Low Level Operators and Bit Fields


From Dave Marshall



Low Level Operators and Bit Fields

  We have seen how pointers give us control over low level memory operations.

Many programs (e.g. systems type applications) must actually operate at a low level where individual bytes must be operated on.

NOTE: The combination of pointers and bit-level operators makes C useful for many low level applications and can almost replace assembly code. (Only about 10 % of UNIX is assembly code the rest is C!!.)

Bitwise Operators

The bitwise operators of C a summarised in the following table:


Table: Bitwise operators
$/mid$ OR
$/wedge$ XOR
$/sim$ One's Compliment
 $0 /rightarrow 1$
 $1 /rightarrow 0$
<<Left shift
>>Right Shift


DO NOT confuse & with &&: & is bitwise AND, && logical AND. Similarly for $/mid$ and $/mid/mid$ .

$/sim$ is a unary operator -- it only operates on one argument to right of the operator.

The shift operators perform appropriate shift by operator on the right to the operator on the left. The right operator must be positive. The vacated bits are filled with zero (i.e. There is NO wrap around).

For example: x << 2 shifts the bits in x by 2 places to the left.


if x = 00000010 (binary) or 2 (decimal)


$x /gt/gt= 2 /Rightarrow x = 00000000$ or 0 (decimal)

Also: if x = 00000010 (binary) or 2 (decimal)

$x <<= 2 /Rightarrow x = 00001000$ or 8 (decimal)

Therefore a shift left is equivalent to a multiplication by 2.

Similarly a shift right is equal to division by 2

NOTE : Shifting is much faster than actual multiplication (*) or division (/) by 2. So if you want fast multiplications or division by 2 use shifts .

To illustrate many points of bitwise operators let us write a function, Bitcount , that counts bits set to 1 in an 8 bit number (unsigned char ) passed as an argument to the function.

int bitcount(unsigned char x)
{ int count;
for (count=0; x != 0; x>>=1)
if ( x & 01)
return count;


This function illustrates many C program points:

  • for loop not used for simple counting operation
  • x$/gt/gt=1 /Rightarrow$ x = x >> 1
  • for loop will repeatedly shift right x until x becomes 0
  • use expression evaluation of x & 01 to control if
  • x & 01 masks of 1st bit of x if this is 1 then count++

Bit Fields

Bit Fields allow the packing of data in a structure. This is especially useful when memory or data storage is at a premium. Typical examples:

  • Packing several objects into a machine word. e.g. 1 bit flags can be compacted -- Symbol tables in compilers.
  • Reading external file formats -- non-standard file formats could be read in. E.g. 9 bit integers.

C lets us do this in a structure definition by putting :bit length after the variable. i.e.

struct packed_struct {
unsigned int f1:1;
unsigned int f2:1;
unsigned int f3:1;
unsigned int f4:1;
unsigned int type:4;
unsigned int funny_int:9;
} pack;


Here the packed_struct contains 6 members: Four 1 bit flags f1..f3 , a 4 bit type and a 9 bit funny_int .

C automatically packs the above bit fields as compactly as possible, provided that the maximum length of the field is less than or equal to the integer word length of the computer. If this is not the case then some compilers may allow memory overlap for the fields whilst other would store the next field in the next word (see comments on bit fiels portability below).

Access members as usual via:

   pack.type = 7;


  • Only n lower bits will be assigned to an n bit number. So type cannot take values larger than 15 (4 bits long).
  • Bit fields are always converted to integer type for computation.
  • You are allowed to mix ``normal'' types with bit fields.
  • The unsigned definition is important - ensures that no bits are used as a $/pm$ flag.

Bit Fields: Practical Example

Frequently device controllers (e.g. disk drives) and the operating system need to communicate at a low level. Device controllers contain several registers which may be packed together in one integer (Figure 12.1 ).


Fig. 12.1 Example Disk Controller Register We could define this register easily with bit fields:

unsigned ready:1;
unsigned error_occured:1;
unsigned disk_spinning:1;
unsigned write_protect:1;
unsigned head_loaded:1;
unsigned error_code:8;
unsigned track:9;
unsigned sector:5;
unsigned command:5;

To access values stored at a particular memory address, DISK_REGISTER_MEMORY we can assign a pointer of the above structure to access the memory via:


The disk driver code to access this is now relatively straightforward:

/* Define sector and track to start read */

disk_reg->sector = new_sector;
disk_reg->track = new_track;
disk_reg->command = READ;

/* wait until operation done, ready will be true */

while ( ! disk_reg->ready ) ;

/* check for errors */

if (disk_reg->error_occured)
{ /* interrogate disk_reg->error_code for error type */
switch (disk_reg->error_code)

A note of caution: Portability

Bit fields are a convenient way to express many difficult operations. However, bit fields do suffer from a lack of portability between platforms:

  • integers may be signed or unsigned
  • Many compilers limit the maximum number of bits in the bit field to the size of an integer which may be either 16-bit or 32-bit varieties.
  • Some bit field members are stored left to right others are stored right to left in memory.
  • If bit fields too large, next bit field may be stored consecutively in memory (overlapping the boundary between memory locations) or in the next word of memory.

If portability of code is a premium you can use bit shifting and masking to achieve the same results but not as easy to express or read. For example:

unsigned int  *disk_reg = (unsigned int *) DISK_REGISTER_MEMORY;

/* see if disk error occured */

disk_error_occured = (disk_reg & 0x40000000) >> 31;


Exercise 12507

  Write a function that prints out an 8-bit (unsigned char) number in binary format.


Exercise 12514

Write a function setbits(x,p,n,y) that returns x with the n bits that begin at position p set to the rightmost n bits of an unsigned char variable y (leaving other bits unchanged).

E.g. if x = 10101010 (170 decimal) and y = 10100111 (167 decimal) and n = 3 and p = 6 say then you need to strip off 3 bits of y (111) and put them in x at position 10xxx 010 to get answer 10111010.

Your answer should print out the result in binary form (see Exercise 12.1 although input can be in decimal form.

Your output should be like this:

   x = 10101010 (binary)
y = 10100111 (binary)
setbits n = 3, p = 6 gives x = 10111010 (binary)


Exercise 12515

Write a function that inverts the bits of an unsigned char x and stores answer in y.

Your answer should print out the result in binary form (see Exercise 12.1 although input can be in decimal form.

Your output should be like this:

   x = 10101010 (binary)
x inverted = 01010101 (binary)


Exercise 12516

Write a function that rotates (NOT shifts ) to the right by n bit positions the bits of an unsigned char x.ie no bits are lost in this process.

Your answer should print out the result in binary form (see Exercise 12.1 although input can be in decimal form.

Your output should be like this:

   x = 10100111 (binary)
x rotated by 3 = 11110100 (binary)


Note : All the functions developed should be as concise as possible



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蛋白质是生物体中普遍存在的一类重要生物大子,由天然氨基酸通过肽键连接而成。它具有复杂的子结构和特定的生物功能,是表达生物遗传性状的一类主要物质。 蛋白质的结构可为四级:一级结构是组成蛋白质多肽链的线性氨基酸序列;二级结构是依靠不同氨基酸之间的C=O和N-H基团间的氢键形成的稳定结构,主要为α螺旋和β折叠;三级结构是通过多个二级结构元素在三维空间的排列所形成的一个蛋白质子的三维结构;四级结构用于描述由不同多肽链(亚基)间相互作用形成具有功能的蛋白质复合物子。 蛋白质在生物体内具有多种功能,包括提供能量、维持电解质平衡、信息交流、构成人的身体以及免疫等。例如,蛋白质解可以为人体提供能量,每克蛋白质能产生4千卡的热能;血液里的蛋白质能帮助维持体内的酸碱平衡和血液的渗透压;蛋白质是组成人体器官组织的重要物质,可以修复受损的器官功能,以及维持细胞的生长和更新;蛋白质也是构成多种生理活性的物质,如免疫球蛋白,具有维持机体正常免疫功能的作用。 蛋白质的合成是指生物按照从脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)转录得到的信使核糖核酸(mRNA)上的遗传信息合成蛋白质的过程。这个过程包括氨基酸的活化、多肽链合成的起始、肽链的延长、肽链的终止和释放以及蛋白质合成后的加工修饰等步骤。 蛋白质降解是指食物中的蛋白质经过蛋白质降解酶的作用降解为多肽和氨基酸然后被人体吸收的过程。这个过程在细胞的生理活动中发挥着极其重要的作用,例如将蛋白质降解后成为小子的氨基酸,并被循环利用;处理错误折叠的蛋白质以及多余组,使之降解,以防机体产生错误应答。 总的来说,蛋白质是生物体内不可或缺的一类重要物质,对于维持生物体的正常生理功能具有至关重要的作用。


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