Inbound web service failed-[SWSE] Failed to obtain a session ID. Session context not found

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月23日 下午07时15分53秒 [Notes]
Hello Shine,

Thank you for your quick update with confirmation, and I am glad to hear that the suggestion could help.

With the issue resolved, I have concluded my work on the service request.

Unhag Yeo
Oracle Customer Support

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月23日 下午07时14分09秒 [ODM Solution/Action Plan]
The issue is resolved by replacing

existing URL


Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月23日 下午07时12分40秒 [ODM Proposed Solution Justif]
Since the URL does not contain SWE command parameter, failed to proceed next step.

ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestDebug 5 000000034f940304:0 2012-04-23 14:17:15 -136746304: [SWSE] POST query string: SWEExtSource=WebService&Username=SADMIN&Password=SADMIN
ProcessPluginState ProcessPluginStateDebug 5 000000034f940304:0 2012-04-23 14:17:15 -136746304: [SWSE] Switching to HTTP_REQ state.
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 000000034f940304:0 2012-04-23 14:17:15 -136746304: [SWSE] Failed to obtain a session ID. Session context not found for EAI request

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午05时17分30秒 [Notes]
Siebel returns the error "Session context not found for EAI request" within SOAP response. On reviewing the SWSE log, it could see that SWSE set the error in the response.

ProcessPluginRequest    ProcessPluginRequestError       1       000000024f912813:0      2012-04-20 15:22:38     -136127808: [SWSE] Failed to obtain a sessi
on ID. Session context not found for EAI request
ProcessPluginRequest    ProcessPluginRequestError       1       000000024f912813:0      2012-04-20 15:22:38     -136127808: [SWSE] Set Error Response (Sess
ion:  Error: 10944641 Message: Session context not found for EAI request)

This occurs due to the escape character "&amp" in the service port address (web service URL), which makes SWSE to interpret incorrectly.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午05时20分09秒 [Notes]
Amending the web service URL (service port address) will address the issue.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午05时21分41秒 [Notes]
According to the document 497020.1, "&amp" in the service port address will make the SWE command incorrect.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午05时33分48秒 [Notes]
Hello Shine,

Thank you for your update.

On reviewing the response message sent to the client 'Soap UI' and the SWSE log, it could see that SWE thrown below error and did not pass the request to the EAI component, and this is the reason why you could not get EAI component log.

"[SWSE] Failed to obtain a session ID. Session context not found for EAI request"

The error occurred because the web service port address contains "&" as it causes SWE command incorrectly.

To address the issue, I would suggest you to replace "&" (without quote) with "&" in the web service URL set in the WSDL document, and re-import this to the web service client (Soap UI).
Also make sure the address set in the application is amended if needed.
Note, once you modify the address, you must clear cache and regenerate WSDL document.

For example,

 <service name="XINTEST">
   <port binding="tns:AccountContact" name="AccountContact">
     <soap:address location=""/>

Please let me know if this helps.

Unhag Yeo
Oracle Customer Support

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月23日 下午07时05分07秒 [ODM Proposed Solution(s)]
Adding the missing parameter in the URL will solve the issue.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月23日 下午05时50分10秒 [ODM Cause Justification]
The URL does not contain the parameter SWEExtCmd=Execute, 



Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午05时05分11秒 [ODM Issue Verification]
Verified issue from the uploaded log file log.txt, which shows the reported error: -
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 000000034f8e0c72:0 2012-04-18 16:23:56 -136897856: [SWSE] Failed to obtain a session ID. Session context not found for EAI request
ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 000000034f8e0c72:0 2012-04-18 16:23:56 -136897856: [SWSE] Set Error Response (Session: Error: 10944641 Message: Session context not found for EAI request)

Also the web service response (sent to the client) show the same error "Session context not found for EAI request"

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月23日 下午06时29分49秒 [Update from Customer]
hi Unhag ,
thank you very much,we tried using the second URL ,and then successful! 
the parameter "Execute" is the root reason of this issue.


Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月23日 下午05时52分18秒 [Notes]
Hello Shine,

Thank you for your update.

I just reviewed the URL and found it does not contain SWE command parameter "Execute".  My apology, I overlooked it, I did not expect this at all.

Please add the parameter &SWEExtCmd=Execute to the URL.



Please amend the URL in Siebel application, clear cache and regenerate WSDL document.

Please let me know the result. 
If you still encounter the issue, I would like to have audio conference with you. Please let me know your direct telephone number.

Unhag Yeo
Oracle Customer Support

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月23日 下午04时36分49秒 [Update from Customer]
Upload to gtcr successful for the file access_log.

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月23日 下午04时35分55秒 [Update from Customer]
hi Unhag,
I have comfirm all the steps that you list,but issue still occurs,and I upload the access_log

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月23日 下午02时52分28秒 [ODM Action Plan]
Hello Shine,

Thank you for your update.

Unfortunately, I was not able to find any useful information in the new log file.

Could you confirm followings:

1. Modify manually the address (URL) in the WSDL document and re-import it into the client (Soap UI), test the web service.
2. Remove the web service from Siebel, recreate the same one and test again.
3. Do you see the same error with other web services hosted by the same Siebel server?
4. Is EAI component up and running? Is it working when the issue occurs?
5. Provide me Soap UI HTTP log, error log generated by the Soap UI (not Siebel response).

Unhag Yeo
Oracle Customer Support

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月23日 下午02时31分49秒 [Update from Customer]
hi Unhag , 
I have got the detail swse log as you suggestion and upload it ,pls check ,ths!


XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月23日 下午02时30分32秒 [Update from Customer]
Upload to gtcr successful for the file ss120423_772.log.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午06时34分31秒 [Notes]
Hello Shine,

Thank you for your update.

Could you modify the address (URL) in the WSDL document manually and re-import it into the client (Soap UI)?
Do you see the same issue if you remove the existing web service definition and recreate one?

If the issue persists then please collect detailed logs, and at this time please provide me detailed SWSE log too.

Please refer to below document to get detailed SWSE log:
How To Turn Up Logging on the Siebel Web Server Extension in Siebel Versions 7.x and 8.x? (Doc ID 477185.1)

Also, please provide me Soap UI HTTP log, error log. The one you attached to the .doc was not the one I asked.
And if possible, please enable network tracing, I recommend Wireshark to capture the inbound packets.

Note, please provide complete log file but extract.

Unhag Yeo
Oracle Customer Support

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月20日 下午06时02分12秒 [Update from Customer]
hi Unhag,
thank you for your quickly reply, but I checked our URL,current is
it didn't include "&amp;" ,so I didn't know how to fix it 


Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午05时07分42秒 [ODM Cause Determination]
The issue occurs because the WSDL document is incorrectly configured (service port address)

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午05时01分48秒 [ODM Issue Clarification]
we call following web service of EAI ,but failed.;Username=CGZN&amp;Password=Password1

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月20日 下午03时51分04秒 [Update from Customer]
hi Unhag ,
I have provided all the info in the reply.doc as your demand,pls check it ,ths

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月20日 下午03时38分55秒 [Update from Customer]
Upload to gtcr successful for the file reply.doc.

Oracle 技术支持 - 2012年4月20日 下午01时07分30秒 [ODM Action Plan]
Hello Shine,

Thank you for using Oracle Support. 

Due to unfortunate lack of bandwidth, I was not able to respond yesterday.

To troubleshoot a web service issue, I need following information:-

1. Confirm how exactly the web service fails when what error Siebel returns when you attempt to consume the web service.

2. Is this a new integration or existing one?
   When does the issue start to occur and what was the last change on it before the error?

3. Detailed Siebel component log, tracing (.dmp) files generated when the issue occurs.

   a) Please test the web service with the third-party client "Soap UI".

   b) To get detailed log, call the server manger command line and notice the parameters: 
   >srvrmgr /g <siebel_server_hostname> /e <SiebelEnterpriseName> /s <SiebelServer_name> -u sadmin -p sadmin 

   c) Once logged in, turn up log for the specific Object Manager you use:
   >change evtloglvl %=5 for comp EAIObjMgr_enu
   >change param enableserviceargtracing=true for comp EAIObjMgr_enu

   d) Get the log, if any, generated under siebsrvr/log (windows) siebsrvr/enterprises/<enterprise_name>/log (unix) and attach to this SR for review.
       Search under siebsrvr directory for *.dmp files (as below) and also attach them for review.

   e) capture Soap UI error log, http log and attach them for review.

3. Screen shot of the web service definition (services and operations) in the Administrator web service screen (in application).

Unhag Yeo
Oracle Customer Support

CGZN@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月20日 上午10时10分15秒 [Update from Customer]
Please update this SR as soon as possible.
And we have upload the log file and the wsdl file.

Thanks very much.

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月19日 下午03时29分13秒 [Update from Customer]
Upload to gtcr successful for the file SIT_WSDL_1.wsdl.

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月19日 下午02时34分45秒 [Update from Customer]
Upload to gtcr successful for the file log.txt.

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月19日 下午02时33分45秒 [Customer Problem Description]

1) ### Siebel EAI Community ####

2) ### Impact on Business ###

3) ### Milestone date ###

XHUL@NOVONORDISK.COM - 2012年4月19日 下午02时33分44秒 [Customer Problem Description]
问题说明: we call following web service of EAI ,but failed,;Username=CGZN&amp;Password=Password




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