asp返回json数据 json.asp(修改版)

 '' 更新日期2012-9-25
 '' By:暗淡亮点
 '' 更新内容
 '' 1.修改字符转换方法,方便json返回值进行转换,使UTF-8以及GB2312完美兼容中文
 '' 2.更改所有值转换为十六进制。
 '' 如需解决在文本框中赋值显示为十六进制字符,使用js中的unescape方法进行转换。
 '' 附:js转换方法,传入需要转换的值即可
 '' function hex(s){return s.replace(/&#x.*?;/g,function(m){return unescape("%u"+(m.replace(/&#x/g,""))).replace(/;/g,"")});}
'* GAB_LIBRARY Copyright (C) 2003 - This file is part of GAB_LIBRARY       
'* For license refer to the license.txt                                       


'' @CREATOR:        Michal Gabrukiewicz (gabru at, Michael Rebec
'' @CONTRIBUTORS:    - Cliff Pruitt (opensource at
''                    - Sylvain Lafontaine
'' @CREATEDON:        2007-04-26 12:46
'' @CDESCRIPTION:    Comes up with functionality for JSON ( to use within ASP.
''                     Correct escaping of characters, generating JSON Grammer out of ASP datatypes and structures
'' @REQUIRES:        -
'' @VERSION:        1.4

class JSON
 'private members
 private output, innerCall
 'public members
 public toResponse        ''[bool] should generated results be directly written to the response? default = false
 '* constructor
 public sub class_initialize()
  toResponse = false
 end sub
 '' @SDESCRIPTION:    STATIC! takes a given string and makes it JSON valid
 '' @DESCRIPTION:    all characters which needs to be escaped are beeing replaced by their
 ''                    unicode representation according to the
 ''                    RFC4627#2.5 -
 '' @PARAM:            val [string]: value which should be escaped
 '' @RETURN:            [string] JSON valid string
 '' asc 函数被替换成ascw函数以便支持中文
 public function escape(val)
  dim cDoubleQuote, cRevSolidus, cSolidus
  cDoubleQuote = &h22
  cRevSolidus = &h5C
  cSolidus = &h2F
  dim i, currentDigit
  for i = 1 to (len(val))
   currentDigit = mid(val, i, 1)
   if ascw(currentDigit) > &h00 and ascw(currentDigit) < &h1F then
    currentDigit = escapequence(currentDigit)
   elseif ascw(currentDigit) >= &hC280 and ascw(currentDigit) <= &hC2BF then
    currentDigit = "\u00" + right(padLeft(hex(asc(currentDigit) - &hC200), 2, 0), 2)
   elseif ascw(currentDigit) >= &hC380 and ascw(currentDigit) <= &hC3BF then
    currentDigit = "\u00" + right(padLeft(hex(ascw(currentDigit) - &hC2C0), 2, 0), 2)
    select case ascw(currentDigit)
     case cDoubleQuote: currentDigit = escapequence(currentDigit)
     case cRevSolidus: currentDigit = escapequence(currentDigit)
     case cSolidus: currentDigit = escapequence(currentDigit)
    end select
   end if
   ' end if
   escape = escape & currentDigit
 end function
 function ToHex(Str)
  dim i
  dim Str_one
  dim Str_unicode
  for i=1 to len(Str)
   if(ascw(Str_one)>255 or ascw(Str_one)<0) then
   Str_unicode=Str_unicode& Hex(ascw(Str_one))
   end if
 end function
 '' @SDESCRIPTION:    generates a representation of a name value pair in JSON grammer
 '' @DESCRIPTION:    the generation is done fully recursive so the value can be a complex datatype as well. e.g.
 ''                    toJSON("n", array(array(), 2, true), false) or toJSON("n", array(RS, dict, false), false), etc.
 '' @PARAM:            name [string]: name of the value (accessible with javascript afterwards). leave empty to get just the value
 '' @PARAM:            val [variant], [int], [float], [array], [object], [dictionary], [recordset]: value which needs
 ''                    to be generated. Conversation of the data types (ASP datatype -> Javascript datatype):
 ''                    NOTHING, NULL -> null, ARRAY -> array, BOOL -> bool, OBJECT -> name of the type,
 ''                    MULTIDIMENSIONAL ARRAY -> generates a 1 dimensional array (flat) with all values of the multidim array
 ''                    DICTIONARY -> valuepairs. each key is accessible as property afterwards
 ''                    RECORDSET -> array where each row of the recordset represents a field in the array.
 ''                    fields have properties named after the column names of the recordset (LOWERCASED!)
 ''                    e.g. generate(RS) can be used afterwards r[0].ID
 ''                    INT, FLOAT -> number
 ''                    OBJECT with reflect() method -> returned as object which can be used within JavaScript
 '' @PARAM:            nested [bool]: is the value pair already nested within another? if yes then the {} are left out.
 '' @RETURN:            [string] returns a JSON representation of the given name value pair
 ''                    (if toResponse is on then the return is written directly to the response and nothing is returned)
 public function toJSON(name, val, nested)
  if not nested and not isEmpty(name) then write("{")
  if not isEmpty(name) then write("""" & name & """: ")
  if not nested and not isEmpty(name) then write("}")
  toJSON = output
  if innerCall = 0 then newGeneration()
 end function
 '* generate
 private function generateValue(val)
  if isNull(val) then
  elseif isArray(val) then
  elseif isObject(val) then
   if val is nothing then
   elseif typename(val) = "Dictionary" then
   elseif typename(val) = "Recordset" then
   end if
   varTyp = varType(val)
   if varTyp = 11 then
    if val then write("true") else write("false")
   'int, long, byte
   elseif varTyp = 2 or varTyp = 3 or varTyp = 17 or varTyp = 19 then
   'single, double, currency
   elseif varTyp = 4 or varTyp = 5 or varTyp = 6 or varTyp = 14 then
    write(replace(cDbl(val), ",", "."))
    if(val="0" or val="1") then
     write("""" & val & "" & """")
     write("""" & ToHex(val & "") & """")
    end if
   end if
  end if
  generateValue = output
 end function
 '* generateArray
 private sub generateArray(val)
  dim item, i
  i = 0
  'the for each allows us to support also multi dimensional arrays
  for each item in val
   if i > 0 then write(",")
   i = i + 1
 end sub
 '* generateDictionary
 private sub generateDictionary(val)
  dim keys, i
  innerCall = innerCall + 1
  keys = val.keys
  for i = 0 to uBound(keys)
   if i > 0 then write(",")
   toJSON keys(i), val(keys(i)), true
  innerCall = innerCall - 1
 end sub
 '* generateRecordset
 private sub generateRecordset(val)
  dim i
  while not val.eof
   innerCall = innerCall + 1
   for i = 0 to val.fields.count - 1
    if i > 0 then write(",")
    toJSON lCase(val.fields(i).name), val.fields(i).value, true
   if not val.eof then write(",")
   innerCall = innerCall - 1
 end sub
 '* generateObject
 private sub generateObject(val)
  dim props
  on error resume next
  set props = val.reflect()
  if err = 0 then
   on error goto 0
   innerCall = innerCall + 1
   toJSON empty, props, true
   innerCall = innerCall - 1
   on error goto 0
   write("""" & escape(typename(val)) & """")
  end if
 end sub
 '* newGeneration
 private sub newGeneration()
  output = empty
  innerCall = 0
 end sub
 '* JsonEscapeSquence
 private function escapequence(digit)
  escapequence = "\u00" + right(padLeft(hex(asc(digit)), 2, 0), 2)
 end function
 '* padLeft
 private function padLeft(value, totalLength, paddingChar)
  padLeft = right(clone(paddingChar, totalLength) & value, totalLength)
 end function
 '* clone
 public function clone(byVal str, n)
  dim i
  for i = 1 to n : clone = clone & str : next
 end function
 '* write
 private sub write(val)
  if toResponse then
   output = output & val
  end if
 end sub
end class

Asp 这个老古懂估计没几个人在用了。几年没写代码了,最近要弄个小东西,给手机端提供json数据,不想麻烦别人,自己又只会asp,没办法就自己动手了。网上找了好久都没有一个人能完整的把asp操作json说清楚。最后还是自己搞定的。整出来共享给大家。(ps,还有个原因csdn的分不够用啦,大家看着给点吧。写这个说明文档都用了我两小时。^_^) 以下是示例代码 '说明:json.asp中引用了json.js.asp '其他见文档 '手机很多时候不认gb2312,跳入json的坑就忘记gb2312吧,讨厌的是,如果代码报错,iis会输出gb2312,结果就是乱码,有点烦。 '自己想办法解决吧 response.Charset= "utf-8" dim strJsonData,ovbJson,j dim arrTemp,varname ,i set ovbJson=new vbJson 'asp recrodset和数组转json字符 arrTemp=array("a","{""oa"":""我是oa""}","c") strJsonData=ovbjson.toJson(empty,arrTemp,true) '转换为Json格式的字符串,有兴趣可以自己输出看看是什么 set j=json.parse(strJsonData) '序列化为json对象(或者是数组对象) response.Write(j.get(1)&"") '别用vb数组来存json对象,不然得每个元素去重新序列化,这里如果想j.get(1).oa就不行了。必须对j.get(1)单独序列才行 '----recrodset就不演示了,懒得连数据库 '---自定义操作方法的演示--- strJsonData="{a:1,b:[{c:'我是数组中的点c'}]}" set j=json.parsestr(strJsonData) response.Write(j.b.get(0).c&"") '添加节点的时候注意,如果值是null,会被忽然,这个节点会不存在的。在添加之前记得先检查值 set j=json.add(j,"new","我是新加的节点") response.Write("") '下面这句注掉了,是因为这个操作是无效的因为j.b是数组,不能add 'set j=json.add(j.b,"new1","我是加不进的节点") set j.b=j.b.put(j.b.length,j.b.get(0)) response.Write(j.b.get(1).c&",我是新加的数组元素") '因为数组的get方法不允许被赋值,所以不能像下面这样写 'set j.b.get(0)=json.add(j.b.get(0),"new","我会报错") json.add j.b.get(0),"new","我是新加的new我不会报错" json.add j.b.get(0),"new1","我是通过变量取出来的哦" response.Write(j.b.get(0).new&"") varname="new1" response.Write(json.byname(j.b.get(0),varname)&"") for i=0 to j.b.length-1 varname="c" response.Write(json.byname(j.b.get(i),varname)&"我是循环出来的c,索引:"&i&" ") next '最后完整的输出给手机就这样: response.Write json.stringify(j)




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