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原创 十一、百步穿杨

百步穿杨 Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 5656 Accepted Submission(s): 1916 Problem Description 时维九月,序属三秋,辽军大举进攻MCA山,战场上两军正交锋.辽军统帅是

2017-04-17 09:21:06 787

原创 3、zedboard Linux内核编译

目标是生成zedboard的启动文件首先需要工具和输入文件:Tools Required Xilinx SDK Input Files Required FSBL u-boot uImage uRamDisk.image.gz devicetree.dtb Output Files Produced boot.bin生成u-boot文件(u-boot

2017-04-15 00:13:33 2847

原创 十、今年暑假不AC

Problem Description “今年暑假不AC?” “是的。” “那你干什么呢?” “看世界杯呀,笨蛋!” “@#$%^&*%…”确实如此,世界杯来了,球迷的节日也来了,估计很多ACMer也会抛开电脑,奔向电视了。 作为球迷,一定想看尽量多的完整的比赛,当然,作为新时代的好青年,你一定还会看一些其它的节目,比如新闻联播(永远不要忘记关心国家大事)、非常6+7、超级女生,以及王小

2017-04-14 15:04:27 273

原创 九、FatMouse' Trade

Problem Description FatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehouse containing his favorite food, JavaBean. The warehouse has N rooms. The i-th room contai

2017-04-14 15:03:05 689

原创 八、Identity Card

Problem Description Do you own an ID card?You must have a identity card number in your family’s Household Register. From the ID card you can get specific personal information of everyone. The number h

2017-04-14 15:00:48 33468

原创 七、ASCII

Problem Description Since all we know the ASCII code, your job is simple: input numbers and output corresponding messages.Input The first line contains one integer T (1<=T<=1000). The input will con

2017-04-14 14:59:17 430

原创 六、IBM Minus One

Problem Description You may have heard of the book ‘2001 - A Space Odyssey’ by Arthur C. Clarke, or the film of the same name by Stanley Kubrick. In it a spaceship is sent from Earth to Saturn. The cr

2017-04-14 14:58:16 333

原创 五、Balloon Comes!

Problem Description The contest starts now! How excited it is to see balloons floating around. You, one of the best programmers in HDU, can get a very beautiful balloon if only you have solved the ver

2017-04-14 14:56:04 675

原创 四、 Buildings

Problem Description We divide the HZNU Campus into N*M grids. As you can see from the picture below, the green grids represent the buidings. Given the size of the HZNU Campus, and the color of each gr

2017-04-14 14:55:00 369

原创 三、Nasty Hacks

Problem Description You are the CEO of Nasty Hacks Inc., a company that creates small pieces of malicious software which teenagers may use to fool their friends. The company has just finished their f

2017-04-14 14:53:19 271

原创 二、Climbing Worm

Problem Description An inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough energy to climb u inches every minute, but then has to rest a minute before climbing again. During the rest, it

2017-04-14 14:52:13 451

原创 一、Elevator

Problem Description The highest building in our city has only one elevator. A request list is made up with N positive numbers. The numbers denote at which floors the elevator will stop, in specified o

2017-04-14 14:51:07 322

原创 4、caffe.cpp之命令解析

主函数位置:caffe/tool/caffe.cpp (主要以train阶段阅读的代码),下面是从主函数代码抽象出的主干代码(稍加修改).主要以代码阅读进行学习;#include <gflags/gflags.h>#include <glog/logging.h>#include <cstring>#include <map>#include <string>#include <vecto

2017-04-14 14:47:54 503

原创 3、caffe 源码架构

下图是caffe的主要代码架构图,使用Xmind 工具 参考其他博客的构建的程序代码图,详细各个组成部分将在后面详细展开;主要有个大概了解(Xmind 工具)

2017-04-14 14:46:04 639

原创 2、caffe初认识

1、首先我们把caffe的example跑一下。cd caffe //首先进入caffe目录./data/cifar10/get_cifar10.sh //图片分类./data/mnist/get_mnist.sh //手写字体./data/ilsvrc12/get_ilsvrc_aux.sh //图片识别比赛然后进行训练的数据集下载解释一下什么是数据集:数据集就是一些先有的已知的信息,比

2017-04-14 14:42:53 453

原创 1、caffe 的安装

首先先安装caffe caffe 的的介绍和研究后续会展开 首先我把自己在安装caffe 的过程命令集中在一起了写了个小文本,列如caffe.sh ,然后执行sudo ./caffe.sh 执行就行,但是前提大家最好更新一下数据源,最好添加阿里的源和ipv6的数据源 ubuntu 版本14.04 12.04 亲测没有问题sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev pr

2017-04-14 14:37:46 802

原创 20、makefile 之echo \ $^ exec

首先基于上篇文章makefile 的初认识,我们继续学习makefile 新东西(hello.cpp test.h文件和上文类同不在细谈)着重学习makefile;mkdir -p testcd testmkdir functiontouch hello.cppvi hello.cppmkdir sourcetouch test.hvi test.hcd ..touch makef

2017-04-14 14:30:43 751

原创 19、makefile VPTAH vpath $@ $<

首先基于上篇文章makefile 的初认识,我们继续学习makefile 新东西(hello.cpp test.h文件和上文类同不在细谈)着重学习makefile,大型工程中存在很多文件夹,他们分别代表不同的功能,因此,我们 需要划分文件功能,讨论一下makefile;文件百度云盘(http://pan.baidu.com/s/1geVQJx5)mkdir -p testcd testmkdir

2017-04-14 14:27:43 435

原创 2、zedboard 交叉工具链安装

zynq大部分参考资料参考(http://www.wiki.xilinx.com/)和官方手册首先安装 32 位库 (ubuntu 14.04 64位机) sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386第一步:首先需要建立xilinx的交叉编译环境;下载(https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o8

2017-04-14 14:14:23 633

原创 1、 ubuntu 14.04 的前期软件准备(定期更新)

首先下载了ubuntu14.04 x64位的系统,下载地址为IPV6 地址 (mirrors.ustc.edu.cn 或者 网易开源镜像 或者六维空间) 使用ultraiso 刻录优盘,傻瓜式安装双系统; 安装好的ubuntu 添加了14.04阿里的源和IPV6的源(https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/repogen/) 台湾源、中科大源、清华源。 sudo gedit /e

2017-04-14 13:39:14 644

原创 4、zedboard linux图形化界面和启动文件

首先下载(http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7UVNwI)压缩包;第一步:先在window(当然是用ubuntu的disk 磁盘分区工具也可以做到类似的分区操作或者sudo apt-get install gparted &sudo gparted)环境下载一个免费的MiniTool Partition Wizard Free(https://www.partitionwiz

2017-04-14 11:51:31 991

opencv (linux版本)

opencv 脚本安装


2017最全的vivado license

历史最全的vivdo license,压缩包包含:(后期会定时更新) xilinx_ise_vivado.lic Vivado_license_2016.4.lic xilinx_ise.lic Vivado_2016.4_license_2037.lic xilinx.lic ise_vivado_2014_2.lic 2014Xilinx.lic 2016_Vivado_license.lic



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