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转载 Set Matrix Zeros

class Solution {public:    void setZeroes(vector>& matrix) {        int rowSize = matrix.size();        int colSize = matrix[0].size();        int col = 1;        for (int i = 0; i

2017-12-27 10:17:43 334

转载 RAII 的妙用

RAII 就是为了防止 e.g 1) malloc 忘了 delete 2) open 忘了 close 3) acquire lock忘了 releasegood link https://www.tomdalling.com/blog/software-design/resource-acquisition-is-initialisation-raii-explained/http

2017-10-23 10:22:10 285

原创 Sort algorithm

Merge Sort / Insertion Sort/ bubble sort/ selection sort#include using namespace std;int CUTOFF = 7;int arrAux[7];void swap(int *xp, int *yp){ int temp = *xp; *xp = *yp; *yp = tem

2017-10-17 10:32:41 266

原创 Hash Map / Hash Set

Two sumMajority number

2017-10-11 12:33:02 232

原创 XOR usage

1. single numberhttps://leetcode.com/problems/single-number/description/2. swap value

2017-10-03 12:42:27 223

原创 stack usage

1. Valid Parenthesesclass Solution {public: bool isValid(string s) { stack st; for (char c : s) { switch (c) { case '(':

2017-10-03 11:26:08 760

原创 Range based for loop

Range-based for loop is better for container .Strings, arrays, and all STL containers can be iterated over with the new range-based for loop alreadyhttps://www.cprogramming.com/c++11/c++11-ran

2017-10-03 11:07:47 337

原创 Max subarray

Good reference http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/

2017-10-03 10:25:44 309

原创 stack-structured algorithm and queue-structured algorithm


2017-10-02 11:35:56 225

原创 Merge two sorted linked list

method 1 dummy node/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */class Solution {pub

2017-10-02 11:33:49 252

原创 2 sum

method 2. O(n2)的方法class Solution {public: vector twoSum(vector& nums, int target) { vector result; for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) { for (int j = i+1;

2017-10-02 08:17:28 210

原创 Invert Binary (recursive and iterative)

两种做饭 递归相对好做1. recursiveclass Solution {public: void swap(TreeNode** left, TreeNode** right) { TreeNode* temp = (*left); *left = *right; *right = temp; } Tr

2016-05-16 08:55:01 364

原创 Tree Traverse

Pre-Order tree Traverse.1.中左右两种方法1. Recurisveclass Solution {public: vector result; vector preorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) { if (root == nullptr) return result;

2016-05-16 08:18:27 356

原创 remove duplicate from sort array 2

这个貌似复杂了点丑陋的代码class Solution {public: int removeDuplicates(vector& nums) { if (nums.size() < 3) { return nums.size(); } int c = 0; int i = 1

2016-04-18 06:09:36 222

原创 Remove the duplicates from sorted array

其实这个题目有一个关键就是sorted array 如果不是sorted的话 可以用array index bit的类似方法解决这个问题Remove duplicates from sorted array 11. Do not allocate extra space for another array, you must do this in place with constant

2016-04-18 04:42:21 228

原创 Reverse Bit

这题很简单但是老是没过 因为 运算符优先级搞错要有括号 class Solution {public: uint32_t reverseBits(uint32_t n) { if (n == 0) return 0; uint32_t bit; uint32_t result = 0; uin

2016-03-16 12:04:20 329

原创 Reorder Linked List

方法1 一次AC了class Solution {public: void reorderList(ListNode* head) { if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL || head->next->next == NULL) { return; } L

2016-03-14 03:30:50 272

原创 Palindrome 系列

1. Palindrome linked list这个解法很不错呀 利用了reverse linked list的方法 + 两个指针class Solution {public: ListNode* reverse(ListNode* node) { ListNode* prev = NULL; while (node != NULL)

2016-03-13 05:31:07 306

原创 Remove Linked List Elements

dummy node的妙用1.切记 用了dummy node以后 要head 从dummy开始,把他们连接起来ListNode* dummy = new ListNode(0);dummy->next = head;head = dummy;2. 用temp然后delete temp 完成删除class Solution {public: ListNode* remov

2016-03-09 13:30:17 257

原创 Odd even Linked list

第一次出现了两次错误class Solution {public: ListNode* oddEvenList(ListNode* head) { bool flag = false; if (head == NULL || head->next == NULL) { return head; }

2016-03-09 13:23:50 265

转载 Aggregate POD and initialize struct to 0

Aggregate class and PODhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/4178175/what-are-aggregates-and-pods-and-how-why-are-they-special/4178176#4178176An aggregate is an array or a class (clause 9) with no

2016-03-02 12:01:00 423

原创 power of n

Power of 2  return (n&(n-1)) ==0; n & (n-1)==0 is executed as n & ((n-1)==0) See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OperatorsinCandC%2B%2Bclass Solution {public: bool isPowerOfTwo(int n) {

2016-02-27 11:10:46 399

原创 Reverse Integer

又是一个简单的但是都没一次通过的题目, 第一遍刷题就这么差么自己丑陋的代码 so uglyclass Solution {public: int reverse(int x) { if ((x >= 2147483647) || (x <= -2147483648) || x == 0) { return 0;

2016-02-25 12:53:21 321

原创 Remove duplicates from sorted listed 2

这次又没有能一次通过....so sad.....solution 1:test case 最基本的[1,2,3,4,5,6] 没有能通过 然后想到了加一个flag class Solution {public: ListNode* deleteDuplicates(ListNode* head) { if (head == NULL || head-

2016-02-03 12:26:06 221

原创 Remove duplicate in sorted linked list 1

Remove duplicate in linked list 1Note1. when you want access n->next you need to make sure thatn is not NULL, but when you want to access n->next->val, you need to make sure thatn->next is not

2016-02-01 10:34:32 313

原创 Linked List Cycle

This question is just something like if you know the trick then you can do it, otherwise just no way to solve it.两个指针Note:1. The faster one move 2 steps and slower one move one step each time2

2016-02-01 09:34:59 243

原创 Reverse Linked List 2

1.dummy Node 的使用感觉不是简单的就是 new一个dummy node 然后 dummy->next = head; 就好了, 这样是虚的最关键的是 dummy->next = head; 之后 head 要再从dummy 开始 head = dummy; 这样的dummy才是有效的 并且连续的2. reverse linked list 2 其实和1 很像 核心部

2016-01-31 12:45:49 230



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