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从我居室的窗口望出去,可以看到一株高高的芙蓉树。在那烟树参差的春日里红点点,煞是迷人。它牵动我的灵感,撩拨我的文思,久而久之,我竟视这位隔窗而立的“邻居”为知己了。 可是,有一个早晨,我推窗而望,蓦然发现昨夜的一场风雨已将它剥蚀得面目全非。立时,一种“繁花落尽”的悲凉掠过了我的心头!我不由感慨系之:在人生道路上磕磕绊绊,几经周折,几度沧桑,又一次次地失落了许多至爱的朋友,生命不正如同这随风而逝

2014-10-25 22:46:19 543

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section four:Problems Resolving - part four)

4. Fragmentation4-1. Phenomenon Even there are enough space to be allocated, JVM got down with an OutOfMemory Error without generating a core file.  As it may also depend on usage of your applic

2007-04-23 10:20:00 1608

原创 WebSphereのタイムアウト設定のご説明

 WAS製品のタイムアウト設定において、いくつかわかりにくいところがあるため、下記の通りに該当内容を補足する:上図は、WebSphere Application Serverにおいて、一つのリクエスト処理の流れを示すものです。この一連の処理の中に、タイムアウトといわれる設定がいくつかある。まずは、ブラウザとIHSサーバの間から話そう。1.ブラウザとIHSサーバの間  ブラウザの設定はここで割愛させ

2007-04-13 13:22:00 13358

原创 使用JMock来辅助你的单体测试

在项目的单体测试(以下称UT)阶段,我们经常使用JUnit来协助应用程序代码的测试,它为我们提供了一种很好的测试解决方案。但是在一个运行环境比较复杂的应用程序的UT阶段,为了要测试目标应用程序,我们往往需要花费很多时间去构筑一个包含诸如Application Server, Message Server, Database Server等服务的可运行环境。这对于系统ITa或者ITb而言并不是什

2007-01-27 20:36:00 2481

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section four:Problems Resolving - part three)

3. OutOfMemory3-1. Phenomenon  You got an OutOfMemory Error be outputted to log file, and the JVM fallen down.  It could be caused by either running out of Java Heap or Native Heap.  (OutOfMem

2007-01-09 15:19:00 2307

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section four:Problems Resolving - part two)

2. Hang2-1. Phenomenon  You can not get any response from your application even the process is still alive.  (Check it with ps command)  I have experienced with such a case:  1) There is con

2006-12-21 10:20:00 2457

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section four:Problems Resolving - part one)

In this section, we are going to take up several typical problems associate with JVM for discussion. I will try to explain each problem with a sample I have met before, several commands was used durin

2006-10-31 10:20:00 1947

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section three:Basic Knowledge of Java Process Heap )

Manipulate your Java process heap – Basic KnowledgeAs I have mentioned at the beginning of Process Memory Model on AIX section, Java application in running itself is normally a process which most li

2006-09-04 18:23:00 2797

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section two:Process Memory Model on AIX part three-The Large & Very Large Memory Model)

The Large Address-Space ModelBecause the system places user data, heap, and stack within the program data segment (segment 0x2), the system limits the maximum amount of stack, heap, and static data

2006-08-10 10:32:00 2995

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section two:Process Memory Model on AIX part two-Default Memory Model)

 Default 32-bit Process Memory Model32-bit applications on AIX have an address space of 4 GB (2**32=4G), with virtual addresses ranging from 0x00000000 through 0xFFFFFFFF. AIX divides this address s

2006-08-03 11:11:00 3010

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section two:Process Memory Model on AIX part one-Terminologies)

  I will focus on how 32-bit application allocates its heap in AIX. As to 64-bit application, there will be no need to juggle with the limited number of segments any more as the 64-bit user process ca

2006-07-18 16:31:00 2975

原创 Memory space manipulating in Java(Section one:Basic Concepts in Java)

Introduction  After reading several articles on memory handling in Java in AIX, I decided to write something about this topic. For purposes of doing a summary for myself, also I hope it could be hel

2006-07-14 17:56:00 2682



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