
Opening and Creating Keys

You open a registry key with a call to this function:

LONG RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY    hKey, 
LPCWSTR lpszSubKey,
DWORD   ulOptions,
                    REGSAM  samDesired, 
PHKEY   phkResult);

hKey The first parameter is the key that contains the second parameter, the subkey. This first key must be either one of the root key constants or a previously opened key.

lpszSubKeyThe subkey to open is specified as a text string that contains the key to open. This subkey string can contain multiple levels of subkeys as long as each subkey is separated by a backslash. For example, to open the subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Pocket Word, an application could either call RegOpenKeyEx with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as the key and Software/Microsoft/Pocket Word as the subkey or open the Software/Microsoft key and then make a call with that opened handle to RegOpenKeyEx, specifying the subkey Pocket Word. Key and value names aren't case specific.

ulOptionssamDesired Windows CE ignores the ulOptions and samDesired parameters. To remain compatible with future versions of the operating system that might use security features, these parameters should be set to 0 for ulOptions and NULL for samDesired.

phkResult The phkResult parameter should point to a variable that will receive the handle to the opened key.

The function, if successful, returns a value of ERROR_SUCCESS and an error code if it fails.






Another method for opening a key is

LONG RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY    hKey,
 LPCWSTR lpszSubKey,
 DWORD   Reserved, 
                     LPWSTR  lpszClass,
 DWORD   dwOptions,
                     REGSAM  samDesired,
                     LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, 
                     PHKEY   phkResult,
 LPDWORD lpdwDisposition);

The difference between RegCreateKeyEx and RegOpenKeyEx, aside from the extra parameters, is that RegCreateKeyEx creates the key if it didn't exist before the call.

The first two parameters, the key handle and the subkey name, are the same as in RegOpenKeyEx.

The Reserved parameter should be set to 0.

The lpClass parameter points to a string that contains the class name of the key if it's to be created. This parameter can be set to NULL if no class name needs to be specified.

The dwOptions and samDesired and lpSecurityAttributes parameters should be set to 0, NULL, and NULL respectively.

The phkResult  parameter points to the variable that receives the handle to the opened or newly created key.

The lpdwDisposition parameter points to a variable that's set to indicate whether the key was opened or created by the call.


Closing Keys

You close a registry key by calling

LONG RegCloseKey (HKEY hKey);

When a registry key is closed, Windows CE flushes any unwritten key data to the registry before returning from the call.






Reading Registry Values

You can query registry values by first opening the key containing the values of interest and calling this function:

LONG RegQueryValueEx (HKEY    hKey,
LPCWSTR lpszValueName,
                      LPDWORD lpReserved, 
LPDWORD lpType, 
                      LPBYTE  lpData,
LPDWORD lpcbData);

The hKey parameter is the handle of the key opened by RegCreateKeyEx or RegOpenKeyEx.

The lpszValueName  parameter is the name of the value that's being queried.

 The lpType  parameter is a pointer to a variable that receives the variable type.

 The lpData  parameter points to the buffer to receive the data, while the lpcbData  parameter points to a variable that receives the size of the data. If RegQueryValueEx is called with the lpData parameter equal to NULL, Windows returns the size of the data but doesn't return the data itself. This allows applications to first query the size and type of the data before actually receiving it.

Writing Registry Values

You set a registry value by calling

LONG RegSetValueEx (HKEY    hKey, 
LPCWSTR lpszValueName, 
DWORD   Reserved, 
                    DWORD   dwType, 
const BYTE  *lpData, 
DWORD   cbData);

the handle to the open key followed by the name of the value to set.

The function also requires that you pass the type of data, the data itself, and the size of the data. The data type parameter is simply a labeling aid for the application that eventually reads the data. Data in the registry is stored in a binary format and returned in that same format. Specifying a different type has no effect on how the data is stored in the registry or how it's returned to the application. However, given the availability of third-party registry editors, you should make every effort to specify the appropriate data type in the registry.

The data types can be one of the following:

·         REG_SZ          A zero-terminated Unicode string

·         REG_EXPAND_SZ   A zero-terminated Unicode string with embedded environment variables

·         REG_MULTI_SZ    A series of zero-terminated Unicode strings terminated by two zero characters

·         REG_DWORD       A 4-byte binary value

·         REG_BINARY      Free-form binary data

·         REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN   A DWORD value stored in big-endian format

·         REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN  Equivalent to REG_DWORD

·         REG_LINK        A Unicode symbolic link

·         REG_NONE        No defined type

·         REG_RESOURCE_LIST   A device driver resource list

Deleting Keys and Values

You delete a registry key by calling

LONG RegDeleteKey (HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpszSubKey);

The parameters are the handle to the open key and the name of the subkey you plan to delete. For the deletion to be successful, the key must not be currently open. You can delete a value by calling

LONG RegDeleteValue (HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpszValueName);

You can clean a wealth of information about a key by calling this function:

LONG RegQueryInfoKey (HKEY    hKey, 
LPWSTR  lpszClass, 
LPDWORD lpcchClass,
                      LPDWORD lpReserved, 
LPDWORD lpcSubKeys, 
                      LPDWORD lpcchMaxSubKeyLen,
                      LPDWORD lpcchMaxClassLen,
                      LPDWORD  lpcValues, 
LPDWORD   lpcchMaxValueNameLen, 
                      LPDWORD   lpcbMaxValueData, 
                      LPDWORD   lpcbSecurityDescriptor, 
                      PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime);

The only input parameter to this function is the handle to a key. The function returns the class of the key, if any, as well as the maximum lengths of the subkeys and values under the key. The last two parameters, the security attributes and the last write time, are unsupported under Windows CE and should be set to NULL.

Enumerating Registry Keys

In some instances, you'll find it helpful to be able to query a key to see what subkeys and values it contains. You accomplish this with two different functions: one to query the subkeys, another to query the values. The first function

LONG RegEnumKeyEx ( HKEY    hKey, 
DWORD   dwIndex, 
LPWSTR  lpszName,
                    LPDWORD lpcchName, 
LPDWORD lpReserved,
                    LPWSTR  lpszClass,
                    LPDWORD lpcchClass, 
PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime);

enumerates the subkeys of a registry key through repeated calls. The parameters to pass the function are the handle of the opened key and an index value. To enumerate the first subkey, the dwIndex parameter should be 0. For each subsequent call to RegEnumKeyEx, dwIndex should be incremented to get the next subkey. When there are no more subkeys to be enumerated, RegEnumKeyEx returns ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS.

For each call to RegEnumKeyEx, the function returns the name of the subkey and its classname. The last write time parameter isn't supported under Windows CE.

Values within a key can be enumerated with a call to this function:

LONG RegEnumValue ( HKEY   hKey, 
DWORD  dwIndex, 
LPWSTR lpszValueName, 
                    LPDWORD lpcchValueName, 
LPDWORD lpReserved, 
                    LPDWORD lpType, 
LPBYTE  lpData, 
LPDWORD lpcbData);

Like RegEnumKey, this function is called repeatedly, passing index values to enumerate the different values stored under the key. When the function returns ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS, no more values are under the key. RegEnumValue returns the name of the values and the data stored in each value, as well as its data type and the size of the data.


This function writes all the attributes of the specified open registry key into the registry.

LONG RegFlushKey( HKEY hKey );



[in] Handle to a currently open key or one of the following predefined reserved handle values:





If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code. You can use the FormatMessage function with the FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM flag to get a generic description of the error.

When RegFlushKey is called, all previous changes to the registry are committed by flushing data to persistent storage. The implementation of this function is OEM-dependent. The RegFlushKey function may also write out parts of or all of the other keys. Calling this function excessively can have a negative effect on an application's performance.

By default, Windows CE does not support a lazy flush of the registry, though the OEM may choose to implement a lazy-flush or power-down flush. It is important that applications call RegFlushKey to save important registry information. Call RegFlushKey after a group of changes have been made, but not for every individual registry change. Frequent calling of RegFlushKey can degrade performance.

An application should only call RegFlushKey if it requires absolute certainty that registry changes are on disk. In general, RegFlushKey rarely, if ever, need be used.






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