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转载 To be a good programmer

http://www.trickjarrett.com/programmer/index.php/Main_Page This is dedicated to updating the excellent resource by Robert L. Read. The original version of this document was written by Robert L.

2009-04-12 09:56:00 1259

翻译 Basic XNA OOP for Beginners

Basic XNA OOP for Beginnersby percent20 German TranslationThe Problem:    Often overlooked in development is the beginner to a technology. This is defiantly prevalent in the XNA community as

2009-04-09 15:39:00 1012

翻译 Getting started with XNA - First Person Camera

Getting started with XNA - First Person CameraWhat’s a game or an interactive presentation without a way to move around? So in this tutorial, I’ll show you how to make a first person camera. As usua

2009-04-07 15:50:00 1235

翻译 Collision Detection Overview

Collision Detection OverviewOverview of the collision-detection–related functionality provided by the XNA Framework.Collision detection is the process of determining whether objects in a gam

2009-04-03 15:05:00 1155

翻译 Math Overview

Math OverviewThe XNA Framework Math Libraries can be found in the Microsoft.Xna.Framework namespace, alongside a number of additional types that deal with the XNA Framework Application model

2009-04-03 14:39:00 788

翻译 Viewports and Frustums

Viewports and FrustumsProvides overview of viewports and frustums as related to 3D graphics concepts.Conceptually, a viewport is a two-dimensional (2D) rectangle onto which a 3D scene is p

2009-04-03 14:06:00 1006

翻译 3D Graphics Overview

3D Graphics OverviewProvides an overview of 3D graphics. The Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics namespace contains classes to use the graphics device to load and render resources and to apply

2009-04-03 11:08:00 1239

翻译 So you want to be a Game Developer?

So you want to be a Game Developer?Starting to Program gamesIn the good old days, back when the Internet had about 10 users and the web was a far off vision, PCs were called Home Computers a

2009-04-03 09:51:00 930

翻译 2D Graphics Overview

2D Graphics OverviewSprites are 2D bitmaps drawn directly on the screen, as opposed to being drawn in 3D space. Sprites are commonly used to display information such as health bars, number of

2009-04-02 16:24:00 939

翻译 Application Model Overview

Application Model OverviewThe XNA Framework Game class provides a framework for processing game simulation based on a fixed or variable time interval.This overview covers the following topic

2009-04-02 15:31:00 680

翻译 Content Pipeline Architecture

Content Pipeline ArchitectureDescribes the architecture of the XNA Game Studio Content Pipeline build process. The process is designed to be extensible, so that it can easily support new inp

2009-04-02 14:57:00 960

原创 Model Processing with the XNA Framework Content Pipeline

Model Processing with the XNA Framework Content PipelineDescribes the model conversion process implemented by XNA Framework Content Pipeline.The conversion of a game asset in your project is

2009-04-02 14:23:00 894

翻译 XNA: Overview of the Content Pipeline

Overview of the Content PipelineDescribes how the XNA Game Studio Content Pipeline lets you build art assets into your game automatically from the file formats in which they are maintained.使用C

2009-04-02 14:04:00 840

翻译 Developing an Application Architecture Part 1: Giving Your Data Some Brains

Developing an Application ArchitectureOverviewThis series of articles will walk through the creation of a simple application architecture that can be utilized in programs of nearly any size. The c

2009-04-01 15:56:00 493

原创 More Effective C# Item 7. Do Not Create Generic Specialization on Base Classes or Interfaces

 Item 7. Do Not Create Generic Specialization on Base Classes or InterfacesIntroducing generic methods can make it highly complicated for the compiler to resolve method overloads. Each generic met

2009-04-01 10:34:00 789

原创 项目经理应当阅读的8篇paper

同样来自于Dr. Dobbs 网站的推荐,好像这个网站经常做推荐,例如当前有什么适合开发人员看的好书,或者是针对多核编程的书。这里推荐了PM应当阅读的书籍,先记录一下。看来想在这个领域混饭吃,还是需要多读书。 10 Papers Every Software Architect Should Read (At Least Twice)Earlier today I read a po

2009-04-01 10:18:00 625

原创 设计师应该读的10篇paper

在Dr. Dobb网站上看到的blog,虽然里现在有一段时间了,而且很多内容比较理论化,或者说需要有一定工作经验的时候看比较有感触,所以工作一段时间以后,可以回过头来看看这些文章,也许有不一样的体会。里面还有一个“开发人员应当阅读的10篇论文”链接,也是挺不错的文章。 10 Papers Every Software Architect Should Read (At Least Twic

2009-04-01 10:12:00 756


都是一些和算法相关的趣味题。例如:  10.数制转换  9.杨辉三角形  8.借书方案知多少  7.阶乘尾数零的个数  6.高次方数的尾数  5.求最大数  4.歌星大奖赛  3.绘制圆  2.绘制余弦曲线和直线  1.绘制余弦曲线



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