odoo 14 手册 客户 报价单 销售订单

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2.3 Customers(客户)

在 Odoo 14 下,用户可以从给定的客户列表中选择客户。 用户还可以轻松创建新客户。

2.3.1 Create New Customer(创建新客户)

In Odoo the user can select two types of customers:(在 Odoo 中,用户可以选择两种类型的客户:)

1. Individual(1. 个人)

2. Company(2. 公司)

Here you get an option to create a new customer of yours by adding his name, address, phone, mobile, email id, website link GST, treatment and other details.(在这里,您可以选择通过添加姓名、地址、电话、手机、电子邮件 ID、网站链接 GST、待遇和其他详细信息来创建您的新客户。)

2.3.2 Under Contact and Address tab(在联系人和地址选项卡之下)

Contact creation also enables you to add invoice address, delivery address, private address and other address for the same contact.(联系人创建还允许您为同一联系人添加发票地址、送货地址、私人地址和其他地址。)

2.3.3 Under Sales and Purchase Tab(在销售和购买选项卡下)

Sales Person: Employee who is in charge of this contract.(销售人员:负责本合同的员工。)

Delivery Method: It can be the default Delivery method used in sales order.(交货方式:可以是销售订单中默认使用的交货方式。)

Payment Terms: If a buyer wants to use a payment method which is not included in the default method, this field can be used.(付款条件:如果买家想使用默认付款方式中未包含的付款方式,则可以使用此字段。)

Pricelist: Pricelist field can be used against the default one.(价目表:价目表字段可用于默认值。)

Barcode: Barcode helps to identify this product from POS.(条形码:条形码有助于从 POS 识别此产品。)

Fiscal Position: Fiscal position calculates the taxes/accounts for this particular contract.(财政状况:财政状况计算此特定合约的税款/账户。)

2.3.4 Under Accounting Tab(在会计选项卡下)

Bank: Here you can fill the name of the bank, where the customer holds the account.(银行:这里可以填写客户开户的银行名称。)

Account number: The registered account number of the customer.(账号:客户的注册账号。)

Account Receivable: You can use this account instead of the default one as the receivable account.(应收帐款:您可以使用此帐户代替默认帐户作为应收帐款。)

Account Payable: This account can be used instead of the default one as the payable account for the current partner.(应付账款:该账户可以代替默认账户作为当前合作伙伴的应付账款。)

Internal Note Tab: It is a functional feature enabling you to add a comment without disturbing followers. This helps you to notify a particular seller, instead of disturbing all others. Moreover, you can insert an internal note in the customer form using this feature.(内部注释选项卡:这是一项功能性功能,可让您在不打扰关注者的情况下添加评论。 这有助于您通知特定卖家,而不是打扰所有其他卖家。 此外,您可以使用此功能在客户表单中插入内部注释。)

2.3.5 Sales quotations(销售报价单)

Sales Quotation is the official communication in a prescribed format that provides a purchaser with the information on the actual expenses for a product. It can also be the price of a service. Different businesses offer the same service at different costs. The cost differs due to reasons like the material used and the labour charges.(销售报价是按规定格式向购买者提供有关产品实际费用信息的官方通讯。 它也可以是服务的价格。 不同的企业以不同的成本提供相同的服务。 由于使用的材料和人工费用等原因,成本会有所不同。)

A user can select QUOTATIONS from the Order list in Sales Module.(用户可以从销售模块的订单列表中选择报价。)

2.3.6 Create New Quotation(创建新报价单)

To create a new quotation, you can go to Sales> Quotations> Create(要创建新报价单,您可以转到销售> 报价单> 创建)

Then you will get a create form as given below.(然后您将获得如下所示的创建表单。)

Here, the user will be able to give the details including customer name.(在这里,用户将能够提供包括客户姓名在内的详细信息。)

You can also add, GST treatment, invoice address, delivery address, Expiration date, quotation date, price list and payment terms(您还可以添加、GST 处理、发票地址、交货地址、到期日期、报价日期、价目表和付款条件。)

2.3.7 Under the Orderline(在订单线下)

Here you can give the product details, description, quantity for sale, unit of measure, package, unit price and taxes. This also helps to generate the subtotal. Here the user can also add coupons and promotions.(您可以在此处提供产品详细信息、描述、销售数量、计量单位、包装、单价和税金。 这也有助于生成小计。 用户还可以在这里添加优惠券和促销活动。)

2.3.8 Quotation template(报价模板)

You can create a quick quotation template if quotation templates are required frequently.(如果经常需要报价模板,您可以创建一个快速报价模板。)

2.3.9 Create Template(创建模板)

You can create template by going to Sales> Configuration Quotation Template(您可以通过转到销售> 配置报价模板来创建模板)

2.3.10 Create first template(创建第一个模板)

The template menu can be found under Sales >Configuration> Quotation Templates.(模板菜单可以在销售 > 配置> 报价模板下找到。)

One can either create a new quotation template or edit the existing one.(可以创建一个新的报价模板或编辑现有的模板。)

First you have to name the quotation template. Then you can select the product, product quantity and the expiration time for the quotation.(首先,您必须命名引用模板。 然后您可以选择报价的产品、产品数量和到期时间。)

The same way add discounts to the products also here if you have activated the discounts option in the sales settings. The base price can be set in the product configuration and this can be changed by the customer pricelists.(如果您在销售设置中激活了折扣选项,同样可以在此处为产品添加折扣。基本价格可以在产品配置中设置,这可以通过客户价目表进行更改。)

2.3.11 Set Expiration date(设置到期日期)

On each quotation or sales order, one can include an Expiration Date.(在每个报价单或销售订单上,可以包含一个到期日期。)

2.3.12 Editing Quotation Template(编辑报价单模板)

A user can edit the customer interface of the template by clicking the Edit Template button.(用户可以通过单击“编辑模板”按钮有效期来编辑模板的客户界面)

2.3.13 Use a quotation template(使用报价单模板)

You can create a quotation template by selecting the desired template. All product(s) included in the template will automatically get added to your quotation.(您可以通过选择所需的模板来创建报价模板。 模板中包含的所有产品都将自动添加到您的报价中。)

You can also set a confirmation process within the template. This can be done with the help of digital signature or online payment.(您还可以在模板中设置确认过程。 这可以在数字签名或在线支付的帮助下完成。)

2.3.14 Pricelists(价目表)

Price lists indicate the price of products which are put on sale. Price list feature of Odoo helps to manage the price of the product easily. It helps to control and modify the price of the product for a specific customer or for a specific transaction. All changes can be made based on the requirement of the company.(价目表显示了出售的产品的价格。Odoo 的价目表功能有助于轻松管理产品的价格。它有助于控制和修改特定客户或特定交易的产品价格。所有更改都可以根据公司的要求进行。)

You can manage the price lists in Odoo in a few steps.(您可以通过几个步骤在 Odoo 中管理价目表。)

Go to Sales>Configuration>Settings. Here, you should tick the check box- Multiple Sales Prices per product and save changes.(转到销售>配置>设置。在这里,您应该勾选复选框 - 每个产品的多个销售价格并保存更改。)

In Odoo, there are two types of sales price list.(在 Odoo 中,有两种类型的销售价目表。)

Multiple prices per product are the first category. This allows customer segments and use of different price lists for different countries having different currencies.(每个产品的多个价格是第一类。 这允许客户细分并针对具有不同货币的不同国家使用不同的价目表。)

Prices computed from formulas (It is used for discounts, margins, rounding): This option in Odoo helps the user to set price change rules. Changes can be made relative to public price, product cost price, or to another pricelist. Odoo supports the change calculation based on discounts and the price changer rules. Besides, Odoo allows the user to round the prices based on the nearest cent or dollar or even the multiple of both.(根据公式计算的价格(用于折扣、利润、四舍五入):Odoo 中的此选项可帮助用户设置价格更改规则。 可以相对于公共价格、产品成本价格或另一个价目表进行更改。 Odoo 支持基于折扣和价格变更规则的变更计算。 此外,Odoo 允许用户根据最接近的美分或美元甚至两者的倍数对价格进行四舍五入。)

2.3.15 Pricelists Under Multiple prices per product(每个产品的多个价格下的价目表)

You can create a new pricelist by going to Sales>Products>Price Lists.(您可以通过转到销售>产品>价目表来创建新的价目表。)

To Create a new price list click the CREATE button. A create form will appear as given below.(要创建新的价目表,请单击创建按钮。 将出现一个创建表单,如下所示。)

Here, the user can create a price list by filling the fields in the form. The details, including the company name, price rules for the product can be added. You can add new products by clicking add a line.(在这里,用户可以通过填写表单中的字段来创建价目表。可以添加详细信息,包括公司名称、产品的价格规则。您可以通过单击添加行来添加新产品。)

The user can also add product variants if any, minimum quantity, product price and start date and end date of the product price list.(用户还可以添加产品变体(如果有)、最小数量、产品价格以及产品价格表的开始日期和结束日期。)

Under the Configuration Tab(在配置选项卡下)

Here, you have many options like,(在这里,您有很多选择,例如,)

Country Groups: Here you can select the country group. This will help to restrict the use of a particular price list in the selected country group.(国家组:在这里您可以选择国家组。 这将有助于限制在所选国家组中使用特定价目表。)

Website- Once this field is enabled it allows the buyer to view the price lists from the website.(网站 - 启用此字段后,买家可以从网站查看价目表)

E-commerce promotional code: These codes enable the use of code for availing discounts.(电子商务促销代码:这些代码允许使用代码获得折扣。)

Now Go to Sales>Products>Price Lists and activate Prices computed from formulas option (discounts, margins, rounding’s). Tick the option and save changes.(现在转到 Sales>Products>Price Lists 并激活从公式计算的价格选项(折扣、利润、四舍五入)。 勾选选项并保存更改。)

Now, to create a new price list, Go to Sales>Products>Price Lists(现在,要创建新的价目表,请转到销售>产品>价目表)

Click the CREATE button to create a new pricelist.(单击创建按钮以创建新的价目表。)

A form will appear like below(将出现一个表格,如下所示)

Here you can click add a line to give more details.(您可以在此处单击添加行以提供更多详细信息。)

A new window will be opened then(然后会打开一个新窗口)

Here we can define certain parameters for creating the pricelist.(在这里,我们可以定义用于创建价目表的某些参数。)

Apply on: The user can apply a rule here based on the given criteria.(应用:用户可以根据给定的条件在此处应用规则。)

All products: This activates the price list on all products.(所有产品:这将激活所有产品的价目表。)

Product Category: This activates price list on selected product category (eg. sealable, fruits, electronics)(产品类别:这会激活选定产品类别(例如可密封、水果、电子产品)的价目表)

Product: This helps to enable price lists only for a specific product.(产品:这有助于仅为特定产品启用价目表。)

Product Variants: Pricelist will be applicable only for a specific product variant.(产品变体:价目表仅适用于特定的产品变体。)

Minimum Quantity: Minimum quantity required to apply Pricelist rule.(最小数量:应用价格表规则所需的最小数量。)

Start Date: The date on which the pricelist comes into force(开始日期:价目表生效的日期)

End Date: The expiry date of pricelist(End Date: 价目表的到期日)

Price computation: IT is used for calculating the price using different methods(价格计算:IT 用于使用不同的方法计算价格)

Fixed price: With this feature, the user can fix a price for a product or a group of products.(固定价格:使用此功能,用户可以为一个产品或一组产品确定一个价格。)

Percentage (discount): IT helps to define a percentage discount on the sales price of a product or product variant or product category.(百分比(折扣):IT 有助于定义产品或产品变体或产品类别的销售价格的百分比折扣。)

Formula: With this, the price of the product can be calculated by using a formula.(公式:有了这个,可以使用公式计算产品的价格。)

Now, we can go back to framing sales quotations. A user can add payment Terms in the quotation.(现在,我们可以回到制定销售报价。用户可以在报价单中添加付款条款。)

A user can change the payment terms for a quotation by selecting the term form the dropdown menu. This makes it more adaptable for the dealer.(用户可以通过从下拉菜单中选择条款来更改报价单的付款条款。 这使得它更适合经销商。)

Here, you can click on the Extra Price button(在这里,您可以点击额外价格按钮)

You can create a new price list for the product(您可以为产品创建新的价目表)

Here is another most beneficial feature of Odoo: Optional Products Tab. This enables you to include related items or services.(这是 Odoo 的另一个最有益的功能:可选产品选项卡。 这使您能够包括相关项目或服务。)

You can also add suggested/ optional products to the quotation(您还可以在报价单中添加建议/可选产品)

This can be done when they receive an order by email.(这可以在他们通过电子邮件收到订单时完成。)

2.3.16 Discounts(折扣)

Permission to use discounts on quotations is sure to improve the prospect of the business.(允许在报价上使用折扣肯定会改善业务的前景。)

you can enable discounts in quotation, Go to Sales>Configuration>Settings(您可以在报价中启用折扣,转到销售>配置>设置)

Under pricing, tick the option discounts(在定价下,勾选选项折扣)

Once you enable the option it gets reflected in the sales quotation.(启用该选项后,它会反映在销售报价单中。)





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