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Tomcat- The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition.pdf

It takes a book as versatile as its subject to cover Apache Tomcat. This book is a valuable reference for administrators and webmasters, a useful guide for programmers who want to use Tomcat as their web application server during development or in production, and an excellent introduction for anyone interested in Tomcat. The new edition offers complete information for installing, configuring, maintaining and securing Tomcat.


Apache Tomcat 7.pdf

Apache Tomcat is the most popular open-source de-facto Java Web application server, standard for today's Web developers using JSP / Servlets. Apache Tomcat 7 covers details on installation and administration of Apache Tomcat 7. It explains key parts of the Tomcat architecture, and provides an introduction to Java Servlet and JSP APIs in the context of the Apache Tomcat server. In addition to basic concepts and administration tasks, Apache Tomcat 7 covers some of the most frequently used advanced features of Tomcat, including security, Apache web server integration, load balancing, and embedding Tomcat server in Java applications.


PhantomJS Cookbook

Beginning with the basics of PhantomJS, this book will dive into its core modules and guide you through how to solve real-world testing problems. This book explores a variety of test automation tasks, including executing JavaScript unit tests with the Jasmine, QUnit, and Mocha frameworks; functional tests with tools such as Selenium, Capybara, and CasperJS; performance analysis with tools such as YSlow; and much more. If you are a web developer looking to run automated unit tests while you work, or perhaps you are a QA engineer looking for a fast test automation utility, then this book is perfect for you. Some prior knowledge of JavaScript would be helpful.


Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

Learn to process large and complex data sets, starting simply, then diving in deep. Solve complex big data problems such as classifications, finding relationships, online marketing and recommendations. More than 50 Hadoop MapReduce recipes, presented in a simple and straightforward manner, with step-by-step instructions and real world examples.


Field Guide to Hadoop

If your organization is about to enter the world of big data, you not only need to decide whether Apache Hadoop is the right platform to use, but also which of its many components are best suited to your task. This field guide makes the exercise manageable by breaking down the Hadoop ecosystem into short, digestible sections. You'll quickly understand how Hadoop's projects, subprojects, and related technologies work together. Each chapter introduces a different topic - such as core technologies or data transfer - and explains why certain components may or may not be useful for particular needs. When it comes to data, Hadoop is a whole new ballgame, but with this handy reference, you'll have a good grasp of the playing field.


Learning Selenium Testing Tools with Python

Selenium WebDriver is a popular automated testing tool for web applications. Python is one of the top programming languages and when used with Selenium it can automate and test web applications. Using Python's unittest module, you can write test cases in Selenium. Over the years, Selenium has become a very powerful testing platform and many organizations are adopting Selenium WebDriver for creating automated user interface tests.


Learning Chef.

Chef automation helps to transform infrastructure into simple code. This means that building, rebuilding, configuration, and scaling to meet your customer's needs is possible in just a few minutes in a real-time environment. This book begins with the conceptual architecture of Chef, walking you through detailed descriptions of every Chef element. You will learn the procedure to set up your workstation and how to create a Cookbook in a hosted Chef environment. Private Chef Server setup is covered in depth, with information on the necessity of on-premise Private Chef deployment, benefits, and installation and configuration procedures for the different types of Private Chef servers including standalone, tiered, and high-availability.


Build Your Own PaaS with Docker.

Docker is a great tool in many ways for developers and people in DevOps. We begin by learning how easy it is to create and publish your own customized Docker images and making them available to everyone. We also see how practical it is to separate every service to its own container. When you have published separated service containers, the process of running all kinds of platforms in the same server is a walk in the park. This book walks you through a use case project that will teach you how to customize and create your own Docker image, allowing you to run any platform you want. The project evolves throughout the book and emerges as a complete three containers Wordpress/MySQL platform when finished.


Orchestrating Docker

Docker is growing in popularity by day because of its great utility, the fact that it's user friendly, and the vibrant community. This book will help you transform the way you build, test, and deploy your applications with Docker, making it easier and enjoyable. The book starts off with the installation of Docker before gradually taking you through the different commands to start working with Docker containers and their services. You will learn to build your own Docker containers along with instructions to fine-tune the resource allocations to those containers. You will then learn to manage a cluster of Docker containers. The book demonstrates the processes related to the automation and orchestration of Docker. It then covers the compatibility of Docker with other technologies such as Puppet and Chef. Finally, it prepares you to ship your applications without taking strain for deployment. By the end of the book, you will be able to orchestrate and manage the creation and deployment of Docker containers.


hibernate 4.3.10.Final



windows phone 官方示例代码

包含windows phone开发方方面面的内容,控件、网路、消息推送,等等等等








Pro JavaScript Performance



html5 实现截图 代码实例




selenium是一个web自动化测试的大杀器,可以模仿用户访问一个web页面的动作,其中包括了selenium IDE(firefox插件),Selenium Server,The Internet Explorer Driver Server,Chrome Server


JStools notepad++插件

一款非常好用的notepad++ javascript插件,可以格式化json数据,压缩/格式化javascript代码


Notepad++ QuickText插件






JSHint javascript静态检查工具,notepad++插件

JSHint 是一个 JavaScript 的代码质量检查工具,主要用来检查代码质量以及找出一些潜在的代码缺陷。


The Docker Book

A new book designed for SysAdmins, Operations staff, Developers and DevOps who are interested in deploying the open source container service Docker., In this book, we'll will walk you through installing, deploying, managing, and extending Docker. We're going to do that by first introducing you to the basics of Docker and its components. Then we'll start to use Docker to build containers and services to perform a variety of tasks., We're going to take you through the development life cycle, from testing to production, and see where Docker fits in and how it can make your life easier. We'll make use of Docker to build test environments for new projects, demonstrate how to integrate Docker with continuous integration workflow, and then how to build application services and platforms. Finally, we'll show you how to use Docker's API and how to extend Docker yourself., We'll teach you how to:, * Install Docker., * Take your first steps with a Docker container., * Build Docker images., * Manage and share Docker images., * Run and manage more complex Docker containers., * Deploy Docker containers as part of your testing pipeline., * Build multi-container applications and environments., * Explore the Docker API., * Getting Help and Extending Docker.


Docker.Pro Docker

In this fast-paced book on the Docker open standards platform for developing, packaging and running portable distributed applications, author Deepak Vohra discusses how to build, ship and run applications on any platform such as a PC, the cloud, data center or a virtual machine. He describes how to install Docker images and create Docker containers, and the advantages of Docker containers. The remainder of the book is devoted to discussing using Docker with important software solutions. He begins by discussing using Docker with a traditional RDBMS using Oracle and MySQL. Next he moves on to NoSQL with chapter on MongoDB Cassandra, and Couchbase. Then he addresses the use of Docker in the Hadoop ecosystem with complete chapters on utilizing not only Hadoop, but Hive, HBase, Sqoop, Kafka, Solr and Spark.


Learning Docker

Docker is a next-generation platform for simplifying application containerization life-cycle. Docker allows you to create a robust and resilient environment in which you can generate portable, composable, scalable, and stable application containers. This book is a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the various features of Docker from Docker software installation to the impenetrable security of containers. The book starts off by elucidating the installation


Docker- Up and Running

Docker is quickly changing the way that organizations are deploying software at scale. But understanding how Linux containers fit into your workflow - and getting the integration details right - are not trivial tasks. With this practical guide, you'll learn how to use Docker to package your applications with all of their dependencies, and then test, ship, scale, and support your containers in production. Two Lead Site Reliability Engineers at New Relic share much of what they have learned from using Docker in production since shortly after its initial release. Their goal is to help you reap the benefits of this technology while avoiding the many setbacks they experienced.


Docker Cookbook

Whether you're deploying applications on premise or in the cloud, this cookbook provides developers, operators, and IT professionals with more than 130 proven recipes for working with Docker. With these practical solutions, experienced developers with no previous knowledge of Docker will be able to package and deploy distributed applications within a couple of chapters. IT professionals will be able to solve everyday problems, as well as create, run, share, and deploy Docker images. Operators will quickly be able to adopt the tools that will change the way they work.


Oracle Database 11gR2 Performance Tuning Cookbook



Optimizing Oracle Performance

Oracle 是世界上最流行的一款强大的数据库,让我们来了解一下如果加速Oracle的性能





Nginx High Performance



Mastering JavaScript High Performance



Java Performance- The Definitive Guide



Java Performance Tuning



Java Threads and the Concurrency Utilities



RESTful Java web service 安全

restful 作为web服务的一种设计风格越来越流行,而安全方面的考虑也是不可避免。


Java RESTful 模式和最佳实践

RESTful Java Patterns and Best Practices,本书是本英文书籍,但是也简单易懂。


hibernate 5.0.1

hibernate 是java的ORM解决方案,非常广泛地应用于企业级应用当中


Complete Web Monitoring

Complete Web Monitoring demonstrates how to measure every aspect of your web presence -- including analytics, backend performance, usability, communities, customer feedback, and competitive analysis -- whether you're running an e-commerce site, a community, a media property, or a Software-as-a-Service company. This book's concrete examples, clear explanations, and practical recommendations make it essential for anyone who runs a website.


Web Performance Daybook Volume

Performance is critical to the success of any website, and help with using today’s new tools is key. In this remarkable guide, 32 leading web performance experts offer practical tips, techniques, and advice for optimizing your site's user experience. Originally written for an online calendar, this collection of articles will inspire you to squeeze every ounce of performance from your site - whether you're a web developer, mobile developer, or web designer. Check the table of contents and you'll be convinced.


Pro PHP Application Performance

This book contains tips, tricks, and techniques to make new and existing PHP applications much faster and less resource-hungry. Pro PHP Application Performance will help you understand all the technologies and components which play a role in how well your applications run. When seconds can mean the difference between retaining a user and losing a user, it's important for all of us to have optimization as part of our project roadmap. But what components within your application should you analyze? How should you optimize? And how can you measure how well your application is performing? These are some of the questions that are answered in this book.


Pro Web Project Management

Pro Web Project Management is a collection of hard-won lessons the authors have learned managing modern web projects with small and medium budgets in a consulting environment. This isn't a book about project management theory. Pro Web Project Management tells how to create real deliverables, get answers from indecisive clients, manage wayward programmers, and use checklists to wow clients. This book is made up of real examples, real lessons, real documents, and real tips woven together into a step-by-step walkthrough of a project's life cycle.



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