
由 IBM document 小修改而来。



ping6 -I rmnet_data1 www.qq.com


/* Header files needed for this sample program                            */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/* Constants used by this program                                         */
#define SERVER_PORT     3005
#define BUFFER_LENGTH    250
#define FALSE              0

void main()
   /* Variable and structure definitions.                                 */
   int sd=-1, sdconn=-1;
   int rc, on=1, rcdsize=BUFFER_LENGTH;
   char buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
   struct sockaddr_in6 serveraddr, clientaddr;
   int addrlen=sizeof(clientaddr);
   char str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];

   /* A do/while(FALSE) loop is used to make error cleanup easier.  The   */
   /* close() of each of the socket descriptors is only done once at the  */
   /* very end of the program.                                            */

      /* The socket() function returns a socket descriptor, which represents   */
      /* an endpoint.  Get a socket for address family AF_INET6 to        */
      /* prepare to accept incoming connections on.                       */
      if ((sd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
         perror("socket() failed");

      /* The setsockopt() function is used to allow the local address to  */
      /* be reused when the server is restarted before the required wait  */
      /* time expires.                                                    */
      if (setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
                      (char *)&on,sizeof(on)) < 0)
         perror("setsockopt(SO_REUSEADDR) failed");

      /* After the socket descriptor is created, a bind() function gets a */
      /* unique name for the socket.  In this example, the user sets the  */
      /* address to in6addr_any, which (by default) allows connections to */
      /* be established from any IPv4 or IPv6 client that specifies port  */
      /* 3005. (that is, the bind is done to both the IPv4 and IPv6 TCP/IP    */
      /* stacks).  This behavior can be modified using the IPPROTO_IPV6   */
      /* level socket option IPV6_V6ONLY if required.                      */
      memset(&serveraddr, 0, sizeof(serveraddr));
      serveraddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
      serveraddr.sin6_port   = htons(SERVER_PORT);
      /* Note: applications use in6addr_any similarly to the way they use */
      /* INADDR_ANY in IPv4.  A symbolic constant IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT also   */
      /* exists but can only be used to initialize an in6_addr structure  */
      /* at declaration time (not during an assignment).                  */
      serveraddr.sin6_addr   = in6addr_any;
      /* Note: the remaining fields in the sockaddr_in6 are currently not */
      /* supported and should be set to 0 to ensure upward compatibility. */

      if (bind(sd,
               (struct sockaddr *)&serveraddr,
               sizeof(serveraddr)) < 0)
         perror("bind() failed");

      /* The listen() function allows the server to accept incoming       */
      /* client connections.  In this example, the backlog is set to 10.  */
      /* This means that the system will queue 10 incoming connection     */
      /* requests before the system starts rejecting the incoming         */
      /* requests.                                                        */
      if (listen(sd, 10) < 0)
         perror("listen() failed");

      printf("Ready for client connect().\n");

      /* The server uses the accept() function to accept an incoming      */
      /* connection request.  The accept() call will block indefinitely   */
      /* waiting for the incoming connection to arrive from an IPv4 or    */
      /* IPv6 client.                                                     */
      if ((sdconn = accept(sd, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
         perror("accept() failed");
         /* Display the client address.  Note that if the client is       */
         /* an IPv4 client, the address will be shown as an IPv4 Mapped   */
         /* IPv6 address.                                                 */
         getpeername(sdconn, (struct sockaddr *)&clientaddr, &addrlen);
         if(inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &clientaddr.sin6_addr, str, sizeof(str))) {
            printf("Client address is %s\n", str);
            printf("Client port is %d\n", ntohs(clientaddr.sin6_port));

      /* In this example we know that the client will send 250 bytes of   */
      /* data over.  Knowing this, we can use the SO_RCVLOWAT socket      */
      /* option and specify that we don't want our recv() to wake up      */
      /* until all 250 bytes of data have arrived.                        */
      if (setsockopt(sdconn, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVLOWAT,
                     (char *)&rcdsize,sizeof(rcdsize)) < 0)
         perror("setsockopt(SO_RCVLOWAT) failed");

      /* Receive that 250 bytes of data from the client                   */
      rc = recv(sdconn, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
      if (rc < 0)
         perror("recv() failed");

      printf("%d bytes of data were received\n", rc);
      if (rc == 0 ||
          rc < sizeof(buffer))
         printf("The client closed the connection before all of the\n");
         printf("data was sent\n");

      /* Echo the data back to the client                                 */
      rc = send(sdconn, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
      if (rc < 0)
         perror("send() failed");

      /* Program complete                                                 */

   } while (FALSE);

   /* Close down any open socket descriptors                              */
   if (sd != -1)
   if (sdconn != -1)


/* This is an IPv4 or IPv6 client.                                        */

/* Header files needed for this sample program                            */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>

/* Constants used by this program                                         */
#define BUFFER_LENGTH    250
#define FALSE              0
#define SERVER_NAME     "ip6-localhost"

/* Pass in 1 parameter which is either the */
/* address or host name of the server, or  */
/* set the server name in the #define      */
/* SERVER_NAME.                            */
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
   /* Variable and structure definitions.                                 */
   int    sd=-1, rc, bytesReceived=0;
   char   buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
   char   server[NETDB_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH];
   char   servport[] = "3005";
   struct in6_addr serveraddr;
   struct addrinfo hints, *res=NULL;

   /* A do/while(FALSE) loop is used to make error cleanup easier.  The   */
   /* close() of the socket descriptor is only done once at the very end  */
   /* of the program along with the free of the list of addresses.        */
      /* If an argument was passed in, use this as the server, otherwise  */
      /* use the #define that is located at the top of this program.      */
      if (argc > 1)
         strcpy(server, argv[1]);
         strcpy(server, SERVER_NAME);

      memset(&hints, 0x00, sizeof(hints));
      hints.ai_flags    = AI_NUMERICSERV;
      hints.ai_family   = AF_UNSPEC;
      hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
      /* Check if we were provided the address of the server using        */
      /* inet_pton() to convert the text form of the address to binary    */
      /* form. If it is numeric then we want to prevent getaddrinfo()     */
      /* from doing any name resolution.                                  */
      rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, server, &serveraddr);
      if (rc == 1)    /* valid IPv4 text address? */
         hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
         hints.ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST;
         rc = inet_pton(AF_INET6, server, &serveraddr);
         if (rc == 1) /* valid IPv6 text address? */

            hints.ai_family = AF_INET6;
            hints.ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST;
      /* Get the address information for the server using getaddrinfo().  */
      rc = getaddrinfo(server, servport, &hints, &res);
      if (rc != 0)
         printf("Host not found --> %s\n", gai_strerror(rc));
         if (rc == EAI_SYSTEM)
            perror("getaddrinfo() failed");

      /* The socket() function returns a socket descriptor, which represents   */
      /* an endpoint.  The statement also identifies the address family,  */
      /* socket type, and protocol using the information returned from    */
      /* getaddrinfo().                                                   */
      sd = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
      if (sd < 0)
         perror("socket() failed");
      /* Use the connect() function to establish a connection to the      */
      /* server.                                                          */
      rc = connect(sd, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
      if (rc < 0)
         /* Note: the res is a linked list of addresses found for server. */
         /* If the connect() fails to the first one, subsequent addresses */
         /* (if any) in the list can be tried if required.               */
         perror("connect() failed");

      /* Send 250 bytes of a's to the server                              */
      memset(buffer, 'a', sizeof(buffer));
      rc = send(sd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0);
      if (rc < 0)
         perror("send() failed");
      } else {
        printf("send succ\n");

      /* In this example we know that the server is going to respond with */
      /* the same 250 bytes that we just sent.  Since we know that 250    */
      /* bytes are going to be sent back to us, we can use the          */
      /* SO_RCVLOWAT socket option and then issue a single recv() and     */
      /* retrieve all of the data.                                        */
      /*                                                                  */
      /* The use of SO_RCVLOWAT is already illustrated in the server      */
      /* side of this example, so we will do something different here.    */
      /* The 250 bytes of the data may arrive in separate packets,        */
      /* therefore we will issue recv() over and over again until all     */
      /* 250 bytes have arrived.                                          */
      while (bytesReceived < BUFFER_LENGTH)
         rc = recv(sd, & buffer[bytesReceived],
                   BUFFER_LENGTH - bytesReceived, 0);
         if (rc < 0)
            perror("recv() failed");
         else if (rc == 0)
            printf("The server closed the connection\n");

         /* Increment the number of bytes that have been received so far  */
         bytesReceived += rc;

   } while (FALSE);

   /* Close down any open socket descriptors                              */
   if (sd != -1)
   /* Free any results returned from getaddrinfo                          */
   if (res != NULL)




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