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原创 M - Help Jimmy

 "Help Jimmy" 是在下图所示的场景上完成的游戏。 场景中包括多个长度和高度各不相同的平台。地面是最低的平台,高度为零,长度无限。 Jimmy老鼠在时刻0从高于所有平台的某处开始下落,它的下落速度始终为1米/秒。当Jimmy落到某个平台上时,游戏者选择让它向左还是向右跑,它跑动的速度也是1米/秒。当Jimmy跑到平台的边缘时,开始继续下落。Jimmy每次下落的高度不能超过...

2018-08-22 17:29:39 239

原创 L - Common Subsequence

A subsequence of a given sequence is the given sequence with some elements (possible none) left out. Given a sequence X = < x1, x2, ..., xm > another sequence Z = < z1, z2, ..., zk > is a ...

2018-08-20 10:39:42 190

原创 J - FatMouse's Speed

FatMouse believes that the fatter a mouse is, the faster it runs. To disprove this, you want to take the data on a collection of mice and put as large a subset of this data as possible into a sequence...

2018-08-20 10:08:29 320

原创 I - 最少拦截系统

某国为了防御敌国的导弹袭击,发展出一种导弹拦截系统.但是这种导弹拦截系统有一个缺陷:虽然它的第一发炮弹能够到达任意的高度,但是以后每一发炮弹都不能超过前一发的高度.某天,雷达捕捉到敌国的导弹来袭.由于该系统还在试用阶段,所以只有一套系统,因此有可能不能拦截所有的导弹. 怎么办呢?多搞几套系统呗!你说说倒蛮容易,成本呢?成本是个大问题啊.所以俺就到这里来求救了,请帮助计算一下最少需要多少套拦截系统...

2018-08-20 09:31:46 128

原创 H - Tickets

Jesus, what a great movie! Thousands of people are rushing to the cinema. However, this is really a tuff time for Joe who sells the film tickets. He is wandering when could he go back home as early as...

2018-08-20 09:29:56 321

原创 G - 免费馅饼


2018-08-20 09:23:47 848

原创 F - Piggy-Bank

Before ACM can do anything, a budget must be prepared and the necessary financial support obtained. The main income for this action comes from Irreversibly Bound Money (IBM). The idea behind is simple...

2018-08-20 09:19:40 151

原创 E - Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!

Nowadays, a kind of chess game called “Super Jumping! Jumping! Jumping!” is very popular in HDU. Maybe you are a good boy, and know little about this game, so I introduce it to you now. The game ...

2018-08-20 09:15:44 273

翻译 C - Monkey and Banana

A group of researchers are designing an experiment to test the IQ of a monkey. They will hang a banana at the roof of a building, and at the mean time, provide the monkey with some blocks. If the monk...

2018-08-17 19:48:10 255

原创 B - Ignatius and the Princess IV

"OK, you are not too bad, em... But you can never pass the next test." feng5166 says. "I will tell you an odd number N, and then N integers. There will be a special integer among them, you have to te...

2018-08-17 08:44:20 148

原创 整理音乐

整理音乐Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem Description请用链表完成下面题目要求。xiaobai 很喜欢音乐,几年来一直在收集好听的专辑。他有个习惯,每次在听完一首音乐后会给这首音乐打分,而且会隔一段时间给打好分的音乐排一个名次。今天 xiaobai 打开自己的音乐文件夹,...

2018-08-17 08:29:59 286

翻译 A - Max Sum Plus Plus

Now I think you have got an AC in Ignatius.L's "Max Sum" problem. To be a brave ACMer, we always challenge ourselves to more difficult problems. Now you are faced with a more difficult problem. Given...

2018-08-17 08:27:51 353

原创 约瑟夫问题

约瑟夫问题Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem Descriptionn个人想玩残酷的死亡游戏,游戏规则如下:n个人进行编号,分别从1到n,排成一个圈,顺时针从1开始数到m,数到m的人被杀,剩下的人继续游戏,活到最后的一个人是胜利者。请输出最后一个人的编号。Input输入n和...

2018-08-16 22:48:11 162

原创 不敢死队问题

不敢死队问题Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem Description说到“敢死队”,大家不要以为我来介绍电影了,因为数据结构里真有这么道程序设计题目,原题如下: 有M个敢死队员要炸掉敌人的一个碉堡,谁都不想去,排长决定用轮回数数的办法来决定哪个战士去执行任务。如果前一个战士没...

2018-08-16 22:46:53 117

原创 Attack

AttackTime Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem DescriptionPBH 最近在玩一个游戏。游戏中玩家有 100 的血量,目前有 n 个小怪,小怪会按顺序前来攻击玩家且小怪只会采用 1v1 的方式,玩家每次可秒杀一个小怪,并受到小怪攻击力的伤害(血量减少小怪攻击力的数值),打死小怪...

2018-08-16 22:44:36 301

原创 Fire Emblem Echoes

Fire Emblem EchoesTime Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem Description 4 月 20 日,火纹新作另一位英雄王 (Fire Emblem Echoes) 终于发售啦,本作作为 92 年火纹外传的复刻,游戏系统增加了大量的新元素以及优化(重点是 3DS 比...

2018-08-16 22:42:21 370

原创 金牌、银牌、铜牌

金牌、银牌、铜牌Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem DescriptionAcm——大学中四大竞赛之首——是极具挑战性的大学生竞赛形式。在一场acm比赛中,一个参赛队伍由三人组合而成,在最短的时间内做出尽可能多的题目而且要尽量少提交错误代码,这样才能得到更高的排名。现在让我们模拟一次不...

2018-08-16 22:40:36 638

原创 bLue's Ranklist - Vol.2

bLue's Ranklist - Vol.2Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem DescriptionChina Final 结束后,bLue 及时保存了一份比赛的排行榜 (Ranklist)。然而昨天 bLue 打开保存的 Ranklist 一看,发现保存的文件发生了不可描述的错误...

2018-08-16 22:36:10 215

原创 bLue's Ranklist - Vol.1

bLue's Ranklist - Vol.1Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem Description上一场比赛结束后,bLue 及时保存了一份比赛的排行榜 (Ranklist)。然而昨天 bLue 打开保存的 Ranklist 一看,发现保存的文件发生了不可描述的错误,非要强行描述...

2018-08-16 22:34:58 181

原创 cyk的时间表

cyk的时间表Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem Description从前有座山,“山理”有座庙,庙里有个 cyk 和 bLue , bLue 天天缠着 cyk , cyk 天天躲着 bLue !对于 cyk 的高冷, bLue 只能从 cyk 的日常活动入手,于是他找来了 cyk...

2018-08-16 22:33:10 190

原创 选夫婿1

选夫婿1Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 32768 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem Description    倾国倾城的大家闺秀潘小姐要选夫婿啦!武林中各门各派,武林外各大户人家,闻讯纷纷前来,强势围观。前来参与竞选的男生藏龙卧虎,高手云集,才子遍布,帅哥纷纭,更不乏富二代,官二代,可谓声势空前。    每个人参...

2018-08-16 22:30:47 214

原创 来淄博旅游

来淄博旅游Time Limit: 1000 ms Memory Limit: 65536 KiBSubmit StatisticProblem Description淄博某旅行社每天都要接待来自全国各地的游客,他们从各个城市来到张店区,游玩后又去淄博的其他旅游景点。从各个城市来张店的游客只是在网上报名,然后旅行社根据统计的人数,用大巴把他们从不同城市拉到张店。在张店玩一天后,这些游...

2018-08-16 22:28:44 183

原创 O - Extended Traffic

Dhaka city is getting crowded and noisy day by day. Certain roads always remain blocked in congestion. In order to convince people avoid shortest routes, and hence the crowded roads, to reach destinat...

2018-08-15 20:40:14 141

原创 N - Tram

Tram network in Zagreb consists of a number of intersections and rails connecting some of them. In every intersection there is a switch pointing to the one of the rails going out of the intersection. ...

2018-08-15 19:09:48 196

翻译 M - 昂贵的聘礼


2018-08-15 10:26:34 170

翻译 L - Subway

You have just moved from a quiet Waterloo neighbourhood to a big, noisy city. Instead of getting to ride your bike to school every day, you now get to walk and take the subway. Because you don't want ...

2018-08-15 08:12:28 304

翻译 I - Arbitrage(什么也没有)

Arbitrage is the use of discrepancies in currency exchange rates to transform one unit of a currency into more than one unit of the same currency. For example, suppose that 1 US Dollar buys 0.5 Britis...

2018-08-14 16:30:44 229

翻译 H - Cow Contest

N (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) cows, conveniently numbered 1..N, are participating in a programming contest. As we all know, some cows code better than others. Each cow has a certain constant skill rating that is un...

2018-08-14 16:29:08 235

翻译 G - MPI Maelstrom

BIT has recently taken delivery of their new supercomputer, a 32 processor Apollo Odyssey distributed shared memory machine with a hierarchical communication subsystem. Valentine McKee's research advi...

2018-08-14 16:26:13 136

翻译 F - Wormholes

While exploring his many farms, Farmer John has discovered a number of amazing wormholes. A wormhole is very peculiar because it is a one-way path that delivers you to its destination at a time that i...

2018-08-14 16:20:38 561

翻译 E - Currency Exchange

Several currency exchange points are working in our city. Let us suppose that each point specializes in two particular currencies and performs exchange operations only with these currencies. There can...

2018-08-14 16:14:36 643

翻译 D - Silver Cow Party

One cow from each of N farms (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000) conveniently numbered 1..N is going to attend the big cow party to be held at farm #X (1 ≤ X ≤ N). A total of M (1 ≤ M≤ 100,000) unidirectional (one-way roa...

2018-08-14 16:12:00 129

翻译 C - Heavy Transportation

Background Hugo Heavy is happy. After the breakdown of the Cargolifter project he can now expand business. But he needs a clever man who tells him whether there really is a way from the place his cus...

2018-08-14 16:07:58 199

翻译 B - Frogger

Freddy Frog is sitting on a stone in the middle of a lake. Suddenly he notices Fiona Frog who is sitting on another stone. He plans to visit her, but since the water is dirty and full of tourists' sun...

2018-08-14 16:00:36 542

翻译 J - Invitation Cards

In the age of television, not many people attend theater performances. Antique Comedians of Malidinesia are aware of this fact. They want to propagate theater and, most of all, Antique Comedies. They ...

2018-08-14 15:51:34 199



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