Arch Linux 添加 BlackArch 镜像源

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Arch Linux 添加 BlackArch 镜像源

BlackArch 介绍

BlackArch Linux 渗透测试发行版 BlackArch 中文手册 。懒人专用 CSDN 下载链接

BlackArch Linux 是面向渗透测试人员和安全研究人员的基于 Arch Linux 的渗透测试发行版。该存储库包含 2658 个工具。您可以单独或成组安装工具。BlackArch Linux 与现有的 Arch 安装兼容。

添加 BlackArch 镜像源

sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf
# 在最后面添加如下几行
SigLevel = Never
# 国内镜像源
#Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch


sudo pacman -Syu

安装 BlackArch GPG 密钥

sudo pacman -S blackarch-keyring


sudo pacman -S blackarch-keyring

软件包 (1) blackarch-keyring-20180925-3

下载大小:  0.02 MiB
全部安装大小:  0.02 MiB

:: 进行安装吗? [Y/n] 
:: 正在获取软件包......
File size: 18.3379 千字节 (18778 bytes)
正在打开输出文件 /var/cache/pacman/pkg/blackarch-keyring-20180925-3-any.pkg.tar.zst.part

[100%] [...................................................................................] [  11.5KB/s] [00:00]

已下载 18.3379 千字节,用时 1 秒。(11.45 KB/s)
(1/1) 正在检查密钥环里的密钥                                        [######################################] 100%
(1/1) 正在检查软件包完整性                                          [######################################] 100%
(1/1) 正在加载软件包文件                                            [######################################] 100%
(1/1) 正在检查文件冲突                                              [######################################] 100%
(1/1) 正在检查可用存储空间                                          [######################################] 100%
:: 正在处理软件包的变化...
(1/1) 正在安装 blackarch-keyring                                    [######################################] 100%
==> 正在从 blackarch.gpg 添加密匙...
gpg: 公钥 CF66D153D884358F 在其签名之后的 16 秒生成
==> 正在本地签名密匙环中的可信密匙...
  -> 正在本地签名密匙 8F9A9793CB8591147C2EC70566E0CDBD1E01F333...
  -> 正在本地签名密匙 4345771566D76038C7FEB43863EC0ADBEA87E4E3...
  -> 正在本地签名密匙 A0917C4147A37007CB54C1CFD295AA940EFDDF62...
  -> 正在本地签名密匙 CBA3C7D4798912702DCF568E67D8BDF42AD93F4E...
==> 正在导入拥有者信任值...
gpg: setting ownertrust to 4
gpg: setting ownertrust to 4
gpg: inserting ownertrust of 4
gpg: setting ownertrust to 4
==> 正在密匙环中禁用已激活密匙...
  -> 正在禁用密匙 5E210889BBB5C48500E0C4F9C75E985FF8B993B4...
==> 正在更新可信数据库...
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 786C63F330D7CB92: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 1EB2638FF56C0C53: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: key 1EB2638FF56C0C53: no user ID for key signature packet of class 10
gpg: marginals needed: 3  completes needed: 1  trust model: pgp
gpg: 公钥 CF66D153D884358F 在其签名之后的 16 秒生成
gpg: 深度:0  有效性:  1  已签名: 53  信任度:0-,0q,0n,0m,0f,1u
gpg: 深度:1  有效性: 53  已签名: 84  信任度:0-,0q,0n,53m,0f,0u
gpg: 深度:2  有效性: 77  已签名: 24  信任度:77-,0q,0n,0m,0f,0u
gpg: 下次信任度数据库检查将于 2021-05-20 进行
:: 正在运行事务后钩子函数...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...

至此添加 BlackArch 镜像源和安装 GPG 密钥完成。剩下的看你的发挥。(X 能力越大,责任越大。

同时建议安装 blackarch-mirrorlist

yay -S blackarch-mirrorlist
# 取消当前所在区域的镜像源注释
sudo vim /etc/pacman.d/blackarch-mirrorlist
# 如:
# China
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
Server =$repo/os/$arch
# 修改 /etc/pacman.conf
sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf
# 重新修改 [blackarch] 让其优先使用 blackarch-mirrorlist
#SigLevel = Never
#Server =$repo/os/$arch
Include = /etc/pacman.d/blackarch-mirrorlist

注:同样 ArchLinuxCN 镜像源也能这么配置





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


