
Chris's Acknowledgments

I'd like to thank the following people, without whom I wouldn't have been able to write this book:

First and foremost, the readers. When you've got something to say, you've got to have someone to say it to. I've been writing about WPF in various forums for more than 18 months, and you guys have always pushed and encouraged me further.

My coauthor, Ian Griffiths. Ian's extensive background in all things graphical and video-related, including technologies so deep I can't understand him half the time, plus his wonderful writing style, made him the perfect co-author on this book. I couldn't have asked for better.





我的合著者,Ian Griffiths.Ian在各种与图形和视频相关的东西中的广泛背景以及令我望尘莫及的卓越技术能力,加之他的漂亮的写作风格,使他成为我所能要求的最完美的合著者.(吐槽:Don Box大叔要郁闷啦...)


Microsoft employees and contractors (in order that I found them in my WPF email folder): Lauren Lavoie, Lars Bergstrom, Amir Khella, Kevin Kennedy, David Jenni, Elizabeth Nelson, Beatriz de Oliveira Costa, Nick Kramer, Allen Wagner, Chris Sano, Tim Sneath, Steve White, Matthew Adams, Eli Schleifer, Karsten Januszewski, Rob Relyea, Mark Boulter, Namita Gupta, John Gossman, Kiran Kumar, Filipe Fortes, Guy Smith, Zhanbo Sun, Ben Carter, Joe Marini, Dwayne Need, Brad Abrams, Feng Yuan, Dawn Wood, Vivek Dalvi, Jeff Bogdan, Steve Makofsky, Kenny Lim, Dmitry Titov, Joe Laughlin, Arik Cohen, Eric Stollnitz, Pablo Fernicola, Henry Hahn, Jamie Cool, Sameer Bhangar, and Brent Rector. I regularly spammed a wide range of my Microsoft brethren, and instead of snubbing me, they answered my email questions, helped me make things work, gave me feedback on the chapters, sent me additional information without an explicit request, and, in the case of John Gossman, forwarded the chapters along to folks with special knowledge so that they could give me feedback. This is the first book I've written "inside," and with the wealth of information and conscientious people available, it'd be very, very hard to go back to writing "outside."


微软的雇员和管理者(我从我的WPF邮件目录中找到他们的名字):Lauren Lavoie, Lars Bergstrom, Amir Khella, Kevin Kennedy, David Jenni, Elizabeth Nelson, Beatriz de Oliveira Costa, Nick Kramer, Allen Wagner, Chris Sano, Tim Sneath, Steve White, Matthew Adams, Eli Schleifer, Karsten Januszewski, Rob Relyea, Mark Boulter, Namita Gupta, John Gossman, Kiran Kumar, Filipe Fortes, Guy Smith, Zhanbo Sun, Ben Carter, Joe Marini, Dwayne Need, Brad Abrams, Feng Yuan, Dawn Wood, Vivek Dalvi, Jeff Bogdan, Steve Makofsky, Kenny Lim, Dmitry Titov, Joe Laughlin, Arik Cohen, Eric Stollnitz, Pablo Fernicola, Henry Hahn, Jamie Cool, Sameer Bhangar, 和Brent Rector.我有计划地向我的微软同胞们所要了很多信息,而他们则不厌其烦地回答我通过电子邮件提出的问题,帮助我使一切正常运转,为我的章节提供反馈,并且即便没有特别要求,他们也会为我提供额外的信息. 至于John Gossman,除了和大伙一起关注章节的进展之外还利用了他的知识使他们可以给我回馈.这是我在大家当中写的第一本书,而那些有价值的信息和勤奋的人们使我很难再回到以往在大家之外写作的日子了.


The external reviewers, who provide an extremely important mainstream point of view that Microsoft insiders can't: Craig Andera, Ryan Dawson, Glyn Griffiths (Ian's dad was an excellent reviewer!), Adam Kinney, Drew Marsh, Dave Minter and Brian Noyes.

Christine Morin for her work on the shared source Windows Forms version of solitaire and James Kovacs for his work extracting a UI independent engine from it so that I could build WPF Solitaire on top of it; this is the app that opened my eyes to the wonder and power of WPF. Also, to Peter Stern and Chris Mowrer who produced the faces and backs of the WPF Solitaire cards long before the technology was ready to support such a thing.

Caitrin McCullough and John Osborn from O'Reilly for supporting me in breaking a bunch of the normal ORA procedures and guidelines to publish the book I wanted to write.

Shawn Morrissey for letting me make writing a part of my first two years at Microsoft and even giving me permission to use some of that material to seed this book. Shawn put up with me, trusting me to do my job remotely when very few Microsoft managers would. Also, Sara Williams for hiring me from my home in Oregon in spite of the overwhelming pressure to move all new employees to Washington.


其他的评论员则为我提供了微软的内部员工所不能提供的主流意见.他们包括:Craig Andera, Ryan Dawson, Glyn Griffiths (这位卓越的评论员是Ian的老爸!), Adam Kinney, Drew Marsh, Dave Minter和Brian Noyes.

Christine Morin的Windows Forms共享代码版本Solitaire开发工作以及James Kovacs所作的从中提取独立于用户界面的引擎的工作使我在它之上使用WPF开发Solitaire成为可能.这个应用使我看到了WPF的美妙与力量.同时,Peter Stern和Chris Mowrer在这项技术支持之前制作了WPF版本Solitaire的前台与后台.

O'Reilly的Caitrin McCullough和John Osborn则为我出版这本我想写的书提供了解决标准ORA流程和确定写作方针的支持.

Shawn Morrissey在我在微软的头两年便允许我写作,并给了我使用部分原材料来为本书奠基的权限.他是容忍并信任我在遥远的地方工作的少数微软经理之一.同时,Sara Williams承担了来自位于华盛顿州的新员工对于雇用远在俄勒冈州的我的不满带来的压力.


Don Box for setting my initial writing quality bar and hitting me squarely between the eyes until I could clear it. Of course, thank you for the cover quote and for acting as my soundboard on this preface. You're an invaluable resource and dear friend.

Barbara Box for putting me up in the Chez Box clubhouse while I balance work and family in a way that wouldn't be possible without you.

Tim Ewald for that critical eye at the most important spots.

Michael Weinhardt as the primary developmental editor on this book. His feedback is probably the single biggest factor in whatever quality we've been able to cram into this book. As if that weren't enough, he produced many of the figures in my chapters.

Chris Anderson, architect on WPF, for a ton of illuminating conversations even after he started a competing book (although I'm convinced he'd be willing to talk to almost anyone once he'd entered the deadly "writer avoidance mode").

My family. This was the first book I've ever written while holding a full-time job and, worse than that, while I was learning a completely new job. Frankly, I neglected my family pretty thoroughly for about three solid months, but they understood and supported me, like they have all of my endeavors over the years. I am very much looking forward to getting back to them.


Don Box为我最初的写作质量提供了帮助,同时对我进行了公正的批评.当然,我要在这篇前言中感谢你为本书作出的贡献.对我来说,你是不可估量的宝贵资源和珍贵的伙伴.

Barbara Box在我需要在工作和家庭中获得平衡的时候带我进入了Chez Box俱乐部。从某种程度上来说,如果没有你我是做不到的。

Tim Ewald那双批判性的眼睛为本书挑出了很多重要的漏洞。

作为本书主要的技术编辑,Michael Weinhardt的反馈带来的影响充斥了这本书。除此之外,他还为本书的许多章节编制了表格。

WPF的架构师Chris Anderson即便在开始写作一本与本书相互竞争的书籍之后,也坚持提供了相当多指导性的谈话(尽管我确信他情愿对几乎所有人说明他进入了该死的"作者回避模式")(?).






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