Java Management Extensions (JMX)


JMX technology provides a component-based architecture for developing solutions to monitor and manage your applications, services, and resources. JMX technology is the way to instrument any application or service that was built using Java technology. Hence, the Java platform now provides excellent facilities for creating and managing applications and services. JMX technology should be used for any application and service that benefit from being manageable, as this will increase their value to vendors and clients, by making them easier to install, configure, and maintain. The current version of JMX is 1.2, and the JMX 2.0 update was launched in September 2004. It will update the JMX and JMX Remote APIs to improve existing interfaces, mainly with respect to ease of use.

This article provided a fast track introduction and tutorial to the JMX architcture and its programming model. The sample code provided demonstrates how easy it is to get started developing management and monitoring solutions using JMX technology. The J2SE 5.0 implements the JMX specification—if you use J2SE 5.0, you are ready to start developing using JMX tech




Instrumentation Level

This tier contains MBeans and their manageable resources. It provides a specification for implementing JMX technology-manageable resources, which can be an application, service, device, or user. A resource is manageable if it is developed in Java (or provides a Java wrapper) and has been instrumented so that it can be managed by JMX-compliant applications. A resource is instrumented by one or more MBeans that are either standard or dynamic. Standard MBeans are Java objects that conform to certain design patterns (for example, they must have a constructor and setter/getter methods). A dynamic MBean conforms to a specific interface that offers more flexibility at runtime. The instrumentation of a resource allows it to be manageable at the agent level; however, note that MBeans do not require knowledge of the JMX agent with which they operate. In other words, any JMX-manageable resource can use any JMX agent that offers the services it requires.

The key Components at the instrumentation level are the MBeans, the notification model, and the MBean metadata classes.

Agent Level

This tier contains the JMX agents used to expose the MBeans. It provides a specification for implementing agents, which control the resources and make them available to remote management applications. Agents are usually located on the same machine as the resources they manage, but this is not a requirement. The JMX agent consists of an MBean server and a set of services for handling MBeans. Managers access an agent's MBeans and use the provided services through a protocol adaptor or connector. But note that JMX agents do not require knowledge of the remote management applications that use them.

The main components at the agent level are the MBean Server and Agent Services.

Manager (or Distributed Services) Level

This tier contains the components that enable management applications to communicate with JMX agents. It provides the interfaces for implementing JMX managers, and defines the management interfaces and components that operate on agents. Such components provide an interface for a management application to interact with an agent and its JMX manageable resources through a connector, and also expose a management view of a JMX agent and its MBeans by mapping their semantic meaning into the constructs of a data-rich protocol (such as HTML).

JMX comprises a separate package for each tier of the management architecture. The instrumentation tier will be free, and other tiers can be built from public specifications or reference implementations available under Sun Community Source License. Alternatively, you can purchase commercially supported products.

JMX Technology Implementations


The Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 (J2SE 5.0) supports JMX 1.2 and JMX Remote API 1.0, which is now the official JMX reference implementation (RI). For developers who are running J2SE 1.4, a JMX RI is also available from Sun Microsystems, and can be downloaded free of charge.

Sun Microsystems also provides the Java Dynamic Management Kit (Java DMK). Java DMK 5.1 is the first commercial implementation of the latest versions of the JMX standards, JMX 1.2 and JMX Remote API 1.0. JMDK is an all-in-one product for building secure, interoperable monitoring and management solutions on the J2SE platform, and it is supported on Solaris, Microsoft Windows, and Linux. Several other commercial and open source implementations are available as well. It is worth noting that Tomcat 5.0 implements the JMX specification.

JMX Technology and J2SE 5.0


J2SE 5.0 has implemented version 1.2 of the JMX specification and version 1.0 of the JMX Remote API (JSR 160) specification. J2SE 5.0 includes significant monitoring and management features, including:

  • JVM instrumentation: The JVM is instrumented for monitoring and management providing built-in, out-of-the-box management capabilities for local and remote access.
  • Monitoring and Management APIs: The package provides the interface for monitoring and managing the JVM. It provides access to information such as: number of classes loaded and threads running, memory consumption, garbage collection statistics, on-demand deadlock detection, and others.
  • Management tools such as JConsole, which is a JMX-compliant monitoring tool that comes with J2SE 5.0. It uses JMX instrumentation of the JVM to provide information on performance and resource consumption of applications running on the Java platform.

The core classes for the JMX implementation are provided in the package. In addition, the package provides the mangagement interface for monitoring and management of the JVM as well as the operating system on which the JVM is running.

To enable the JMX agent and configure its operation using jconsole, your must set some specific system properties when you start the JVM. For local access, set the property as follows when starting the JVM:

    prompt> java AppName

And, to enable monitoring and management from remote systems, set the property:

For more information on setting system properties for JMX, please see Monitoring and Management using JMX.

The JMX Technology Programming Model


Using JMX to instrument your applications, services, or devices for manageability is simple. This is because JMX technology shares Java's object model. If you are familiar with Java and its JavaBeans component model, you already know 95% of all you need to know.

As mentioned previously, an MBean is a Java object that follows some standard design patterns and naming conventions. It can represent a device, application, or any resource that needs to be managed. An MBean exposes a management interface or a set of readable and/or writable attributes and a set of invokable operations, along with a self-description. Note that the management interface does not change through the life of an MBean instance.

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