

       关于DESData Encryption Standard)已经有所了解了,不过看题目说的是S-DES,不太理解是什么意思,google查了一下,没有找到解释,百度一下吧,更别说了,果然百度是不擅长技术搜索的。后来一想,中文的找不到应该找英文的,于是把google设置为查询英文内容,果然找到几个,虽然不是专门介绍,但只言片语也就够我了解了。






       看了第一个解释就比较明了了,S-DES(Simplified DES 就是对DES进行简化后用来进行教学的。其基本性能和结构和DES基本没有差别,只是减少了密钥量。


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Electronic Codebook Mode (ECB),Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC).Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB) Only blocks of j <= 64 bits are enciphered at a time. A small j requires more cycles through the encipherment algorithm per unit of plaintext and thus greater processing overhead. A plaintext block always produces the same ciphertext block for the same key and starting variable. Blocks cannot be rearranged. Each ciphertext block depends on the current and all preceding plaintext blocks. Different starting variables are used to prevent the same plaintext enciphering to the same ciphertext. The strength of this mode depends on the size of the key k (best if j == k). An error will affect the current and the following ciphertext blocks. Output Feedback Mode (OFB) Only blocks of j <= 64 bits are enciphered at a time. A small j requires more cycles through the encipherment algorithm per unit of plaintext and thus greater processing overhead. A plaintext block always produces the same ciphertext block for the same key and starting variable. Different starting variables are used to prevent the same plaintext enciphering to the same ciphertext. Absence of chaining makes this mode vulnerable to specific attacks. Different start variable values prevent the same plaintext enciphering to the same ciphertext, by producing different key streams. An error bit in the ciphertext causes only one bit to be in error in the deciphered plaintext. It is not self-synchronizing. Triple-DES ECB Mode Encrypt with key1, decrypt with key2 and encrypt with key3 again. As for ECB encryption but increases the key length to 168 bits. If all keys are the same it is equivalent to encrypting once with just one key. If the first and last key are the same, the key length is 112 bits. If all 3 keys are the same, this is effectively the same as normal ECB mode. Triple-DES CBC Mode Encrypt with key1, decrypt with key2 and then encrypt with key3. As for CBC encryption but increases the key length to 168 bits with the same restrictions as the Triple-DES ESB mode Our first example shows how to use the basic DES encryption routine, DES_ecb_encrypt(), to encrypt or decrypt a single 64-bit block of plaintext to electronic code book (ECB) mode. If the encrypt argument is DES_ENCRYPT, the input (plaintext) is encrypted into the output (ciphertext) using the specified key_schedule. If the encrypt argument is DES_DECRYPT, the input (ciphertext) is decrypted into the output (plaintext). Note that input and output may overlap. Read more: http://blog.fpmurphy.com/2010/04/openssl-des-api.html#ixzz1n2Qte3UG


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