SQL Server Error: No Process is on the Other End of the Pipe

Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe.

  • Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:20 PM Bradl Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    I'm unable to install SQL Express 2005 on a windows 2003 server.  I have installed it on several 2003 servers, but for some reason, the one I need it on will not install.  I have tried the manual install, and the command line install.  Both give the same error.  Setup gets to the point where it is configuring the server, and then I get the following error.

    SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe.

    At this point in time, I can go to services and see that the SQL Service is running, so it has started.  However, upon failure, when I hit cancel, the process rolls back, and takes the SQL service out of services and uninstalls it.  Below is a copy of the entire log.



    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.1399.06
    OS Version      : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
    Time            : Tue Jan 10 15:38:38 2006
    Machine         : MACHINE1
    Product         : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)
    Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
    Install         : Successful
    Log File        : C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/90/Setup Bootstrap/LOG/Files/SQLSetup0016_MACHINE1_SQLSupport_1.log
    Machine         : MACHINE1
    Product         : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
    Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
    Install         : Successful
    Log File        : C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/90/Setup Bootstrap/LOG/Files/SQLSetup0016_MACHINE1_SQLNCLI_1.log
    Machine         : MACHINE1
    Product         : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
    Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
    Install         : Successful
    Log File        : C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/90/Setup Bootstrap/LOG/Files/SQLSetup0016_MACHINE1_SqlWriter_1.log
    Machine         : MACHINE1
    Product         : MSXML 6.0 Parser
    Product Version : 6.00.3883.8
    Install         : Successful
    Log File        : C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/90/Setup Bootstrap/LOG/Files/SQLSetup0016_MACHINE1_MSXML6_1.log
    Machine         : MACHINE1
    Product         : SQL Server Database Services
    Error           : SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe.
     Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.
    Machine         : MACHINE1
    Product         : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
    Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
    Install         : Failed
    Log File        : C:/Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server/90/Setup Bootstrap/LOG/Files/SQLSetup0016_MACHINE1_SQL.log
    Last Action     : InstallFinalize
    Error String    : SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: {Microsoft}{SQL Native Client}Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe.
    Error Number    : 29515


All Replies

  • Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:07 PM Quan ToMSFTUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    This site might help:


    Take a look at message #4.


  • Saturday, January 28, 2006 7:51 AM CougarKitE Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    I am having the exact same issue, in fact, it seems every other machine I try to install SQL Server 2005 on has some sort of installation issue. I've never come across a piece of software with so many installation issues. If you know the solution please email me at cougarkite@hotmail.com.
  • Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:54 AM Test Uzer Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    Having the same sort of problem with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (not express or EE)

    It won't even install "SQL Server Database services" as I get the "The error was: [Microsoft][SQL native Client]Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe."

    So any links to "Connectivity Issue Troubleshoot " are useless. It is an install!

  • Monday, May 22, 2006 6:44 AM nelusan Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    I have the same problem, and this is my second day of hell since this problem occurs. It seems like there were people facing this problem but there's nobody trying to actually give an answer to it. First I received a message sounding like:

    connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

    For help, click:

    Server Name: NELUSAN/SQLSERVER2005
    Error Number: 233
    Severity: 20
    State: 0

    And then I unninstalled my sql server and I wanted to install it again but NO i wouldn't let me - it keeps giving me this stupid message that has the log u showed in the first post. So people, PLEASE, I BEG U give us the other people a solution to the problem.

    Possibly this problem occured after I installed Microsoft Interactive Designer. But I can get it - what's the connection between them.

  • Monday, May 22, 2006 6:48 AM nelusan Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Same problem here. I guess somebody on this MSDN forum has to know. I hope :(. I'm running out of pacience. Gotta get myself an MySql connection provider.
  • Monday, May 22, 2006 9:09 AM Test Uzer Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals


    I did eventually get the installation to work .... but.... after doing dozens of installs (read days of mucking arround) with and without various options to no avail.

    In my case I'd had previously had sql server express 2005 installed and then removed. 

    Here is what worked for me:

    1. Uninstall SQL Server 2005, and all the MSXML6  etc that gets installed... everything!!

    2. Make sure SQL Server Express 2005 is fully uninstalled.

    3. Go to the registry and remove all the stub entries for SQL & SQL Express  HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Microsoft SQL Server

    4. Make sure there were no SQL & SQL Express files on the disk including and database data and log files.

    5. Got a fresh copy of SQL Server Express 2005 from MS (not the visual studio version that was installed there before) and installed.

    6. Installed SQL Server 2005 ok.

    If I uninstall SQL Server Express 2005 ... SQL Server 2005 stops working and I get the "No process is on the other end of the pipe" message back again.

    If SQL Server Express 2005 is not installed  ... SQL Server 2005   won't install and I get the "No process is on the other end of the pipe" message back again

    So I'm stuck with an Express installation on my machine just so I can have SQL Server 2005 running, but I can have Express stopped and things work just fine.


  • Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:04 PM fhhowdy Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    I had the same problem, but it turned out that it was due to using the wrong authentication method.  I had created a sql user, but had failed to change the allowed authentication methods for the server.  I used the *wonderful* sql server management studio express to change the server authentication from Windows Authentication mode to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode. 

    To set this property, open the studio (you can download this free from the SQLExpress website), and right click on the server.   Select properties, then expand the security page.  Change the Server Authentication and you're good to go.


  • Tuesday, July 11, 2006 2:55 PM Samuel D. Colak Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    Dear All,

    Its been a fustrating few hours but i finally managed to solve the above problem in relation to the design changes that have been implemented in the new service pack for sql 2005.

    Well to cut a long story short, all those attempting to access the db via webservices or http should check under the iis admin tool (goto asp.net and then edit configuration and then impersonate a user (as opposed to the default network-service account)) - i thought i could add this account to the sql security policy but it couldnt find the global builtin account. Weird eh?

    It seems that someone revoked by default the network service account as being considered SYSTEM. how i worked this out - well i have a couple of sql instances running and couldnt understand why on earth on one i had no problems at all and then after i did.

    If anyone needs a helping hand in this, give me a shout at my email address.



  • Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:21 AM Devo64 Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    No one has really answered the question.  Not one detail was provided on how to fix.

    I am having this problem, and in my experience I have never run into something as cryptic and crappy as SQL Server 2005. 

    I am a self-professed Microsoft fan, but this sucks.  I want my money back.

  • Thursday, August 03, 2006 1:26 AM Devo64 Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
      Proposed Answer

    Sorry for the rant - I found the problem I was having which may be different from anyone else.  I found it by trying to install SQL 2000 and running into a similar install issue.  I boiled down to the way SSL certs were installed on my computer.  Yes SQL uses SSL certs for data encryption.

    I actually had two certs installed - both generated using the selfssl tool used to create certs for development machines.  I am not sure which one or the fact I had multple caused my install problem.

    Nevertheless, removing the certs solved the problem.  I was able to install.  Please review following topic regarding SQL 2000 install - solution also applied to SQL 2005:


    I will not install a new cert via self ssl until I am certain I am doing so correctly from a SQL Server standpoint.  When I have that figured out I will post another entry on how to install SSL certs without damaging SQL Server.


    • Proposed As Answer bysamuelms1 Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:20 PM
  • Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:16 PM nelusan Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Thanx, it seems like this had been the problem. From what I remembered I played a little with the selfssl.exe tool. I am pretty satisfied now that I know the answer to my qyestion. So from what i've seen so far this error message is from one of two causes: bad authentification or bad certificates.
  • Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:04 PM BellaTrenkova Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    Thank you so much for the tip!

    What made the difference for me was noticing that the Express installation property pages default to the NETWORK SERVICE account as opposed to the Local System (SYSTEM) account. In the previous installation attempts I repeatedly used the SYSTEM account  - this used to be the default back in the happy days. In my last installation (after I installed Express) I chose the Network Service account. It all went smoothly. After the installation I tried to be smart and I modified the MSSQL service to run under the Local System account - immediately after restart I got the same error. I turned it back to the network service account and got it working. I didn't have the nerve/time to uninstall Express and install SQL2005 under the network service account. (This last step would prove if Express is really needed or if it is really just a matter of using network service vs. local system.)


    The really strange part in our case is that we used to have well working SQL2005 installation which was an upgrade from SQL2000. At some point I restarted the service and it started giving the error. After that, I tried to uninstall and install without any success until I saw your posting and tried it as a last resort. I have no explanation whatsoever what "broke" the services. No one here would admit doing anything to the server.

  • Saturday, September 02, 2006 6:11 PM Chandra.Sekhar Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    You guys are really wonderful. I was troubleshooting like hell for a week and you solved it.


    Thanks again.

  • Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:57 PM Marty McGee Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    Yep, it definitely was a CERTIFICATE issue that was conflicting with MS SQL's ability to communicate with the MSSQLSERVER service.  Once I removed all my PERSONAL certificates that I created using SelfSSL.exe from the computer (MMC console), the installation continued without this annoying and misrepresented error.  Now everything works as it should.

    I spent two hours on the phone with Microsoft SQL tech support.  They mentioned that this error "No process is on the other end of the pipe" is a circumstance of SQL not being able to communicate with the service.

    Hope this helps all with headaches. Thanks Bhanu of MS SQL Server Support!

    - Marty McGee

  • Wednesday, February 14, 2007 3:48 PM Smitten Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    where did you find the certificate?  I didn't set any up ... can you help?
  • Wednesday, February 14, 2007 3:53 PM Smitten Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    I have that setting ... but I can not login with the SQL Auth id's ... any ideas?
  • Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:09 PM Devo64 Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    Look in IIS admin, right mouse click on site, click properties, click Directory Security and check to see if there is an SSL cert assigned to the web site.  If so, remove it (you can add it back later using the information from the link I posted here: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=90906&SiteID=1).

    If you don't have an SSL cert installed, then the issue is most likely not related to this post.  You may need to provide more information.

    Hope this helps...

  • Thursday, March 01, 2007 1:19 PM Fardad Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    On a 2003 server, I had SqlServer 2005 running, but after installing cert, using self ssl, I could not connect to the sql server any more.


    After reading the posts, using IIS management (Directory security…), I removed the cert. But still no luck.

    I reinstalled the Sql server, it fails to install when it reaches the stage : configuring the database.


    Since this installation was working before installing SSL, I can only presume that the cert. was the cause. My question is; when installing the cert, and then removing it (using IIS manager/ property of the website / directory security), is the cert. completely removed or it is still sitting somewhere or has some signature in the registry?  


    I don’t see any certs installed using IIS or mmc.


    I am installing the Sql Server 2005 on a fresh server 2003 and have problem with it for a week now, any one have any idea, I am at the point of reinstalling the whole windows server from scratch.

  • Wednesday, March 07, 2007 8:30 PM warble Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    That was nasty!


    Special thanks to Mr. Colak for posting the solution!

  • Wednesday, April 18, 2007 12:51 AM Eric Vaessen Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Great tip, really helped me out a lot... I just changed the build in account to 'local system' in the SQLserver service properties and that did the job. I was almost getting desperate ;-) Thanks again !
  • Sunday, May 06, 2007 11:59 PM Ross Holder Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    I've been monkeying (is that a real verb?) with Commerce Server 2007 (CS) quite a bit - and using my Windows XP box, which I traditionally use for software development (C#, VB.NET) and found myself in a real bind this morning.  Part of the process of getting Commerce Server 2007 (which is a lot harder to get working on XP than on its intended environment, Windows Server 2003 - but still possible) involves using the SELFSSL.EXE utility.  Of course, SELFSSL.EXE is used to create certificates, in particular useful for developing with CS, among other things.  And everything worked fine after installing the first instance of the Starter Site (also needed to, practically speaking, start building CS sites).  And I found myself with this same MSSQL trouble after adding another certificate and running the Starer Site site unpackager - the trouble discussed here.

    Well it now appears that after using the snap-in discussed in the pervious article I've solved my problems, that is using the snap-in to wipe out all the Personal Certificates generated using SELFSSL.EXE - at least the problems accessing SQL Server again, thus avoiding a re-install which is where things seemed headed.

    Thus I'm posting a thank-you to this thread, even though it's nearly a year old and I'd be amazed if anyone's still reading it (particularly the original participants).





    P.S. This is an edit to my original post - noticed a lot of others asking "where do I edit my SSL certificates"?  There's a snap-in discussed in one of the earlier posts to this very thread, but suffice it to say once more there's a certificate manager available by opening up yer good 'ol MMC (just type "mmc" from the Run dialogue under the Windows "Start" menu) and add the snap-in labelled simply "Certficates".  There's a couple others with similar names, but are used for other purposes, such as managing certificates your system might host via a certificate authority, or managing the CA running on your own system/server or whatever).  Good luck!

  • Tuesday, November 20, 2007 5:51 PM StevenColby Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    IT WAS THE CERTS!  IT WAS THE CERTS!  Oh mah gawd, why is this still a problem in Nov. 2007 ?!? 


    I spent an entire day screwing around with Sql Server 2005 Express, Devel, Enterprise (trial version) trying various combinations of installs and kept getting the dreaded "[Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe." error.  Temporarily removing the certs was the answer - install completed, Sql Server 2005 Express is now up and running.


    For more info about the X.509 certs installed on your WinServer 2K3, this posting [mentioned above] is really helpful (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/309398/).  Yes, it says "Sql Server 2000" but it still applies to you, pilgrim.


    A big ol' 'thank you' to the intrepid souls further up this posting who found the answer.  Microsoft, why would you let something like this drag on for so many years??

  • Monday, February 04, 2008 4:50 PM Greg.Nelson Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    I was having the same problem with SQL 2005 and Server 03 R2.  I fixed it using Named Pipes and TCP/IP.  I was getting help from someone and I was clicking a little blind as I am not all that knowledgeable about SQL but I'd say it's worth a try.

  • Thursday, February 28, 2008 5:19 PM MarianoC Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    OK, the previous post was helpful, but the correct solution for the error (if you are using shared memory only and a local connection give you this error: (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)) is in this post:




    Also note that the error is unclear if you use sql native client or ADO for .NET 2.,0 to connect. If you use SQLOLEDB you should see and indication of an invalid SSL certificate in the error. The post has step by step insturctions to solve it. It seems that SQL Server 2005 will start using encryption if there is a certificate intalled??!...






  • Saturday, March 08, 2008 8:21 PM Daniel Dragnev Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals

    I had the same problem, which I could not solve even after trying everything suggested here (except uninstalling SQL Server), but finally I found what the problem was:


    I am using Vista Business. I installed Visual Studio 2003 few days ago. There were few error messages during the installation saying that VS2003 is not compatible with Vista, but I forced it anyway. I just remembered that today and after uninstalling VS2003 I restarted the computer and voila, the SQL Server is working again.


    I do not know if that can be useful for anyone, but I thought to share it here.


    Best Regards,

    Daniel D.

  • Sunday, March 23, 2008 10:44 AM petervdp Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals


    Thanks a bunch for the IIS Admin tip. I indeed had an (inactive) website with self issued certificates. Only after I found them there, that I was able to locate them in the Certifcates MMC Snap-In.


    While SQL Server setup was at the mentioned error, offering "Retry" or "Cancel", I removed the certificates, stopped the MSSQLSERVICE and hit "Retry". The setup restarted SQL Server and went right on with the installation.


    I have spent three days on this...

  • Friday, August 15, 2008 3:28 AM aswad32 Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    thanks for the solution, luckily i found this thread, it was certificate problem just disabled it and u free to go, god bless all of u
  • Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1:26 PM d-b-s Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    Thanks to everyone in this forum. It was the ONLY one that actually addressed all the issues and produced a working solution.

    I have one to add to the pile.

    After one person wrote that the authentication was not in 'Mixed' mode I decided to check my configuration. It was in mixed mode so I decided to take it back to 'Windows Authentication' then restarted the service. Set it to 'Mixed-Mode' and restarted again.


    My registry key was blank for the certificate number. It seems that this process 'reset' SQL Express.

    Once again thanks.

  • Monday, November 09, 2009 11:54 AM tjway Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    My own issue is not similar to those mentioned in this forum.

    I have got some SSIS packages stored in MSDB database. Exporting some of them gives this type of error message.

    Communication link failure Shared Memory Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe. (Microsoft SQL Native Client)

    Disabling Shared Memory Protocol and exporting the package again reports error on the other protocols (TCP and Named Pipe) depending on which of them at the top of priority list.

    I have had a look at the server and client protocols configurations. These settings seems to be working fine. I even had to disable and reorder them but the error still persists.
    The irony of it is that the error is not coming up on all the packages.
    I have restarted the engine and looked at the error log.

    The log reports are as follows:

    SQL Server is now ready for client connections. This is an informational message; no user action is required. Server is listening on [ <ipv4> 1434]. Server named pipe provider is ready to accept connection on [ //./pipe/sql/query ]. Server local connection provider is ready to accept connection on [ //./pipe/SQLLocal/MSSQLSERVER ]. Server is listening on [ 'any' <ipv4> 1433].

    I'm suspecting these packages but they are running fine without any errors.
    There is no certificate installed on the box.

    Does anyone have a clue why this is happening?

    One more thing the server configs are:
    Win 2003 SP1, SQL 2005 RTM.

    I'm not suspecting SQL service pack since the issues are not occurring on production with the same configurations. I'm planning to apply SP3 on the box though.
  • Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:24 PM samuelms1 Users MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers MedalsUsers Medals
    My problem was not with installing sql server, but with running it.  We recently used selfssl from the iis 6.0 toolkit to create certificates.  I haven't had any problems since doing that until today, but perhaps today was the first time my sql service was restarted (microsoft tuesday updates restarted my box - thank you ms).

    Anyways, I read somewhere that if the fully qualified domain name isn't specified in the ssl cert then sql has issues.  I'm guessing this was my problem.  I had several certificates.  I just deleted them all and created a new one with the fully qualified domain name and everything worked.

    Thanks Devo64 for the link, that helped me out.
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