VIM 我的配置

" The following are commented out as they cause vim to behave a lot
" differently from regular Vi. They are highly recommended though.
set showcmd         " Show (partial) command in status line.
set showmatch       " Show matching brackets.
set ignorecase      " Do case insensitive matching
set smartcase       " Do smart case matching
set incsearch       " Incremental search
set autowrite       " Automatically save before commands like :next and :make
set hidden          " Hide buffers when they are abandoned
set nu
set tabstop=4
set smarttab
set shiftwidth=4                                                                                            
set autoindent 
set cindent
set cursorline      "高亮当前行,即当前行下面显示一条线

autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o
"set formatoptions-=cro


letter   meaning when present in 'formatoptions'   

t       Auto-wrap text using textwidth
c       Auto-wrap comments using textwidth, inserting the current comment
        leader automatically.
r       Automatically insert the current comment leader after hitting
        <Enter> in Insert mode.
o       Automatically insert the current comment leader after hitting 'o' or
        'O' in Normal mode.
q       Allow formatting of comments with "gq".
        Note that formatting will not change blank lines or lines containing
        only the comment leader.  A new paragraph starts after such a line,
        or when the comment leader changes.
w       Trailing white space indicates a paragraph continues in the next line.
        A line that ends in a non-white character ends a paragraph.
a       Automatic formatting of paragraphs.  Every time text is inserted or
        deleted the paragraph will be reformatted.  See auto-format.
        When the 'c' flag is present this only happens for recognized
n       When formatting text, recognize numbered lists.  This actually uses
        the 'formatlistpat' option, thus any kind of list can be used.  The
        indent of the text after the number is used for the next line.  The
        default is to find a number, optionally followed by '.', ':', ')',
        ']' or '}'.  Note that 'autoindent' must be set too.  Doesn't work
        well together with "2".
                1. the first item
                2. the second item
2       When formatting text, use the indent of the second line of a paragraph
        for the rest of the paragraph, instead of the indent of the first
        line.  This supports paragraphs in which the first line has a
        different indent than the rest.  Note that 'autoindent' must be set
        too.  Example:                                                         
                        first line of a paragraph
                second line of the same paragraph
                third line.
        This also works inside comments, ignoring the comment leader.

v       Vi-compatible auto-wrapping in insert mode: Only break a line at a
        blank that you have entered during the current insert command.  (Note:
        this is not 100% Vi compatible.  Vi has some "unexpected features" or
        bugs in this area.  It uses the screen column instead of the line
b       Like 'v', but only auto-wrap if you enter a blank at or before
        the wrap margin.  If the line was longer than 'textwidth' when you
        started the insert, or you do not enter a blank in the insert before
        reaching 'textwidth', Vim does not perform auto-wrapping.
l       Long lines are not broken in insert mode: When a line was longer than
        'textwidth' when the insert command started, Vim does not
        automatically format it.
m       Also break at a multi-byte character above 255.  This is useful for
        Asian text where every character is a word on its own.
M       When joining lines, don't insert a space before or after a multi-byte
        character.  Overrules the 'B' flag.
B       When joining lines, don't insert a space between two multi-byte
        characters.  Overruled by the 'M' flag.
1       Don't break a line after a one-letter word.  It's broken before it
        instead (if possible).
j       Where it makes sense, remove a comment leader when joining lines.  For
        example, joining:
                int i;   // the index
                         // in the list
                int i;   // the index in the list

With 't' and 'c' you can specify when Vim performs auto-wrapping:              
value   action
""      no automatic formatting (you can use "gq" for manual formatting)
"t"     automatic formatting of text, but not comments
"c"     automatic formatting for comments, but not text (good for C code)
"tc"    automatic formatting for text and comments
Note that when 'textwidth' is 0, Vim does no automatic formatting anyway (but
does insert comment leaders according to the 'comments' option).  An exception
is when the 'a' flag is present. auto-format

Note that when 'paste' is on, Vim does no formatting at all.

Note that 'textwidth' can be non-zero even if Vim never performs auto-wrapping;
'textwidth' is still useful for formatting with "gq".

If the 'comments' option includes "/*", "*" and/or "*/", then Vim has some
built in stuff to treat these types of comments a bit more cleverly.
Opening a new line before or after "/*" or "*/" (with 'r' or 'o' present in
'formatoptions') gives the correct start of the line automatically.  The same
happens with formatting and auto-wrapping.  Opening a line after a line        
starting with "/*" or "*" and containing "*/", will cause no comment leader to
be inserted, and the indent of the new line is taken from the line containing
the start of the comment.
     * Your typical comment.
    The indent on this line is the same as the start of the above

All of this should be really cool, especially in conjunction with the new
:autocmd command to prepare different settings for different types of file.

Some examples:
  for C code (only format comments):
        :set fo=croq
 for Mail/news  (format all, don't start comment with "o" command):
        :set fo=tcrq
Automatic formatting                            auto-format autoformat

When the 'a' flag is present in 'formatoptions' text is formatted
automatically when inserting text or deleting text.  This works nice for
editing text paragraphs.  A few hints on how to use this:

- You need to properly define paragraphs.  The simplest is paragraphs that are
  separated by a blank line.  When there is no separating blank line, consider
  using the 'w' flag and adding a space at the end of each line in the
  paragraphs except the last one.

- You can set the 'formatoptions' based on the type of file filetype or
  specifically for one file with a modeline.

- Set 'formatoptions' to "aw2tq" to make text with indents like this:          

            bla bla foobar bla
        bla foobar bla foobar bla
            bla bla foobar bla
        bla foobar bla bla foobar
- Add the 'c' flag to only auto-format comments.  Useful in source code.

- Set 'textwidth' to the desired width.  If it is zero then 79 is used, or the
  width of the screen if this is smaller.

And a few warnings:

- When part of the text is not properly separated in paragraphs, making
  changes in this text will cause it to be formatted anyway.  Consider doing

        :set fo-=a

- When using the 'w' flag (trailing space means paragraph continues) and
  deleting the last line of a paragraph with dd, the paragraph will be
  joined with the next one.                                                    

- Changed text is saved for undo.  Formatting is also a change.  Thus each
  format action saves text for undo.  This may consume quite a lot of memory.

- Formatting a long paragraph and/or with complicated indenting may be slow.


根据VIM 帮助手册,只需要设置:set formatoptions-=croq 即可

实际上在vimrc 里面不会生效,只能手动输入才生效


在粘贴时可以进入粘贴模式::set paste





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