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原创 Treasure Map(DP+链式前向星)

问题 J: Treasure Map时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 112  解决: 22[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述You have found a treasure map! The map leads you to several gold mines. The mines each produce gold each day, but ...

2018-04-29 11:48:41 448

原创 Escape Room(思维)

问题 F: Escape Room时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 110  解决: 49[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述As you know, escape rooms became very popular since they allow you to play the role of a video game hero. One such ...

2018-04-27 16:51:37 871 1

原创 Multiplication Game(博弈GAME,质因子分解)

5121: Multiplication Game时间限制: 5 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 158  解决: 33[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述Alice and Bob are in their class doing drills on multiplication and division. They quickly get bored and in...

2018-04-25 08:36:11 263

原创 Codeforces Round #462 (Div. 2)C. A Twisty Movement

C. A Twisty Movementtime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputA dragon symbolizes wisdom, power and wealth. On Lunar New Year's Day, people m...

2018-04-24 17:02:57 132

原创 Codeforces Round #469 (Div. 2) D. A Leapfrog in the Array(思维+math)

D. A Leapfrog in the Arraytime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test512 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputDima is a beginner programmer. During his working process, he regularly ...

2018-04-24 11:22:22 141

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 42 (Rated for Div. 2) D.Merge Equals(data structures,STL)

D. Merge Equalstime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputYou are given an array of positive integers. While there are at least two equal ele...

2018-04-23 19:49:38 242

原创 Goldbach(数论,Miller_Rabin素数判定)

Description:Goldbach's conjecture is one of the oldest and best-known unsolved problems in number theory and all of mathematics. It states:Every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum...

2018-04-23 17:37:56 260

原创 一个小问题(中国剩余定理非互质版)

时间限制:C/C++ 1秒,其他语言2秒空间限制:C/C++ 32768K,其他语言65536K 64bit IO Format: %lld题目描述 uu遇到了一个小问题,可是他不想答。你能替他解决这个问题吗? 问题:给你k对a和r是否存在一个正整数x使每队a和r都满足:x mod a=r,求最小正解x或无解。 输入描述:第一行是正整数k(k<=100000)接下来k行,每行有俩个正整...

2018-04-23 17:01:09 308

原创 Hopscotch(数论,组合数学)

5095: Hopscotch时间限制: 5 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 46  解决: 19[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述You’re playing hopscotch! You start at the origin and your goal is to hop to the lattice point (N, N). A hop consists ...

2018-04-23 16:42:39 430

原创 C. Marco and GCD Sequence( constructive algorithms,math)

C. Marco and GCD Sequencetime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputIn a dream Marco met an elderly man with a pair of black glasses. The man ...

2018-04-21 17:14:19 282

原创 Column Addition(DP+思维)

问题 H: Column Addition时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 198  解决: 38[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述A multi-digit column addition is a formula on adding two integers written like this:A multi-digit column additi...

2018-04-21 10:36:42 222

原创 Boxes(思维+差分数组)

问题 K: Boxes时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 256 MB提交: 254  解决: 52[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述There are N boxes arranged in a circle. The i-th box contains Ai stones.Determine whether it is possible to remove all th...

2018-04-20 17:32:21 532

原创 Minimum Sum(思维+set)

5599: Minimum Sum时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 256 MB提交: 141  解决: 47[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述One day, Snuke was given a permutation of length N, a1,a2,…,aN, from his friend.Find the following:Constraints1≤N≤2...

2018-04-19 16:07:32 705

原创 K-th K(思维+构造)

问题 C: K-th K时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 256 MB提交: 262  解决: 35[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述You are given an integer sequence x of length N. Determine if there exists an integer sequence a that satisfies all of t...

2018-04-18 17:45:38 328

原创 Contiguous Repainting(贪心+思维)

5616: Contiguous Repainting时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 256 MB提交: 70  解决: 23[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述There are N squares aligned in a row. The i-th square from the left contains an integer ai.Initially, all ...

2018-04-18 16:08:15 229

原创 High Score--nwerc2017(思维)

问题 H: High Score时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 360  解决: 80[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述Mårten and Simon enjoy playing the popular board game Seven Wonders, and have just finished a match. It is now time t...

2018-04-17 06:28:17 626

原创 Argus(完全二叉树--堆(head))

ArgusTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 11822 Accepted: 5775DescriptionA data stream is a real-time, continuous, ordered sequence of items. Some examples include sensor data, In...

2018-04-16 23:59:20 167

原创 YAPTCHA(数论,威尔逊定理)

YAPTCHATime Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1059    Accepted Submission(s): 574Problem DescriptionThe math department has been havin...

2018-04-16 22:16:12 326

原创 Installing Apps(贪心+01背包)

5008: Installing Apps时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 163  解决: 22[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述Sandra recently bought her first smart phone. One of her friends suggested a long list of applications (more com...

2018-04-16 18:48:24 2682

原创 Terrible Sets(Stack 栈)

Terrible SetsTime Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 30000KTotal Submissions: 5360 Accepted: 2728DescriptionLet N be the set of all natural numbers {0 , 1 , 2 , . . . }, and R be the set of all real numbers....

2018-04-13 21:44:27 138

原创 BAPC2017 UPC Collatz Conjecture (数论GCD, 去重优化)

4981: Collatz Conjecture时间限制: 6 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 210  解决: 21[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述In 1978 AD the great Sir Isaac Newton, whilst proving that P is a strict superset of N P, defined the Beta A...

2018-04-12 17:00:57 566

原创 BBuBBBlesort!(思维)

问题 C: BBuBBBlesort!时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 256 MB提交: 176  解决: 58[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述Snuke got an integer sequence of length N from his mother, as a birthday present. The i-th (1≦i≦N) element of the...

2018-04-11 16:56:36 479

原创 AT - Grand - 004 - B - Colorful Slimes(思维+DP)

B - Colorful Slimes Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 256MBScore : 400 pointsProblem Statement Snuke lives in another world, where slimes are real creatures and kept by some people. Slimes come in N ...

2018-04-11 16:34:57 263

原创 最大公约数(数论GCD)

4488: [Jsoi2015]最大公约数Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MBSubmit: 264  Solved: 152[Submit][Status][Discuss]Description给定一个长度为 N 的正整数序列Ai对于其任意一个连续的子序列{Al,Al+1...Ar},我们定义其权值W(L,R )为其长度与序列中所有元素的最大公约数的...

2018-04-10 16:07:12 1675

原创 Gym--Key to Success(思维)


2018-04-10 14:03:07 183

原创 Billboard(线段树单点更新)

Problem DescriptionAt the entrance to the university, there is a huge rectangular billboard of size h*w (h is its height and w is its width). The board is the place where all possible announcements ar...

2018-04-10 10:24:15 187

原创 NOIP--细胞分裂(唯一分解定理)

题目描述Hanks 博士是 BT (Bio-Tech,生物技术) 领域的知名专家。现在,他正在为一个细胞实验做准备工作:培养细胞样本。Hanks 博士手里现在有 N 种细胞,编号从 1~N,一个第 i 种细胞经过 1 秒钟可以分裂为Si个同种细胞(Si为正整数)。现在他需要选取某种细胞的一个放进培养皿,让其自由分裂,进行培养。一段时间以后,再把培养皿中的所有细胞平均分入 M 个试管,形成 M 份样...

2018-04-07 11:07:12 1319 1

原创 2017ICPC Hong Kong ---Optimal Coin Change(完全背包+路径输出技巧)

问题 G: Optimal Coin Change时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 79  解决: 60[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述In a 10-dollar shop, everything is worthy 10 dollars or less. In order to serve customers more effectively a...

2018-04-06 11:59:10 449

原创 Mysterious Light(数学)

问题 B: Mysterious Light时间限制: 2 Sec  内存限制: 256 MB提交: 208  解决: 54[提交][状态][讨论版][命题人:admin]题目描述Snuke is conducting an optical experiment using mirrors and his new invention, the rifle of Mysterious Light.T...

2018-04-04 16:57:33 438

原创 洛谷--硬币翻转(思维)


2018-04-03 15:35:59 3119

原创 NOIP--一元三次方程(二分)

有形如:ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 这样的一个一元三次方程。给出该方程中各项的系数(a,b,c,d 均为实数),并约定该方程存在三个不同实根(根的范围在-100至100之间),且根与根之差的绝对值>=1。要求由小到大依次在同一行输出这三个实根(根与根之间留有空格),并精确到小数点后2位。提示:记方程f(x)=0,若存在2个数x1和x2,且x1<x2,f(x1)*f(x2)<0,...

2018-04-03 00:24:50 506

原创 NOIP--最大公约数和最小公倍数(数论,分解质因子)

 P1029 最大公约数和最小公倍数问题5.3K通过9.9K提交题目提供者洛谷OnlineJudge评测方式云端评测标签NOIp普及组2001(或之前)难度普及-时空限制1000ms / 128MB 提交  题解   提示:收藏到任务计划后,可在首页查看。最新讨论显示推荐的相关题目显示题目描述输入二个正整数x0,y0(2<=x0<100000,2<=y0<=1000000)...

2018-04-02 19:48:48 802



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