Life in Vancouver

Welcome to my blog, guys : )

I'm sorry that rest components of this blog are Chinese and you even might not predict what will happen once you click some certain buttons. But I'd like to say no matter what kind of languages used, my love for you guys are unchangeable.

I've gained a lot during the past semester at SFU, especially in CMPT470 and the FOCUS club

Being Vancouver was like a great harvest for me. The friendship I gained, the cooking skills I learnt, the weight I gained, lol, and the progress I made both in academic filed and English ability all become the most precious fortune in my life. And seeing those guys made their own living, I become more aware of how important and meaningful to become financially independent. The experience and value the Vancouver brought to me grows me up indeed.

In CMPT470, my teammates and I built the most outstanding app in this course which would not be successful but for the devotion of Brandon, Jeremy, Ella and I ; )
Brandon you really impressed me because of your learning&teaching attitude and humor. You and Alex are the coolest twins that I've ever met. How lucky it is you guys are majored in CS too.
As for the two come from my homeland university, Jeremy and Ella, you helped me a lot with this course and life at SFU, jajajaja. 

Thanks for Steve inviting me into FOCUS club. 
Thanks for the welcome from Dorothy, Karen, Angus, Yolanda, Pablo. You guys just made me feel that at home at FOCUS club. 
Thanks for the patient communicate with Edward and Nathan. I learnt a lot about Bible from this.

恩典 and Elizabeth, the binary stars come from the State. It's interesting to talk with you, though I'm kinda nerd xD 
Grace, "student of history & german + ardent coffee drinker + mountain lover + avid reader", I can tough you through these words. The most charming sentence could be  Mountains are calling, and I must go. It's like the destiny for us.
Elizabeth, your "How are you" is the most melodious ; ) Thanks for your patience and kindness. I still remember the time when you explained what weekend is because I didn't catch it : D 

Hero you are  warm hearted and funny. We gather together because of you. Thanks for your cokes with my name and chocolate. jajajaja! 
And Martin, Dorothy, Kevin, Jessica mm, Richard, I'm not going to judge you one by one, while I appreciate the time we hang out.
There are other guys in FOCUS I'm gonna miss, Grace Kim, Asuka and so on.

My roomies old ph.D Wang, handsome&sexy (he said himself) 'Cent' and three boys on the upstairs also have helped me a lot during this time. May your career goes well~

Goodbye Vancouver! Goodbye friends! I will miss you.

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好的,以下是一个简单的飞机订票系统的Python代码示例: ``` class Flight: def __init__(self, flight_number, departure_date, departure_time, arrival_time, origin, destination, seats_available): self.flight_number = flight_number self.departure_date = departure_date self.departure_time = departure_time self.arrival_time = arrival_time self.origin = origin self.destination = destination self.seats_available = seats_available class Booking: def __init__(self, flight, passenger_name, seat_number): self.flight = flight self.passenger_name = passenger_name self.seat_number = seat_number class FlightBookingSystem: def __init__(self): = [] self.bookings = [] def add_flight(self, flight): def search_flights(self, origin, destination, departure_date): matching_flights = [] for flight in if flight.origin == origin and flight.destination == destination and flight.departure_date == departure_date: matching_flights.append(flight) return matching_flights def book_flight(self, flight_number, passenger_name, seat_number): for flight in if flight.flight_number == flight_number: if flight.seats_available > 0: booking = Booking(flight, passenger_name, seat_number) self.bookings.append(booking) flight.seats_available -= 1 return booking else: return None def cancel_booking(self, booking): booking.flight.seats_available += 1 self.bookings.remove(booking) # 示例用法 flight_system = FlightBookingSystem() # 添加航班 flight_system.add_flight(Flight("AC101", "2022-01-01", "10:00", "12:00", "Toronto", "Vancouver", 10)) flight_system.add_flight(Flight("AC102", "2022-01-01", "14:00", "16:00", "Vancouver", "Toronto", 20)) # 搜索航班 matching_flights = flight_system.search_flights("Toronto", "Vancouver", "2022-01-01") for flight in matching_flights: print(f"Flight {flight.flight_number} from {flight.origin} to {flight.destination} on {flight.departure_date} at {flight.departure_time}") # 预订航班 booking = flight_system.book_flight("AC101", "Alice", "A1") if booking: print(f"Booked flight {booking.flight.flight_number} for {booking.passenger_name} on seat {booking.seat_number}") else: print("No available seats for flight AC101") # 取消预订 flight_system.cancel_booking(booking) ``` 该系统使用Flight类表示航班,Booking类表示预订。FlightBookingSystem类则用于管理航班和预订,并提供录入、查询、订票和退票功能。在示例用法中,我们添加了两个航班,搜索了从Toronto到Vancouver的航班,预订了AC101航班并取消了预订。


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