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原创 Image to Buffer

  private byte[] getPhoto()    throws Exception {    final String ICON_EXT = "png";    String file ="D:\\workspace\\OSL\\trunk\\learning-tool\\Web\\public_html\\images\\chart.png";    Buffered...

2012-03-06 16:21:48 147

原创 CentOS6 Trouble Shootings

Issue1. Network is unreachable(Connect: 网络不可达)solution: vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0change the ONBOOT=no to yes.+++++++++++++++++++++++++DEVICE=eth0HWADDR=00:1c:25:b8:e3:37...

2011-11-30 17:24:31 130

MySQL Linux/CentOS6安装

1.  Download MySQL 5.5 at http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.5/MySQL-5.5.17-1.linux2.6.x86_64.tar/from/ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/db/mysql/ 2. 解压:tar -xf MySQL-5.5.17-1.linux2.6.x86_64.ta...

2011-11-14 16:53:41 113

原创 Oracle DB tips

If you are always prompted the DB is still in use ... alter system enable restricted session; select sid,serial# from v$session where username = 'XXX'; alter system kill sess...

2011-11-10 10:25:43 93

原创 linux下ScrumWorks Basic的安装与配置

 linux下ScrumWorks Basic的安装与配置[引:http://hi.baidu.com/robin520/blog/item/6aa3922a1627be97033bf6ca.html] 1.1 ScrumWorks Basic的下载http://danube.com/scrumworks/download.htmscrumworks-1[1].8...

2011-11-09 16:20:07 145

原创 ADSL 网通2M路由猫设置

ADSL 网通2M路由猫设置:    从上面的描述中我们可以知道使用网通2M新品路由猫最大的问题就是贝尔-阿尔卡特RG100A-AA自身无法实现PPPOE自动拨号功能,这个功能被阉割简化掉,我们还需要在计算机上建立拨号或者直接通过另外一个路由器完成拨号任务;另外LAN3,LAN4接口被废无法使用,我们要连接多个设备还要通过额外的设备完成;最后用户手中的帐户权限太低,根本无法对一些参数进行正...

2011-09-26 17:10:46 199

原创 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.security.jps.wls.listeners.JpsApplicati

1. issue description: I got exception when deploy my web application in weblogic server java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.adf.share.weblogic.listeners.ADFApplicationLifecycleListenerjava....

2011-09-23 17:26:45 243

原创 JDEV: Uncaught exception: Exception in thread "JDI Internal Event Handler"

ISSUE: when web app starting, there is the exception:Uncaught exception: Exception in thread "JDI Internal Event Handler" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid JNI signature character ';'...

2011-03-11 10:43:19 294

原创 ADF using css skin

create an xml file called trinidad-skins.xml under view-controller WEB-INF and put this code. I have my mystyle.css under css folder.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?><skins xmlns...

2011-03-10 10:57:36 107

原创 Problem: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid JNI signature character ';'

1. When debug web application in JDeveloper(Studio Edition Version, it may throw exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid JNI signature character ';' at com.sun.tools...

2011-01-27 15:00:52 222

Report IO-BC-Table Field Mapping

 SQL:--------------------------------------------------------------------select ic.xml_tag Logical_Entity, ifd.xml_tag Logical_Attribute  , bc.name BusComp, sf.name Siebel_Field, nvl(sf.JOIN...

2010-07-13 14:31:54 108

原创 Auto print column heading on every page in Microsoft Word

Please see attachment.  

2010-07-12 10:13:15 73

原创 START WITH/CONNECT BY issue in DB 11.1.x

If you run recursive sql in the oracle db 11.1.x, you probably meet issue like this:Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection, it is a bug in this DB version. you have 2 optio...

2010-06-18 09:11:58 73

原创 Java Study Summary

1. Class Loader:   a. Load parent class   b. allocate mem for static member and method   c. Init parent class static member   d. Class Load before Class construction.[code="java&amp...

2010-06-12 12:01:43 98

原创 Set Workflow log level

set Workflow log level:1. login ucm_enu as sadmin2. Site Map->Server Configuration3. In the Enterprises tab a. Query "Workflow Management" in the Component Groups tab b. Check if the group enable...

2010-06-11 10:07:18 82

原创 Could not open connection to Siebel Gateway configuration store

1. Today, i can't restart siebel server, from the siebel/ses/siebsrvr/log/SiebSrvr.log, it says that the error is caused by:     Could not open connection to Siebel Gateway configuration store 2...

2010-06-04 14:57:49 296

Remove OLD SID registration

If oracle DB instance installed, there is registration in the file: /etc/oratab.if you happed to remove the instance and re-install it. then it will promt: The SID you have specified already exists...

2010-05-17 12:43:35 93

原创 add a swap file

To add a swap file: Determine the size of the new swap file and multiple by 1024 to determine the block size. For example, the block size of a 1024 swap file is 2G.At a shell prompt as ...

2010-05-17 10:01:45 80

OAM-IdentityServer installation

ot@oslcn36 OAM]# ./Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_3_0_linux_Identity_Server InstallShield WizardInitializing InstallShield Wizard...Preparing Java(tm) Virtual Machine....................................

2010-04-30 16:17:39 122

Install_config OBIEE

see attachment

2010-04-28 14:34:15 73

Apply Patch

Please see attachment.

2010-04-26 13:03:52 326

Export & Import OID Data

NOTE: the password is orcladmin's password, not sysdba's password.$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin/ldifwrite connect="orcl" basedn="cn=users,dc=cn,dc=oracle,dc=com" ldiffile="ldap_export_users.ldif"      $ORACLE...

2010-04-23 17:04:56 107

OIM 11g Installation

please see the attachment

2010-04-23 16:51:52 158

XM Commands

XM Commandshttp://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Managing_Xen_using_the_xm_Command-line_ToolList which virtual machines are running right now.# xm listStart the vm. By convention we will always have...

2010-04-16 10:21:36 136

Importing and Exporting Repositories Using Repimexp

Please see the attachment.

2010-04-14 11:15:43 76

Extend Disk Space in Oracle VM

Extend Disk Space in Oracle VM1. Oracle provides templates of Linux Enterprise (OEL5), but the free disk space is very small (around 10G). Enterprise Linux Release 5 Update 4 Media Pack for x86 (32 bi...

2010-03-18 16:06:48 113

Setup VNC in Linux

Setup VNC in Linux1. check if VNC installed in your system.$ rpm -qa|grep 'vnc'vnc-server-4.1.2-14.el5_3.1 2. Open firewall for VNC port: add the bold row$ vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables# ...

2010-03-17 13:23:45 81

Change DHCP to static IP in Linux/Oracle VM

Change DHCP to static IP in Linux/Oracle VM1. login as the root user2. issue the command: setup  Select Network configration  Edit a device params    select the device to config:    con...

2010-03-15 15:43:17 125

Clone Siebel UCM from Oracle VM

Goal: 1. Clone Siebel UCM Server -- source and target both are Oracle VM.2. Clone Siebel DB -- source is in Oracle VM, target is in the stand alone DB, not in the Oracle VM. Steps to Clone the...

2010-03-12 13:01:54 73

原创 Oracle DB 10g+ Backup and Restore

Here's the steps for backupa db schema, which just applies to oracle database. Suppose the osl schema is osl/welcome1, and the ORACLE_SID=orcl, then:Export Schema (backup)First,create...

2010-01-20 17:31:51 64

原创 Stellent UCM installation in Linux 5.3

General Steps:1. install and setup Oracle DB2. create admin user and table space from UCM3. install stellent UCM4. configure the Apache server Detail Steps:1. Install and setup Oracle DB...

2010-01-20 17:24:37 119

原创 You don't have permission to access /idc/ on this server.

After installed stellent UCM and Apache, start the admin web page: http://dhcp-beijing-cdc-10-182-106-221.cn.oracle.com/idcIt reports the error:You don't have permission to access /idc/ on this ...

2010-01-19 11:06:46 254

原创 Start weblogic without prompt of user and password

when we start weblogic, in some conditions, it will let you input the admin user and password. so the interaction mode can NOT used by your script to start the weblogic bypass the user and password....

2010-01-15 16:09:22 74

原创 Running program in the background

Running program in the background:1. nohup <command> &;e.g[1]+ Stopped startWebLogic.sh[oracle@oardc-vm15 admin]$   nohup startWebLogic.sh &   ...

2010-01-15 13:46:42 97

原创 Script: check server if alive

Purpose: check servers if they are alive. #!/bin/shecho "Check Servers status startup...."MAIL_TITLE="OSL OO DEMO SERVERS Check Failed!"VM03="oardc-vm03.cn.oracle.com"VM07="oard...

2010-01-15 11:17:31 125

原创 ORA-01031: insufficient privileges as sysdba

Problem:[oracle@l360cn31 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdbaSQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jan 15 10:21:54 2010Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.ERROR:ORA-01...

2010-01-15 11:00:58 148

原创 Script: start/stop stellent UCM server

Note: If you don't setup the sudo bypass the password, it will not work well. please see my pre-doc to setup the sudo.Start UCM server:#!/bin/shexport ORACLE_HOME=/opt/l360/ucm/product/10132...

2010-01-14 17:29:26 86

原创 sudo wihout password in your shell script

In the shell script programing, in the cases of running command must be with the root role. but if you su to root, then must input password for root or you may write the root password in your script--...

2010-01-14 17:21:09 64

原创 Change DB user/pwd with Stellent UCM

Today, I met problem with the stellent UCM startup. Because I forgot the UCM DB user's password, so changed the password with the sys admin role. but the password changed cause the UCM server can NOT ...

2010-01-14 15:55:39 123

原创 Start Oracle UCM Server

The oracle UCM server include the 3 parts: Database/UCM server/Apache Server start script:1. DB:export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/l360/ucm/product/10132export ORACLE_SID=orcl lsnrctl startsql...

2010-01-14 13:32:40 100



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