Auto DevOps provides pre-defined CI/CD configuration which allows you to automatically detect, build, test,
deploy, and monitor your applications. Leveraging CI/CD best practices and tools, Auto DevOps aims
to simplify the setup and execution of a mature & modern software development lifecycle.

GitLab 的 Auto DevOps 是一个亮点,博主对于其特性还不够了解,在此不多谈。本文仅介绍如何为自建的 GitLab 绑定 Google Kubernets Engine (GKE)。

GitLab 配置 Kubernets 节点的方式用两种,一种是绑定 GKE,一种是使用已存在的 Cluster ,但实测第二种貌似是用于 AWS ,这一点博主暂且不提。接着说本文重点 GKE。绑定 GKE需要配置 Google OAuth2 OmniAuth Provider。

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