Latching strategy of the InnoDB B-tree
A tree latch protects all non-leaf nodes of the tree. Each node of a tree
also has a latch of its own.
A B-tree operation normally first acquires an S-latch on the tree. It
searches down the tree and releases the tree latch when it has the
leaf node latch. To save CPU time we do not acquire any latch on
non-leaf nodes of the tree during a search, those pages are only bufferfixed.
If an operation needs to restructure the tree, it acquires an X-latch on
the tree before searching to a leaf node. If it needs, for example, to
split a leaf,
(1) InnoDB decides the split point in the leaf,
(2) allocates a new page,
(3) inserts the appropriate node pointer to the first non-leaf level,
(4) releases the tree X-latch,
(5) and then moves records from the leaf to the new allocated page.
Node pointers
Leaf pages of a B-tree contain the index records stored in the
tree. On levels n > 0 we store 'node pointers' to pages on level
n - 1. For each page there is exactly one node pointer stored:
thus the our tree is an ordinary B-tree, not a B-link tree.
A node pointer contains a prefix P of an index record. The prefix
is long enough so that it determines an index record uniquely.
The file page number of the child page is added as the last
field. To the child page we can store node pointers or index records
which are >= P in the alphabetical order, but < P1 if there is
a next node pointer on the level, and P1 is its prefix.
If a node pointer with a prefix P points to a non-leaf child,
then the leftmost record in the child must have the same
prefix P. If it points to a leaf node, the child is not required
to contain any record with a prefix equal to P. The leaf case
is decided this way to allow arbitrary deletions in a leaf node
without touching upper levels of the tree.
We have predefined a special minimum record which we
define as the smallest record in any alphabetical order.
A minimum record is denoted by setting a bit in the record
header. A minimum record acts as the prefix of a node pointer
which points to a leftmost node on any level of the tree.
File page allocation
In the root node of a B-tree there are two file segment headers.
The leaf pages of a tree are allocated from one file segment, to
make them consecutive on disk if possible. From the other file segment
we allocate pages for the non-leaf levels of the tree.