一步步写操作系统(四) 内存管理









// MultiLink.h

#pragma once

#include <stdlib.h>

#define __SUPER(B, T, E) \
   union {\
      B super; \
      struct {\
         Template##B (T, E)\
      }; \

typedef struct MultiLinkElement {
#define MultiLinkElementTemplate(T)\
   int linkcount;\
   T ** prev;\
   T ** next;\
   void(*final)(T *that);\
   T * (*free)(T * that);\
   void(*clear)(T * that);
#define TemplateMultiLinkElement(T, E) MultiLinkElementTemplate(struct T)
   TemplateMultiLinkElement(MultiLinkElement, NULL)
void MultiLinkElement_clear(MultiLinkElement * that) {
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < that->linkcount; i++) {
      that->prev[i] = NULL;
      that->next[i] = NULL;
MultiLinkElement * MultiLinkElement_free(MultiLinkElement * that) {
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < that->linkcount; i++) {
      if (that->prev[i] != NULL || that->next[i] != NULL) {
         return that;
   return NULL;
void _MultiLinkElement(MultiLinkElement * that, int linkcount) {
   that->linkcount = linkcount;

   that->clear = MultiLinkElement_clear;
   that->free = MultiLinkElement_free;
   that->final = NULL;

typedef struct MultiLinkBase {
#define MultiLinkBaseTemplate(T, E) \
   int linkcount;\
   int linkindex;\
   E * link;\
   void(*insertLink)(T * that, E * link, E * before, E * after); \
   E * (*removeLink)(T * that, E * link); \
   E * (*get)(T * that, int index); \
   E * (*prev)(T *that, E * link); \
   E * (*next)(T *that, E * link);
#define TemplateMultiLinkBase(T, E) MultiLinkBaseTemplate(struct T, struct E)
   TemplateMultiLinkBase(MultiLinkBase, MultiLinkElement)
MultiLinkElement * MultiLinkBase_removeLink(MultiLinkBase * that, MultiLinkElement * link) {
   MultiLinkElement * before, * after;
   if (link == NULL)
      return NULL;
   if (that->linkindex < 0)
      return NULL;
   if (link->prev[that->linkindex] == NULL || link->next[that->linkindex] == NULL)
      return NULL;
   before = link->prev[that->linkindex];
   after = link->next[that->linkindex];

   before->next[that->linkindex] = after;
   after->prev[that->linkindex] = before;
   link->prev[that->linkindex] = NULL;
   link->next[that->linkindex] = NULL;

   if (that->link == link)
      that->link = after;
   if (that->link == link)
      that->link = NULL;

   that->linkcount = that->linkcount - 1;

   return link;
MultiLinkElement * MultiLinkBase_get(MultiLinkBase * that, int index) {
   MultiLinkElement * temp;
   if (that->link == NULL)
      return NULL;
   temp = that->link;
      temp = temp->next[that->linkindex];
   } while (temp && temp != that->link && --index);
   return temp;

void MultiLinkBase_insertLink(MultiLinkBase * that, MultiLinkElement * link, MultiLinkElement * before, MultiLinkElement * after) {
   MultiLinkElement * _link;
   if (link == NULL)
   if (that->link == NULL)
      that->link = link;

      that->link->prev[that->linkindex] = link;
      that->link->next[that->linkindex] = link;

      that->linkcount = that->linkcount + 1;

      _link = NULL;
      if (before == that->link)
         _link = link;
      if (before == NULL && after == NULL)
         before = that->link;
         after = that->link->prev[that->linkindex];
      else if (before == NULL)
         before = after->next[that->linkindex];
      else if (after == NULL)
         after = before->prev[that->linkindex];
      else /* before != NULL && after != NULL*/
         if (before->prev[that->linkindex] != after || after->next[that->linkindex] != before)
      if (before == NULL || after == NULL ||
         before->prev[that->linkindex] == NULL ||
         after->next[that->linkindex] == NULL)

      link->prev[that->linkindex] = after;
      link->next[that->linkindex] = before;
      after->next[that->linkindex] = link;
      before->prev[that->linkindex] = link;

      if (_link)
         that->link = _link;

      that->linkcount = that->linkcount + 1;
MultiLinkElement * MultiLinkBase_prev(MultiLinkBase *that, MultiLinkElement * link) {
   if (link == NULL)
      return NULL;
   return link->prev[that->linkindex];
MultiLinkElement * MultiLinkBase_next(MultiLinkBase *that, MultiLinkElement * link) {
   if (link == NULL)
      return NULL;
   return link->next[that->linkindex];
void _MultiLinkBase(MultiLinkBase * that, int linkindex) {
   that->linkcount = 0;
   that->linkindex = linkindex;
   that->link = NULL;

   that->insertLink = MultiLinkBase_insertLink;
   that->prev = MultiLinkBase_prev;
   that->next = MultiLinkBase_next;
   that->removeLink = MultiLinkBase_removeLink;
   that->get = MultiLinkBase_get;

typedef unsigned char UMAP;
#define MAP_SHIFT   8
#define POOL_MAX   10
#define MAP_MAX   POOL_MAX / MAP_SHIFT + 1
#define MAP_MASK   0xFF

typedef struct ElementPool {
#define ElementPoolTemplate(T, E)\
   E * pool;\
   UMAP * map;\
   int size;\
   int msize;\
   int count;\
   E * (*at)(T * that, int index);\
   E * (*get)(T * that);\
   void(*back)(T * that, E * o);
#define TemplateElementPool(T, E) ElementPoolTemplate(struct T, struct E)
   TemplateElementPool(ElementPool, MultiLinkElement)
MultiLinkElement * ElementPool_at(ElementPool * that, int index) {
   // Inherit struct must override this function
   // because the size of the type of pool is different
   // Note: in this kind of inherit, be careful when
   // using arry of specified type, but there's no
   // need to worry about using pointer of the type
   // e.g. MultiLinkElement has pointer array :
   // prev and next, and there's no need to
   // override any get/set function in inherit struct
   return &that->pool[index];
MultiLinkElement * ElementPool_get(ElementPool * that) {
   int i, j, index;
   for (i = 0, index = 0; i < that->msize && index < that->size; i++, index += MAP_SHIFT) {
      if (that->map[i] & MAP_MASK) {
         for (j = 0; j < MAP_SHIFT && index < that->size; j++, index++) {
            if (that->map[i] & (0x01 << j)) {
               that->map[i] &= ~(0x01 << j);
               return that->at(that, index);
   return NULL;
void ElementPool_back(ElementPool * that, MultiLinkElement * o){
   int i, j, index;
   if (o == NULL) {
   for (index = 0; index < that->size; index++) {
      if (that->at(that, index) == o) {
         i = index / MAP_MASK;
         j = index - i * MAP_MASK;
         that->map[i] |= (0x01 << j);
void _ElementPool(ElementPool * that, MultiLinkElement * pool, UMAP * map, int size) {
   int i;
   if (size > POOL_MAX) {
      size = POOL_MAX;
   that->pool = pool;
   that->map = map;
   that->size = size;

   that->at = ElementPool_at;
   that->get = ElementPool_get;
   that->back = ElementPool_back;

   that->msize = size / MAP_SHIFT + 1;
   if (that->msize > MAP_MAX) {
      that->msize = MAP_MAX;

   for (i = 0; i < that->msize; i++) {
      that->map[i] = MAP_MASK;




// MemStat.h

#pragma once

#include "MultiLink.h"

typedef int MEM_SIZE;
typedef char * MEM_ADDR;
typedef int MEM_STAT;

#define MEM_OCCUPPIED   1
#define MEM_AVAILABLE   0

typedef struct MemStat MemStat;
struct MemStat {
   __SUPER(MultiLinkElement, MemStat, NULL);
   MemStat * _prev[2];
   MemStat * _next[2];
   MEM_STAT stat;
   MEM_SIZE size;
   MEM_SIZE block;
   MEM_ADDR addr;

   void(*set)(MemStat * that, int size);
   void (*split)(MemStat * that, MemStat * mem);
   void (*merge)(MemStat * that, MemStat * mem);
void MemStat_set(MemStat * that, int size) {
   // 4 k block
   int div = size / 0x1000;
   int del = size - div * 0x1000;
   that->block = del ? (div + 1) * 0x1000 : div * 0x1000;
   that->size = size;
void MemStat_final(MemStat * that){
   //printf("MemStat final.");

void MemStat_split(MemStat * that, MemStat * mem) {
   that->block -= mem->block;
   that->size -= mem->block;
   mem->addr = that->addr + that->block;

void MemStat_merge(MemStat * that, MemStat * mem) {
   that->block += mem->block;
   that->size += mem->block;

MemStat * _MemStat(MemStat * that, MEM_ADDR addr, MEM_SIZE size) {
   that->prev = that->_prev;
   that->next = that->_next;
   _MultiLinkElement(&that->super, 2);

   that->split = MemStat_split;
   that->merge = MemStat_merge;
   that->set = MemStat_set;
   that->final = MemStat_final;

   that->set(that, size);
   return that;



// MemPool.h

#pragma once

#include "MultiLink.h"
#include "MemStat.h"

typedef struct MemPool MemPool;
struct MemPool {
   __SUPER(ElementPool, MemPool, MemStat);
MemStat * MemPool_at(MemPool * that, int index) {
   return &that->pool[index];
void _MemPool(MemPool * that, MemStat * pool, UMAP * map, int size) {
   _ElementPool(&that->super, (MultiLinkElement *)pool, map, size);

   that->at = MemPool_at;



// MemMan.h

#pragma once

#include "MultiLink.h"
#include "MemStat.h"
#include "MemPool.h"

typedef struct MemMan MemMan;
struct MemMan {
   __SUPER(MultiLinkBase, MemMan, MemStat);

   MemStat pool[POOL_MAX];
   UMAP map[MAP_MAX];
   MemPool memPool;
   void(*add)(MemMan * that, MemStat * link);
   MemStat * (*getAddr)(MemMan * that, MEM_ADDR addr, int stat);
   MEM_ADDR(*realloc)(MemMan * that, MEM_ADDR addr, MEM_SIZE size);
   MEM_ADDR(*alloc)(MemMan * that, MEM_SIZE size);
   void (*free)(MemMan * that, MEM_ADDR addr);
   void (*merge)(MemMan * that, MemStat * start, MemStat * end);
   void (*split)(MemMan * that, MemStat * tango, MemStat * item);
   MemStat * (*remove)(MemMan * that, MemStat * link);
void MemMan_add(MemMan * that, MemStat * link) {
   that->insertLink(that, link, NULL, NULL);
MemStat * MemMan_getAddr(MemMan * that, MEM_ADDR addr, int stat) {
   MemStat * mem;
   if (that->link == NULL) {
      return NULL;
   mem = that->link;
   do {
      if (mem->stat == stat && mem->addr == addr) {
         return mem;
      mem = that->next(that, mem);
   } while (mem && mem != that->link);
   return NULL;
MEM_ADDR MemMan_realloc(MemMan * that, MEM_ADDR addr, MEM_SIZE size) {
   MemStat * mem;
   MemStat * item;
   MemStat * prev, *next;
   int mark;
   if (that->link == NULL) {
      return (MEM_ADDR)NULL;
   mem = that->getAddr(that, addr, 1);
   if (mem == NULL) {
      return (MEM_ADDR)NULL;
   //MemStat * item = new MemStat(0, size);
   item = that->memPool.get(&that->memPool);
   if (item == NULL) {
      return (MEM_ADDR)NULL;
   item->set(item, size);
   if (mem->block == item->block) {
      mem->set(mem, size);
      //delete item;
      that->remove(that, item);
      return addr;
   if (mem->block > item->block) {
      that->split(that, mem, item);
      mem->stat = MEM_AVAILABLE;
      item->stat = MEM_OCCUPPIED;

      prev = that->prev(that, mem);
      if (mem != that->link && prev->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE) {
         that->merge(that, prev, mem);
      return item->addr;
   prev = that->prev(that, mem);
   next = that->next(that, mem);

   mark = 0;
   if (item != that->link && prev->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE) {
      if (mem->block + prev->block >= item->block) {
         mark = -1;
         if (next != that->link && next->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE) {
            if (mem->block + next->block >= item->block) {
               // next and prev which is the minimum
               if (next->block < prev->block) {
                  mark = 1;
   else if (next != that->link && next->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE) {
      if (mem->block + next->block >= item->block) {
         mark = 1;
   if (mark > 0) {
      item->set(item, next->block - item->block + mem->block);
      if (item->block > 0) {
         that->split(that, next, item);
      else {
         //delete item;
         that->remove(that, item);
      that->merge(that, mem, next);
      return addr;
   else if (mark < 0) {
      item->set(item, item->block - mem->block);
      that->split(that, prev, item);
      that->merge(that, item, mem);
      item->stat = MEM_OCCUPPIED;
      item->set(item, size);
      return item->addr;
   else {
      that->free(that, addr);
      return that->alloc(that, size);


MEM_ADDR MemMan_alloc(MemMan * that, MEM_SIZE size) {
   MemStat * item;
   MemStat * mem ;
   MemStat * min;

   if (that->link == NULL) {
      return (MEM_ADDR)NULL;
   //MemStat * item = new MemStat(0, size);
   item = that->memPool.get(&that->memPool);
   if (item == NULL) {
      return (MEM_ADDR)NULL;
   item->set(item, size);
   mem = that->link;
   min = NULL;
   do {
      if (mem->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE && mem->block >= item->block) {
         if (min == NULL || min->block > mem->block) {
            min = mem;
      mem = that->next(that, mem);
   } while (mem && mem != that->link);
   if (min) {
      that->split(that, min, item);
      item->stat = MEM_OCCUPPIED;
      return item->addr;
   return (MEM_ADDR)NULL;

void MemMan_free(MemMan * that, MEM_ADDR addr) {
   MemStat * mem = that->getAddr(that, addr, MEM_OCCUPPIED);
   MemStat * prev;
   MemStat * next;
   if (mem == NULL) {
   mem->stat = MEM_AVAILABLE;

   prev = that->prev(that, mem);
   next = that->next(that, mem);
   if (mem != that->link && prev->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE) {
      that->merge(that, prev, mem);
   else if (next != that->link && next->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE) {
      that->merge(that, mem, next);

   if (mem != that->link && prev->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE &&
      next != that->link && next->stat == MEM_AVAILABLE) {
      that->merge(that, prev, next);

void MemMan_merge(MemMan * that, MemStat * start, MemStat * end) {
   if (that->link == NULL) {
   if (start == NULL || end == NULL) {
   if (that->next(that, start) != end) {
   start->merge(start, end);
   //delete that->remove(that, end);
   that->remove(that, end);
MemStat * MemMan_remove(MemMan * that, MemStat * link) {
   that->removeLink(that, link);
   if (link->free(link) == NULL) {
      that->memPool.back(&that->memPool, link);
   return link;

void MemMan_split(MemMan * that, MemStat * tango, MemStat * item) {
   if (that->link == NULL) {
   if (tango == NULL || item == NULL) {
   that->insertLink(that, item, NULL, tango);
   if (tango->block == item->block) {
      item->addr = tango->addr;
      //delete that->removeLink(that, tango);
      that->removeLink(that, tango);
   tango->split(tango, item);
MemMan * _MemMan(MemMan * that, int index) {
   int i;
   _MultiLinkBase(&that->super, index);
   that->add = MemMan_add;
   that->alloc = MemMan_alloc;
   that->free = MemMan_free;
   that->realloc = MemMan_realloc;
   that->getAddr = MemMan_getAddr;
   that->merge = MemMan_merge;
   that->split = MemMan_split;
   that->remove = MemMan_remove;

   for (i = 0; i < POOL_MAX; i++) {
      _MemStat(&that->pool[i], 0, 0);
   _MemPool(&that->memPool, that->pool, that->map, POOL_MAX);

   return that;




#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "MemMan.h"
char * memory;
MemMan memMan;
int main() {
  _MemMan(&memMan, 1);
 memory = (char *)malloc(0x10000000);//使用现存操作系统提供的malloc函数为内存管理提供一个模拟的内存(返回值为起始地址,大小为分配的大小)
 memset(memory, 0, 0x10000000);

 MemStat * mem = memMan.memPool.get(&memMan.memPool);
 mem->addr = (MEM_ADDR)memory;
 mem->set(mem, 0x10000000);
 memMan.add(&memMan, mem);
  MEM_ADDR addr = memMan.alloc(&memMan, 1000);
  if (addr) {
     memcpy((char *)addr, "alloc", 10);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < memMan.linkcount; i ++) {
      mem = memMan.get(&memMan, i);
      printf( "d: %10X, s: %10u, b: %10u, s: %d, v: %s\n", mem->addr, mem->size, mem->block, mem->stat, (char *)mem->addr);
    addr = memMan.realloc(&memMan, addr, 10000);
  if (addr) {
     memcpy((char *)addr, "RE-alloc", 10);
   for (i = 0; i < memMan.linkcount; i ++) {
      mem = memMan.get(&memMan, i);
      printf( "d: %10X, s: %10u, b: %10u, s: %d, v: %s\n", mem->addr, mem->size, mem->block, mem->stat, (char *)mem->addr);
    addr = memMan.realloc(&memMan, addr, 10);
  if (addr) {
     memcpy((char *)addr, "RE-alloc", 10);
   for (i = 0; i < memMan.linkcount; i ++) {
      mem = memMan.get(&memMan, i);
      printf( "d: %10X, s: %10u, b: %10u, s: %d, v: %s\n", mem->addr, mem->size, mem->block, mem->stat, (char *)mem->addr);
    memMan.free(&memMan, addr);
   for (i = 0; i < memMan.linkcount; i ++) {
      mem = memMan.get(&memMan, i);
      printf( "d: %10X, s: %10u, b: %10u, s: %d, v: %s\n", mem->addr, mem->size, mem->block, mem->stat, (char *)mem->addr);
    for (i = 0; i < POOL_MAX; i++) {
      addr = memMan.alloc(&memMan, 100);
      if (!addr) {
        printf("alloc error: @%d\n", i);
   for (i = 0; i < memMan.linkcount; i ++) {
      mem = memMan.get(&memMan, i);
      printf( "d: %10X, s: %10u, b: %10u, s: %d, v: %s\n", mem->addr, mem->size, mem->block, mem->stat, (char *)mem->addr);




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