Using the Rule-Based Optimizer

Although Oracle supports the rule-based optimizer, you should design new applications to use the cost-based optimizer (CBO). You should also use the CBO for data warehousing applications, because the CBO supports enhanced features for DSS. Many new performance features, such as partitioned tables, improved star query processing, and materialized views, are only available with the CBO.



If you have developed OLTP applications using Oracle version 6, and if you have tuned the SQL statements carefully based on the rules of the optimizer, then you might want to continue using the RBO when you upgrade these applications to a new Oracle release.

If you are using applications provided by third-party vendors, then check with the vendors to determine which type of optimizer is best suited to that application. 

If OPTIMIZER_MODE =CHOOSE , if statistics do not exist, and if you do not add hints to SQL statements, then SQL statements use the RBO. You can use the RBO to access both relational data and object types. If OPTIMIZER_MODE =FIRST_ROWS , FIRST_ROWS_ n , or ALL_ROWS and no statistics exist, then the CBO uses default statistics. Migrate existing applications to use the cost-based approach.

You can enable the CBO on a trial basis simply by collecting statistics. You can then return to the RBO by deleting the statistics or by setting either the value of the OPTIMIZER_MODE initialization parameter or the OPTIMIZER_MODE clause of the ALTER SESSION statement to RULE . You can also use this value if you want to collect and examine statistics for data without using the cost-based approach.


See Also :

Chapter 3, "Gathering Optimizer Statistics" for an explanation of how to gather statistics 

Understanding Access Paths for the RBO

Using the RBO, the optimizer chooses an execution plan based on the access paths available and the ranks of these access paths. Oracle's ranking of the access paths is heuristic. If there is more than one way to execute a SQL statement, then the RBO always uses the operation with the lower rank. Usually, operations of lower rank execute faster than those associated with constructs of higher rank.

The access paths and their ranking are listed below:

RBO Path 1: Single Row by Rowid

RBO Path 2: Single Row by Cluster Join

RBO Path 3: Single Row by Hash Cluster Key with Unique or Primary Key

RBO Path 4: Single Row by Unique or Primary Key

RBO Path 5: Clustered Join

RBO Path 6: Hash Cluster Key

RBO Path 7: Indexed Cluster Key

RBO Path 8: Composite Index

RBO Path 9: Single-Column Indexes

RBO Path 10: Bounded Range Search on Indexed Columns

RBO Path 11: Unbounded Range Search on Indexed Columns

RBO Path 12: Sort Merge Join

RBO Path 13: MAX or MIN of Indexed Column

RBO Path 14: ORDER BY on Indexed Column

RBO Path 15: Full Table Scan

Each of the following sections describes an access path, discusses when it is available, and shows the output generated for it by the EXPLAIN PLAN statement.

RBO Path 1: Single Row by Rowid

This access path is available only if the statement's WHERE clause identifies the selected rows by rowid or with the CURRENT OF CURSOR embedded SQL syntax supported by the Oracle precompilers. To execute the statement, Oracle accesses the table by rowid.

For example:


The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



    TABLE ACCESS          BY ROWID       EMP 

RBO Path 2: Single Row by Cluster Join

This access path is available for statements that join tables stored in the same cluster if both of the following conditions are true:

  • The statement's WHERE clause contains conditions that equate each column of the cluster key in one table with the corresponding column in the other table.


  • The statement's WHERE clause also contains a condition that guarantees the join returns only one row. Such a condition is likely to be an equality condition on the column(s) of a unique or primary key.


These conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle performs a nested loops operation.


See Also:

"Nested Loop Outer Joins"  

For example:

In the following statement, the emp and dept tables are clustered on the deptno column, and the empno column is the primary key of the emp table:


  FROM emp, dept 

  WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno 

    AND emp.empno = 7900; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 




       TABLE ACCESS       BY ROWID       EMP 

       INDEX              UNIQUE SCAN    PK_EMP    

       TABLE ACCESS       CLUSTER        DEPT 

Pk_emp is the name of an index that enforces the primary key.

RBO Path 3: Single Row by Hash Cluster Key with Unique or Primary Key

This access path is available if both of the following conditions are true:

  • The statement's WHERE clause uses all columns of a hash cluster key in equality conditions. For composite cluster keys, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators.


  • The statement is guaranteed to return only one row, because the columns that make up the hash cluster key also make up a unique or primary key.


To execute the statement, Oracle applies the cluster's hash function to the hash cluster key value specified in the statement to obtain a hash value. Oracle then uses the hash value to perform a hash scan on the table.

For example:

In the following statement, the orders and line_items tables are stored in a hash cluster, and the orderno column is both the cluster key and the primary key of the orders table:


    FROM orders 

    WHERE orderno = 65118968; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



    TABLE ACCESS          HASH           ORDERS 

RBO Path 4: Single Row by Unique or Primary Key

This access path is available if the statement's WHERE clause uses all columns of a unique or primary key in equality conditions. For composite keys, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle performs a unique scan on the index on the unique or primary key to retrieve a single rowid, and then accesses the table by that rowid.

For example:

In the following statement, the empno column is the primary key of the emp table:


    FROM emp 

    WHERE empno = 7900; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            BY ROWID       EMP 

    INDEX                 UNIQUE SCAN    PK_EMP 

Pk_emp is the name of the index that enforces the primary key.

RBO Path 5: Clustered Join

This access path is available for statements that join tables stored in the same cluster if the statement's WHERE clause contains conditions that equate each column of the cluster key in one table with the corresponding column in the other table. For a composite cluster key, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle performs a nested loops operation.


See Also:

"Nested Loop Outer Joins"  

For example:

In the following statement, the emp and dept tables are clustered on the deptno column:


    FROM emp, dept 

    WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 




    TABLE ACCESS          FULL           DEPT 

    TABLE ACCESS          CLUSTER        EMP 

RBO Path 6: Hash Cluster Key

This access path is available if the statement's WHERE clause uses all the columns of a hash cluster key in equality conditions. For a composite cluster key, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle applies the cluster's hash function to the hash cluster key value specified in the statement to obtain a hash value. Oracle then uses this hash value to perform a hash scan on the table.

For example: In the following statement, the orders and line_items tables are stored in a hash cluster, and the orderno column is the cluster key:


    FROM line_items 

    WHERE orderno = 65118968; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



    TABLE ACCESS          HASH           LINE_ITEMS 

RBO Path 7: Indexed Cluster Key

This access path is available if the statement's WHERE clause uses all the columns of an indexed cluster key in equality conditions. For a composite cluster key, the equality conditions must be combined with AND operators.

To execute the statement, Oracle performs a unique scan on the cluster index to retrieve the rowid of one row with the specified cluster key value. Oracle then uses that rowid to access the table with a cluster scan. Because all rows with the same cluster key value are stored together, the cluster scan requires only a single rowid to find them all.

For example:

In the following statement, the emp table is stored in an indexed cluster, and the deptno column is the cluster key:


  WHERE deptno = 10; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            CLUSTER        EMP 

    INDEX                 UNIQUE SCAN    PERS_INDEX 

Pers_index is the name of the cluster index.

RBO Path 8: Composite Index

This access path is available if the statement's WHERE clause uses all columns of a composite index in equality conditions combined with AND operators. To execute the statement, Oracle performs a range scan on the index to retrieve rowids of the selected rows, and then accesses the table by those rowids.

For example:

In the following statement, there is a composite index on the job and deptno columns:


    FROM emp 

    WHERE job = 'CLERK' 

      AND deptno = 30; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            BY ROWID       EMP 

    INDEX                 RANGE SCAN     JOB_DEPTNO_INDEX 

Job_deptno_index is the name of the composite index on the job and deptno columns.

RBO Path 9: Single-Column Indexes

This access path is available if the statement's WHERE clause uses the columns of one or more single-column indexes in equality conditions. For multiple single-column indexes, the conditions must be combined with AND operators.

If the WHERE clause uses the column of only one index, then Oracle executes the statement by performing a range scan on the index to retrieve the rowids of the selected rows, and then accesses the table by these rowids.

For example:

In the following statement, there is an index on the job column of the emp table:


    FROM emp 

    WHERE job = 'ANALYST'; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            BY ROWID       EMP 

    INDEX                 RANGE SCAN     JOB_INDEX 

Job_index is the index on emp .job .

If the WHERE clauses uses columns of many single-column indexes, then Oracle executes the statement by performing a range scan on each index to retrieve the rowids of the rows that satisfy each condition. Oracle then merges the sets of rowids to obtain a set of rowids of rows that satisfy all conditions. Oracle then accesses the table using these rowids.

Oracle can merge up to five indexes. If the WHERE clause uses columns of more than five single-column indexes, then Oracle merges five of them, accesses the table by rowid, and then tests the resulting rows to determine whether they satisfy the remaining conditions before returning them.

In the following statement, there are indexes on both the job and deptno columns of the emp table:


    FROM emp 

    WHERE job = 'ANALYST' 

      AND deptno = 20; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            BY ROWID       EMP 


      INDEX               RANGE SCAN     JOB_INDEX 

      INDEX               RANGE SCAN     DEPTNO_INDEX 

The AND -EQUAL operation merges the rowids obtained by the scans of the job_index and the deptno_index , resulting in a set of rowids of rows that satisfy the query.

RBO Path 10: Bounded Range Search on Indexed Columns

This access path is available if the statement's WHERE clause contains a condition that uses either the column of a single-column index or one or more columns that make up a leading portion of a composite index:

column = expr 

column >[=] expr AND column <[=] expr 

column BETWEEN expr AND expr 

column LIKE 'c%' 

Each of these conditions specifies a bounded range of indexed values that are accessed by the statement. The range is said to be bounded because the conditions specify both its least value and its greatest value. To execute such a statement, Oracle performs a range scan on the index, and then accesses the table by rowid.

This access path is not available if the expression expr references the indexed column. 

For example:

In the following statement, there is an index on the sal column of the emp table:


    FROM emp 

    WHERE sal BETWEEN 2000 AND 3000; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            BY ROWID       EMP 

    INDEX                 RANGE SCAN     SAL_INDEX 

Sal_index is the name of the index on emp .sal .

In the following statement, there is an index on the ename column of the emp table:


    FROM emp 

    WHERE ename LIKE 'S%'; 

RBO Path 11: Unbounded Range Search on Indexed Columns

This access path is available if the statement's WHERE clause contains one of the following conditions that use either the column of a single-column index or one or more columns of a leading portion of a composite index:

WHERE column >[=] expr 

WHERE column <[=] expr 

Each of these conditions specifies an unbounded range of index values accessed by the statement. The range is said to be unbounded, because the condition specifies either its least value or its greatest value, but not both. To execute such a statement, Oracle performs a range scan on the index, and then accesses the table by rowid.

For example:

In the following statement, there is an index on the sal column of the emp table:


    FROM emp 

    WHERE sal > 2000; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            BY ROWID       EMP 

    INDEX                 RANGE SCAN     SAL_INDEX 

In the following statement, there is a composite index on the order and line columns of the line_items table:


    FROM line_items 

    WHERE order > 65118968; 

The access path is available, because the WHERE clause uses the order column, a leading portion of the index.

This access path is not available in the following statement, in which there is an index on the order and line columns:


    FROM line_items 

    WHERE line < 4; 

The access path is not available because the WHERE clause only uses the line column, which is not a leading portion of the index.

RBO Path 12: Sort Merge Join

This access path is available for statements that join tables that are not stored together in a cluster if the statement's WHERE clause uses columns from each table in equality conditions. To execute such a statement, Oracle uses a sort-merge operation. Oracle can also use a nested loops operation to execute a join statement.


See Also:

"Understanding Joins" for information on these operations 

For example:

In the following statement, the emp and dept tables are not stored in the same cluster:


    FROM emp, dept 

    WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 




    SORT                  JOIN 

      TABLE ACCESS        FULL           EMP 

    SORT                  JOIN 

  TABLE ACCESS            FULL           DEPT 

RBO Path 13: MAX or MIN of Indexed Column

This access path is available for a SELECT statement, and all of the following conditions are true:

  • The query uses the MAX or MIN function to select the maximum or minimum value of either the column of a single-column index or the leading column of a composite index. The index cannot be a cluster index. The argument to the MAX or MIN function can be any expression involving the column, a constant, or the addition operator (+), the concatenation operation (||), or the CONCAT function.


  • There are no other expressions in the select list.


  • The statement has no WHERE clause or GROUP BY clause.


To execute the query, Oracle performs a full scan of the index to find the maximum or minimum indexed value. Because only this value is selected, Oracle need not access the table after scanning the index.

For example, in the following statement, there is an index on the sal column of the emp table:

SELECT MAX(sal) FROM emp; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:


  1    0  SORT (AGGREGATE) 


RBO Path 14: ORDER BY on Indexed Column

This access path is available for a SELECT statement, and all of the following conditions are true:

  • The query contains an ORDER BY clause that uses either the column of a single-column index or a leading portion of a composite index. The index cannot be a cluster index.


  • There is a PRIMARY KEY or NOT NULL integrity constraint that guarantees that at least one of the indexed columns listed in the ORDER BY clause contains no nulls.


  • The NLS_SORT initialization parameter is set to BINARY .


To execute the query, Oracle performs a range scan of the index to retrieve the rowids of the selected rows in sorted order. Oracle then accesses the table by these rowids.

For example:

In the following statement, there is a primary key on the empno column of the emp table:


    FROM emp 

    ORDER BY empno; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            BY ROWID       EMP 

    INDEX                 RANGE SCAN     PK_EMP 

Pk_emp is the name of the index that enforces the primary key. The primary key ensures that the column does not contain nulls.

RBO Path 15: Full Table Scan

This access path is available for any SQL statement, regardless of its WHERE clause conditions, except when its FROM clause contains SAMPLE or SAMPLE BLOCK .

Note that the full table scan is the lowest ranked access path on the list. This means that the RBO always chooses an access path that uses an index if one is available, even if a full table scan might execute faster.

The following conditions make index access paths unavailable:

  • column1 > column2


  • column1 < column2


  • column1 >= column2


  • column1 <= column2


where column1 and column2 are in the same table.

  • column IS NULL


  • column IS NOT NULL


  • column NOT IN


  • column != expr


  • column LIKE '%pattern'


regardless of whether column is indexed.

  • expr = expr2


where expr is an expression that operates on a column with an operator or function, regardless of whether the column is indexed.

  • NOT EXISTS subquery


  • ROWNUM pseudocolumn in a view


  • Any condition involving a column that is not indexed


Any SQL statement that contains only these constructs and no others that make index access paths available must use full table scans.

For example: The following statement uses a full table scan to access the emp table:


    FROM emp; 

The EXPLAIN PLAN output for this statement might look like this:

OPERATION                 OPTIONS        OBJECT_NAME 



  TABLE ACCESS            FULL           EMP 

Choosing Execution Plans for Joins with the RBO



The following considerations apply to both the cost-based and rule-based approaches:

  • The optimizer first determines whether joining two or more of the tables definitely results in a row source containing at most one row. The optimizer recognizes such situations based on UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints on the tables. If such a situation exists, then the optimizer places these tables first in the join order. The optimizer then optimizes the join of the remaining set of tables.


  • For join statements with outer join conditions, the table with the outer join operator must come after the other table in the condition in the join order. The optimizer does not consider join orders that violate this rule.



With the rule-based approach, the optimizer performs the following steps to choose an execution plan for a statement that joins R tables:

  1. The optimizer generates a set of R join orders, each with a different table as the first table. The optimizer generates each potential join order using this algorithm:


    • To fill each position in the join order, the optimizer chooses the table with the most highly ranked available access path according to the ranks for access paths described in "Understanding Access Paths for the RBO" . The optimizer repeats this step to fill each subsequent position in the join order.


    • For each table in the join order, the optimizer also chooses the operation with which to join the table to the previous table or row source in the order. The optimizer does this by "ranking" the sort-merge operation as access path 12 and applying these rules:


      • If the access path for the chosen table is ranked 11 or better, then the optimizer chooses a nested loops operation using the previous table or row source in the join order as the outer table.


      • If the access path for the table is ranked lower than 12, and if there is an equijoin condition between the chosen table and the previous table or row source in join order, then the optimizer chooses a sort-merge operation.


      • If the access path for the chosen table is ranked lower than 12, and if there is not an equijoin condition, then the optimizer chooses a nested loops operation with the previous table or row source in the join order as the outer table.


  2. The optimizer then chooses among the resulting set of execution plans. The goal of the optimizer's choice is to maximize the number of nested loops join operations in which the inner table is accessed using an index scan. Because a nested loops join involves accessing the inner table many times, an index on the inner table can greatly improve the performance of a nested loops join.

    Usually, the optimizer does not consider the order in which tables appear in the FROM clause when choosing an execution plan. The optimizer makes this choice by applying the following rules in order:

    • The optimizer chooses the execution plan with the fewest nested-loops operations in which the inner table is accessed with a full table scan.


    • If there is a tie, then the optimizer chooses the execution plan with the fewest sort-merge operations.


    • If there is still a tie, then the optimizer chooses the execution plan for which the first table in the join order has the most highly ranked access path:


      • If there is a tie among multiple plans whose first tables are accessed by the single-column indexes access path, then the optimizer chooses the plan whose first table is accessed with the most merged indexes.


      • If there is a tie among multiple plans whose first tables are accessed by bounded range scans, then the optimizer chooses the plan whose first table is accessed with the greatest number of leading columns of the composite index.


    • If there is still a tie, then the optimizer chooses the execution plan for which the first table appears later in the query's FROM clause.


Transforming and Optimizing Statements with the RBO

SQL is a very flexible query language; often, there are many statements you could use to achieve the same goal. Sometimes, the optimizer transforms one such statement into another that achieves the same goal if the second statement can be executed more efficiently.

This section discusses the following topics:

Transforming ORs into Compound Queries with the RBO

If a query contains a WHERE clause with multiple conditions combined with OR operators, then the optimizer transforms it into an equivalent compound query that uses the UNION ALL set operator if this makes it execute more efficiently:

  • If each condition individually makes an index access path available, then the optimizer can make the transformation. The optimizer chooses an execution plan for the resulting statement that accesses the table multiple times using the different indexes, and then puts the results together.


  • If any condition requires a full table scan because it does not make an index available, then the optimizer does not transform the statement. The optimizer chooses a full table scan to execute the statement, and Oracle tests each row in the table to determine whether it satisfies any of the conditions.


    See Also:

    "Understanding Access Paths for the RBO" for information on access paths and how indexes make them available 

For example: In the following query, the WHERE clause contains two conditions combined with an OR operator:


  FROM emp 

  WHERE job = 'CLERK' 

    OR deptno = 10; 

If there are indexes on both the job and deptno columns, then the optimizer might transform this query into the following equivalent query:


  FROM emp 

  WHERE job = 'CLERK' 



  FROM emp 

  WHERE deptno = 10 

    AND job <> 'CLERK'; 

With the RBO, the optimizer makes this UNION ALL transformation, because each component query of the resulting compound query can be executed using an index. The RBO assumes that executing the compound query using two index scans is faster than executing the original query using a full table scan.

The execution plan for the transformed statement might look like the illustration in Figure 8-1 .

Figure 8-1 Execution Plan for a Transformed Query Containing OR

Text description of scn81002.gif follows
Text description of the illustration scn81002.gif

To execute the transformed query, Oracle performs the following steps:

  • Steps 3 and 5 scan the indexes on the job and deptno columns using the conditions of the component queries. These steps obtain rowids of the rows that satisfy the component queries.


  • Steps 2 and 4 use the rowids from steps 3 and 5 to locate the rows that satisfy each component query.


  • Step 1 puts together the row sources returned by steps 2 and 4.


If either of the job or deptno columns is not indexed, then the optimizer does not even consider the transformation, because the resulting compound query would require a full table scan to execute one of its component queries. Executing the compound query with a full table scan in addition to an index scan could not possibly be faster than executing the original query with a full table scan.

For example: The following query assumes that there is an index on the ename column only:


  FROM emp 

  WHERE ename = 'SMITH' 

    OR sal > comm; 

Transforming the previous query would result in the following compound query:


  FROM emp 

  WHERE ename = 'SMITH' 



  FROM emp 

  WHERE sal > comm; 

Because the condition in the WHERE clause of the second component query (sal > comm ) does not make an index available, the compound query requires a full table scan. For this reason, the optimizer does not make the transformation, and it chooses a full table scan to execute the original statement.

Using Alternative SQL Syntax

Because SQL is a flexible language, more than one SQL statement can meet the needs of an application. Although two SQL statements can produce the same result, Oracle might process one faster than the other. You can use the results of the EXPLAIN PLAN statement to compare the execution plans and costs of the two statements and determine which is more efficient.

This example shows the execution plans for two SQL statements that perform the same function. Both statements return all the departments in the dept table that have no employees in the emp table. Each statement searches the emp table with a subquery. Assume there is an index, deptno_index , on the deptno column of the emp table.

The first statement and its execution plan:

SELECT dname, deptno

   FROM dept

   WHERE deptno NOT IN

      (SELECT deptno FROM emp);

Figure 8-2 Execution Plan with Two Full Table Scans

Text description of stu81023.gif follows
Text description of the illustration stu81023.gif

Step 3 of the output indicates that Oracle executes this statement by performing a full table scan of the emp table despite the index on the deptno column. This full table scan can be a time-consuming operation. Oracle does not use the index, because the subquery that searches the emp table does not have a WHERE clause that makes the index available.

However, this SQL statement selects the same rows by accessing the index:

SELECT dname, deptno

FROM dept


(SELECT deptno

FROM emp

WHERE dept.deptno = emp.deptno);

Figure 8-3 Execution Plan with a Full Table Scan and an Index Scan

Text description of stu81024.gif follows
Text description of the illustration stu81024.gif

The WHERE clause of the subquery refers to the deptno column of the emp table, so the index deptno_index is used. The use of the index is reflected in step 3 of the execution plan. The index range scan of deptno_index takes less time than the full scan of the emp table in the first statement. Furthermore, the first query performs one full scan of the emp table for every deptno in the dept table. For these reasons, the second SQL statement is faster than the first.

If you have statements in an applications that use the NOT IN operator, as the first query in this example does, then consider rewriting them so that they use the NOT EXISTS operator. This allows such statements to use an index if one exists.



Alternative SQL syntax is effective only with the rule-based optimizer. 





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