ORACLE 由于连接超时出现的错误

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作

    ### The error may involve package.class.method-Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: MERGE INTO ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作

    ; SQL []; ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作
    ; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止

    ### The error may involve package.class.method-Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: MERGE INTO ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止

    ; SQL []; ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止
    ; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 无法从套接字读取更多的数据
    ### The error may involve package.class.method-Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: MERGE INTO ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 无法从套接字读取更多的数据
    ; SQL []; 无法从套接字读取更多的数据; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 无法从套接字读取更多的数据

  • org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: 
    ### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Socket read timed out
    ### The error may involve package.class.method-Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: MERGE INTO ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Socket read timed out
    ; SQL []; IO 错误: Socket read timed out; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Socket read timed out

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 关闭的语句
    ### The error may involve package.class.    -Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: update ...
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 关闭的语句
    ; SQL []; 关闭的语句; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 关闭的语句

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Socket read timed out
    ### The error may exist in package/class.xml
    ### The error may involve package.class.method-Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: select ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Socket read timed out
    ; SQL []; IO 错误: Socket read timed out; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Socket read timed out

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
    ### The error may exist in com/package/class.xml
    ### The error may involve defaultParameterMap
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: SELECT...
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Software caused connection abort: socket write error

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作

    ### The error may exist in package/class.xml
    ### The error may involve defaultParameterMap
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: SELECT ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作

    ; SQL []; ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作
    ; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止

    ### The error may exist in package/class.xml
    ### The error may involve package/class.selectrepertorymanage-Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: select ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止

    ; SQL []; ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止
    ; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止

  • org.springframework.dao.QueryTimeoutException: 
    ### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作

    ### The error may exist in package/class.xml
    ### The error may involve package/class.method-Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: select ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作

    ; SQL []; ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作
    ; nested exception is java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作

  • org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: 
    ### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLException: connection disabled
    ### The error may exist in package/class.xml
    ### The error may involve package.class.method
    ### The error occurred while executing a query
    ### SQL: select ......
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: connection disabled
    ; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [null]; error code [0]; connection disabled; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: connection disabled

  • org.springframework.dao.RecoverableDataAccessException: 
    ### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 关闭的 Resultset: next
    ### The error may exist in package/class.xml
    ### The error may involve package/class.method
    ### The error occurred while handling results
    ### SQL: select ...
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 关闭的 Resultset: next

  • org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: 
    ### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLException: statement is closed
    ### The error may exist in package/clas.xml
    ### The error may involve defaultParameterMap
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: SELECT ...
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: statement is closed
    ; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [null]; error code [0]; statement is closed; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: statement is closed

  • org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: 
    ### Error updating database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLException: statement is closed
    ### The error may involve package.class.method-Inline
    ### The error occurred while setting parameters
    ### SQL: update ...
    ### Cause: java.sql.SQLException: statement is closed
    ; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [null]; error code [0]; statement is closed; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: statement is closed

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Software caused connection abort: socket write error

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Socket read timed out

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 关闭的连接

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-00028: 您的会话己被终止

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not roll back JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: 关闭的连接

  • org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JDBC Connection for transaction; nested exception is wait millis 600014, active 0, maxActive 4000

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Software caused connection abort: socket write error

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: ORA-01089: 正在执行立即关闭 - 不允许进行任何操作

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not roll back JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Connection reset

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Connection reset

  • org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException: Could not commit JDBC transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO 错误: Socket read timed out

  • org.springframework.transaction.IllegalTransactionStateException: Transaction is already completed - do not call commit or rollback more than once per transaction

  • Address already in use: connect No route to host: connect Connection timed out: connect Read timed out Connection reset Unexpected end of file from server Software caused connection abort: socket write error Software caused connection abort: recv failed Remote host closed connection during handshake Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
  • redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException:
    redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisConnectionException: Read timed out
### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作
### The error may exist in package/Mapper.xml
### The error may involve package.method-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: select * from table t where = ?
### Cause: java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: ORA-01013: 用户请求取消当前的操作

在查询超时时抛出异常。根据使用的数据库API,这可能有不同的原因,但最有可能在数据库在完成之前中断或停止处理查询之后抛出。出现上面的原因是因为频繁调用查询sql所致 Connection reset
客户端读取了过长的数据,服务器此时已经调用了socket.close() Read timed out
<Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"
               port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="false"
               redirectPort="8443" />
增加 disableUploadTimeout="false",取消读写连接超时设置,或者
<Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"
               port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               redirectPort="8443" />






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