select ...... from ... for update是否会锁表?

        今天看到了一篇文件,讲到select xx form xx for update是会索表还是会锁行的问题?给我的第一个感觉就是这个还要验证吗。肯定是锁行啊,怎么可能会索表,经过验证之后就被打脸了,要看它加的是行锁或者表锁,需要看sql在执行的过程中是不是用了主键或索引,如果用了主键或索引,加的就是行锁,否则就是表锁。


create table  if not exists t_org_user(
id bigint(30) not null auto_increment,
number varchar(255) not null default '',
name varchar(255) not null default '',
primary key(id),
key(number) using btree)
engine=innodb auto_increment=1 default charset=utf8mb4;
insert into t_org_user(number,name) values('001','张三');
insert into t_org_user(number,name) values('002','赵四');
insert into t_org_user(number,name) values('003','王五');
insert into t_org_user(number,name) values('006','赵六');
show create table t_org_user \G;
explain select * from t_org_user where id = 1;
show variables like '%commit%';
set autocommit = 0;
select * from t_org_user where id = 1 for update;
update t_org_user set name = '李四' where number = '002';

        开启场景验证之前需要先插入几条数据,执行上述sql中的insert语句。由MySQL默认事务都是自动提交的,在做这种场景验证的时候,需要将自动提交事务关闭掉改为手动提交,对应的sql命令为set autocommit = 0。该指令是会话级别的,也就是如果重新开一个mysql命令行窗口就要执行set autocommit =0指令,从而将事务由自动提交改为手动提交。开启两个mysql命令行窗口做场景演示,假设分别命名为窗口1和窗口2.



          1.在窗口1中执行sql: select * from t_org_user where id = 1 for update;

          2.在窗口2中执行sql:update t_org_user set name = '张三1' where id = 1;失败,提示”Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction“错误。

            3.在窗口2中先将事务回滚掉再执行sql:update t_org_user set name = '李四2' where id = 2;执行成功




          1.在窗口1中执行sql: select * from t_org_user where number = '001' for update;

          2.在窗口2中执行sql:update t_org_user set name = '张三1' where id = 1;失败,提示”Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction“错误。

            3.在窗口2中先将事务回滚掉再执行sql:update t_org_user set name = '李四' where id = 2;执行成功




          1.在窗口1中执行sql: select * from t_org_user where name = '张三' for update;

          2.在窗口2中执行sql:update t_org_user set name = '张三1' where id = 1;失败,提示”Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction“错误。

            3.在窗口2中先将事务回滚掉再执行sql:update t_org_user set name = '李四2' where id = 2;执行提示”Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction“错误。

             4.在窗口2中先将事务回滚掉再执行sqlinsert into t_org_user        (number,name)values('005','洪七');执行失败。提示”Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction“错误。


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package com.hexiang.utils; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; /** * * Title: 数据库工具类 * * * Description: 将大部分的数据库操作放入这个类中, 包括数据库连接的建立, 自动释放等. * * * @author beansoft 日期: 2004年04月 * @version 2.0 */ public class DatabaseUtil { /** 数据库连接 */ private java.sql.Connection connection; /** * All database resources created by this class, should be free after all * operations, holds: ResultSet, Statement, PreparedStatement, etc. */ private ArrayList resourcesList = new ArrayList(5); public DatabaseUtil() { } /** 关闭数据库连接并释放所有数据库资源 */ public void close() { closeAllResources(); close(getConnection()); } /** * Close given connection. * * @param connection * Connection */ public static void close(Connection connection) { try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Exception when close a connection: " + ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Close all resources created by this class. */ public void closeAllResources() { for (int i = 0; i < this.getResourcesList().size(); i++) { closeJDBCResource(getResourcesList().get(i)); } } /** * Close a jdbc resource, such as ResultSet, Statement, Connection.... All * these objects must have a method signature is void close(). * * @param resource - * jdbc resouce to close */ public void closeJDBCResource(Object resource) { try { Class clazz = resource.getClass(); java.lang.reflect.Method method = clazz.getMethod("close", null); method.invoke(resource, null); } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 执行 SELECTSQL 语句并返回结果集. * * @param sql * 需要发送到数据库 SQL 语句 * @return a ResultSet object that contains the data produced * by the given query; never null */ public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) { try { Statement statement = getStatement(); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql); this.getResourcesList().add(rs); this.getResourcesList().add(statement);// BUG fix at 2006-04-29 by BeanSoft, added this to res list // MySql 数据库要求必需关闭 statement 对象, 否则释放不掉资源 // - 此观点错误, 因为关闭此对象后有时数据无法读出 //statement.close(); return rs; } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error in executeQuery(\"" + sql + "\"):" + ex); // ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, * UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL * statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement. 执行给定的 SQL * 语句, 这些语句可能是 INSERT, UPDATE 或者 DELETE 语句, 或者是一个不返回任何东西的 SQL 语句, 例如一个 SQL * DDL 语句. * * @param sql * an SQL INSERT,UPDATE or * DELETE statement or an SQL statement that * returns nothing * @return either the row count for INSERT, * UPDATE or DELETE statements, or * 0 for SQL statements that return nothing */ public int executeUpdate(String sql) { try { Statement statement = getStatement(); return statement.executeUpdate(sql); // MySql 数据库要求必需关闭 statement 对象, 否则释放不掉资源 // - 此观点错误, 因为关闭此对象后有时数据无法读出 //statement.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error in executeUpdate(): " + sql + " " + ex); //System.out.println("executeUpdate:" + sql); ex.printStackTrace(); } return -1; } /** * 返回记录总数, 使用方法: getAllCount("SELECT count(ID) from tableName") 2004-06-09 * 可滚动的 Statement 不能执行 SELECT MAX(ID) 之类的查询语句(SQLServer 2000) * * @param sql * 需要执行的 SQL * @return 记录总数 */ public int getAllCount(String sql) { try { Statement statement = getConnection().createStatement(); this.getResourcesList().add(statement); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);; int cnt = rs.getInt(1); rs.close(); try { statement.close(); this.getResourcesList().remove(statement); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return cnt; } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception in DatabaseUtil.getAllCount(" + sql + "):" + ex); ex.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } /** * 返回当前数据库连接. */ public java.sql.Connection getConnection() { return connection; } /** * 连接新的数据库对象到这个工具类, 首先尝试关闭老连接. */ public void setConnection(java.sql.Connection connection) { if (this.connection != null) { try { getConnection().close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } this.connection = connection; } /** * Create a common statement from the database connection and return it. * * @return Statement */ public Statement getStatement() { // 首先尝试获取可滚动的 Statement, 然后才是普通 Statement Statement updatableStmt = getUpdatableStatement(); if (updatableStmt != null) return updatableStmt; try { Statement statement = getConnection().createStatement(); this.getResourcesList().add(statement); return statement; } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error in getStatement(): " + ex); } return null; } /** * Create a updatable and scrollable statement from the database connection * and return it. * * @return Statement */ public Statement getUpdatableStatement() { try { Statement statement = getConnection() .createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.getResourcesList().add(statement); return statement; } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error in getUpdatableStatement(): " + ex); } return null; } /** * Create a prepared statement and return it. * * @param sql * String SQL to prepare * @throws SQLException * any database exception * @return PreparedStatement the prepared statement */ public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(String sql) throws SQLException { try { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = getConnection() .prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); this.getResourcesList().add(preparedStatement); return preparedStatement; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Return the resources list of this class. * * @return ArrayList the resources list */ public ArrayList getResourcesList() { return resourcesList; } /** * Fetch a string from the result set, and avoid return a null string. * * @param rs * the ResultSet * @param columnName * the column name * @return the fetched string */ public static String getString(ResultSet rs, String columnName) { try { String result = rs.getString(columnName); if (result == null) { result = ""; } return result; } catch (Exception ex) { } return ""; } /** * Get all the column labels * * @param resultSet * ResultSet * @return String[] */ public static String[] getColumns(ResultSet resultSet) { if (resultSet == null) { return null; } try { ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = metaData.getColumnCount(); if (numberOfColumns <= 0) { return null; } String[] columns = new String[numberOfColumns]; //System.err.println("numberOfColumns=" + numberOfColumns); // Get the column names for (int column = 0; column < numberOfColumns; column++) { // System.out.print(metaData.getColumnLabel(column + 1) + "\t"); columns[column] = metaData.getColumnName(column + 1); } return columns; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Get the row count of the result set. * * @param resultset * ResultSet * @throws SQLException * if a database access error occurs or the result set type is * TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY * @return int the row count * @since 1.2 */ public static int getRowCount(ResultSet resultset) throws SQLException { int row = 0; try { int currentRow = resultset.getRow(); // Remember old row position resultset.last(); row = resultset.getRow(); if (currentRow > 0) { resultset.absolute(row); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return row; } /** * Get the column count of the result set. * * @param resultSet * ResultSet * @return int the column count */ public static int getColumnCount(ResultSet resultSet) { if (resultSet == null) { return 0; } try { ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); int numberOfColumns = metaData.getColumnCount(); return numberOfColumns; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } /** * Read one row's data from result set automatically and put the result it a * hashtable. Stored as "columnName" = "value", where value is converted to * String. * * @param resultSet * ResultSet * @return Hashtable */ public static final Hashtable readResultToHashtable(ResultSet resultSet) { if (resultSet == null) { return null; } Hashtable resultHash = new Hashtable(); try { String[] columns = getColumns(resultSet); if (columns != null) { // Read data column by column for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { resultHash.put(columns[i], getString(resultSet, columns[i])); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return resultHash; } /** * Read data from result set automatically and put the result it a * hashtable. Stored as "columnName" = "value", where value is converted to * String. * * Note: assume the default database string encoding is ISO8859-1. * * @param resultSet * ResultSet * @return Hashtable */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static final Hashtable readResultToHashtableISO(ResultSet resultSet) { if (resultSet == null) { return null; } Hashtable resultHash = new Hashtable(); try { String[] columns = getColumns(resultSet); if (columns != null) { // Read data column by column for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { String isoString = getString(resultSet, columns[i]); try { resultHash.put(columns[i], new String(isoString .getBytes("ISO8859-1"), "GBK")); } catch (Exception ex) { resultHash.put(columns[i], isoString); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return resultHash; } /** Test this class. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { DatabaseUtil util = new DatabaseUtil(); // TODO: 从连接池工厂获取连接 // util.setConnection(ConnectionFactory.getConnection()); ResultSet rs = util.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM e_hyx_trans_info"); while ( { Hashtable hash = readResultToHashtableISO(rs); Enumeration keys = hash.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { Object key = keys.nextElement(); System.out.println(key + "=" + hash.get(key)); } } rs.close(); util.close(); } }
XMGR RDISK and UIDE DOS Device Drivers 1 Description XMGR RDISK and UIDE are a group of DOS device drivers for a PC system with an 80386+ CPU and using MS DOS V5 0+ or equivalent XMGR is a DOS driver which works as an "XMS manager" and provides up to 4 GB of XMS memory XMGR has direct support for V3 70+ UMBPCI by Uwe Sieber After UMBPCI enables upper memory XMGR loads there and will provide both upper and XMS memory to a DOS system XMGR uses an "I O Catcher" with UMBPCI Disk diskette I O above 640K is trapped by XMGR and done using a low memory area as UMBPCI "Shadow RAM" cannot do DMA XMGR also runs with JEMM386 or MS DOS EMM386 With EMM drivers XMGR using its B switch first boots in temporary space When upper memory gets enabled by the EMM driver XMGR loads there with no B copies all its boot data and takes over XMS work For a small XMS only system XMGR can also run entirely in low memory RDISK is a DOS RAM disk driver It creates a "fast" disk drive using 2 Megabytes to 2 GIGABYTES of XMS memory It loads as a system driver in CONFIG SYS or it can load later in AUTOEXEC BAT or by user command DOS can copy critical programs and data to the RAMdisk where they will be read or written at memory speed If loaded after CONFIG SYS RDISK files can be assigned to any free DOS drive letter using its : switch RDISK runs with V2 0 or V3 0 XMS managers 60 MB maximum for V2 0 XMS It uses only 656 to 752 bytes of upper memory depending on the system and it can also load in 640K DOS memory RDISK is a simple and small RAMdisk driver for use when resizing or other features are not needed UIDE is a DOS "Universal IDE" caching driver It intercepts "Int 13h" BIOS I O requests and caches data for up to 30 BIOS disks including A: or B: diskettes and including hard disks of any size UIDE can handle 48 bit LBA or 24 bit CHS I O calls by new or old DOS systems It will handle up to 10 "Legacy" or "Native PCI" IDE controllers UIDE "calls the BIOS" for diskettes and intercepts I O for "Int 13h" drivers loaded first thus UIDE caches ALL drives on a DOS system "ASPI" and other "non Int 13h" drivers are unsupported UIDE also detects and runs up to 8 SATA IDE and old "PIO mode" CD DVD drives It can cache CD DVD data and directories for MUCH greater speed and it will play audio CDs and handle "raw" trackwriter input audio and "raw" input is uncached UIDE caches 5 Megabytes to 4 GIGABYTES of data It can set up to four separate caches of its own "Common" User 1" "User 2" and "CD DVD" and it also permits caching requests from user drivers to "bring along" their OWN caches See the UIDE TXT file for full details UIDE uses 4816 bytes of upper DOS memory for 1 to 4 caches of any size All its data or cache tables use XMS memory A "stand alone" UIDE B switch no cache or diskettes can be used in test or diagnostic work and takes 3664 bytes of upper DOS memory If its N2 switch is given UIDE will omit all CD DVD logic saving 1744 bytes Its "CD DVD" cache can then become a 3rd user driver cache if needed UIDE"s H switch will load most of the driver into "free HMA" thus using only 928 bytes of memory 832 "stand alone" The small UHDD and UDVD2 drivers are also available for those who want only non caching drivers or a smaller size driver set for use on "boot" diskettes etc UHDD can cache 26 SATA IDE disks of any size on up to 10 controllers A: or B: diskettes included It now has all four UIDE caches takes 3280 bytes for caching and it can set a 1408 byte "stand alone" driver no cache with its B switch UHDD can put most of its code in HMA space with its H switch taking only 832 bytes 640 "stand alone" UDVD2 handles up to 6 SATA IDE or old PIO mode CD DVD drives it tests up to 10 controllers on loading and takes 2000 bytes or 144 with its H switch Caching by UHDD adds 96 bytes and UDVD2 "shares" UHDD"s I O buffer in XMS for input unsuited to UltraDMA If UHDD is not used UDVD2 will take 128K of XMS as its buffer or it handles such input in PIO mode if XMS is not available UHDD + UDVD2 require only 10K of disk file space and provide most UIDE features The small RDISKON COM program can "re enable" a DOS drive used by RDISK if a "format" command is accidentally issued to it This disables the drive on some systems Entering RDISKON L at a DOS command prompt where L is the desired drive letter A to Z will re enable the drive The small CC COM "Clear Cache" program can help verify files written by UIDE Entering CC at the DOS command prompt sends a BIOS "reset" to all disks making UIDE flush its "Common" cache Data from the disk NOT data still in cache can then be compared to the original output 2 NO Warranties XMGR RDISK and UIDE are offered at no cost "as is" "use at your own risk" and with NO warranties not even the implied warranty of FITNESS for any particular purpose nor of MERCHANTABILITY Driver questions and comments may be addressed to the E Mail of Johnson Lam <johnsonlam hk@gmail com> 3 Revision Summary 19 Oct 14 UHDD now "overlaps" cache work during UltraDMA disk output and the disk sector "gap" at I O end for greater speed UHDD M switch deleted 256 byte binary search buffer is now permanent Other drivers unchanged re dated only 27 Sep 14 UHDD now sets all 4 UIDE caches New UHDD M switch sets a 512 byte binary search buffer for more speed 26 Jan 14 UIDE error handling CD DVD media changes for "stand alone" mode is fixed UHDD offers "Common" & "CD DVD" caches 12 Jan 14 UIDE UD switch deleted many problems UIDE now offers "User 1" and "User 2" caches "Stand alone" UHDD UDVD2 re added for use as needed 12 Dec 13 UHDD UDVD2 deleted low use UIDE N2 dismisses CD DVD logic UIDE C switch added user caching improved 21 Nov 13 UHDD old style "stand alone" driver re added 14 Nov 13 UHDD UDVD2 "private" caches deleted unneeded and unused 25 Sep 13 BAD error fixed in UDVD2 re: locating UHDD MANY Thanks to Japheth for his tests and exact analysis 9 Sep 13 Possible but unlikely UHDD exit errors corrected UDVD2 UIDE now use all 32 CD DVD LBA bits in caching calls 2 Sep 13 Possible UDVD2 "media change" error fixed UHDD N1 size reduced 26 Aug 13 UHDD now has its "Common" cache and handles "private" user driver caches UDVD2 etc can now set a private cache 28 Jul 13 UHDD UIDE binary search buffer and F switch deleted 30 Apr 13 UHDD UDVD2 can now run without XMS lower speed for tests and FreeDOS "scripts" UDVD2 can now do "raw" input 15 Oct 12 UHDD UIDE again detect A: and B: diskettes from BIOS data NOT from "Int 13h" calls that FAIL with an LS 120 drive 2 Aug 12 UHDD "disk only" caching driver added UDVD2 caches CD DVD data if UHDD is also loaded UIDEJR deleted New UD switch in UDVD2 UIDE for CD DVD directory caching 9 Jul 12 UIDE UIDEJR device select error for master + slave CD DVD units on one IDE channel is corrected Many Thanks to Doug Beneway for finding this error 25 Jun 12 UIDE2 deleted: Not enough added speed complex to use 17 Jun 12 UIDE UIDE2 UIDEJR A switch init of 2 "Old IDE" channels and CD audio "Q" status data corrected Many Thanks to Japheth for his research and audio test program 29 May 12 UIDE and UIDE2 check for diskettes via Int 13h avoid DPTE tests if no PCI BIOS let the BIOS do I O for disks with bad DPTE data all re: VirtualBox BUGS 24 Feb 12 UIDE UIDE2 "64K DMA boundary error" fixed may affect only year 2000 chips or older 16 Oct 11 UIDE M switch deleted search buffer is always 512 bytes UIDE SYS back to 7 5K UIDE S dropped UIDE2 improved 7 Oct 11 All UIDE drivers updated to avoid BIOS "DPTE" ERRORS: Bad DPTE data for USB sticks Many Thanks to Daniel Nice 9 Sep 11 UIDE2 re added UIDE S and UIDE2 handle 6 CD DVD drives 22 Jul 11 UIDE E switch added for DOS emulators VirtualBox etc 20 May 11 UIDE S "short" UIDE added for systems with limited HMA 25 Apr 11 BAD "code mods" init error corrected for UIDE UIDEJR and RDISK XMGR not affected 5 Dec 10 UIDE UIDEJR R15 and R63 switches added to handle old DOS "games" Thanks Guillermo Grana Gomez 28 Nov 10 Minor updates: UIDEJR audio track number error corrected XMGR faster in protected mode Added XMGR and UIDE Z 15 Aug 10 UIDE audio track number error corrected Thanks Nagatoshi Uehara 10 Aug 10 UIDE binary search buffer added Using $ in CD DVD names fixed in UIDE UIDEJR Thanks Japheth 4 Jul 10 README file update XMGR UIDE can use "Native IDE" mode same as "Legacy" "Compatibility" for AHCI mainboards 28 Jun 10 XMGR updated for AHCI see the README sec 7 for details 10 Jun 10 UIDE now ignores "removable HARD disks" size reduced 16 Nov 09 UIDE now caches 4 GIGABYTES of data 6 Oct 09 UIDE and UIDEJR H requests HMA use "at the user"s risk" 2 Sep 09 README file updated FreeDOS users who desire full upper memory must omit UMBPCI and load JEMM386 JEMMEX only 23 Jun 09 RDISK now a COM file RDISK : switch RDISKON program added Corrected UIDE CD DVD handling of VDS errors 9 Jun 09 UIDE UIDEJR N3 switch added for no XMS memory Override of D: name by UIDE$ UIDEJR$ added for no CD DVD drives 15 May 09 Added RDISK 6 May 09 Added UIDEJR 1 May 09 Fixed XMGR "Port 92h" logic error Added XMGR PA and PN switches to control use of "Port 92h" 25 Apr 09 XMGR UIDE license and FreeDOS prohibition deleted drivers and sources are again available to all 4 Switch Options XMGR usually needs only its B switch if "booting" with an EMM driver All XMGR switch options are as follows: B Specifies "boot" mode XMGR loads in temporary memory until upper memory is enabled Without B XMGR loads stand alone in low memory or direct to upper memory with UMBPCI See the CONFIG SYS examples in section 5 Mn Specifies a temporary area for loading XMGR in "boot" mode or for UMBPCI upper memory I O before DOS posts a "workspace" buffer Values are: M1 64K M3 192K M5 320K M7 448K M2 128K M4 256K M6 384K M8 512K Without M M5 is assumed and the 320K area will be used NOTE: DOS systems may NOT load at address 0 and may leave temporary data anywhere in memory Mn helps to find a "safe" area for XMGR to use M is ignored if XMGR loads stand alone Nnn Specifies how many XMS "Handles" can be used by DOS programs The value nn may be 48 80 or 128 If N is omitted 48 "Handles" are used A big system doing much XMS work may need 80 or 128 "Handles" PA Specifies use or non use of PS 2 Port 92h logic to handle the PN system"s "A20" line PA indicates "Always" use Port 92h logic PN indicates "Never" use it and handle "A20" via normal keyboard port logic If P is omitted XMGR "asks the BIOS" if the system has Port 92h logic If not XMGR will use normal "A20" logic NOTE: If "A20" was enabled by DOS before XMGR loads XMGR does not handle it at all Tn Specifies the BIOS requests to use in getting extended memory as follows: T0 No "E820h" nor "E801h" requests T1 Memory list requests only Int 15h AX E820h T2 A dual area request only Int 15h AX E801h T3 "E820h" requests first then an "E801h" request T can usually be omitted causing T3 to be assumed In addition XMGR always uses an old 64 MB request to get T0 memory or if the requests denoted by T1 thru T3 are not successful Users may need to test T1 or T2 separately to see if their BIOS takes them A pre 1994 BIOS may not ignore T1 thru T3 correctly and may require T0 instead For old "QHIMEM" users T4 thru T7 may still be used and work the same as T0 thru T3 W Specifies use of the DOS "workspace" buffer for upper memory I O if loading with UMBPCI If W is omitted or if the DOS system does not have proper workspace logic XMGR sets its own buffer in low memory With PC DOS or EDR DOS W must be omitted Without UMBPCI W is ignored Z See Z for UIDE below RDISK uses only S size and : drive letter switches: Sn Specifies a desired RAM disk size in megabytes of XMS memory Values may be any number from 2 to 2047 S1024 or more creates a 1 to 2 GIGABYTE RAM disk If S is omitted or invalid a 25 MB RAM disk is created by default For old V2 0 XMS managers ROM DOS etc only S2 through S60 may be used See section 5 below for more details :L Specifies the DOS drive letter desired to access RDISK files L may be any available drive letter from A to Z e g :N assigns drive N: to all RDISK files If the drive letter is too high or already in use RDISK will abort and users may need "LASTDRIVE " in CONFIG SYS to set up more drives If RDISK is loaded by CONFIG SYS or if : is omitted the next free drive letter will be used UIDE usually needs only a H switch to use HMA space and a S switch to specify its cache size All UIDE switches are as follows: A Specifies ALTERNATE addressing for "legacy IDE" controllers The first legacy controller uses 01E8h 0168h addresses and a second if present uses 01F0h 0170h addresses A is only for "odd" mainboards with REVERSED addressing for the two legacy IDE controllers Without A the first legacy controller uses 01F0h 0170H and a second uses 01E8h 0168h as is normal for most PC mainboards B Requests a "basic" UltraDMA driver for disks and CDs DVDs no caching or diskette handling This may help for tests or diagnostics The B driver can request 128K of XMS as an UltraDMA I O buffer and it can load in the HMA The N2 switch can be given with B to "dismiss" all CD DVD logic Cnn Sets a separate "CD DVD" cache for higher CD DVD performance Values for nn are the same as for the S switch and permit up to 4 GB caches The "CD DVD" cache can be used by any user driver devices on systems with no SATA or IDE CD DVD drives If C is omitted data for requests addressed to the "CD DVD" cache shall go into UIDE"s "Common" cache D: Specifies the "device name" used by the CD DVD Redirector to access CD DVD drives For example: D:CDROM1 D:SANYO1 etc If D: is not given or the name following a D: is missing invalid UDVD1 is set by default If no CD DVD drives were found UIDE$ overrides any D: name for use with FreeDOS autoloader scripts E Makes the driver call the BIOS for any hard disk I O request E avoids setup trouble on some DOS emulators VirtualBox etc that do not emulate all PC hardware logic E also allows using hard disks on 1994 or older PCs which have no PCI EDD BIOS E still caches disk data unlike N1 that removes ALL disk support If B is given E is ignored NOTE Use of E on protected mode systems JEMM386 etc may run VERY slow Many BIOS programs omit DOS "VDS" support for hard disks and in protected mode they must do "PIO mode" transfers not UltraDMA If E is required a PC should be run in real mode UMBPCI etc whenever possible H Loads most of the driver in "free HMA" space UIDE will use only 928 bytes of upper DOS memory 832 when B is given H must not be used with ROM DOS which has no HMA NOTE MS DOS kernels have ERRORS in posting free HMA space which can give CRASHES Specifying H is "At the user"s risk" No such crashes are noted with other DOS systems also HMA usage by UIDE is under 4K bytes Users should still test a PC system before H is given for any serious tasks with these drivers N1 Requests NO hard disk handling by the driver N2 Requests NO CD DVD handling by the driver N2 will dismiss all CD DVD routines and save 1744 bytes N3 Requests no XMS memory N3 sets UIDE"s B "basic" driver N3 requires loading in low memory or UIDE aborts N3 can LOSE much speed as misaligned or other I O not suited to UltraDMA requires "calling the BIOS" for disks or using "PIO mode" for CD DVD drives N4 See Z below Q Awaits a "data request" before doing UltraDMA disk transfers Q is for "old" systems and may be used only if the driver loads O K but seems unable to transfer data Q must be OMITTED with SATA to IDE adapters from Sabrent and others since they may not emulate "data request" from SATA disks Q does not affect CD DVD drives R15 Sets the driver"s XMS memory at 16 or 64 MB R15 reserves R63 15 MB of XMS and R63 reserves 63 MB of XMS for DOS game programs that require XMS memory below 16 or 64 MB The drivers must be able to reserve this memory reserve their own XMS above that and "free" the 15 63 MB XMS If not the drivers display "XMS init error" and abort R15 or R63 need the drivers to load after the XMS manager XMGR HIMEMX etc so another driver cannot take any XMS first and the reserved XMS is just beyond the HMA See section 7 below for further details Snn Specifies the desired "Common" cache size in megabytes of XMS memory UIDE"s "Common" cache holds data for hard disks diskettes and CD DVD drives when C above is not given Values for S can be 5 15 25 40 50 or any number from 80 to 4093 S1024 and up sets a 1 to 4 GIGABYTE cache Suggested S values are Below 128 MB memory: Use S5 S15 S25 or S40 With 128 MB memory: Use S25 S40 S50 or S80 With 256 MB memory: Use S80 up to S127 With 512 MB memory: Use S160 up to S255 With 1 GB memory: Use S320 up to S511 With 2 GB memory: Use S640 up to S1023 With 4 GB memory: Use S1280 up to S3072 Small systems may prefer S25 or S50 which set 1600 cache blocks and are more efficient If S is omitted invalid an 80 MB cache is set Except for 25 or 50 values below 80 are cut to 40 15 or 5 MB The drivers display "XMS init error" and abort when not enough XMS memory is free If so a smaller cache must be requested For older V2 0 XMS managers ROM DOS etc only S5 to S50 may be used UX Disables all CD DVD UltraDMA even for drives that can do it "PIO mode" then handles all CD DVD I O Except for a few unusual drives by Sony etc which do not follow all ATAPI "rules" UX is rarely needed UX does not affect hard disks Xnn Sets a separate "User 1" cache for user drivers Values for nn are the same as for S above If X is omitted data for requests addressed to the "User 1" cache shall go into UIDE"s "Common" cache Ynn Sets a separate "User 2" cache for user drivers Values for nn are the same as for S above If Y is omitted data for requests addressed to the "User 2" cache shall go into UIDE"s "Common" cache Z For XMGR UIDE UHDD limits XMS moves to 2K byte sections not 64K when in protected mode Z is unneeded for JEMM386 JEMMEX MS DOS EMM386 or real mode UMBPCI If other EMM VCPI or DPMI drivers are used systems must be tested to see if Z is required BAD schemes that allow not enough interrupts during XMS moves can still be in use UIDE"s old N4 switch works the same and can still be used The "stand alone" UHDD ignores N4 or Z and will call the XMS manager to do its XMS moves UHDD usually needs only a H switch to load in HMA space also C S X or Y switches to specify cache sizes A summary of all UHDD switches is as follows: A Sets ALTERNATE addressing for "Legacy" IDE controllers same as UIDE A above Rarely necessary B Requests a 1408 byte "stand alone" driver no caching same as UIDE B above Cnn Sets a "CD DVD" cache size for UDVD2 use same values as for UIDE S above If C is omitted or invalid CD DVD data will go in UHDD"s "Common" cache E Makes the driver "call the BIOS" for hard disk I O requests same as UIDE E above E dismisses UltraDMA disk logic and saves 496 bytes H Loads all but 832 bytes of the driver 640 with B into HMA space See the note for UIDE H above Q Awaits "data request" before beginning UltraDMA I O with old controllers same as UIDE Q above Rarely necessary R15 Reserves 15 MB or 63 MB of XMS for old DOS "game" programs R63 same as UIDE R above Rarely necessary Snn Sets a "Common" cache size same values as UIDE S above Xnn Sets the "User 1" cache size same values for UIDE S above If X is omitted invalid "User 1" data will go in UHDD"s "Common" cache Ynn Sets the "User 2" cache size same values for UIDE S above If Y is omitted invalid "User 2" data will go in UHDD"s "Common" cache Z See Z above UDVD2 normally needs only a H switch to use HMA space and a D: switch to specify a driver "device name" A summary of all UDVD2 switches is as follows: A Sets ALTERNATE addressing for "Legacy" IDE controllers same as UIDE A above Rarely necessary D: Sets a "device name" used by the CD DVD Redirector to access CD DVD drives same as UIDE D: above H Puts all but 144 bytes of the driver in HMA space See the note for UIDE H above Rnn Reserves 15 MB or 63 MB of XMS for old DOS "game" programs same as UIDE R above Rarely necessary UX Disables CD DVD UltraDMA same as UIDE UX above Rarely necessary For all switches in each driver a dash may replace the slash and lower case letters may be used if desired 5 Setup and Configuration XMGR RDISK and UIDE are all loaded using the CONFIG SYS file Your CONFIG SYS should have command lines similar to the following examples: DEVICE C: DOSDVRS XMGR SYS N128 B DEVICEHIGH C: DRIVERS RDISK COM S500 DEVICEHIGH C: SYSTEM UIDE SYS D:TOSHIBA1 S511 H DEVICEHIGH C: USERDVRS UHDD SYS S500 C80 H DEVICEHIGH C: MYDVRS UDVD2 SYS D:BLURAY1 H Note that "Int 13h" BIOS drivers must be loaded first so UIDE UHDD can intercept and cache their DOS Int 13h calls Also note that any user drivers that call UIDE to do caching must be loaded after UIDE so they will "find" UIDE in memory and can "link" to it This also applies if UHDD followed by UDVD2 are used in place of UIDE See the CONFIG SYS examples below With V3 70+ UMBPCI and XMGR a "boot" procedure is not needed UMBPCI loads first to enable upper memory then XMGR loads to offer it and XMS to DOS then other drivers may load For V6 22 V7 10 MS DOS JEMM386 can also be loaded to offer extra upper memory in the "video graphics" areas or if other JEMM386 features are desired NOTE: FreeDOS and some other DOS variants will NOT "add up" the memory found by both UMBPCI and JEMM386 like MS DOS does FreeDOS users who want extra upper memory or other items must omit UMBPCI and load JEMMEX or HIMEMX JEMM386 per their instructions or load XMGR JEMM386 as shown in the 3rd example below An example CONFIG SYS file using V3 70+ UMBPCI and XMGR is as follows: SHELL C: DOS COMMAND COM C: DOS E:512 P DEVICE C: BIN UMBPCI SYS DEVICE C: BIN XMGR SYS W DOS HIGH UMB DEVICE C: BIN JEMM386 EXE I B000 B7FF X C800 EFFF NOEMS ;Optional Int 13h drivers cached by UIDE load now DEVICEHIGH C: BIN UIDE SYS D:CDROM1 S511 C250 H ;Or UHDD plus ; UDVD2 here User drivers that call UIDE load now DEVICEHIGH C: BIN RDISK COM S250 ;Optional Etc XMGR can be used "stand alone" on a small XMS only system It must be the first DOS system driver to load and it must load in LOW memory as in the following example: SHELL C: DOS COMMAND COM C: DOS E:512 P DEVICE C: BIN XMGR SYS DOS HIGH Int 13h drivers cached by UHDD load now DEVICE C: BIN UHDD SYS S80 C15 ;Or UIDE in place DEVICE C: BIN UDVD2 SYS ; of UHDD + UDVD2 User drivers that call UHDD load now DEVICE C: BIN RDISK COM S20 ;Optional Etc With JEMM386 and XMGR XMGR loads first in "boot" mode then JEMM386 and then XMGR finally loads in upper memory JEMMEX can also be used and if so XMGR can be omitted An example CONFIG SYS file which uses the XMGR "boot" procedure is shown below Note that in this example UIDE sets a 2 GIGABYTE disk cache plus a 700 Megabyte CD DVD cache SHELL C: DOS COMMAND COM C: DOS E:512 P DEVICE C: BIN XMGR SYS B ; B for "boot" DOS HIGH UMB DEVICE C: DOS JEMM386 EXE I B000 B7FF NOEMS ;Or JEMMEX here DEVICEHIGH C: BIN XMGR SYS ;No "boot" here Int 13h drivers cached by UIDE load now DEVICEHIGH C: BIN UIDE SYS D:MYDVD S2047 C700 H ;Or UHDD plus ; UDVD2 here User drivers that call UIDE load now DEVICEHIGH C: BIN RDISK COM S500 ;Optional Etc After the above drivers are loaded further CONFIG SYS drivers SETVER ANSI SYS etc can then load in any desired order When a specific RDISK drive letter is required RDISK can now be loaded by AUTOEXEC BAT and its : switch can specify any "free" drive letter e g :Q assigns drive Q: for RDISK files Whenever RDISK is used AUTOEXEC BAT should also include commands which copy all RDISK programs and data up to the RAM disk This is required each time DOS loads as XMS memory is LOST when a system shuts down Such copies usually take little time If RDISK and UIDE UHDD are used users must balance how much XMS memory the drivers use RDISK must take no more XMS than its files may need UIDE UHDD can take most remaining XMS for its caches Some XMS memory must be saved for other programs needing it As an example on a 4 GB system RDISK might use 500 MB UIDE UHDD might use 3 GB and 500 MB is free for other programs These values can be adjusted so RDISK holds programs and "fast" data files while UIDE UHDD cache "ordinary" files Properly balanced use of XMS will give a VERY high speed DOS system Please be sure to set each hard disk"s geometry correctly in your BIOS Set it to "Auto" "LBA" or "LBA Assisted" but NOT to "None" "Normal" "CHS" "ECHS" "User Cylinders Heads Sectors" "Revised ECHS" or "Bit Shift" should run but are NOT preferred If a BIOS has a setting like "UltraDMA" or "UDMA Capable" for a disk enable it "Laptop" power saving items like a "drive spin down timeout" should run O K but must be TESTED before use All these drivers allow 7 seconds for a disk or CD DVD drive to spin up after being idle More DRASTIC power saving items like a "drive SHUTDOWN timeout" may require "extra" logic to restart the drive should be DISABLED or driver I O requests may time out Also be sure to use an 80 connector cable for any UltraDMA drive using "mode 3" ATA 44 44 MB sec or higher When cabling a single drive to an IDE channel note that you MUST use both "ends" of the cable NOT an "end" and the middle connector This prevents ERRORS since an unused cable end can pick up "noise" like a RADIO antenna Be sure to enable all CD DVD drive s through the BIOS set up routines A drive that is "disabled" may cause the BIOS to clear all its UltraDMA flags and force the drive into "PIO mode" zero which is terribly SLOW 6 Error Reporting XMGR and UIDE UHDD UDVD2 will return normal XMS and CD DVD error codes as needed They are listed in the "V3 0 XMS Specification" and in the Microsoft "MS DOS CD ROM Extensions 2 1" document Both are available from Microsoft or from other Internet sources UIDE and UHDD work as "BIOS drivers" and return whichever codes are set for diskettes and hard disks handled by the BIOS For their SATA and IDE hard disks UIDE UHDD can post the following error codes: Code 0Fh DMA error CCh Disk is FAULTED 20h Controller busy E0h Hard I O error AAh Disk not ready FFh XMS memory error Many DOS programs display only "Disk Error" messages with NO code thus disk errors may require running a diagnostic to get better information 7 Technical Notes In all of the following notes "UIDE" also applies to UHDD or UDVD2 as necessary The JEMMEX or JEMM386 drivers are now recommended for use with UIDE if using a DOS system that needs their extra upper memory DPMI VCPI logic etc Other EMM drivers are essentially "abandoned" some with never corrected ERRORS and they should NOT be used The "VirtualBox" emulator as of 15 Oct 2012 does not set a "change line available" bit in BIOS byte 0:48Fh for A: and B: diskettes UIDE will IGNORE diskette drives without a "change line" normally 1985 or older as they cannot declare "media changes" i e a NEW diskette was loaded Until "VirtualBox" gets corrected UIDE will NOT run A: or B: diskettes in such an environment UIDE"s R15 or R63 switches DOS "game" programs are for a real mode system using UMBPCI and XMGR Game players like real mode as it gives more speed If protected mode JEMM386 EMM386 is desired UIDE using a R switch must load prior to the "EMM" driver so the XMS reserved by UIDE is just beyond the HMA If using UMBPCI XMGR UIDE and then an EMM driver this works fine But FreeDOS users and others whose DOS systems permit only one XMS provider i e UMBPCI cannot be used must load XMGR HIMEMX first UIDE second into low memory upper memory isn"t yet enabled then JEMM386 EMM386 last Using JEMMEX with UIDE and a R switch is unrecommended JEMMEX must load first and takes some XMS itself which pushes the reserved XMS above its intended 16 64 MB area and a few DOS "games" programs may CRASH UIDE shall NOT include any huge AHCI logic and will run hard disks in "Legacy" "Compatibility" "Native IDE" mode when using AHCI controllers If a "new" AHCI BIOS has no such settings UIDE with a E switch should be able to call the BIOS and use its logic to handle AHCI disks NOTE that much "DOS driver" code is now being omitted in AHCI BIOS programs Thus UIDE should be TESTED before normal use with an AHCI mainboard Also note that CD DVD drives are not supported by an AHCI BIOS for file I O only for "boot" CDs On a system whose AHCI chips can be set for "Legacy" "Compatibility" "Native IDE" mode CD DVD drives should be run from AHCI ports using such modes On mainboards with no such settings UIDE can run CD DVD drives only on the parallel IDE port 80 pin cable or IDE capable "add on" cards from Promise etc that UIDE can "detect" using normal PCI bus logic UIDE handles only "Legacy" or "Native PCI" IDE controllers RAID only chipsets Via VT6420 etc "port multiplier" chips and ADMA chipsets are not currently supported AHCI is supported only through "Legacy" "Compatiblity" or "Native IDE" controller settings or by UIDE "calling the BIOS" as noted above To use UIDE a mainboard BIOS must set SATA and IDE controllers to some form of "IDE" mode not RAID ADMA AHCI for best speed If no "Legacy" "Compatibility" "Native IDE" BIOS setting for disk controllers is provided a Sabrent converter card or similar will let UIDE handle SATA hard disks or CD DVD drives from the parallel port IDE controller channel using full UltraDMA speeds Except if necessary for AHCI it is NOT RECOMMENDED for UIDE to run any DOS disk using only the BIOS Many BIOS programs have no DOS "Virtual DMA" logic If so when an EMM driver JEMM386 etc enables its "V86 protected mode" the BIOS can do only PIO mode transfers and LOSES much speed If needed get SATA to IDE adapters for SATA disks as above or get "Int 13h" disk drivers for SCSI or other disk models UIDE can then handle such disks at full DMA speeds XMGR loads in UMBPCI upper memory BEFORE that memory is declared to the DOS system Memory displays using UMBPCI may not list XMGR since its memory is not part of the DOS memory lists Such memory displays will begin with a block having a 00A7h offset or greater if using 80 or 128 XMS "Handles" The upper memory skipped by this offset contains XMGR The UMBPCI upper memory manager uses system "Shadow RAM" that CANNOT do DMA Newer BIOS programs may use UltraDMA to load programs into upper memory If this is UMBPCI "Shadow RAM" a CRASH will occur To stop this and handle new BIOS programs users should follow these two RULES for running UMBPCI together with XMGR and UIDE UHDD: A The loading "order" for V3 70+ UMBPCI and XMGR shown in section 5 above MUST be used This lets the XMGR "I O Catcher" intercept and process upper memory disk I O until UIDE UHDD loads and takes over disk UltraDMA Old UMBPCI versions or other UMBPCI loading schemes are NOT recommended B When CHS I O is done MS DOS V6 22 or older every disk MUST have valid CHS parameters Otherwise UIDE UHDD and the "I O Catcher" let the BIOS deal with CHS I O If BIOS UltraDMA is not disabled a similar "Shadow RAM" CRASH will occur Some "CD ROM boot" programs handle the CD DVD as a "fake" hard disk and provide incorrect EDD BIOS data for it In scanning for disks to use UIDE may display "EDD BIOS error Unit ignored " then go on searching for more UltraDMA disks Users who did NOT "boot" from CD DVD need to see which disk was passed over and why Users who DID "boot" from CD DVD where all SATA UltraDMA disks were found may IGNORE this message It is caused by an ERROR in the "CD ROM boot" program NOT by a problem with UIDE or its SATA UltraDMA disks Some BIOS programs do not "configure" a mainboard controller if no user drives are on it An unconfigured controller causes UIDE to display "BAD controller" then it goes on looking for others to use If this message is displayed users should verify that each SATA UltraDMA drive was made "active" thru the BIOS set up logic If so "BAD controller" says a chip was not set to both "Bus Master" and "I O Space" modes and the BIOS should be UPDATED ">XMGR RDISK and UIDE DOS Device Drivers 1 Description XMGR RDISK and UIDE are a group of DOS device drivers for a PC system with an 80386+ CPU and using MS DOS V5 0+ or equivalent XMGR is a DOS driver w [更多]
非常威猛的官方固件UPDATE.APP解包打包工具(转自XDA论坛) Huawei Update Extractor After messing around a bit with the perl tools available for extracting Huawei files, i got the idea to create an own (windows) tool. Requirements .Net Framework 3.5 Install Extract the content of the zip to a folder somewhere on your system. Execute HuaweiUpdateExtractor.exe I'm planning to create an installer sometime. Usage Press the browse (...) button and select an file. Select a device or unknown and press on the open button. You'll see the content of the file in the listview. Select one or more files and right click. Choose Extract selected from the context menu. Choose the ouput folder and press ok. Or just right click on the list and select Extract all, choose the output folder again and press ok. Press close on the extract window. You can sort the list on sequence, filename and size. Just press on the desired column header. Command line: HuaweiUpdateExtractor extract input output [profile] HuaweiUpdateExtractor repack input output profile Profile The profiles.xml file is used to identify the files in the file. Every file in the has a sequence or type, which is also shown in the list. Those sequences or types are used to identify the file/device partition. Example: system.img recovery.img baseband.img version.txt splash.raw565 boot.img cust.img userdata.img signature crc system.img cache.img cust.img userdata.img modemimage.img boot.img recovery.img signature crc - Root tag of the xml file. - Identifies a device - attribute name: name of the device - attribute author: author of the device - File root tag - Identifies a file - attribute sequence: sequence of the file in - attribute type: type of the file in the - attribute partition: destination partition on the device - attribute signature: used to identify the signature file - attribute checksum: used to identify the checksum file - value: file name You can add or edit devices. If you want them to integrate in newer version, pm 'em to me. I'm gonna make some auto update for the device file somewhere in the future Roadmap - You tell me ... Credits ZeBadger ([email protected]) for figuring out the file headers S34Qu4K3 for the P6 partition layout ngamyarthar for adding ALOT of devices! Changelog
CREATE trigger icstockbill_check --实现对物料单据管控 on Icstockbill for insert as Declare @Ftrantype int --单据类别定义/生产领料单24/调拔单41/销售出库单21 Select @Ftrantype=Ftrantype from inserted --控制领料单的领料日期不能小于生产任务单的计划开工日期 倒扣物料只能车间仓库发料 if (@Ftrantype=24) begin declare @icmo varchar(20) declare @message varchar(200) declare @message0 varchar(200) declare @message00 varchar(200) declare @message000 varchar(200) declare @finterid240 int set @message='错误!领料日期不能小于生产任务单计划开工日期,请与生管人员联系!错误单号:' set @message0='生产领料单发料仓库不正确,倒扣物料不能从 原料仓/半成品仓/成品仓 发料' set @message00='已完工生产任务单不能跨月领料.请检查领料日期!' set @message000='生产领料单必需关联源生产任务单号,请重新录入单据!' if exists ( select t1.fbillno from inserted as t1 inner join icstockbillentry as t2 on t2.finterid=t1.finterid where t2.ficmointerid=0 ) begin RAISERROR(@message000,18,18) ROLLBACK end if exists( select t3.fbillno from inserted as t1 inner join icstockbillentry as t2 on t2.finterid=t1.finterid inner join icmo as t3 on t3.finterid=t2.fsourceinterid where t2.fsourceinterid>0 and t1.fdate0 and t1.fdateCast(year(max(t4.fdate)) as int(10))*100+Cast(month(max(t4.fdate)) as int(5)) ) begin RAISERROR(@message00,18,18) ROLLBACK end --更新领料单上的销售订单号 select @finterid240=finterid from inserted update t2 set t2.fentryselfb0445=t4.fbillno from icstockbill as t1 inner join icstockbillentry as t2 on t1.ftrantype=24 and t1.finterid=t2.finterid inner join icmo as t3 on t3.finterid=t2.ficmointerid left join seorder as t4 on t4.finterid=t3.forderinterid where isnull(t4.fbillno,'no')'no' and t2.finterid=@finterid240 return end --控制委外加工生产任务单领料日期不对小于计划开工日期 if (@Ftrantype=28) begin declare @icmo3 varchar(20) declare @message3 varchar(200) set @message3='错误!委外加工发出日期不能小于对应委外加工生产任务单计划开工日期,请与采购人员联系变更!错误单号:' if exists( select t3.fbillno from inserted as t1 inner join icstockbillentry as t2 on t2.finterid=t1.finterid inner join icmo as t3 on t3.finterid=t2.fsourceinterid where t2.fsourceinterid>0 and t1.fdate0 and t1.fdate0 and t1.fdate0 and t1.fdate<t3.FPlanCommitDate set @message4=@message4+@icmo4 RAISERROR(@message4,18,18) ROLLBACK end ; --更新产品入库单上的销售订单号 select @finterid20=finterid from inserted update t2 set t2.fentryselfa0236=t4.fbillno from icstockbill as t1 inner join icstockbillentry as t2 on t1.ftrantype=2 and t1.finterid=t2.finterid inner join icmo as t3 on t3.finterid=t2.ficmointerid left join seorder as t4 on t4.finterid=t3.forderinterid where isnull(t4.fbillno,'no')'no' and t2.finterid=@finterid20 return end ---更新委外加工入单销售订单号 if (@Ftrantype=5) begin update t2 set t2.fentryselfa0548=t4.fbillno from inserted as t1 inner join icstockbillentry as t2 on t2.finterid=t1.finterid inner join icmo as t3 on t3.finterid=t2.fsourceinterid inner join seorder as t4 on t4.finterid=t3.forderinterid return end ---控制出全部出货的销售订单所对应的采购订单不能退料(红字外购入库单) /*if (@Ftrantype=1) begin declare @message500 varchar(200) set @message500='已全部出货的销售订单所对应的采购订单不能退料!请检查您所退料的采购订单号码是否正确!' if exists (select t1.fbillno from inserted as t1 inner join icstockbillentry as t2 on t2.finterid=t1.finterid inner join seorder as t3 on t3.fbillno=t2.fentryselfa0152 where t2.fqty<0 and t3.fclosed=1 ) begin RAISERROR(@message500,18,18) ROLLBACK end return end */
******* 导出到excel EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp SettleDB.dbo.shanghu out c:\temp1.xls -c -q -S"GNETDATA/GNETDATA" -U"sa" -P""' /*********** 导入Excel SELECT * FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Data Source="c:\test.xls";User ID=Admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...xactions /*动态文件名 declare @fn varchar(20),@s varchar(1000) set @fn = 'c:\test.xls' set @s ='''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'', ''Data Source="'+@fn+'";User ID=Admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0''' set @s = 'SELECT * FROM OpenDataSource ('+@s+')...sheet1$' exec(@s) */ SELECT cast(cast(科目编号 as numeric(10,2)) as nvarchar(255))+' ' 转换后的别名 FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Data Source="c:\test.xls";User ID=Admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...xactions /********************** EXCEL导到远程SQL insert OPENDATASOURCE( 'SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source=远程ip;User ID=sa;Password=密码' ).库名.dbo.表名 (列名1,列名2) SELECT 列名1,列名2 FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Data Source="c:\test.xls";User ID=Admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...xactions /** 导入文本文件 EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp dbname..tablename in c:\DT.txt -c -Sservername -Usa -Ppassword' /** 导出文本文件 EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp dbname..tablename out c:\DT.txt -c -Sservername -Usa -Ppassword' 或 EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "Select * from dbname..tablename" queryout c:\DT.txt -c -Sservername -Usa -Ppassword' 导出到TXT文本,用逗号分开 exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "库名..表名" out "d:\tt.txt" -c -t ,-U sa -P password' BULK INSERT 库名..表名 FROM 'c:\test.txt' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ';', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ) --/* dBase IV文件 select * from OPENROWSET('MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0' ,'dBase IV;HDR=NO;IMEX=2;DATABASE=C:\','select * from [客户资料4.dbf]') --*/ --/* dBase III文件 select * from OPENROWSET('MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0' ,'dBase III;HDR=NO;IMEX=2;DATABASE=C:\','select * from [客户资料3.dbf]') --*/ --/* FoxPro 数据库 select * from openrowset('MSDASQL', 'Driver=Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver;SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=c:\', 'select * from [aa.DBF]') --*/ /**************导入DBF文件****************/ select * from openrowset('MSDASQL', 'Driver=Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver; SourceDB=e:\VFP98\data; SourceType=DBF', 'select * from customer where country != "USA" order by country') go /***************** 导出到DBF ***************/ 如果要导出数据到已经生成结构(即现存的)FOXPRO表中,可以直接用下面的SQL语句 insert into openrowset('MSDASQL', 'Driver=Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver;SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=c:\', 'select * from [aa.DBF]') select * from 表 说明: SourceDB=c:\ 指定foxpro表所在的文件夹 aa.DBF 指定foxpro表的文件名. /*************导出到Access********************/ insert into openrowset('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'x:\A.mdb';'admin';'',A表) select * from 数据库名..B表 /*************导入Access********************/ insert into B表 selet * from openrowset('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'x:\A.mdb';'admin';'',A表) 文件名为参数 declare @fname varchar(20) set @fname = 'd:\test.mdb' exec('SELECT a.* FROM opendatasource(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'', '''+@fname+''';''admin'';'''', topics) as a ') SELECT * FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Data Source="f:\northwind.mdb";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=123;User ID=Admin;Password=;')...产品 ********************* 导入 xml 文件 DECLARE @idoc int DECLARE @doc varchar(1000) --sample XML document SET @doc =' Customer was very satisfied Important Happy Customer. ' -- Create an internal representation of the XML document. EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc -- Execute a SELECT statement using OPENXML rowset provider. SELECT * FROM OPENXML (@idoc, '/root/Customer/Order', 1) WITH (oid char(5), amount float, comment ntext 'text()') EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @idoc ??????? /**********************Excel导到Txt****************************************/ 想用 select * into opendatasource(...) from opendatasource(...) 实现将一个Excel文件内容导入到一个文本文件 假设Excel中有两列,第一列为姓名,第二列为很行帐号(16位) 且银行帐号导出到文本文件后分两部分,前8位和后8位分开。 邹健: 如果要用你上面的语句插入的话,文本文件必须存在,而且有一行:姓名,银行账号1,银行账号2 然后就可以用下面的语句进行插入 注意文件名和目录根据你的实际情况进行修改. insert into opendatasource('MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0' ,'Text;HDR=Yes;DATABASE=C:\' )...[aa#txt] --,aa#txt) --*/ select 姓名,银行账号1=left(银行账号,8),银行账号2=right(银行账号,8) from opendatasource('MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0' ,'Excel 5.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=2;DATABASE=c:\a.xls' --,Sheet1$) )...[Sheet1$] 如果你想直接插入并生成文本文件,就要用bcp declare @sql varchar(8000),@tbname varchar(50) --首先将excel表内容导入到一个全局临时表 select @tbname='[##temp'+cast(newid() as varchar(40))+']' ,@sql='select 姓名,银行账号1=left(银行账号,8),银行账号2=right(银行账号,8) into '+@tbname+' from opendatasource(''MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0'' ,''Excel 5.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=2;DATABASE=c:\a.xls'' )...[Sheet1$]' exec(@sql) --然后用bcp从全局临时表导出到文本文件 set @sql='bcp "'+@tbname+'" out "c:\aa.txt" /S"(local)" /P"" /c' exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql --删除临时表 exec('drop table '+@tbname) /********************导整个数据库*********************************************/ 用bcp实现的存储过程 /* 实现数据导入/导出的存储过程 根据不同的参数,可以实现导入/导出整个数据库/单个表 调用示例: --导出调用示例 ----导出单个表 exec file2table 'zj','','','xzkh_sa..地区资料','c:\zj.txt',1 ----导出整个数据库 exec file2table 'zj','','','xzkh_sa','C:\docman',1 --导入调用示例 ----导入单个表 exec file2table 'zj','','','xzkh_sa..地区资料','c:\zj.txt',0 ----导入整个数据库 exec file2table 'zj','','','xzkh_sa','C:\docman',0 */ if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name='File2Table' and objectproperty(id,'IsProcedure')=1) drop procedure File2Table go create procedure File2Table @servername varchar(200) --服务器名 ,@username varchar(200) --用户名,如果用NT验证方式,则为空'' ,@password varchar(200) --密码 ,@tbname varchar(500) --数据库.dbo.表名,如果不指定:.dbo.表名,则导出数据库的所有用户表 ,@filename varchar(1000) --导入/导出路径/文件名,如果@tbname参数指明是导出整个数据库,则这个参数是文件存放路径,文件名自动用表名.txt ,@isout bit --1为导出,0为导入 as declare @sql varchar(8000) if @tbname like '%.%.%' --如果指定了表名,则直接导出单个表 begin set @sql='bcp '+@tbname +case when @isout=1 then ' out ' else ' in ' end +' "'+@filename+'" /w' +' /S '+@servername +case when isnull(@username,'')='' then '' else ' /U '+@username end +' /P '+isnull(@password,'') exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql end else begin --导出整个数据库,定义游标,取出所有的用户表 declare @m_tbname varchar(250) if right(@filename,1)'\' set @filename=@filename+'\' set @m_tbname='declare #tb cursor for select name from '+@tbname+'..sysobjects where xtype=''U''' exec(@m_tbname) open #tb fetch next from #tb into @m_tbname while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @sql='bcp '+@tbname+'..'+@m_tbname +case when @isout=1 then ' out ' else ' in ' end +' "'+@filename+@m_tbname+'.txt " /w' +' /S '+@servername +case when isnull(@username,'')='' then '' else ' /U '+@username end +' /P '+isnull(@password,'') exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql fetch next from #tb into @m_tbname end close #tb deallocate #tb end go /************* Oracle **************/ EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'OracleSvr', 'Oracle 7.3', 'MSDAORA', 'ORCLDB' GO delete from openquery(mailser,'select * from yulin') select * from openquery(mailser,'select * from yulin') update openquery(mailser,'select * from yulin where id=15')set disorder=555,catago=888 insert into openquery(mailser,'select disorder,catago from yulin')values(333,777) 补充: 对于用bcp导出,是没有字段名的. 用openrowset导出,需要事先建好表. 用openrowset导入,除ACCESS及EXCEL外,均不支持非本机数据导入


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