4.1 什么是分支
4.2 分支的好处
4.3 分支的操作
命令名称 | 作用 |
git branch 分支名 | 创建分支 |
git branch -v | 查看分支 |
git checkout 分支名 | 切换分支 |
git merge 分支名 | 把指定的分支合并到当前分支上 |
4.3.1 查看分支
git branch -v
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ git branch -v
- master 087a1a7 my third commit (*代表当前所在的分区)
4.3.2 创建分支
git branch 分支名
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ git branch hot-fix
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ git branch -v
hot-fix 087a1a7 my third commit (刚创建的新的分支,并将主分支master的内容复制了一份)
- master 087a1a7 my third commit
4.3.3 修改分支
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ vim hello.txt
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ git add hello.txt
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ git commit -m "my forth commit" hello.txt
[master f363b4c] my forth commit
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ git branch -v
hot-fix 087a1a7 my third commit (hot-fix分支并未做任何改变)
- master f363b4c my forth commit (当前master分支已更新为最新一次提交的版本)
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ cat hello.txt
hello git! hello atguigu! 2222222222222
hello git! hello atguigu! 3333333333333
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu! master test
hello git! hello atguigu!
4.3.4 切换分支
git checkout 分支名
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ git checkout hot-fix
Switched to branch 'hot-fix'
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (hot-fix)
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (hot-fix)
$ cat hello.txt
hello git! hello atguigu! 2222222222222
hello git! hello atguigu! 3333333333333
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (hot-fix)
$ cat hello.txt
hello git! hello atguigu! 2222222222222
hello git! hello atguigu! 3333333333333
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu! hot-fix test
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (hot-fix)
$ git add hello.txt
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (hot-fix)
$ git commit -m "hot-fix commit" hello.txt
4.3.5 合并分支
git merge 分支名
2)案例实操 在master分支上合并hot-fix分支
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
$ git merge hot-fix
Auto-merging hello.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in hello.txt
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
4.3.6 产生冲突
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master|MERGING)
$ cat hello.txt
hello git! hello atguigu! 2222222222222
hello git! hello atguigu! 3333333333333
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
<<<<<<< HEAD
hello git! hello atguigu! master test
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu! hot-fix test
>>>>>>> hot-fix
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master|MERGING)
$ git status
On branch master
You have unmerged paths.
(fix conflicts and run "git commit")
(use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)
Unmerged paths:
(use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
both modified: hello.txt
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
4.3.7 解决冲突
特殊符号:<<<<<<< HEAD 当前分支的代码 ======= 合并过来的代码 >>>>>>> hot-fix
hello git! hello atguigu! 2222222222222
hello git! hello atguigu! 3333333333333
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu!
hello git! hello atguigu! master test
hello git! hello atguigu! hot-fix test
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master|MERGING)
$** git add hello.txt**
3)执行提交(注意:此时使用git commit命令时不能带文件名)
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master|MERGING)
$ git commit -m "merge hot-fix"
[master 69ff88d] merge hot-fix
Layne@LAPTOP-Layne MINGW64 /d/Git-Space/SH0720 (master)
4.4 创建分支和切换分支图解