Apache Mina 源码再读 1 Bind过程以及DefaultIoFuture源码

1 、bind 事件  

在服务器端调用public final void bind(SocketAddress... addresses) throws IOException 方法绑定本地端口时,

仔细看看,Apache Mina 在bind()本地端口做了哪些事情?

 protected final Set<SocketAddress> bindInternal(List<? extends SocketAddress> localAddresses) throws Exception {
        // Create a bind request as a Future operation. When the selector
        // have handled the registration, it will signal this future.
        AcceptorOperationFuture request = new AcceptorOperationFuture(localAddresses);

        // adds the Registration request to the queue for the Workers
        // to handle

        // creates the Acceptor instance and has the local
        // executor kick it off.

        // As we just started the acceptor, we have to unblock the select()
        // in order to process the bind request we just have added to the
        // registerQueue.
        try {

            // Wait a bit to give a chance to the Acceptor thread to do the select()
        } finally {

        // Now, we wait until this request is completed.

        if (request.getException() != null) {
            throw request.getException();

        // Update the local addresses.
        // setLocalAddresses() shouldn't be called from the worker thread
        // because of deadlock.
        Set<SocketAddress> newLocalAddresses = new HashSet<SocketAddress>();

        for (H handle : boundHandles.values()) {

        return newLocalAddresses;

创建一个Bind事情请求,这事情请求是Future 操作。异步操作。然后select循环会处理这个bind事情,然后通知结果。

AcceptorOperationFuture 是一个异步Future操作. AcceptorOperationFuture 继承了DefaultIoFuture 类。这是一个Apache Mina 对于Future操作的内部实现。

org.apache.mina.core.future 包里面有多种Future操作。


1、 CloseFuture 




以及这些Future的默认实现。 同时,对这些异步操作,future包中也定义了对应的事件监听器。IoFutureListener ,当Future操作完成时,触发IoFutureListener监听器。

 * Something interested in being notified when the completion
 * of an asynchronous I/O operation : {@link IoFuture}. 
 * @author <a href="http://mina.apache.org">Apache MINA Project</a>
public interface IoFutureListener<F extends IoFuture> extends EventListener {
     * An {@link IoFutureListener} that closes the {@link IoSession} which is
     * associated with the specified {@link IoFuture}.
    static IoFutureListener<IoFuture> CLOSE = new IoFutureListener<IoFuture>() {
        public void operationComplete(IoFuture future) {

     * Invoked when the operation associated with the {@link IoFuture}
     * has been completed even if you add the listener after the completion.
     * @param future  The source {@link IoFuture} which called this
     *                callback.
    void operationComplete(F future);

       // Create a bind request as a Future operation. When the selector
        // have handled the registration, it will signal this future.
        AcceptorOperationFuture request = new AcceptorOperationFuture(localAddresses);

通过以上代码,创建了一个Future 异步操作。然后,把Future保存到队列中,然select 异步来操作完成AcceptorOperation的事件.

        // adds the Registration request to the queue for the Workers
        // to handle

    private final Queue<AcceptorOperationFuture> registerQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<AcceptorOperationFuture>();

    // creates the Acceptor instance and has the local
        // executor kick it off.

然后通过startAcceptor()方法来启动一个Acceptor 线程。

        // As we just started the acceptor, we have to unblock the select()
        // in order to process the bind request we just have added to the
        // registerQueue.
        try {

            // Wait a bit to give a chance to the Acceptor thread to do the select()
        } finally {


 // Now, we wait until this request is completed.

最后一直等到AcceptorOperationFuture异步操作的完成。 这个是异步转换成同步的方式。

异步转换同步,可以通过object.await() 、object.notifyAll()来实现。这个主要看DefaultIoFuture 源代码。

在Acceptor 线程中有一个registerHandles()方法时专门来处理AcceptorOperationFuture 操作。

    private int registerHandles() 
        for (;;) 
            // The register queue contains the list of services to manage
            // in this acceptor.
            AcceptorOperationFuture future = registerQueue.poll();

            if (future == null)
                return 0;

            // We create a temporary map to store the bound handles,
            // as we may have to remove them all if there is an exception
            // during the sockets opening.
            Map<SocketAddress, H> newHandles = new ConcurrentHashMap<SocketAddress, H>();
            List<SocketAddress> localAddresses = future.getLocalAddresses();

                // Process all the addresses
                for (SocketAddress a : localAddresses)
                    H handle = open(a);
                    newHandles.put(localAddress(handle), handle);

                // Everything went ok, we can now update the map storing
                // all the bound sockets.

                // and notify.
                return newHandles.size();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // We store the exception in the future
            } finally {
                // Roll back if failed to bind all addresses.
                if (future.getException() != null) {
                    for (H handle : newHandles.values()) {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {

                    // TODO : add some comment : what is the wakeup() waking up ?

registerHandles()方法来迭代registerQueue 队列。 registerQueue队列是线程安全的。registerQueue队列被调用bind()线程和Acceptor线程共同访问。


在这个阶段中DefaultIoFuture 类实现了类似JDK  Future 模型。 我们重点学习一下DefaultIoFuture 类的功能。


 * Represents the completion of an asynchronous I/O operation on an 
 * {@link IoSession}.
 * Can be listened for completion using a {@link IoFutureListener}.
 * @author <a href="http://mina.apache.org">Apache MINA Project</a>
public interface IoFuture {
     * Returns the {@link IoSession} which is associated with this future.
    IoSession getSession();

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete.
     * The attached listeners will be notified when the operation is 
     * completed.
    IoFuture await() throws InterruptedException;

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete with the specified timeout.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is completed.
    boolean await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException;

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete with the specified timeout.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is completed.
    boolean await(long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException;

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete uninterruptibly.
     * The attached listeners will be notified when the operation is 
     * completed.
     * @return the current IoFuture
    IoFuture awaitUninterruptibly();

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete with the specified timeout
     * uninterruptibly.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is completed.
    boolean awaitUninterruptibly(long timeout, TimeUnit unit);

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete with the specified timeout
     * uninterruptibly.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is finished.
    boolean awaitUninterruptibly(long timeoutMillis);

     * @deprecated Replaced with {@link #awaitUninterruptibly()}.
    void join();

     * @deprecated Replaced with {@link #awaitUninterruptibly(long)}.
    boolean join(long timeoutMillis);

     * Returns if the asynchronous operation is completed.
    boolean isDone();

     * Adds an event <tt>listener</tt> which is notified when
     * this future is completed. If the listener is added
     * after the completion, the listener is directly notified.
    IoFuture addListener(IoFutureListener<?> listener);

     * Removes an existing event <tt>listener</tt> so it won't be notified when
     * the future is completed.
    IoFuture removeListener(IoFutureListener<?> listener);

DefaultIoFuture  实现了IoFuture 接口。

IoFuture Represents the completion of an asynchronous I/O operation on an IoSession .

IoFuture接口表示异步Io操作的完成。同时提供addListener 、removeListener 监听器的功能。当IoFuture 操作完成时,会调用IoFutureListener 的方法。

public interface IoFuture {
     * Returns the {@link IoSession} which is associated with this future.
    IoSession getSession();

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete.
     * The attached listeners will be notified when the operation is 
     * completed.
    IoFuture await() throws InterruptedException;

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete with the specified timeout.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is completed.
    boolean await(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException;

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete with the specified timeout.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is completed.
    boolean await(long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException;

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete uninterruptibly.
     * The attached listeners will be notified when the operation is 
     * completed.
     * @return the current IoFuture
    IoFuture awaitUninterruptibly();

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete with the specified timeout
     * uninterruptibly.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is completed.
    boolean awaitUninterruptibly(long timeout, TimeUnit unit);

     * Wait for the asynchronous operation to complete with the specified timeout
     * uninterruptibly.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the operation is finished.
    boolean awaitUninterruptibly(long timeoutMillis);

     * @deprecated Replaced with {@link #awaitUninterruptibly()}.
    void join();

     * @deprecated Replaced with {@link #awaitUninterruptibly(long)}.
    boolean join(long timeoutMillis);

     * Returns if the asynchronous operation is completed.
    boolean isDone();

     * Adds an event <tt>listener</tt> which is notified when
     * this future is completed. If the listener is added
     * after the completion, the listener is directly notified.
    IoFuture addListener(IoFutureListener<?> listener);

     * Removes an existing event <tt>listener</tt> so it won't be notified when
     * the future is completed.
    IoFuture removeListener(IoFutureListener<?> listener);

public class DefaultIoFuture implements IoFuture {

    /** A number of seconds to wait between two deadlock controls ( 5 seconds ) */
    private static final long DEAD_LOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL = 5000L;

    /** The associated session */
    private final IoSession session;
    /** A lock used by the wait() method */
    private final Object lock;

    private IoFutureListener<?> firstListener;

    private List<IoFutureListener<?>> otherListeners;

    private Object result;
    private boolean ready;

    private int waiters;

     * Creates a new instance associated with an {@link IoSession}.
     * @param session an {@link IoSession} which is associated with this future
    public DefaultIoFuture(IoSession session) {
        this.session = session;
        this.lock = this;

     * Wait for the Future to be ready. If the requested delay is 0 or
     * negative, this method immediately returns the value of the
     * 'ready' flag.
     * Every 5 second, the wait will be suspended to be able to check if
     * there is a deadlock or not.
     * @param timeoutMillis The delay we will wait for the Future to be ready
     * @param interruptable Tells if the wait can be interrupted or not
     * @return <code>true</code> if the Future is ready
     * @throws InterruptedException If the thread has been interrupted
     * when it's not allowed.
    private boolean await0(long timeoutMillis, boolean interruptable) throws InterruptedException {
        long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMillis;

        if (endTime < 0) {
            endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;

        synchronized (lock) {
            if (ready) {
                return ready;
            } else if (timeoutMillis <= 0) {
                return ready;


            try {
                for (;;) {
                    try {
                        long timeOut = Math.min(timeoutMillis, DEAD_LOCK_CHECK_INTERVAL);
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        if (interruptable) {
                            throw e;

                    if (ready) {
                        return true;

                    if (endTime < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                        return ready;
            } finally {
                if (!ready) {

   //当IoFuture 事件完成时, 调用setValue() 设置IoFuture异步计算的结果,并通过notifyListeners()方法来完成监听器的调用

     * Sets the result of the asynchronous operation, and mark it as finished.
    public void setValue(Object newValue) {
        synchronized (lock) {
            // Allow only once.
            if (ready) {

            result = newValue;
            ready = true;
            if (waiters > 0) {


    public IoFuture addListener(IoFutureListener<?> listener) {
        if (listener == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("listener");

        boolean notifyNow = false;
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (ready) {
                notifyNow = true;
            } else {
                if (firstListener == null) {
                    firstListener = listener;
                } else {
                    if (otherListeners == null) {
                        otherListeners = new ArrayList<IoFutureListener<?>>(1);

        if (notifyNow) {
        return this;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public IoFuture removeListener(IoFutureListener<?> listener) {
        if (listener == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("listener");

        synchronized (lock) {
            if (!ready) {
                if (listener == firstListener) {
                    if (otherListeners != null && !otherListeners.isEmpty()) {
                        firstListener = otherListeners.remove(0);
                    } else {
                        firstListener = null;
                } else if (otherListeners != null) {

        return this;

    private void notifyListeners() {
        // There won't be any visibility problem or concurrent modification
        // because 'ready' flag will be checked against both addListener and
        // removeListener calls.
        if (firstListener != null) {
            firstListener = null;

            if (otherListeners != null) {
                for (IoFutureListener<?> l : otherListeners) {
                otherListeners = null;


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