
 SQL语句以“;” 结束,SQL语句的关键字不区分大小写;
 SQL标识符通常必须以字母开头,可以包括字母、数字和三个特殊字符(# _  $);
 修改表使用alter table,修改表包括增加列定义、修改列定义、删除列、重命名列等操作。
  果想定义当删除主表记录时,从表记录也会随之删除,则需要在建立外键约束后添加on delete cascade 或添加on delete set null;第一种是删除主表记录时,把参照主表记录的从表记录全部级联删除;第二种是指定当删除主表记录时,把参照主表记录的从表记录的外键设为null
  大部分数据库都采用with check option来强制不允许修改视图数据,但Oracle采用with read only来强制不允许修改视图数据。


create table test (
test_id int,
test_price decimal,
test_name varchar(255) default 'xxx' ,
test_desc text ,
test_date datetime
) ;
select * from test ;
alter table test
add (
     aaa varchar(255) default 'xxx' ,
     bbb varchar(255)

alter table test
modify test_id varchar(255);
alter table test
modify bbb int ;

alter table test 
drop aaa ;

alter table test 
rename to wawa ;

create table hehe (
    hehe_id int not null ,
    hehe_name varchar(255) default 'xyz' not null ,

    hehe_gender varchar(2) null 

alter table hehe
modify hehe_gender varchar(2) not null;
alter table hehe
modify hehe_name varchar(2) null;
alter table hehe
modify hehe_name varchar(255) default 'abc' null ;

create table unique_test (
    test_id int not null ,
    test_naem varchar(255) unique 

create table unique_test2(
    test_id int not null ,
    test_name varchar(255),
    test_pass varchar(255),
    unique (test_name),
    constraint test2_uk unique(test_pass)

create table unique_test3(
   test_id int not null ,
   test_name varchar(255),
   test_pass varchar(255),
   constraint test3_uk unique(test_name, test_pass)

alter table unique_test3
add unique(test_name, test_pass);

alter table hehe
modify test_name varchar(255) unique;

//drop constraint 方法来删除约束
//删除unique_test3表上的test3_uk 唯一约束
alter table unique_test3
drop index test3_uk ;

create table primary_test(
    test_id int primary key ,
    test_name varchar(255)

create table primary_test2(
   test_id int not null ,
   test_name varchar(255),
   test_pass varchar(255),
   ---指定主键约束名为test2_pk ,对大部分数据库有效,但对MySql无效,MySql数据中该主键约束名依然是PRIMARY
   constraint test2_pk primary key(test_id) 

create table primary_test3 (
    test_name varchar(255),
    test_pass varchar(255),
    primary key (test_name, test_pass)

//删除指定表的主键约束,可以在alter table语句后使用drop primary key字句即可
alter table primary_test3
drop primary key;

alter table primary_test3
add primary key(test_name, test_pass) ;

alter table primary_test3
modify test_name varchar(255) primary key ;

create table primary_test4(
    test_id int auto_increment primary key,
    test_name varchar(255),
    test_pass varchar(255)

create table teacher_table1 (
    teacher_id int auto_increment,
    teacher_name varchar(255),
    primary key (teacher_id)

create table student_table1(
    student_id int auto_increment primary key,
    student_name varchar(255),
    java_teacher int references teacher_table1(teacher_id)

create table teacher_table(
    teacher_id int auto_increment,
    teacher_name varchar(255),
    primary key(teacher_id)

//指定java_teacher参照到teacher_table 的teacher_id 列
create table student_table(
    student_id int auto_increment primary key ,
    student_name varchar(255),
    java_teacher int ,
    foreign key(java_teacher) references teacher_table(teacher_id)

create table teacher_table2(
    teacher_id int auto_increment,
    teacher_name varchar(255),
    primary key(teacher_id)

create table student_table2(
    student_id int auto_increment primary key ,
    student_name varchar(255),
    java_teacher int ,
    constraint student_teacher_fk foreign key(java_teacher) references teacher_table2(teacher_id)

create table teacher_table3(
    teacher_name varchar(255),
    teacher_pass varchar(255),
    primary key(teacher_name, teacher_pass)
create table student_table3(
    student_id int auto_increment primary key ,
    student_name varchar(255),
    java_teacher_name varchar(255),
    java_teacher_pass varchar(255),
    foreign key(java_teacher_name, java_teacher_pass) references teacher_table3(teacher_name, teacher_pass)

alter table student_table3
drop foreign key student_table3_ibfk_1;

//增加外键约束通常使用add constraint命令来增加外键约束
alter table student_table3
add foreign key (java_teacher_name, java_teacher_pass) references teacher_table3(teacher_name, teacher_pass) ;

create table foreign_test(
    foreign_id int auto_increment primary key,
    foreign_name varchar(255),
    refer_id int,
    foreign key(foreign_id) references foreign_test(foreign_id)

//如果想定义当删除主表记录时,从表记录也会随之删除,则需要在建立外键约束后添加on delete cascade 或添加on delete set null

create table teacher_table4(
    teacher_id int auto_increment primary key,
    teacher_name varchar(255)

create table student_table4(
    student_id int auto_increment primary key ,
    student_name varchar(255),
    java_teacher  int ,
    foreign key(java_teacher) references teacher_table4(teacher_id) on delete cascade


create table check_test(
    emp_id int auto_increment ,
    emp_name varchar(255),
    emp_salary decimal,
    primary key(emp_id),
    check (emp_salary>0)

insert into teacher_table2(teacher_name)
values ('xyz');

insert into teacher_table2
values (null, 'abc');

insert into student_table2
values (null, '张三', 2);

insert into student_table2
values (null, "Yeeku",1),(null, "Sharfly",3);


update teacher_table2
set teacher_name = '孙悟空';

update teacher_table2
set teacher_name = '猪八戒' where teacher_id > 1;

delete from student_table2 where teacher_id > 2;

select * from student_table2 where 2 between java_teacher and student_id;//选择出java_teacher 小于等于2,student_id 大于等于2的所


//默认情况下,分组函数会把所有记录当成一组,为了对记录进行显式分组,可以在select语句后使用group by字句,group by 子句后通常跟一个或多个列名,表明查询结果根据一列或多列进行分组,当一列或多列组合完全相同时,系统把这些记录当成一组。
select count(*) from student_table2 group by java_teacher ;









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