从网上拷贝的程序, 能对比两个同构库的差异, 很好使
exec p_compdb 'DBNAME1','DBNAME2'
CREATE proc p_compdb
@db1 sysname, --第一个库
@db2 sysname --第二个库
select 类型=case isnull(a.xtype,b.xtype) when ''V'' then ''视图'' else ''存储过程'' end
when a.name is null then ''库 ['+@db1+'] 中无''
when b.name is null then ''库 ['+@db2+'] 中无''
else ''结构不同'' end
,对象名称=isnull(a.name,b.name),a.text as atext, b.text as btext
select a.name,a.xtype,b.colid,b.text
from ['+@db1+']..sysobjects a,['+@db1+']..syscomments b
where a.id=b.id and a.xtype in(''V'',''P'') and a.status>=0
)a full join(
select a.name,a.xtype,b.colid,b.text
from ['+@db2+']..sysobjects a,['+@db2+']..syscomments b
where a.id=b.id and a.xtype in(''V'',''P'') and a.status>=0
)b on a.name=b.name and a.xtype=b.xtype and a.colid=b.colid
where a.name is null
or b.name is null
or isnull(a.text,'''') <>isnull(b.text,'''')
--group by a.name,b.name,a.xtype,b.xtype
--order by 类型,匹配情况,对象名称')