Android* System-Level Java*/C++ Code Debugging


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Android* System-Level Java*/C++ Code Debugging

1. Introduction

Currently, the Android* SDK allows application developers to create Android application projects, build them, and debug them using Eclipse*. But it doesn’t provide a facility to debug the system-level Java*/C++ code, which is in the Android code base and cannot be built and debugged using the Android SDK. This document describes how to use Eclipse to debug Android system-level Java/C++ code.

2 Installation

2.1 Install JDK

Download the JDK6 (Java SE 6 Update package) from:
The current JDK6 version is named jdk-6u32-linux-x64.bin. Let’s use it in an example.
Install it and use the default JDK.

$ cd /usr/lib/jvm
$ sudo /path/to/jdk-6u32-linux-x64.bin
$ sudo ln -s jdk1.6.0_32 java-6-sun
$ export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin:$PATH
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

2.2 Install Eclipse

Download Eclipse 3.6.2 or greater from:
Currently Eclipse Classic version is 3.7.2 (Indigo), and let’s use it in an example.

$ mkdir ~/android-sdk
$ cd ~/android-sdk
$ tar zxf /path/to/eclipse-SDK-3.7.2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

2.3 Install Eclipse CDT plugins

To create C/C++ project and debug the C++ code, we need to install CDT plugins.
Launch Eclipse.

$ cd ~/android-sdk/eclipse/
$ ./eclipse

Set up the proxy if you are behind the firewall: Window->Preferences->General->Network Connection as shown in Figure 1 or just “(Figure 1)”.

Figure 1. Eclipse proxy settings

Download the latest Eclipse plugin list by clicking Help->Check for updates.
Enter Window->Preferences->Install/Update->Available Software Sites and enable

Figure 2. Eclipse software update

And then install the CDT plugins: enter Help->Install New Software.
Select “” and uncheck “Group items by category” box and then select all the plugins and install them.

Figure 3. Install Sequoyah plugins

2.4 Install Android SDK

Download the Android SDK from: Currently the Android SDK is r18, and let’s use it in an example.
Install it:

$ cd ~/android-sdk/
$ tar zxf /path/to/android-sdk_r18-linux.tgz

Launch the Android package manager to download the Android SDK packages:

$ cd ~/android-sdk/android-sdk-linux/tools/
$ ./android

Set up the proxy and check “Force https://...sources to be fetched using http://.”

Figure 4. Android SDK Manager proxy settings

Then download the packages you are interested in (Tools package is mandatory).

Figure 5. Install Android SDK updates

2.5 Install Android ADT plugin

Install Android ADT (Android Development Tool).
Launch Eclipse.

$ cd ~/android-sdk/eclipse/
$ ./eclipse

Click Help->Install New Software and then click “Add Repository” button.
In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name and the following URL for the Location:

Figure 6. Install ADT plugins

Install all the ADT plugins by following the steps.
Then enter Window->Preference->Android and input the Android SDK path in the Box labeled “SDK location.”

Figure 7. Android SDK settings

2.6 Install Android System Debug Utility

Save the following package and uncompress it on your Linux* host.

$ cd ~/android-sdk
$ tar zxf android-debug-utility.tar.gz

3 Debug Android System Java Code

3.1 Debug system_process

The process system_process is the so-called Android system server. It is forked by zygote when the system boots up. Now we will see how to use Eclipse to debug it.

3.1.1 Create a pseudo Android project for system_process

Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS) is only able to debug code in an Android project. The system_process is built from the Android code base instead of being built from the Android project. To use Eclipse/DDMS to debug it, we need to create a pseudo Android project for it. Enter File->New->Project, and choose “Android project.”

Figure 8. create an Android project

Figure 9. android package name

Click “AndroidManifest.xml” and modify the package name to be “system_process.”

Figure 10. revised android package name

3.1.2 Debug system_process using DDMS

Go to DDMS view and select system_process and then click the debug button.

Figure 11. Android DDMS view

Go to the debug view and select any thread you want to debug and click the suspend button.

Figure 12. Android debug view

To do the Java source code level debugging, we need to specify where the Android source is. Click “Edit Source lookup Path” button, then click “Add” button, and then select “File System Directory.” The frameworks/base and libcore are two major directories that contain the Android Java code.

Select the Android frameworks/base.

Figure 13. Set framework base source path

We also need to add the libcore directory.

Figure 14. set libcore source path

Now you will see the Java code displayed in the editor window.

Figure 15. Android project debugger

We can now set breakpoints and debug the Android system-level Java code.

3.2 Debug Android built-in application

There are many Android built-in applications, or so-called system applications, such as Calendar, Settings, Gallery, etc. Those projects are in the Android code base and built with system.img. To debug them?, we also need to create pseudo projects for them, just like the system_process. Instead of entering “system_process,” you need to change the package name to the application name.

Figure 16. Android application package name

Then go to DDMS and select the process “” and click the debug button.

Figure 17. Choose an application to debug

Figure 18. Android application debugger

4 Debug Android System C/C++ Code

4.1 Debug the system_process

Usually we can use gdbserver/gdb to debug the Android native C/C++ code. That is, use gdbserver to attach to the running process and then use gdb to debug it remotely. But the system_ process is created by zygote when the system boots up, and the initialization has been done before we have chance to attach to it. To debug the system_process from the beginning, we will use android-debug-utility to force the system_process to enter an endless loop from the beginning so that we have a chance to attach to it at the very early stage. After that, we will put the system_process exit the endless loop and continue to run.

4.1.1 Create a C/C++ project

We can create a new C/C++ project. We can also just convert the existing Android project “system_process” to a C/C++ project. Click File->New->Convert to a C/C++ Project (Adds C/C++ Nature), select the system_process project:

Figure 19. Convert android project to C/C++ project

4.1.2 Create a debug configuration

Go to Debug view, click the debug button->Debug Configurations, create a C/C++ Remote application debug configuration, input the path of app_process binary, and disable auto build.

Figure 20. Set the application image to debug

Go to the directory of android-debug-utility, edit the gdb initialization script sdk_x86_gdb.setup, replace $android and $__board with your Android root directory and device name, In order to tell gdb the correct symbol file directories:

shell echo set solib-absolute-prefix $android/out/target/product/$__board/symbols > tmp.gdb shell echo set solib-search-path $android/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/lib:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/lib/hw:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/lib/egl:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/lib/soundfx:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/lib/bluez-plugin:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/vendor/lib/egl:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/vendor/lib/hw:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/vendor/lib:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/lib/parameter-framework-plugins/Audio:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/lib/soundfx:$__board/out/target/product/$__board/symbols/system/usr/lib/alsa-lib >> tmp.gdb source tmp.gdb

Or just export two environment variables before launching Eclipse:

$ export android= $ export __board=

Click the Debugger tab, and input the path of sdk_x86_gdb.setup:

Figure 21. set gdb initial script

Click the Connection tab and change the port number to 1234.

Figure 22. set gdb debug port

4.1.3 Debug the system_process

Boot up the Android device and connect the USB cable from the host to it. Restart the system_process and use the gdbserver to attach to it:

$ cd ~/android-sdk/android-debug-utility/target
$ ./ zygote:115 killall: gdbserver: no process killed killall: gdb: no process killed /lib/gdbserver: No such file or directory mkdir failed for /lib, File exists push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/system_server -> /lib/system_server push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/gdb -> /lib/gdb push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/app -> /lib/app push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/service -> /lib/service push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ push: ./lib/gdbserver -> /lib/gdbserver push: ./lib/ -> /lib/ 20 files pushed. 0 files skipped. 1770 KB/s (10526293 bytes in 5.805s) 4 KB/s (440 bytes in 0.099s) please connect to the system server via gdb remote Attached; pid = 309 Listening on port 1234

Forward the local TCP port 1234 to the Android device using adb:

$ adb forward tcp:1234 tcp:1234

Using the Eclipse tool, go to the Debug view:
Debug button->Debug Configurations, select the configuration “system_process_1234”, and then click the “Debug” button.

Figure 23. launch C/C++ debugger

Wait until the gdb connects to the gdbserver:

Figure 24. system_server C/C++ debugger

Suspend the task, go to Console and input the commands “thread 1” and “go,” which will take the task out of the endless loop.

thread 1 [Switching to thread 1 (Thread 309)] #0 setgid () at bionic/libc/arch-x86/syscalls/setgid.S:10 10 pushl %ebx go system server in dead loop, trying to restore...done

Set the breakpoints and then debug the code.

4.2 Debug the Android application

Like the system_process, the Android application is also forked by zygote. We cannot launch it like we can a normal C/C++ program with the main function. To debug an Android application, we must put it into an endless loop at the beginning, the same as we did with the system_process, so we can attach the gdbserver to it at a very early stage. Then, we also need to create a C/C++ project and debug configuration for it. For convenience, we just re-use the C/C++ project system_process and debug configuration system_process_1234.

4.2.1 Debug the Android application

Boot up the Android device and connect the USB cable from the host to it. Execute the following script “”:

$ cd ~/android-sdk/android-debug-utility/target $ ./ zygote:305 killall: gdbserver: no process killed please launch the app

Launch the Android application from the Android launcher or run an Android application from Eclipse. A message will be displayed telling us we can connect to the application.

$ ./ zygote:305 killall: gdbserver: no process killed please launch the app please connect to the app 1362 via gdb remote Attached; pid = 1362 Listening on port 1234

Using Eclipse, go to the Debug view.
Debug button->Debug Configurations, select the configuration “system_process_1234”, and then click the “Debug” button.

Figure 25. launch the C/C++ debugger

Wait until the gdb connects the gdbserver.

Figure 26. Android application C/C++ debugger

Suspend the task, go to Console, and input the commands “thread 1” and “go”:

[New Thread 1374] [Switching to Thread 1362] thread 1 [Switching to thread 1 (Thread 1362)] #0 0xb75cb343 in android::IPCThreadState::clearCallingIdentity (this=0x983d580) at frameworks/base/libs/binder/IPCThreadState.cpp:375 375 { go android app in dead loop, trying to restore...done

Set the breakpoints and then debug the code.

4.3 Debug the Android services

In the Android initialization script, init.rc, the following native services are launched when the system boots up:

service mtpd /system/bin/mtpd class main socket mtpd stream 600 system system user vpn group vpn net_admin inet net_raw disabled oneshot service keystore /system/bin/keystore /data/misc/keystore class main user keystore group keystore socket keystore stream 666

Those services are usually written in C/C++, and their entry is main(). But those services are launched by the init process, and their behavior could be different if we run it manually. To debug them, we use the script We also need to create C/C++ projects and C/C++ debug configurations for them. For convenience, we just re-use the existing system_process project and debug configuration.

4.3.1 Debug the Android services

Usage: [ service name ]
On the host type:

$ cd ~/android-sdk/android-debug-utility/target
$ ./ mtpd init:1 killall: gdbserver: no process killed killall: gdb: no process killed 5 KB/s (585 bytes in 0.099s) please start the service: start mtpd

On the target type:

# start mtpd

Then you will see a message on the host telling you that you can debug that service now.

user@ubuntu:~/android-sdk/android-debug-utility/target$ ./ mtpd init:1 killall: gdbserver: no process killed killall: gdb: no process killed 5 KB/s (585 bytes in 0.099s) please start the service: start mtpd please connect to the app 1561 via gdb remote

Unlike other Android Java applications, the services are stand-alone C/C++ applications anddon’t share the same image app_process as zygote, so we need to modify the debug configuration to specify where the service’s binary is.

Figure 27. Set android service binary to debug

Then we launch the debugger with the configuration system_process_1234 and wait until the debugger connects to the gdbserver.

Figure 28. Android service C/C++ debugger

Suspend the task, go to Console, and input the commands “thread 1” and “go.”

thread 1 [Switching to thread 1 (Thread 1561)] #0 0x08049663 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbf9a3d64) at external/mtpd/mtpd.c:155 155 { go android service in dead loop, trying to restore...done

Now we can set the breakpoints and debug it.

5 Hybrid Java and C/C++ Debugging

5.1 Observe the call traces from Java to native

Sometimes we want to observe all of the call traces from Java to native. To do that, we need to use both Java and C/C++ debugging techniques introduced above.

  1. Use the script or to put the system_process and application in endless loop mode.
  2. Attach to the system_process or the application using DDMS.
  3. Take the system_process or application out of the endless loop by entering the “go” command.
  4. Toggle the C/C++ breakpoint at the native function you are interested in.
  5. Put the native function into an endless loop by entering the “loop” command.
  6. Let it run.
  7. Now go to the Android debugger, stop the threads, and check the call stack of each thread. Identify the one that is calling the native function, the one in an endless loop.

Then we will combine both the Java call trace and the C/C++ call trace together and see the whole call trace from Java to native. In the case below, the call trace is:
Java: WindowManagerService$Session.add-> SurfaceSession.init()->
C/C++: SurfaceSession_init()->android::SurfaceFlinger::createConnection()

system_process_1234 [C/C++ Remote Application] app_process [cores: 0,1] Thread [52] 10969 [core: 1] (Suspended : Container) Thread [51] 10968 [core: 1] (Suspended : Container) Thread [50] 10556 [core: 1] (Suspended : Container) Thread [49] 10547 [core: 1] (Suspended : Container) android::SurfaceFlinger::createConnection() at SurfaceFlinger.cpp:174 0x8643b728 android::SurfaceComposerClient::onFirstRef() at SurfaceComposerClient.cpp:170 0x81f248b9 android::RefBase::incStrong() at RefBase.cpp:304 0x8051e128 sp() at RefBase.h:353 0x808711f3 SurfaceSession_init() at android_view_Surface.cpp:109 0x808711f3 dvmPlatformInvoke() at Call386ABI.S:133 0x8302be8f dvmCallJNIMethod_virtualNoRef() at Jni.c:1,849 0x8307505b dvmCheckCallJNIMethod_virtualNoRef() at CheckJni.c:158 0x83052741 dvmInterpretDbg() at InterpC-portdbg.c:4,354 0x8304083d dvmInterpret() at Interp.c:1,335 0x83036521 <...more frames...> <== system_process [Android Application] DalvikVM[localhost:8600] Thread [<1> main] (Running) Thread [<50> Binder Thread #10] (Running) Thread [<49> Binder Thread #9] (Running) Thread [<47> Binder Thread #8] (Running) Thread [<44> Binder Thread #7] (Suspended) SurfaceSession.init() line: not available [native method] SurfaceSession.() line: 29 WindowManagerService$Session.windowAddedLocked() line: 5774 WindowManagerService$WindowState.attach() line: 6107 WindowManagerService.addWindow(WindowManagerService$Session, IWindow, WindowManager$LayoutParams, int, Rect, InputChannel) line: 1914 WindowManagerService$Session.add(IWindow, WindowManager$LayoutParams, int, Rect, InputChannel) line: 5664 WindowManagerService$Session(IWindowSession$Stub).onTransact(int, Parcel, Parcel, int) line: 68 WindowManagerService$Session.onTransact(int, Parcel, Parcel, int) line: 5636 WindowManagerService$Session(Binder).execTransact(int, int, int, int) line: 320 line: not available [native method]

5.2 Observe the IPC call traces

Android’s interprocess communication (IPC) is implemented via a binder. One task calls one function, which could be done by another task and gets the result from the executing task. Sometimes we want to observe the whole call trace across tasks in IPC calling. Fortunately, the binder IPC is synchronous. That means if the callee task has not completed the execution, the caller task will not return. So if we put an endless loop in the callee task, the caller task will be blocked at the IPC call. In this way, we can observe the call traces of both the caller and callee tasks.

To observe both tasks, we need to launch two gdbserver/gdb sessions, one session for each task. You can set up another C/C++ project system_process_2, and another debug configuration with the debugger TCP port 1235.

  1. Use the steps in 5.1 to connect to the first task using the debug configuration system_process_1234.
  2. Use the same steps to connect to the second task using the debug configuration system_process_1235.Note: you need to modify the to specifiy the debugger listen port from 1234 to 1235, and use adb to forward the local port 1235 to the device.
  3. Put the callee task in an endless loop or just set one break point in the function of interest and run it until stopped.
  4. Observe the call traces of both tasks.

You now can see all of the call traces from caller task to callee task. If you like, you can also attach to their Java debugger, so that you will also see the Java traces in all of the IPC call traces.

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 是一款非常受欢迎的轻量级代码编辑器,配置 C/C++ 开发环境需要安装插件并设置编译工具链。以下是基本步骤: 1. **安装必要的插件**: - 安装 C/C++ 插件:下载并安装 "C/C++" 或 "Microsoft C/C++ Extension Pack",这将提供语言支持、代码补全、调试等功能。 - 可能还需要安装其他扩展,如 "Clangd" 或 "Advanced C/C++",用于提升编译性能和更强大的代码分析。 2. **设置系统路径**: - 需要告诉 VSCode 找到你的编译器(如 gcc 或 clang),通常在终端或命令提示符中输入 `gcc --version` 或 `clang --version` 确认它们的位置,然后在 VSCode 的用户设置(`settings.json`) 中添加 `"path"` 字段,指向编译器的完整路径。 3. **配置任务(task.json)**: - 创建一个 `.vscode/tasks.json` 文件,定义编译和运行任务。例如,对于 GCC,你可以设置像这样的任务: ```json { "label": "build", "type": "shell", "command": "g++", "args": ["${file}", "-o", "${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}"], "problemMatcher": [] } ``` 这样,只需点击 "构建" 按钮,VSCode 就会自动编译当前文件。 4. **设置调试配置(debugger.json)**: - 如果你需要进行调试,创建一个`.vscode/debugger.json`,配置调试程序的启动选项和断点等信息。 5. **启用调试功能**: - 在代码中设置断点,通过快捷键或菜单选择 "Start Debugging" 来启动调试进程。




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