定义 repository接口,同时继承JpaSpecificationExecutor,然后即可使用Repository.findAll(specification, pageable); 进行分页
public interface IAppJdOrderRecordRepository extends JpaRepository<AppJdOrderRecord, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<AppJdOrderRecord>
Repository.findAll(specification, pageable);
* 分页查询用户的订单数据 repository 接口 要特别继承 JpaSpecificationExecutor<AppTaobaoOrderRecord> 如:
* public interface IAppTaobaoOrderRecordRepository extends JpaRepository<AppTaobaoOrderRecord, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<AppTaobaoOrderRecord>
public Page<AppJdOrderRecord> pageJdOrderList(Long userId,
List<Integer> validCodeList, List<Integer> vccValidCodeList,
AppMallOrderTimeSortEnum sortEnum, Sort.Direction descOrAscEnum,
String startTime, String endTime,
Integer pageSize, Integer pageNo,
Integer pushAcs) {
sortEnum = sortEnum == null ? AppMallOrderTimeSortEnum.sort_tk_create_time : sortEnum;
final String sortTimeType = sortEnum.getJdType();
List<Predicate> predicateList = Lists.newArrayList();
Specification<AppJdOrderRecord> specification = (Root<AppJdOrderRecord> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) -> {
if (userId != null) {
Expression<Long> userIdEx = root.get("userId").as(Long.class);
Predicate equal = cb.equal(userIdEx, userId);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(validCodeList)) {
Expression<Integer> validCodeEx = root.get("validCode").as(Integer.class);
Predicate in = validCodeEx.in(validCodeList);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(vccValidCodeList)) {
Expression<Integer> validCodeEx = root.get("vccValidCode").as(Integer.class);
Predicate in = validCodeEx.in(vccValidCodeList);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(startTime) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(endTime)) {
try {
Expression<Date> timeEx = root.get(sortTimeType).as(Date.class);
Date start = DateUtils.parseDate(startTime);
Date end = DateUtils.parseDate(endTime);
Predicate between = cb.between(timeEx, start, end);
} catch (ParseException e) {
log.error("京东订单分页查询,时间解析异常:startTime:{}- endTime:{}", startTime, endTime);
if (pushAcs != null) {
Expression<Integer> pushAcsEx = root.get("pushAcs").as(Integer.class);
predicateList.add(cb.equal(pushAcsEx, pushAcs));
Predicate and = cb.and(predicateList.toArray(new Predicate[predicateList.size()]));
return and;
pageNo = pageNo == null ? 0 : pageNo - 1 <= 0 ? 0 : pageNo - 1;
Sort.Order order = new Sort.Order(descOrAscEnum, sortEnum.getJdType());
Sort sort = new Sort(Lists.newArrayList(order));
Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(pageNo, pageSize, sort);
Page<AppJdOrderRecord> all = jdOrderRecordRepository.findAll(specification, pageable);
return all;
2、hql 语法
本质和写sql 差别不大,重点是 not null 判断的处理,另外一种是返回指定字段时,接收可以用数组表示,这一点比较麻烦
@Query(value = "SELECT sum(CASE " +
"when vcc_tk_status = 1 then promoter_pre_fee " +
"when vcc_tk_status = 2 then promoter_fee " +
"else promoter_pre_fee end) waitReturnCash " +
"from app_promoter_order_record " +
"WHERE ( (follower_user_id=:userId and promoter_user_id is null ) or promoter_user_id=:userId ) " +
"and if(:paidStart is not null and :paidEnd is not null ,tk_paid_time >= :paidStart and tk_paid_time < :paidEnd,1=1) " +
"and vcc_tk_status in (1,2) " +
"and if(:pushAcs is not null ,push_acs = :pushAcs,1=1) "
, nativeQuery = true)
BigDecimal sumWaitReturnCash(@Param("userId") Long userId, @Param("pushAcs") Integer pushAcs,
@Param("paidStart") String paidStart, @Param("paidEnd") String paidEnd);
@Query(value = "select follower_user_id ,sum(`promoter_fee`) promoter_fee ,return_cash_type ,vcc_env " +
"from app_promoter_order_record " +
"where vcc_tk_status = 2 and push_acs = 1 " +
"and if(?1 is not null and ?2 is not null,tk_earning_time >= ?1 and tk_earning_time < ?2,1=1) " +
"and return_cash_type in ('Shop','Share') " +
"group by follower_user_id,return_cash_type having sum(promoter_fee) > 0 ",
nativeQuery = true)
List<Object[]> sumReturnCashByMonthGroupByFollowerUserId(String startTime, String endTime);