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转载 D02-Array--leetcode - 217. Contains Duplicate

#217. Contains DuplicateGiven an integer array nums, return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and return false if every element is distinct.Example 1:Input: nums = [1,2,3,1]Output: trueExample 2:Input: nums = [1,2,3,4]Output: fals

2022-10-20 07:26:27 99 1

转载 D01- leetcode 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

【代码】D01- leetcode 121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock。

2022-10-18 23:18:03 105

原创 OSI Model(Open Systems Interconnection)


2022-10-03 02:08:22 302

原创 1秒搞懂absolute和relative在css中的作用 - Understand the concept of the absolute and relative position


2022-06-05 17:53:50 238

原创 大O记法-BigO notation

what is big O notation?The way that describe the relationship between the runing time and the size of problem.1- Method of calculating time complexity of algorithm.1)hypothesis(假设法)class solution{ int i = 0; while(i <= n){ i = i * 2; }}assumi

2021-09-01 08:27:13 574

原创 机器学习概率知识 probability

1- why we need to use probability in Machine Learning?

2021-09-01 07:36:53 264

原创 面试算法题-01

1-Two number sum(两数之和)write a function that takes in a non-empty array of distinct integers and an integer representing a target sum. if any two numbers in the input array sum up to the target sum, the function should return them in an array in any order.

2021-09-01 07:20:19 73

原创 React创建项目

一、如何安装1 首先安装node.js, 可以到node.js官网 https://nodejs.org/en/ 下载安装包。安装好后检查安装成功 node version二、创建项目(1) npm install -g create-react-app 全局安装(2)create-react-app projectname (项目名称不能有大写)(3)cd projectname 进入新建的项目,准备运行项目(4)npm start 启动运行项目...

2021-08-31 09:11:50 68

原创 Java封装 encapsulation

why we use encapsulation in java?1- data controling(数据掌控)Imaging if you set a person class, and you don’t want his/ her age beyond 200. so, you can set the code into setMethod to control the age under 200.( if age < 200)2- data security(数据安全)Private

2021-08-31 08:26:17 93

原创 Java This 关键字

This key word in JavaA lot of people must know how to use “this” in java programming, but do they really know what exact This is and why does it exist ?1 - Why we need to use “This” in java?class Student{ int number; int age;// two instance variables

2021-08-31 08:07:28 101

翻译 what is anemia?

1- What is anemia?Anemia happens when you body don’t have enough red blood cells. The cells travel with iron and hemoglobin(血红蛋白), which is a type of protein(蛋白质) that helps to carry oxygen through the bloodstream(血液流动) to your organs all through the body

2021-08-29 19:05:06 169

原创 同步和异步

1- Asychronous(异步)If x does y asynchronously, then x does not wait for y to complete before doing next thing.如果x任务异步执行y任务,就相当于x任务还没等y任务完成,就去做下一个任务。2 - Sychronous(同步)If x does y sychronously, then x waits for y to complete before doing next thing.如果x任

2021-08-29 08:30:58 91

原创 java数据类型

1-Primitive data typeA primitive data type specifies the size of variable values, and it has no additional methods.2-Reference data typeStringarrayclass(object)interfaceAnnotations(@override)Enumeration

2021-08-29 08:15:08 59

原创 1--Modifier in java(java访问修饰符)

1-access modifiers2-non-access modifiers

2021-08-29 03:25:23 215

原创 JAVA的命名规则

Naming conventions1- Package naming conventionIt should be named based on the field’s name of the company and all characters should be lowercase.Eg: www.google.test2- Class naming conventionThe first character of every word in class name should be cap

2021-08-26 08:51:32 121

原创 Java Static关键字

Static In Javastatic is a really common keyword that is heavily used in java programming.why do we need to use static in java?1. The most important reason for using static keyword heavily in java is to efficiently manage the memory.Generally, if you w

2021-08-26 08:26:55 140



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