 2008 jar Maven pom.xml dependency

When I add sqlserver04.jar into my maven project, it's a little bit different others. For other jars, I directly add dependency into pom.xml. For sqlserver.jar, the dependency works on others' project

2012-12-01 00:22:44 15918 1




















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