MyBatis 初探


SqlSessionFactory 是由SqlSessionFactoryBuilder类来创建。, String, Properties) 

  public SqlSessionFactory build(Configuration config) {
    return new DefaultSqlSessionFactory(config);



使用 SqlSessionFactory 的最佳实践是在应用运行期间不要重复创建多次,多次重建 SqlSessionFactory 被视为一种代码“坏味道(bad smell)”。因此 SqlSessionFactory 的最佳范围是应用范围。有很多方法可以做到,最简单的就是使用单例模式或者静态单例模式。

在SqlSessionFactory被创建完成后,就一直存在于整个应用的生命周期。可以通过SqlSessionFactory来创建SqlSession.  而SqlSession是Mybatis暴露给开发者使用的接口。


每个线程都应该有它自己的 SqlSession 实例。SqlSession 的实例不是线程安全的,因此是不能被共享的,所以它的最佳的范围是请求或方法范围。

public class SqlSessionUtil {
	private static SqlSessionFactory instance = null;
	static {
		try {
			String resource = "org/mybatis/example/mybatis-config.xml";
			InputStream inputStream = Resources.getResourceAsStream(resource);
			instance = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(inputStream);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

	public static SqlSession getSqlSession() {
		return instance.openSession();

SqlSession:The primary Java interface for working with MyBatis.Through this interface you can execute commands, get mappers and manage transactions.


 * The primary Java interface for working with MyBatis.
 * Through this interface you can execute commands, get mappers and manage transactions.
 * @author Clinton Begin
public interface SqlSession extends Closeable {

   * Retrieve a single row mapped from the statement key
  <T> T selectOne(String statement);

   * Retrieve a single row mapped from the statement key and parameter.
  <T> T selectOne(String statement, Object parameter);

   * Retrieve a list of mapped objects from the statement key and parameter.
  <E> List<E> selectList(String statement);

   * Retrieve a list of mapped objects from the statement key and parameter.
  <E> List<E> selectList(String statement, Object parameter);

   * Retrieve a list of mapped objects from the statement key and parameter,
   * within the specified row bounds.
  <E> List<E> selectList(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds);

   * The selectMap is a special case in that it is designed to convert a list
   * of results into a Map based on one of the properties in the resulting
   * objects.
   * Eg. Return a of Map[Integer,Author] for selectMap("selectAuthors","id")
   * 把一个队列的数据库记录映射到map中。 key 为唯一键,value为一行数据库记录
  <K, V> Map<K, V> selectMap(String statement, String mapKey);

   * The selectMap is a special case in that it is designed to convert a list
   * of results into a Map based on one of the properties in the resulting
   * objects.
  <K, V> Map<K, V> selectMap(String statement, Object parameter, String mapKey);

   * The selectMap is a special case in that it is designed to convert a list
   * of results into a Map based on one of the properties in the resulting
   * objects.
  <K, V> Map<K, V> selectMap(String statement, Object parameter, String mapKey, RowBounds rowBounds);

   * A Cursor offers the same results as a List, except it fetches data lazily using an Iterator.
  <T> Cursor<T> selectCursor(String statement);

   * A Cursor offers the same results as a List, except it fetches data lazily using an Iterator.
  <T> Cursor<T> selectCursor(String statement, Object parameter);

   * A Cursor offers the same results as a List, except it fetches data lazily using an Iterator.
  <T> Cursor<T> selectCursor(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds);

   * Retrieve a single row mapped from the statement key and parameter
   * using a {@code ResultHandler}.
  void select(String statement, Object parameter, ResultHandler handler);

   * Retrieve a single row mapped from the statement
   * using a {@code ResultHandler}.
  void select(String statement, ResultHandler handler);

   * Retrieve a single row mapped from the statement key and parameter
   * using a {@code ResultHandler} and {@code RowBounds}

  void select(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler handler);

   * Execute an insert statement.
  int insert(String statement);

   * Execute an insert statement with the given parameter object. Any generated
   * autoincrement values or selectKey entries will modify the given parameter
   * object properties. Only the number of rows affected will be returned.
   * @param statement Unique identifier matching the statement to execute.
   * @param parameter A parameter object to pass to the statement.
   * @return int The number of rows affected by the insert.
  int insert(String statement, Object parameter);

   * Execute an update statement. The number of rows affected will be returned.
   * @param statement Unique identifier matching the statement to execute.
   * @return int The number of rows affected by the update.
  int update(String statement);

   * Execute an update statement. The number of rows affected will be returned.
   * @param statement Unique identifier matching the statement to execute.
   * @param parameter A parameter object to pass to the statement.
   * @return int The number of rows affected by the update.
  int update(String statement, Object parameter);

   * Execute a delete statement. The number of rows affected will be returned.
   * @param statement Unique identifier matching the statement to execute.
   * @return int The number of rows affected by the delete.
  int delete(String statement);

   * Execute a delete statement. The number of rows affected will be returned.
   * @param statement Unique identifier matching the statement to execute.
   * @param parameter A parameter object to pass to the statement.
   * @return int The number of rows affected by the delete.
  int delete(String statement, Object parameter);

   * Flushes batch statements and commits database connection.
   * Note that database connection will not be committed if no updates/deletes/inserts were called.
   * To force the commit call {@link SqlSession#commit(boolean)}
  void commit();

   * Flushes batch statements and commits database connection.
   * @param force forces connection commit
  void commit(boolean force);

   * Discards pending batch statements and rolls database connection back.
   * Note that database connection will not be rolled back if no updates/deletes/inserts were called.
   * To force the rollback call {@link SqlSession#rollback(boolean)}
  void rollback();

   * Discards pending batch statements and rolls database connection back.
   * Note that database connection will not be rolled back if no updates/deletes/inserts were called.
   * @param force forces connection rollback
  void rollback(boolean force);

   * Flushes batch statements.
   * @return BatchResult list of updated records
   * @since 3.0.6
  List<BatchResult> flushStatements();

   * Closes the session
  void close();

   * Clears local session cache
  void clearCache();

   * Retrieves current configuration
   * @return Configuration
  Configuration getConfiguration();

   * Retrieves a mapper.
   * @param <T> the mapper type
   * @param type Mapper interface class
   * @return a mapper bound to this SqlSession
  <T> T getMapper(Class<T> type);

   * Retrieves inner database connection
   * @return Connection
  Connection getConnection();



1、Configuration XML 例如:  mybatis-config.xml  主配置文件

2、Mapper XML         数据库,Pojo类映射关系的配置

3、Dynamic SQL       动态sql语句的说明

4、 Java Api               MyBatis 暴露给开发者使用的java开发api 接口

5、在java代码中构建SQL 语句

6、MyBatis 日志配置






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