修正了若干Bug 的 .NET 下的 串口通信的基类

修正了若干Bug 的 .NET 下的 串口通信的基类

using System;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace XST.XSTComm.Base

 /// Lowest level Com driver handling all Win32 API calls and processing send and receive in terms of
 /// individual bytes. Used as a base class for higher level drivers.

 public abstract class CommBase : IDisposable
  private IntPtr hPort;
  private IntPtr ptrUWO = IntPtr.Zero;
  private Thread rxThread = null;
  private bool online = false;
  private bool auto = false;
  private bool checkSends = true;
  private Exception rxException = null;
  private bool rxExceptionReported = false;
  private int writeCount = 0;
  private ManualResetEvent writeEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
  //JH 1.2: Added below to improve robustness of thread start-up.
  private ManualResetEvent startEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
  private int stateRTS = 2;
  private int stateDTR = 2;
  private int stateBRK = 2;
  //JH 1.3: Added to support the new congestion detection scheme (following two lines):
  private bool[] empty = new bool[1];
  private bool dataQueued = false;


  /// Parity settings

  public enum Parity
   /// Characters do not have a parity bit.

   none = 0,
   /// If there are an odd number of 1s in the data bits, the parity bit is 1.

   odd = 1,
   /// If there are an even number of 1s in the data bits, the parity bit is 1.

   even = 2,
   /// The parity bit is always 1.

   mark = 3,
   /// The parity bit is always 0.

   space = 4


  /// Stop bit settings

  public enum StopBits
   /// Line is asserted for 1 bit duration at end of each character

   one = 0,
   /// Line is asserted for 1.5 bit duration at end of each character

   onePointFive = 1,
   /// Line is asserted for 2 bit duration at end of each character

   two = 2


  /// Uses for RTS or DTR pins

  public enum HSOutput
   /// Pin is asserted when this station is able to receive data.

   handshake = 2,
   /// Pin is asserted when this station is transmitting data (RTS on NT, 2000 or XP only).

   gate = 3,
   /// Pin is asserted when this station is online (port is open).

   online = 1,
   /// Pin is never asserted.

   none = 0


  /// Standard handshake methods

  public enum Handshake
   /// No handshaking

   /// Software handshaking using Xon / Xoff

   /// Hardware handshaking using CTS / RTS

   /// Hardware handshaking using DSR / DTR

  /// Set the public fields to supply settings to CommBase.

  public class CommBaseSettings
   /// Port Name (default: "COM1:")

   public string port = "COM1";
   /// Baud Rate (default: 2400) unsupported rates will throw "Bad settings"

   public int baudRate = 19200;
   /// The parity checking scheme (default: none)

   public Parity parity = Parity.none;
   /// Number of databits 1..8 (default: 8) unsupported values will throw "Bad settings"

   public int dataBits = 8;
   /// Number of stop bits (default: one)

   public StopBits stopBits = StopBits.one;
   /// If true, transmission is halted unless CTS is asserted by the remote station (default: false)

   public bool txFlowCTS = false;
   /// If true, transmission is halted unless DSR is asserted by the remote station (default: false)

   public bool txFlowDSR = false;
   /// If true, transmission is halted when Xoff is received and restarted when Xon is received (default: false)

   public bool txFlowX = false;
   /// If false, transmission is suspended when this station has sent Xoff to the remote station (default: true)
   /// Set false if the remote station treats any character as an Xon.

   public bool txWhenRxXoff = true;
   /// If true, received characters are ignored unless DSR is asserted by the remote station (default: false)

   public bool rxGateDSR = false;
   /// If true, Xon and Xoff characters are sent to control the data flow from the remote station (default: false)

   public bool rxFlowX = false;
   /// Specifies the use to which the RTS output is put (default: none)

   public HSOutput useRTS = HSOutput.none;
   /// Specidies the use to which the DTR output is put (default: none)

   public HSOutput useDTR = HSOutput.none;
   /// The character used to signal Xon for X flow control (default: DC1)

   public ASCII XonChar = ASCII.NULL;//ASCII.DC1;
   /// The character used to signal Xoff for X flow control (default: DC3)

   public ASCII XoffChar = ASCII.NULL;//ASCII.DC3;
   //JH 1.2: Next two defaults changed to 0 to use new defaulting mechanism dependant on queue size.
   /// The number of free bytes in the reception queue at which flow is disabled
   /// (Default: 0 = Set to 1/10th of actual rxQueue size)

   public int rxHighWater = 0;
   /// The number of bytes in the reception queue at which flow is re-enabled
   /// (Default: 0 = Set to 1/10th of actual rxQueue size)

   public int rxLowWater = 0;
   /// Multiplier. Max time for Send in ms = (Multiplier * Characters) + Constant
   /// (default: 0 = No timeout)

   public uint sendTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
   /// Constant.  Max time for Send in ms = (Multiplier * Characters) + Constant (default: 0)

   public uint sendTimeoutConstant = 0;
   /// Requested size for receive queue (default: 0 = use operating system default)

   public int rxQueue = 0;
   /// Requested size for transmit queue (default: 0 = use operating system default)

   public int txQueue = 0;
   /// If true, the port will automatically re-open on next send if it was previously closed due
   /// to an error (default: false)

   public bool autoReopen = false;


   /// If true, subsequent Send commands wait for completion of earlier ones enabling the results
   /// to be checked. If false, errors, including timeouts, may not be detected, but performance
   /// may be better.

   public bool checkAllSends = true;


   /// Pre-configures settings for most modern devices: 8 databits, 1 stop bit, no parity and
   /// one of the common handshake protocols. Change individual settings later if necessary.

   /// The port to use (i.e. "COM1:")
   /// The baud rate
   /// The handshake protocol
   public void SetStandard(string Port, int Baud, Handshake Hs)
    dataBits = 8; stopBits = StopBits.one; parity = Parity.none;
    port = Port; baudRate = Baud;
    switch (Hs)
     case Handshake.none:
      txFlowCTS = false; txFlowDSR = false; txFlowX = false;
      rxFlowX = false; useRTS = HSOutput.online; useDTR = HSOutput.online;
      txWhenRxXoff = true; rxGateDSR = false;
     case Handshake.XonXoff:
      txFlowCTS = false; txFlowDSR = false; txFlowX = true;
      rxFlowX = true; useRTS = HSOutput.online; useDTR = HSOutput.online;
      txWhenRxXoff = true; rxGateDSR = false;
      XonChar = ASCII.DC1; XoffChar = ASCII.DC3;
     case Handshake.CtsRts:
      txFlowCTS = true; txFlowDSR = false; txFlowX = false;
      rxFlowX = false; useRTS = HSOutput.handshake; useDTR = HSOutput.online;
      txWhenRxXoff = true; rxGateDSR = false;
     case Handshake.DsrDtr:
      txFlowCTS = false; txFlowDSR = true; txFlowX = false;
      rxFlowX = false; useRTS = HSOutput.online; useDTR = HSOutput.handshake;
      txWhenRxXoff = true; rxGateDSR = false;


   /// Save the object in XML format to a stream

   /// Stream to save the object to
   public void SaveAsXML(Stream s)
    XmlSerializer sr = new XmlSerializer(this.GetType());
    sr.Serialize(s, this);


   /// Create a new CommBaseSettings object initialised from XML data

   /// Stream to load the XML from
   /// CommBaseSettings object
   public static CommBaseSettings LoadFromXML(Stream s)
    return LoadFromXML(s, typeof(CommBaseSettings));


   /// Create a new object loading members from the stream in XML format.
   /// Derived class should call this from a static method i.e.:
   /// return (ComDerivedSettings)LoadFromXML(s, typeof(ComDerivedSettings));

   /// Stream to load the object from
   /// Type of the derived object
   protected static CommBaseSettings LoadFromXML(Stream s, Type t)
    XmlSerializer sr = new XmlSerializer(t);
     return (CommBaseSettings)sr.Deserialize(s);
     return null;

  #region "ASCII 定 义"
  //JH 1.3: Corrected STH -> STX (Thanks - Johan Thelin!)

  /// Byte type with enumeration constants for ASCII control codes.

  public enum ASCII : byte
   /// NULL

   NULL = 0x00,
   /// SOH

   SOH = 0x01,
   /// STX

   STX = 0x02,
   /// ETX

   ETX = 0x03,
   /// EOT

   EOT = 0x04,

   ENQ = 0x05,

   ACK = 0x06,

   BELL = 0x07,

   BS = 0x08,

   HT = 0x09,

   LF = 0x0A,

   VT = 0x0B,

   FF = 0x0C,

   CR = 0x0D,

   SO = 0x0E,

   SI = 0x0F,

   DC1 = 0x11,

   DC2 = 0x12,

   DC3 = 0x13,

   DC4 = 0x14,

   NAK = 0x15,

   SYN = 0x16,

   ETB = 0x17,

   CAN = 0x18,

   EM = 0x19,

   SUB = 0x1A,

   ESC = 0x1B,

   FS = 0x1C,

   GS = 0x1D,

   RS = 0x1E,

   US = 0x1F,

   SP = 0x20,

   DEL = 0x7F


  //JH 1.3: Added AltName function, PortStatus enum and IsPortAvailable function.


  /// Returns the alternative name of a com port i.e. //./COM1 for COM1:
  /// Some systems require this form for double or more digit com port numbers.

  /// Name in form COM1 or COM1:
  /// Name in form //./COM1 < a>>
  private string AltName(string s)
   string r = s.Trim();
   if (s.EndsWith(":")) s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1);
   if (s.StartsWith(@"/")) return s;
   return @"
//./" + s;


  /// Availability status of a port

  public enum PortStatus
   /// Port exists but is unavailable (may be open to another program)

   unavailable = 0,
   /// Available for use

   available = 1,
   /// Port does not exist

   absent = -1


  /// Tests the availability of a named comm port.

  /// Name of port
  /// Availability of port
  public PortStatus IsPortAvailable(string s)
   IntPtr h;

   h = Win32Com.CreateFile(s, Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
   if (h == (IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
     return PortStatus.unavailable;
     //JH 1.3: Automatically try AltName if supplied name fails:
     h = Win32Com.CreateFile(AltName(s), Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
      Win32Com.OPEN_EXISTING, Win32Com.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, IntPtr.Zero);
     if (h == (IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
       return PortStatus.unavailable;
       return PortStatus.absent;
   return PortStatus.available;


  /// Opens the com port and configures it with the required settings

  /// false if the port could not be opened
  public bool Open()
   Win32Com.DCB PortDCB = new Win32Com.DCB();
   Win32Com.COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeouts = new Win32Com.COMMTIMEOUTS();
   CommBaseSettings cs;
   Win32Com.OVERLAPPED wo = new Win32Com.OVERLAPPED();
   Win32Com.COMMPROP cp;

   if (online) return false;
   cs = CommSettings();

   hPort = Win32Com.CreateFile(cs.port, Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
   if (hPort == (IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
     return false;
     //JH 1.3: Try alternative name form if main one fails:
     hPort = Win32Com.CreateFile(AltName(cs.port), Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
      Win32Com.OPEN_EXISTING, Win32Com.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, IntPtr.Zero);
     if (hPort == (IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
       return false;
       throw new CommPortException("Port Open Failure");

   online = true;

   //JH1.1: Changed from 0 to "magic number" to give instant return on ReadFile:
   CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = Win32Com.MAXDWORD;
   CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
   CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;

   //JH1.2: 0 does not seem to mean infinite on non-NT platforms, so default it to 10
   //seconds per byte which should be enough for anyone.
   if (cs.sendTimeoutMultiplier == 0)
    if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == System.PlatformID.Win32NT)
     CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
     CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10000;
    CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = cs.sendTimeoutMultiplier;
   CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = cs.sendTimeoutConstant;
   PortDCB.init(((cs.parity == Parity.odd) || (cs.parity == Parity.even)), cs.txFlowCTS, cs.txFlowDSR,
    (int)cs.useDTR, cs.rxGateDSR, !cs.txWhenRxXoff, cs.txFlowX, cs.rxFlowX, (int)cs.useRTS);
   PortDCB.BaudRate = cs.baudRate;
   PortDCB.ByteSize = (byte)cs.dataBits;
   PortDCB.Parity = (byte)cs.parity;
   PortDCB.StopBits = (byte)cs.stopBits;
   PortDCB.XoffChar = (byte)cs.XoffChar;
   PortDCB.XonChar = (byte)cs.XonChar;
   if ((cs.rxQueue != 0) || (cs.txQueue != 0))
    if (!Win32Com.SetupComm(hPort, (uint)cs.rxQueue, (uint)cs.txQueue)) ThrowException("Bad queue settings");

   //JH 1.2: Defaulting mechanism for handshake thresholds - prevents problems of setting specific
   //defaults which may violate the size of the actually granted queue. If the user specifically sets
   //these values, it's their problem!
   if ((cs.rxLowWater == 0) || (cs.rxHighWater == 0))
    if (!Win32Com.GetCommProperties(hPort, out cp)) cp.dwCurrentRxQueue = 0;
    if (cp.dwCurrentRxQueue > 0)
     //If we can determine the queue size, default to 1/10th, 8/10ths, 1/10th.
     //Note that HighWater is measured from top of queue.
     PortDCB.XoffLim = PortDCB.XonLim = (short)((int)cp.dwCurrentRxQueue / 10);
     //If we do not know the queue size, set very low defaults for safety.
     PortDCB.XoffLim = PortDCB.XonLim = 8;
    PortDCB.XoffLim = (short)cs.rxHighWater;
    PortDCB.XonLim = (short)cs.rxLowWater;
   if (!Win32Com.SetCommState(hPort, ref PortDCB)) ThrowException("Bad com settings");
   if (!Win32Com.SetCommTimeouts(hPort, ref CommTimeouts)) ThrowException("Bad timeout settings");

   stateBRK = 0;
   if (cs.useDTR == HSOutput.none) stateDTR = 0;
   if (cs.useDTR == HSOutput.online) stateDTR = 1;
   if (cs.useRTS == HSOutput.none) stateRTS = 0;
   if (cs.useRTS == HSOutput.online) stateRTS = 1;

   checkSends = cs.checkAllSends;
   wo.Offset = 0;
   wo.OffsetHigh = 0;
   if (checkSends)
    wo.hEvent = writeEvent.Handle;
    wo.hEvent = IntPtr.Zero;

   ptrUWO = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(wo));

   Marshal.StructureToPtr(wo, ptrUWO, true);
   writeCount = 0;
   empty[0] = true;
   dataQueued = false;
   rxException = null;
   rxExceptionReported = false;
   rxThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ReceiveThread));
   rxThread.Name = "CommBaseRx";
   rxThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;

   //JH1.2: More robust thread start-up wait.
   startEvent.WaitOne(500, false);

   auto = false;
   if (AfterOpen())
    auto = cs.autoReopen;
    return true;
    return false;



  /// 添加者:syma  日期:2004-06-07
  /// 按照设置的端口和波特率打开串口

  public bool Open(string Port,int Baud)
   Win32Com.DCB PortDCB = new Win32Com.DCB();
   Win32Com.COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeouts = new Win32Com.COMMTIMEOUTS();
   CommBaseSettings cs;
   Win32Com.OVERLAPPED wo = new Win32Com.OVERLAPPED();
   Win32Com.COMMPROP cp;

   if (online) return false;
   cs = CommSettings();
   cs.port = Port;
   cs.baudRate = Baud;

   hPort = Win32Com.CreateFile(cs.port, Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
   if (hPort == (IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
     return false;
     //JH 1.3: Try alternative name form if main one fails:
     hPort = Win32Com.CreateFile(AltName(cs.port), Win32Com.GENERIC_READ | Win32Com.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, IntPtr.Zero,
      Win32Com.OPEN_EXISTING, Win32Com.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, IntPtr.Zero);
     if (hPort == (IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
       return false;
       throw new CommPortException("Port Open Failure");

   online = true;

   //JH1.1: Changed from 0 to "magic number" to give instant return on ReadFile:
   CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = Win32Com.MAXDWORD;
   CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
   CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;

   //JH1.2: 0 does not seem to mean infinite on non-NT platforms, so default it to 10
   //seconds per byte which should be enough for anyone.
   if (cs.sendTimeoutMultiplier == 0)
    if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == System.PlatformID.Win32NT)
     CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
     CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10000;
    CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = cs.sendTimeoutMultiplier;
   CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = cs.sendTimeoutConstant;
   PortDCB.init(((cs.parity == Parity.odd) || (cs.parity == Parity.even)), cs.txFlowCTS, cs.txFlowDSR,
    (int)cs.useDTR, cs.rxGateDSR, !cs.txWhenRxXoff, cs.txFlowX, cs.rxFlowX, (int)cs.useRTS);
   PortDCB.BaudRate = cs.baudRate;
   PortDCB.ByteSize = (byte)cs.dataBits;
   PortDCB.Parity = (byte)cs.parity;
   PortDCB.StopBits = (byte)cs.stopBits;
   PortDCB.XoffChar = (byte)cs.XoffChar;
   PortDCB.XonChar = (byte)cs.XonChar;
   if ((cs.rxQueue != 0) || (cs.txQueue != 0))
    if (!Win32Com.SetupComm(hPort, (uint)cs.rxQueue, (uint)cs.txQueue)) ThrowException("Bad queue settings");

   //JH 1.2: Defaulting mechanism for handshake thresholds - prevents problems of setting specific
   //defaults which may violate the size of the actually granted queue. If the user specifically sets
   //these values, it's their problem!
   if ((cs.rxLowWater == 0) || (cs.rxHighWater == 0))
    if (!Win32Com.GetCommProperties(hPort, out cp)) cp.dwCurrentRxQueue = 0;
    if (cp.dwCurrentRxQueue > 0)
     //If we can determine the queue size, default to 1/10th, 8/10ths, 1/10th.
     //Note that HighWater is measured from top of queue.
     PortDCB.XoffLim = PortDCB.XonLim = (short)((int)cp.dwCurrentRxQueue / 10);
     //If we do not know the queue size, set very low defaults for safety.
     PortDCB.XoffLim = PortDCB.XonLim = 8;
    PortDCB.XoffLim = (short)cs.rxHighWater;
    PortDCB.XonLim = (short)cs.rxLowWater;
   if (!Win32Com.SetCommState(hPort, ref PortDCB)) ThrowException("Bad com settings");
   if (!Win32Com.SetCommTimeouts(hPort, ref CommTimeouts)) ThrowException("Bad timeout settings");

   stateBRK = 0;
   if (cs.useDTR == HSOutput.none) stateDTR = 0;
   if (cs.useDTR == HSOutput.online) stateDTR = 1;
   if (cs.useRTS == HSOutput.none) stateRTS = 0;
   if (cs.useRTS == HSOutput.online) stateRTS = 1;

   checkSends = cs.checkAllSends;
   wo.Offset = 0;
   wo.OffsetHigh = 0;
   if (checkSends)
    wo.hEvent = writeEvent.Handle;
    wo.hEvent = IntPtr.Zero;

   ptrUWO = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(wo));

   Marshal.StructureToPtr(wo, ptrUWO, true);
   writeCount = 0;
   empty[0] = true;
   dataQueued = false;
   rxException = null;
   rxExceptionReported = false;
   rxThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ReceiveThread));
   rxThread.Name = "CommBaseRx";
   rxThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;

   //JH1.2: More robust thread start-up wait.
   startEvent.WaitOne(500, false);

   auto = false;
   if (AfterOpen())
    auto = cs.autoReopen;
    return true;
    return false;



  /// Closes the com port.

  public void Close()
   if (online)
    auto = false;
    rxException = null;
  private void InternalClose()
   if (rxThread != null)
    //JH 1.3: Improve robustness of Close in case were followed by Open:
    rxThread = null;
   if (ptrUWO != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrUWO);
   stateRTS = 2;
   stateDTR = 2;
   stateBRK = 2;
   online = false;
  /// For IDisposable

  public void Dispose() {Close();}


  /// Destructor (just in case)

  ~CommBase() {Close();}
  /// True if online.

  public bool Online {get {if (!online) return false; else return CheckOnline();}}


  /// Block until all bytes in the queue have been transmitted.

  public void Flush()


  /// 设置波特率

  public void ResetBaudRate(int bdr)
   Win32Com.DCB dcb = new XST.XSTComm.Base.Win32Com.DCB();
   Win32Com.GetCommState(hPort,ref dcb);
   dcb.BaudRate = bdr;
   Win32Com.SetCommState(hPort,ref dcb);
  /// 清除读取缓冲区内容

  private void PurgeIn()
   //Win32Com.PurgeComm(hPort,Win32Com.PURGE_RXABORT | Win32Com.PURGE_RXCLEAR);
  /// 清除写缓冲区内容

  private void PurgeOut()
   //Win32Com.PurgeComm(hPort,Win32Com.PURGE_TXABORT | Win32Com.PURGE_TXCLEAR);

  private bool PurgeRead() { return(Win32Com.PurgeComm(hPort, Win32Com.PURGE_RXCLEAR)); }
  private bool PurgeWrite() { return(Win32Com.PurgeComm(hPort, Win32Com.PURGE_TXCLEAR)); }
  private bool CancelRead() { return(Win32Com.PurgeComm(hPort, Win32Com.PURGE_RXABORT)); }
  private bool CancelWrite() { return(Win32Com.PurgeComm(hPort, Win32Com.PURGE_TXABORT)); }


  /// Use this to throw exceptions in derived classes. Correctly handles threading issues
  /// and closes the port if necessary.

  /// Description of fault
  protected void ThrowException(string reason)
   if (Thread.CurrentThread == rxThread)
    throw new CommPortException(reason);
    if (online)
    if (rxException == null)
     throw new CommPortException(reason);
     throw new CommPortException(rxException);


  /// Queues bytes for transmission.

  /// Array of bytes to be sent
  protected void Send(byte[] tosend)
   uint sent = 0;
   writeCount = tosend.GetLength(0);
   if (Win32Com.WriteFile(hPort, tosend, (uint)writeCount, out sent, ptrUWO))
    writeCount -= (int)sent;
    if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING) ThrowException("Send failed");
    dataQueued = true;


  /// Queues a single byte for transmission.

  /// Byte to be sent
  protected void Send(byte tosend)
   byte[] b = new byte[1];
   b[0] = tosend;

  private void CheckResult()
   uint sent = 0;

   //JH 1.3: Fixed a number of problems working with checkSends == false. Byte counting was unreliable because
   //occasionally GetOverlappedResult would return true with a completion having missed one or more previous
   //completions. The test for ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE was incorrectly for ERROR_IO_PENDING instead.

   if (writeCount > 0)
    if (Win32Com.GetOverlappedResult(hPort, ptrUWO, out sent, checkSends))
     if (checkSends)
      writeCount -= (int)sent;
      if (writeCount != 0) ThrowException("Send Timeout");
      writeCount = 0;
     if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() != Win32Com.ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) ThrowException("Write Error");


  /// Sends a protocol byte immediately ahead of any queued bytes.

  /// Byte to send
  protected void SendImmediate(byte tosend)
   if (!Win32Com.TransmitCommChar(hPort, tosend)) ThrowException("Transmission failure");
  /// Delay processing.

  /// Milliseconds to delay by
  protected void Sleep(int milliseconds)


  /// Represents the status of the modem control input signals.

  public struct ModemStatus
   private uint status;
   internal ModemStatus(uint val) {status = val;}
   /// Condition of the Clear To Send signal.

   public bool cts {get{return ((status & Win32Com.MS_CTS_ON) != 0);}}
   /// Condition of the Data Set Ready signal.

   public bool dsr {get{return ((status & Win32Com.MS_DSR_ON) != 0);}}
   /// Condition of the Receive Line Status Detection signal.

   public bool rlsd {get{return ((status & Win32Com.MS_RLSD_ON) != 0);}}
   /// Condition of the Ring Detection signal.

   public bool ring {get{return ((status & Win32Com.MS_RING_ON) != 0);}}


  /// Gets the status of the modem control input signals.

  /// Modem status object
  protected ModemStatus GetModemStatus()
   uint f;

   if (!Win32Com.GetCommModemStatus(hPort, out f)) ThrowException("Unexpected failure");
   return new ModemStatus(f);


  /// Represents the current condition of the port queues.

  public struct QueueStatus
   private uint status;
   private uint inQueue;
   private uint outQueue;
   private uint inQueueSize;
   private uint outQueueSize;

   internal QueueStatus(uint stat, uint inQ, uint outQ, uint inQs, uint outQs)
   {status = stat; inQueue = inQ; outQueue = outQ; inQueueSize = inQs; outQueueSize = outQs;}

   /// Output is blocked by CTS handshaking.

   public bool ctsHold {get{return ((status & Win32Com.COMSTAT.fCtsHold) != 0);}}
   /// Output is blocked by DRS handshaking.

   public bool dsrHold {get{return ((status & Win32Com.COMSTAT.fDsrHold) != 0);}}
   /// Output is blocked by RLSD handshaking.

   public bool rlsdHold {get{return ((status & Win32Com.COMSTAT.fRlsdHold) != 0);}}
   /// Output is blocked because software handshaking is enabled and XOFF was received.

   public bool xoffHold {get{return ((status & Win32Com.COMSTAT.fXoffHold) != 0);}}
   /// Output was blocked because XOFF was sent and this station is not yet ready to receive.

   public bool xoffSent {get{return ((status & Win32Com.COMSTAT.fXoffSent) != 0);}}
   /// There is a character waiting for transmission in the immediate buffer.

   public bool immediateWaiting {get{return ((status & Win32Com.COMSTAT.fTxim) != 0);}}


   /// Number of bytes waiting in the input queue.

   public long InQueue {get{return (long)inQueue;}}
   /// Number of bytes waiting for transmission.

   public long OutQueue {get{return (long)outQueue;}}
   /// Total size of input queue (0 means information unavailable)

   public long InQueueSize {get{return (long)inQueueSize;}}
   /// Total size of output queue (0 means information unavailable)

   public long OutQueueSize {get{return (long)outQueueSize;}}



   public override string ToString()
    StringBuilder m = new StringBuilder("The reception queue is ", 60);
    if (inQueueSize == 0)
     m.Append("of unknown size and ");
     m.Append(inQueueSize.ToString() + " bytes long and ");
    if (inQueue == 0)
     m.Append("is empty.");
    else if (inQueue == 1)
     m.Append("contains 1 byte.");
     m.Append("contains ");
     m.Append(" bytes.");
    m.Append(" The transmission queue is ");
    if (outQueueSize == 0)
     m.Append("of unknown size and ");
     m.Append(outQueueSize.ToString() + " bytes long and ");
    if (outQueue == 0)
     m.Append("is empty");
    else if (outQueue == 1)
     m.Append("contains 1 byte. It is ");
     m.Append("contains ");
     m.Append(" bytes. It is ");
    if (outQueue > 0)
     if (ctsHold || dsrHold || rlsdHold || xoffHold || xoffSent)
      m.Append("holding on");
      if (ctsHold) m.Append(" CTS");
      if (dsrHold) m.Append(" DSR");
      if (rlsdHold) m.Append(" RLSD");
      if (xoffHold) m.Append(" Rx XOff");
      if (xoffSent) m.Append(" Tx XOff");
      m.Append("pumping data");
    m.Append(". The immediate buffer is ");
    if (immediateWaiting)
    return m.ToString();


  /// Get the status of the queues

  /// Queue status object
  protected QueueStatus GetQueueStatus()
   Win32Com.COMSTAT cs;
   Win32Com.COMMPROP cp;
   uint er;

   if (!Win32Com.ClearCommError(hPort, out er, out cs)) ThrowException("Unexpected failure");
   if (!Win32Com.GetCommProperties(hPort, out cp)) ThrowException("Unexpected failure");
   return new QueueStatus(cs.Flags, cs.cbInQue, cs.cbOutQue, cp.dwCurrentRxQueue, cp.dwCurrentTxQueue);

  // JH 1.3. Added for this version.

  /// Test if the line is congested (data being queued for send faster than it is being dequeued)
  /// This detects if baud rate is too slow or if handshaking is not allowing enough transmission
  /// time. It should be called at reasonably long fixed intervals. If data has been sent during
  /// the interval, congestion is reported if the queue was never empty during the interval.

  /// True if congested
  protected bool IsCongested()
   bool e;
   if (!dataQueued) return false;
   lock(empty) {e = empty[0]; empty[0] = false;}
   dataQueued = false;
   return !e;


  /// True if the RTS pin is controllable via the RTS property

  protected bool RTSavailable { get { return (stateRTS < 2);}}
  /// Set the state of the RTS modem control output

  protected bool RTS
    if (stateRTS > 1) return;
    if (value)
     if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(hPort, Win32Com.SETRTS))
      stateRTS = 1;
      ThrowException("Unexpected Failure");
     if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(hPort, Win32Com.CLRRTS))
      //JH 1.3: Was 1, should be 0:
      stateRTS = 0;
      ThrowException("Unexpected Failure");
    return (stateRTS == 1);


  /// True if the DTR pin is controllable via the DTR property

  protected bool DTRavailable { get { return (stateDTR < 2);}}
  /// The state of the DTR modem control output

  protected bool DTR
    if (stateDTR > 1) return;
    if (value)
     if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(hPort, Win32Com.SETDTR))
      stateDTR = 1;
      ThrowException("Unexpected Failure");
     if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(hPort, Win32Com.CLRDTR))
      stateDTR = 0;
      ThrowException("Unexpected Failure");
    return (stateDTR == 1);


  /// Assert or remove a break condition from the transmission line

  protected bool Break
    if (stateBRK > 1) return;
    if (value)
     if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(hPort, Win32Com.SETBREAK))
      stateBRK = 0;
      ThrowException("Unexpected Failure");
     if (Win32Com.EscapeCommFunction(hPort, Win32Com.CLRBREAK))
      stateBRK = 0;
      ThrowException("Unexpected Failure");
    return (stateBRK == 1);


  /// Override this to provide settings. (NB this is called during Open method)

  /// CommBaseSettings, or derived object with required settings initialised
  protected virtual CommBaseSettings CommSettings() {return new CommBaseSettings();}


  /// Override this to provide processing after the port is openned (i.e. to configure remote
  /// device or just check presence).

  /// false to close the port again
  protected virtual bool AfterOpen() {return true;}


  /// Override this to provide processing prior to port closure.

  /// True if closing due to an error
  protected virtual void BeforeClose(bool error) {}
  /// Override this to process received bytes.

  /// The byte that was received
  protected virtual void OnRxChar(byte ch) {}


  /// Override this to take action when transmission is complete (i.e. all bytes have actually
  /// been sent, not just queued).

  protected virtual void OnTxDone() {}


  /// Override this to take action when a break condition is detected on the input line.

  protected virtual void OnBreak() {}

  //JH 1.3: Deleted OnRing() which was never called: use OnStatusChange instead (Thanks Jim Foster)


  /// Override this to take action when one or more modem status inputs change state

  /// The status inputs that have changed state
  /// The state of the status inputs
  protected virtual void OnStatusChange(ModemStatus mask, ModemStatus state) {}


  /// Override this to take action when the reception thread closes due to an exception being thrown.

  /// The exception which was thrown
  protected virtual void OnRxException(Exception e) {}

  private void ReceiveThread()
   byte[] buf = new Byte[1];
   uint gotbytes;
   bool starting;

   starting = true;
   AutoResetEvent sg = new AutoResetEvent(false);
   Win32Com.OVERLAPPED ov = new Win32Com.OVERLAPPED();

   IntPtr unmanagedOv;
   IntPtr uMask;
   uint eventMask = 0;
   unmanagedOv = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ov));
   uMask = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(eventMask));

   ov.Offset = 0; ov.OffsetHigh = 0;
   ov.hEvent = sg.Handle;
   Marshal.StructureToPtr(ov, unmanagedOv, true);

     if (!Win32Com.SetCommMask(hPort, Win32Com.EV_RXCHAR | Win32Com.EV_TXEMPTY | Win32Com.EV_CTS | Win32Com.EV_DSR
      | Win32Com.EV_BREAK | Win32Com.EV_RLSD | Win32Com.EV_RING | Win32Com.EV_ERR))
      throw new CommPortException("IO Error [001]");
     Marshal.WriteInt32(uMask, 0);
     //JH 1.2: Tells the main thread that this thread is ready for action.
     if (starting) {startEvent.Set(); starting = false;}
     if (!Win32Com.WaitCommEvent(hPort, uMask, unmanagedOv))
      if (Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() == Win32Com.ERROR_IO_PENDING)
       throw new CommPortException("IO Error [002]");
     eventMask = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(uMask);
     if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_ERR) != 0)
      UInt32 errs;
      if (Win32Com.ClearCommError(hPort, out errs, IntPtr.Zero))
       //JH 1.2: BREAK condition has an error flag and and an event flag. Not sure if both
       //are always raised, so if CE_BREAK is only error flag ignore it and set the EV_BREAK
       //flag for normal handling. Also made more robust by handling case were no recognised
       //error was present in the flags. (Thanks to Fred Pittroff for finding this problem!)
       int ec = 0;
       StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder("UART Error: ", 40);
       if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_FRAME) != 0) {s = s.Append("Framing,"); ec++;}
       if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_IOE) != 0) {s = s.Append("IO,"); ec++;}
       if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_OVERRUN) != 0) {s = s.Append("Overrun,"); ec++;}
       if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_RXOVER) != 0) {s = s.Append("Receive Cverflow,"); ec++;}
       if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_RXPARITY) != 0) {s = s.Append("Parity,"); ec++;}
       if ((errs & Win32Com.CE_TXFULL) != 0) {s = s.Append("Transmit Overflow,"); ec++;}
       if (ec > 0)
        s.Length = s.Length - 1;
        throw new CommPortException(s.ToString());
        if (errs == Win32Com.CE_BREAK)
         eventMask |= Win32Com.EV_BREAK;
         throw new CommPortException("IO Error [003]");
       throw new CommPortException("IO Error [003]");
     if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RXCHAR) != 0)
       gotbytes = 0;
       if (!Win32Com.ReadFile(hPort, buf, 1, out gotbytes, unmanagedOv))
        //JH 1.1: Removed ERROR_IO_PENDING handling as comm timeouts have now
        //been set so ReadFile returns immediately. This avoids use of CancelIo
        //which was causing loss of data. Thanks to Daniel Moth for suggesting this
        //might be a problem, and to many others for reporting that it was!

        int x = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

        throw new CommPortException("IO Error [004]");
       if (gotbytes == 1) OnRxChar(buf[0]);
      } while (gotbytes > 0);
     if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_TXEMPTY) != 0)
      lock(empty) empty[0] = true;
     if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_BREAK) != 0) OnBreak();
     uint i = 0;
     if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_CTS) != 0) i |= Win32Com.MS_CTS_ON;
     if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_DSR) != 0) i |= Win32Com.MS_DSR_ON;
     if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RLSD) != 0) i |= Win32Com.MS_RLSD_ON;
     if ((eventMask & Win32Com.EV_RING) != 0) i |= Win32Com.MS_RING_ON;
     if (i != 0)
      uint f;
      if (!Win32Com.GetCommModemStatus(hPort, out f)) throw new CommPortException("IO Error [005]");
      OnStatusChange(new ModemStatus(i), new ModemStatus(f));
   catch (Exception e)
    //JH 1.3: Added for shutdown robustness (Thanks to Fred Pittroff, Mark Behner and Kevin Williamson!), .
    if (uMask != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(uMask);
    if (unmanagedOv != IntPtr.Zero) Marshal.FreeHGlobal(unmanagedOv);

    if (!(e is ThreadAbortException))
     rxException = e;

  private bool CheckOnline()
   if ((rxException != null) && (!rxExceptionReported))
    rxExceptionReported = true;
   if (online)
    //JH 1.1: Avoid use of GetHandleInformation for W98 compatability.
    if (hPort != (System.IntPtr)Win32Com.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return true;
    return false;
    if (auto)
     if (Open()) return true;
    return false;



 /// Overlays CommBase to provide line or packet oriented communications to derived classes. Strings
 /// are sent and received and the Transact method is added which transmits a string and then blocks until
 /// a reply string has been received (subject to a timeout).

 public abstract class CommLine : CommBase
  private byte[] RxBuffer;
  private uint RxBufferP = 0;
  private ASCII RxTerm;
  private ASCII[] TxTerm;
  private ASCII[] RxFilter;
  private string RxString = "";
  private ManualResetEvent TransFlag = new ManualResetEvent(true);
  private uint TransTimeout;


  /// Extends CommBaseSettings to add the settings used by CommLine.

  public class CommLineSettings : CommBase.CommBaseSettings
   /// Maximum size of received string (default: 256)

   public int rxStringBufferSize = 256;
   /// ASCII code that terminates a received string (default: CR)

   public ASCII rxTerminator = ASCII.CR;
   /// ASCII codes that will be ignored in received string (default: null)

   public ASCII[] rxFilter;
   /// Maximum time (ms) for the Transact method to complete (default: 500)

   public int transactTimeout = 500;
   /// ASCII codes transmitted after each Send string (default: null)

   public ASCII[] txTerminator;


   /// 从XML文件中取得设置信息

   public static new CommLineSettings LoadFromXML(Stream s)
    return (CommLineSettings)LoadFromXML(s, typeof(CommLineSettings));
  /// Queue the ASCII representation of a string and then the set terminator bytes for sending.

  /// String to be sent.
  protected void Send(string toSend)
   //JH 1.1: Use static encoder for efficiency. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Peter Jesorsky!
   uint l = (uint)Encoding.ASCII.GetByteCount(toSend);
   if (TxTerm != null) l += (uint)TxTerm.GetLength(0);
   byte[] b = new byte[l];
   byte[] s = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(toSend);
   int i;
   for (i = 0; (i <= s.GetUpperBound(0)); i++) b[i] = s[i];
   if (TxTerm != null) for (int j = 0; (j <= TxTerm.GetUpperBound(0)); j++, i++) b[i] = (byte)TxTerm[j];


  /// Transmits the ASCII representation of a string followed by the set terminator bytes and then
  /// awaits a response string.

  /// The string to be sent.
  /// The response string.
  protected string Transact(string toSend)
   if (!TransFlag.WaitOne((int)TransTimeout, false)) ThrowException("Timeout");
   string s;
   lock(RxString) {s = RxString;}
   return s;
  /// If a derived class overrides ComSettings(), it must call this prior to returning the settings to
  /// the base class.

  /// Class containing the appropriate settings.
  protected void Setup(CommLineSettings s)
   RxBuffer = new byte[s.rxStringBufferSize];
   RxTerm = s.rxTerminator;
   RxFilter = s.rxFilter;
   TransTimeout = (uint)s.transactTimeout;
   TxTerm = s.txTerminator;


  /// Override this to process unsolicited input lines (not a result of Transact).

  /// String containing the received ASCII text.
  protected virtual void OnRxLine(string s) {}


  /// 按个字节接受数据

  protected override void OnRxChar(byte ch)
   ASCII ca = (ASCII)ch;
   if ((ca == RxTerm) || (RxBufferP > RxBuffer.GetUpperBound(0)))
    //JH 1.1: Use static encoder for efficiency. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Peter Jesorsky!
    lock(RxString) {RxString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(RxBuffer, 0, (int)RxBufferP);}
    RxBufferP = 0;
    if (TransFlag.WaitOne(0,false))
    bool wr = true;
    if (RxFilter != null)
     for (int i=0; i <= RxFilter.GetUpperBound(0); i++) if (RxFilter[i] == ca) wr = false;
    if (wr)
     RxBuffer[RxBufferP] = ch;


 /// Exception used for all errors.

 public class CommPortException : ApplicationException
  /// Constructor for raising direct exceptions

  /// Description of error
  public CommPortException(string desc) : base(desc) {}


  /// Constructor for re-raising exceptions from receive thread

  /// Inner exception raised on receive thread
  public CommPortException(Exception e) : base("Receive Thread Exception", e) {}

 internal class Win32Com


  /// Opening Testing and Closing the Port Handle.

  [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
  internal static extern IntPtr CreateFile(String lpFileName, UInt32 dwDesiredAccess, UInt32 dwShareMode,
   IntPtr lpSecurityAttributes, UInt32 dwCreationDisposition, UInt32 dwFlagsAndAttributes,
   IntPtr hTemplateFile);

  //Constants for errors:
  internal const UInt32 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2;
  internal const UInt32 ERROR_INVALID_NAME = 123;
  internal const UInt32 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5;
  internal const UInt32 ERROR_IO_PENDING = 997;
  internal const UInt32 ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE = 996;

  //Constants for return value:
  internal const Int32 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1;

  //Constants for dwFlagsAndAttributes:
  internal const UInt32 FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED = 0x40000000;

  //Constants for dwCreationDisposition:
  internal const UInt32 OPEN_EXISTING = 3;

  //Constants for dwDesiredAccess:
  internal const UInt32 GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000;
  internal const UInt32 GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000;

  internal static extern Boolean CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);


  /// Manipulating the communications settings.

  internal static extern Boolean GetCommState(IntPtr hFile, ref DCB lpDCB);

  internal static extern Boolean GetCommTimeouts(IntPtr hFile, out COMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts);

  internal static extern Boolean BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts(String lpDef, ref DCB lpDCB, ref COMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts);

  internal static extern Boolean SetCommState(IntPtr hFile, [In] ref DCB lpDCB);

  internal static extern Boolean SetCommTimeouts(IntPtr hFile, [In] ref COMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts);

  internal static extern Boolean SetupComm(IntPtr hFile, UInt32 dwInQueue, UInt32 dwOutQueue);

  [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] internal struct COMMTIMEOUTS
   //JH 1.1: Changed Int32 to UInt32 to allow setting to MAXDWORD
   internal UInt32 ReadIntervalTimeout;
   internal UInt32 ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier;
   internal UInt32 ReadTotalTimeoutConstant;
   internal UInt32 WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier;
   internal UInt32 WriteTotalTimeoutConstant;
  //JH 1.1: Added to enable use of "return immediately" timeout.
  internal const UInt32 MAXDWORD = 0xffffffff;

  [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] internal struct DCB
   internal Int32 DCBlength;
   internal Int32 BaudRate;
   internal Int32 PackedValues;
   internal Int16 wReserved;
   internal Int16 XonLim;
   internal Int16 XoffLim;
   internal Byte  ByteSize;
   internal Byte  Parity;
   internal Byte  StopBits;
   internal Byte XonChar;
   internal Byte XoffChar;
   internal Byte ErrorChar;
   internal Byte EofChar;
   internal Byte EvtChar;
   internal Int16 wReserved1;

   internal void init(bool parity, bool outCTS, bool outDSR, int dtr, bool inDSR, bool txc, bool xOut,
    bool xIn, int rts)
    //JH 1.3: Was 0x8001 ans so not setting fAbortOnError - Thanks Larry Delby!
    DCBlength = 28; PackedValues = 0x4001;
    if (parity) PackedValues |= 0x0002;
    if (outCTS) PackedValues |= 0x0004;
    if (outDSR) PackedValues |= 0x0008;
    PackedValues |= ((dtr & 0x0003) << 4);
    if (inDSR) PackedValues |= 0x0040;
    if (txc) PackedValues |= 0x0080;
    if (xOut) PackedValues |= 0x0100;
    if (xIn) PackedValues |= 0x0200;
    PackedValues |= ((rts & 0x0003) << 12);



  /// Reading and writing.

  [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
  internal static extern Boolean WriteFile(IntPtr fFile, Byte[] lpBuffer, UInt32 nNumberOfBytesToWrite,
   out UInt32 lpNumberOfBytesWritten, IntPtr lpOverlapped);

  [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] internal struct OVERLAPPED
   internal UIntPtr Internal;
   internal UIntPtr InternalHigh;
   internal UInt32 Offset;
   internal UInt32 OffsetHigh;
   internal IntPtr hEvent;

  internal static extern Boolean SetCommMask(IntPtr hFile, UInt32 dwEvtMask);

  // Constants for dwEvtMask:
  internal const UInt32 EV_RXCHAR = 0x0001;
  internal const UInt32 EV_RXFLAG = 0x0002;
  internal const UInt32 EV_TXEMPTY = 0x0004;
  internal const UInt32 EV_CTS = 0x0008;
  internal const UInt32 EV_DSR = 0x0010;
  internal const UInt32 EV_RLSD = 0x0020;
  internal const UInt32 EV_BREAK = 0x0040;
  internal const UInt32 EV_ERR = 0x0080;
  internal const UInt32 EV_RING = 0x0100;
  internal const UInt32 EV_PERR = 0x0200;
  internal const UInt32 EV_RX80FULL = 0x0400;
  internal const UInt32 EV_EVENT1 = 0x0800;
  internal const UInt32 EV_EVENT2 = 0x1000;

  [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
  internal static extern Boolean WaitCommEvent(IntPtr hFile, IntPtr lpEvtMask, IntPtr lpOverlapped);

  internal static extern Boolean CancelIo(IntPtr hFile);
  [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
  internal static extern Boolean ReadFile(IntPtr hFile, [Out] Byte[] lpBuffer, UInt32 nNumberOfBytesToRead,
   out UInt32 nNumberOfBytesRead, IntPtr lpOverlapped);

  internal static extern Boolean TransmitCommChar(IntPtr hFile, Byte cChar);


  /// Control port functions.

  internal static extern Boolean EscapeCommFunction(IntPtr hFile, UInt32 dwFunc);

  // Constants for dwFunc:
  internal const UInt32 SETXOFF = 1;
  internal const UInt32 SETXON = 2;
  internal const UInt32 SETRTS = 3;
  internal const UInt32 CLRRTS = 4;
  internal const UInt32 SETDTR = 5;
  internal const UInt32 CLRDTR = 6;
  internal const UInt32 RESETDEV = 7;
  internal const UInt32 SETBREAK = 8;
  internal const UInt32 CLRBREAK = 9;
  internal static extern Boolean GetCommModemStatus(IntPtr hFile, out UInt32 lpModemStat);

  // Constants for lpModemStat:
  internal const UInt32 MS_CTS_ON = 0x0010;
  internal const UInt32 MS_DSR_ON = 0x0020;
  internal const UInt32 MS_RING_ON = 0x0040;
  internal const UInt32 MS_RLSD_ON = 0x0080;


  /// Status Functions.

  [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
  internal static extern Boolean GetOverlappedResult(IntPtr hFile, IntPtr lpOverlapped,
   out UInt32 nNumberOfBytesTransferred, Boolean bWait);

  internal static  extern Boolean PurgeComm(IntPtr hFile, uint dwFlags);

  internal const uint PURGE_TXABORT = 0x0001;  // Kill the pending/current writes to the comm port.
  internal const uint PURGE_RXABORT = 0x0002;  // Kill the pending/current reads to the comm port.
  internal const uint PURGE_TXCLEAR = 0x0004;  // Kill the transmit queue if there.
  internal const uint PURGE_RXCLEAR = 0x0008;  // Kill the typeahead buffer if there.

  internal static extern Boolean ClearCommError(IntPtr hFile, out UInt32 lpErrors, IntPtr lpStat);
  internal static extern Boolean ClearCommError(IntPtr hFile, out UInt32 lpErrors, out COMSTAT cs);

  //Constants for lpErrors:
  internal const UInt32 CE_RXOVER = 0x0001;
  internal const UInt32 CE_OVERRUN = 0x0002;
  internal const UInt32 CE_RXPARITY = 0x0004;
  internal const UInt32 CE_FRAME = 0x0008;
  internal const UInt32 CE_BREAK = 0x0010;
  internal const UInt32 CE_TXFULL = 0x0100;
  internal const UInt32 CE_PTO = 0x0200;
  internal const UInt32 CE_IOE = 0x0400;
  internal const UInt32 CE_DNS = 0x0800;
  internal const UInt32 CE_OOP = 0x1000;
  internal const UInt32 CE_MODE = 0x8000;

  [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] internal struct COMSTAT
   internal const uint fCtsHold = 0x1;
   internal const uint fDsrHold = 0x2;
   internal const uint fRlsdHold = 0x4;
   internal const uint fXoffHold = 0x8;
   internal const uint fXoffSent = 0x10;
   internal const uint fEof = 0x20;
   internal const uint fTxim = 0x40;
   internal UInt32 Flags;
   internal UInt32 cbInQue;
   internal UInt32 cbOutQue;
  internal static extern Boolean GetCommProperties(IntPtr hFile, out COMMPROP cp);

  [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] internal struct COMMPROP
   internal UInt16 wPacketLength;
   internal UInt16 wPacketVersion;
   internal UInt32 dwServiceMask;
   internal UInt32 dwReserved1;
   internal UInt32 dwMaxTxQueue;
   internal UInt32 dwMaxRxQueue;
   internal UInt32 dwMaxBaud;
   internal UInt32 dwProvSubType;
   internal UInt32 dwProvCapabilities;
   internal UInt32 dwSettableParams;
   internal UInt32 dwSettableBaud;
   internal UInt16 wSettableData;
   internal UInt16 wSettableStopParity;
   internal UInt32 dwCurrentTxQueue;
   internal UInt32 dwCurrentRxQueue;
   internal UInt32 dwProvSpec1;
   internal UInt32 dwProvSpec2;
   internal Byte wcProvChar;






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