SIP RFC 类别汇总


SIP Topics

The purpose of this page is to list the topics related to SIP, based on the list of RFCs and Internet Drafts, and to provide the links to the document descriptions within this site.

 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Session Negotiation via SDP

RFC 3264An Offer/Answer Model with SDP
RFC 3262Reliability of Provisional Responses
-- [chapter 5 -- The Offer/Answer Model and PRACK]
RFC 3311The SIP UPDATE Method
RFC 3312Integration of Resource Management and SIP
RFC 3388Grouping of Media Lines in SDP
RFC 3725Best Current Practices for Third Party Call Control (3pcc) in SIP
RFC 3890A Transport Independent Bandwidth Modifier for SIP
RFC 3959The Early Session Disposition Type for SIP
RFC 3960Early Media and Ringing Tone Generation in SIP
RFC 4028Session Timers in SIP
RFC 4032Update to the SIP Preconditions Framework
RFC 4092Usage of SDP Alternative Network Address Types (ANAT) Semantics in SIP
RFC 4145TCP-Based Media Transport in SIP
RFC 4317SDP Offer/Answer Examples
draft-ietf-sipping-sip-offeranswerSIP Usage of Offer/Answer Model
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

NAT and Firewall Traversal

RFC 2663IP Network Address Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations
RFC 3022Traditional IP Network Address Translator (Traditional NAT)
RFC 3303Middlebox Communication Architecture and Framework
RFC 3424IAB Considerations for UNilateral Self-Address Fixing (UNSAF) across NAT
RFC 3581An Extension to SIP for Symmetric Response Routing
RFC 3605RTCP attribute in SDP
RFC 4787NAT Behavioral Requirements for Unicast UDP
RFC 5135IGMP Proxy Behavior
RFC 5389Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
draft-ietf-behave-turnObtaining Relay Addresses from Simple Traversal of UDP Through NAT (STUN)
draft-ietf-mmusic-iceICE: A Methodology for NAT Traversal for Offer/Answer Protocols
draft-ietf-sipping-nat-scenariosBest Current Practices for NAT Traversal for SIP
draft-ietf-sip-outboundManaging Client Initiated Connections in SIP
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

SIP / PSTN Interworking

RFC 2848The PINT Service Protocol
RFC 4960Stream Control Transmission Protocol (STCP)
RFC 3204MIME media types for ISUP and QSIG Objects
RFC 3219Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP)
RFC 3372SIP for Telephones (SIP-T): Context and Architectures
RFC 3398ISUP to SIP Mapping
RFC 3578Mapping of ISUP Overlap Signalling to SIP
RFC 3666SIP PSTN Call Flows
RFC 3761The E.164 to URI DDDS Application (ENUM)
RFC 3764enumservice registration for SIP Addresses-of-Record
RFC 3824Using E.164 numbers with SIP
RFC 3910The SPIRITS Protocol
RFC 3966The tel URI for Telephone Numbers
RFC 4504SIP Telephony Device Requirements and Configuration
RFC 4904Representing trunk groups in tel/sip Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
RFC 4967Dialstring parameter for the sip URI
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##


Digest Authentication Up
RFC 3261SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
-- [chapter 22 -- Usage of HTTP Authentication]
RFC 2617HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication
RFC 3310HTTP Digest Authentication using AKA
RFC 4169HTTP Digest Authentication using AKA Version-2
Identity Authentication / Privacy Up
RFC 3323A Privacy Mechanism for SIP
RFC 3324Short Term Requirements for Network Asserted Identity
RFC 3325Private Extensions to SIP for Asserted Identity within Trusted Networks
RFC 4474Enhancements for Authenticated Identity Management in SIP
RFC 4484Trait-based Authorization Requirements for SIP
RFC 4916Connected Identity in SIP
draft-ietf-sip-certsCertificate Management Service for SIP
RFC 3261SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
-- [chapter 23 -- S/MIME]
RFC 3853S/MIME AES Requirement for SIP
-- [Updates RFC3261's chapter 23.3: Securing MIME bodies]
RFC 3420Internet Media Type message/sipfrag
RFC 3893SIP Authenticated Identity Body (AIB) Format
RFC 3851S/MIME Version 3.1 Message Specification
RFC 3852Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
RFC 4134Examples of S/MIME Messages
Security Mechanisms Up
RFC 3261SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
-- [chapter 26 -- Security Considerations]
RFC 3329Security Mechanism Agreement for SIP
RFC 3702Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Requirements for SIP
RFC 3588Diameter Base Protocol
RFC 4740Diameter SIP Application
End-to-Middle Security Up
RFC 4189Requirements for End-to-Middle Security for SIP
Consent-Based Communications Up
RFC 4453Requirements for Consent-Based Communications in SIP
RFC 5360A Framework for Consent-Based Communications in SIP
RFC 5361A Document Format for Requesting Consent
RFC 5362The SIP Pending Additions Event Package
Spam Up
RFC 5039SIP and Spam
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Call Transfer

draft-ietf-sipping-cc-transferSIP Call Control - Transfer
RFC 3515The SIP Refer Method
RFC 3891The SIP Replaces Header
RFC 3892The SIP Referred-By Mechanism
draft-ietf-sip-gruuObtaining and Using Globally Routable UA URIs (GRUU) in SIP
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##


RFC 4245High-Level Requirements for Tightly Coupled SIP Conferencing
RFC 4353A Framework for Conferencing with SIP
RFC 4575A SIP Event Package for Conference State
RFC 4579SIP Call Control - Conferencing for User Agents
RFC 4597Conferencing Scenarios
RFC 3515The SIP Refer Method
RFC 3840Indicating User Agent Capabilities in SIP
RFC 3891The SIP "Replaces" Header
RFC 3911The SIP "Join" Header
RFC 5239A Framework for Centralized Conferencing
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Binary Floor Control Protocol

RFC 4376Requirements for Floor Control Protocol
RFC 4582The Binary Floor Control Protocol (BFCP)
RFC 4583SDP Format for BFCP Streams
RFC 5018Connection Establishment in BFCP
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

URI-List Services

RFC 5363Framework and Security Considerations for SIP URI-List Services
RFC 5366Conference Establishment Using Request-Contained Lists in SIP
RFC 5365Multiple-Recipient MESSAGE Requests in SIP
RFC 5367Subscriptions to Request-Contained Resource Lists in SIP
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##


General Up
RFC 2778A Model for Presence and Instant Messaging
RFC 2779Instant Messaging / Presence Protocol Requirements
RFC 3859Common Profile for Presence (CPP)
RFC 3861Address Resolution for Instant Messaging and Presence
RFC 4079A Presence Architecture for the Distribution of GEOPRIV Location Objects
Presence Information Up
RFC 3863Presence Information Data Format (PIDF)
RFC 4479A Data Model for Presence
RFC 4122A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace -- for <deviceID> element
RFC 4480RPID: Rich Presence Extensions to PIDF
RFC 4481Timed Presence Extensions to PIDF
RFC 4482CIPID: Contact Information in PIDF
RFC 4119A Presence-based GEOPRIV Location Object Format
RFC 4589Location Types Registry
RFC 5262PIDF Extension for Partial Presence
RFC 5196SIP User Agent Capability Extension to PIDF
Authorization Up
RFC 4745Common Policy: A Document Format for Expressing Privacy Preferences
RFC 5025Presence Authorization Rules
Publication Up
RFC 3903SIP Extension for Event State Publication
RFC 3856A Presence Event Package for SIP
RFC 5264Publication of Partial Presence Information
RFC 2387The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type
RFC 4483A Mechanism for Content Indirection in SIP Messages
Document Composition Up
Composing Presence Information
A Processing Model for Presence
Presence Subscription & Notification Up
RFC 3856A Presence Event Package for SIP
RFC 4660Functional Description of Event Notification Filtering
RFC 4661An XML Based Format for Event Notification Filtering
RFC 4662A SIP Event Notification Extension for Resource Lists
RFC 2387The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type
RFC 4483A Mechanism for Content Indirection in SIP Messages
RFC 5263SIP extension for Partial Notification of Presence Information
Watcher Information Up
RFC 3857A Watcher Information Event Template-Package for SIP
RFC 3858An XML Based Format for Watcher Information
RFC 4660Functional Description of Event Notification Filtering
RFC 4661An XML Based Format for Event Notification Filtering
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Instant Messaging and MSRP

General Up
RFC 2779Instant Messaging / Presence Protocol Requirements
RFC 3860Common Profile for Instant Messaging (CPIM)
RFC 3861Address Resolution for Instant Messaging and Presence
RFC 3862CPIM: Message Format
RFC 3994Indication of Message Composition for Instant Messaging
RFC 4770vCard Extensions for Instant Messaging
draft-ietf-simple-imdnInstant Message Disposition Notification
RFC 4975The Message Session Relay Protocol
RFC 4976Relay Extensions for MSRP
draft-ietf-simple-chatMulti-party Instant Message (IM) Sessions using MSRP
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Caller Preferences

RFC 3840Indicating User Agent Capabilities in SIP
RFC 3841Caller Preferences for SIP
RFC 4596Guidelines for Usage of the SIP Caller Preferences Extension
draft-rosenberg-sip-app-media-tagA SIP Media Feature Tag for MIME Application Sub-Types
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Application Interaction

A Framework for Application Interaction in SIP
RFC 4730A SIP Event Package for Key Press Stimulus (KPML)
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##


RFC 3351SIP for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Speech-impaired Individuals
RFC 5369Framework for Transcoding with SIP
RFC 4117Transcoding Services Invocation in SIP using 3pcc
RFC 5370The SIP Conference Bridge Transcoding Model
RFC 5194Framework for Real-Time Text over IP using SIP
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##


draft-ietf-sipping-config-frameworkA Framework for SIP User Agent Profile Delivery
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

XCAP for Manipulating Lists and Policies

RFC 4825The Extensible Markup Language (XML) Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP)
RFC 4826XML Formats for Representing Resource Lists
RFC 4827XCAP Usage for Manipulating Presence Document Contents
draft-ietf-simple-xcap-diffAn XML Document Format for Indicating Changes in XCAP Resources
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)

RFC 3314Recommendations for IPv6 in 3GPP Standards
RFC 3327SIP "Path" Extension Header Field for Registering Non-Adjacent Contacts
RFC 3455Private Header (P-Header) Extensions to SIP for the 3GPP
RFC 3574Transition Scenarios for 3GPP Networks
RFC 3589Diameter Command Codes for 3GPP Release 5
RFC 3608SIP Extension Header Field for Service Route Discovery during Registration
RFC 3839MIME Type Registrations for 3GPP Multimedia files
RFC 4083Input 3GPP Release 5 Requirements on SIP
RFC 4215Analysis on IPv6 Transition in 3GPP Networks
RFC 4457The SIP P-User-Database Private-Header (P-Header)
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Push-to-talk over Cellular (PoC)

RFC 4354A SIP Event Package and Data Format for Various Settings in Support for the PoC Service
draft-ietf-sip-answermodeRequesting Answering Modes for SIP
RFC 4964P-Answer-State Header Extension to SIP for the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Push to talk over Cellular
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Peer-to-Peer SIP

DraftsP2PSIP IETF and individual Drafts
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##


RFC 5009P-Header Extension to SIP for Authorization of Early Media
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##


 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

Event Management

RFC 3265SIP-Specific Event Notification
RFC 3515The SIP Refer Method
-- 'refer'
RFC 3680A SIP Event Package for Registrations
-- 'reg'
draft-ietf-sipping-gruu-reg-eventRegistration Event Package Extension for SIP Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs)
RFC 3842A Message Summary and Message Waiting Indication Event Package for SIP
-- 'message-summary'
RFC 3856A Presence Event Package for SIP
-- 'presence'
RFC 3857A Watcher Information Event Template-Package for SIP
-- 'winfo'
RFC 3910The SPIRITS Protocol
-- 'spirits-INDPs' and 'spirits-user-prof'
RFC 4235An INVITE-Initiated Dialog Event Package for SIP
-- 'dialog'
RFC 4354A SIP Event Package for the PoC Service
-- 'poc-settings'
RFC 4575A SIP Event Package for Conference State
-- 'conference'
RFC 4730A SIP Event Package for Key Press Stimulus (KPML)
-- 'kpml'
A Framework for SIP User Agent Profile Delivery
-- 'ua-profile'
SIP Package for Voice Quality Reporting Event
-- 'vq-rtcpxr'
RFC 5362The SIP Pending Additions Event Package
-- 'pending-additions'
A SIP Event Package for Session-Specific Session Policies
-- 'session-spec-policy'
draft-ietf-sip-certsCertificate Management Service for SIP
-- 'certificate' and 'credential'
RFC 3903SIP Extension for Event State Publication
RFC 4660Functional Description of Event Notification Filtering
RFC 4661An XML Based Format for Event Notification Filtering
RFC 4662A SIP Event Notification Extension for Resource Lists
RFC 5263SIP extension for Partial Notification of Presence Information
RFC 5264Publication of Partial Presence Information
draft-ietf-sip-subnot-etagsAn Extension to SIP Events for Issuing Conditional Subscriptions
 Session Negotiation via SDP  NAT and Firewall Traversal  SIP / PSTN Interworking  Security
 Call Transfer  Conferencing  BFCP  URI List Services  Presence  Instant Messaging and MSRP  Caller Preferences  Application Interaction  Transcoding  Configuration  XCAP  IMS  PoC  P2P  TISPAN  HERFP  Event Management  SIP Evolution ##

SIP Evolution

RFC 3427Change Process for SIP
RFC 3968IANA Header Field Parameter Registry for SIP
RFC 3969IANA URI Parameter Registry for SIP
RFC 4485Guidelines for Authors of Extensions to SIP
draft-ietf-sip-hitchhikers-guideA Hitchhikers Guide to SIP
draft-ietf-sipping-sbc-funcsRequirements from SIP Session Border Control Deployments








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