Soft-Edged Shadows(英)





Soft-Edged Shadows

Published Jan 18 2005 04:23 PM in Shadows  

By Anirudh.S Shastry 


Originally, dynamic shadowing techniques were possible only in a limited way. But with the advent of powerful programmable graphics hardware, dynamic shadow techniques have nearly completely replaced static techniques like light mapping and semi-dynamic techniques like projected shadows. Two popular dynamic shadowing techniques are shadow volumes and shadow mapping.

A closer look

The shadow volumes technique is a geometry based technique that requires the extrusion of the geometry in the direction of the light to generate a closed volume. Then, via ray casting, the shadowed portions of the scene can be determined (usually the stencil buffer is used to simulate ray-casting). This technique is pixel-accurate and doesn't suffer from any aliasing problems, but as with any technique, it suffers from its share of disadvantages. Two major problems with this technique are that it is heavily geometry dependent and fill-rate intensive. Because of this, shadow mapping is slowly becoming more popular.

Shadow mapping on the other hand is an image space technique that involves rendering the scene depth from the light's point of view and using this depth information to determine which portions of the scene in shadow. Though this technique has several advantages, it suffers from aliasing artifacts and z-fighting. But there are solutions to this and since the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, this will be the technique of my choice in this article.

Soft shadows

Hard shadows destroy the realism of a scene. Hence, we need to fake soft shadows in order to improve the visual quality of the scene. A lot of over-zealous PHD students have come up with papers describing soft shadowing techniques, but in reality, most of these techniques are not viable in real-time, at least when considering complex scenes. Until we have hardware that can overcome some of the limitations of these techniques, we will need to stick to more down-to-earth methods.

In this article, I present an image space method to generate soft-edged shadows using shadow maps. This method doesn't generate perfectly soft shadows (no umbra-penumbra). But it not only solves the aliasing problems of shadow mapping, it improves the visual quality by achieving aesthetically pleasing soft edged shadows.

So how does it work?

First, we generate the shadow map as usual by rendering the scene depth from the light's point of view into a floating point buffer. Then, instead of rendering the scene with shadows, we render the shadowed regions into a screen-sized buffer. Now, we can blur this using a bloom filter and project it back onto the scene in screen space. Sounds simple right?

In this article, we only deal with spot lights, but this technique can easily be extended to handle point lights as well.

Here are the steps:

Generate the shadow map as usual by writing the scene depth into a floating point buffer.

Render the shadowed portions of the scene after depth comparison into fixed point texture, without any lighting.

Blur the above buffer using a bloom filter (though we use a separable Gaussian filter in this article, any filter can be used).

Project the blurred buffer onto the scene in screen space to get cool soft-edged shadows, along with full lighting.

Step 1: Rendering the shadow map

First, we need to create a texture that can hold the scene depth. Since we need to use this as a render target, we will also need to create a surface that holds the texture's surface data. The texture must be a floating point one because of the large range of depth values. The R32F format has sufficient precision and so we use it. Here's the codelet that is used to create the texture.


Now, to generate the shadow map, we need to render the scene's depth to the shadow map. To do this, we must render the scene with the light's world-view-projection matrix. Here's how we build that matrix.


Here are vertex and pixel shaders for rendering the scene depth.


Here, we multiply the position by the light's world-view-projection matrix (g_matLightViewProj) and use the transformed position's z-value as the depth. In the pixel shader, we output the depth as the color.


Voila! We have the shadow map. Below is a color coded version of the shadow map, dark blue indicates smaller depth values, whereas light blue indicates larger depth values.

Step 2: Rendering the shadowed scene into a buffer

Next, we need to render the shadowed portions of the scene to an offscreen buffer so that we can blur it and project it back onto the scene. To do that, we first render the shadowed portions of the scene into a screen-sized fixed point texture.


To get the projective texture coordinates, we need a "texture" matrix that will map the position from projection space to texture space.


We get the shadow factor as usual by depth comparison, but instead of outputting the completely lit scene, we output only the shadow factor. Here are the vertex and pixel shaders that do the job.


We use percentage closer filtering (PCF) to smoothen out the jagged edges. To "do" PCF, we simply sample the 8 (we're using a 3x3 PCF kernel here) surrounding texels along with the center texel and take the average of all the depth comparisons.


The screen buffer is good to go! Now all we need to do is blur this and project it back onto the scene in screen space.

Step 3: Blurring the screen buffer

We use a seperable gaussian filter to blur the screen buffer, but one could also use a Poisson filter. The render targets this time are A8R8G8B8 textures accompanied by corresponding surfaces. We need 2 render targets, one for the horizontal pass and the other for the vertical pass.


We generate 15 Gaussian offsets and their corresponding weights using the following functions.


To blur the screen buffer, we set the blur map as the render target and render a screen sized quad with the following vertex and pixel shaders.


There, the blur maps are ready. To increase the blurriness of the shadows, increase the texel sampling distance. The last step, of course, is to project the blurred map back onto the scene in screen space.

After first Gaussian pass)

After second Gaussian pass

Step 4: Rendering the shadowed scene

To project the blur map onto the scene, we render the scene as usual, but project the blur map using screen-space coordinates. We use the clip space position with some hard-coded math to generate the screen-space coordinates. The vertex and pixel shaders shown below render the scene with per-pixel lighting along with shadows.


We add an additional spot term by projecting down a spot texture from the light. This not only simulates a spot lighting effect, it also cuts out parts of the scene outside the shadow map. The spot map is projected down using standard projective texturing.


That's it! We have soft edged shadows that look quite nice! The advantage of this technique is that it completely removes edge-aliasing artifacts that the shadow mapping technique suffers from. Another advantage is that one can generate soft shadows for multiple lights with a small memory overhead. When dealing with multiple lights, all you need is one shadow map per light, whereas the screen and blur buffers can be common to all the lights! Finally, this technique can be applied to both shadow maps and shadow volumes, so irrespective of the shadowing technique, you can generate soft-edged shadows with this method. One disadvantage is that this method is a wee bit fill-rate intensive due to the Gaussian filter. This can be minimized by using smaller blur buffers and slightly sacrificing the visual quality.

Here's a comparison between the approach mentioned here, 3x3 percentage closer filtering and normal shadow mapping.

Thank you for reading my article. I hope you liked it. If you have any doubts, questions or comments, please feel free to mail me at Here's the source code.


Hardware Shadow Mapping. Cass Everitt, Ashu Rege and Cem Cebenoyan.

Hardware-accelerated Rendering of Antialiased Shadows with Shadow Maps. Stefan Brabec and Hans-Peter Seidel.


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