42048 Studio 3: InnovationProlog


42048 Studio 3: Innovation

Spring 2024

Subject description

The Innovation Studio focuses on a self-directed industry project approached independently by multi-disciplinary teams. Students will identify business problems, designing an approach to build a solution that meets stakeholder needs. They will critically evaluate and reflect on their process, and effectively communicate innovative outcomes.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. Clearly define an industry problem with appropriate set of objectives.

2. Assess, adapt, and recommend the most suitable methodology to guide the industry project and plan to achieve defined objectives.

3. Synthesize a range of tools and techniques in order to design and develop creative and innovative solution to the identified industry problem.

4. Construct written, spoken, and visual communication with accuracy and clarity to effectively communicate innovative outcomes.

5. Critically evaluate, peer-review, reflect and communicate the learning process.

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes specifically to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

· Research, identify and evaluate the assumptions implicit in data and apply analytical techniques to facilitate business decision making (1.1)

.  Create innovative business solutions utilising data for a range of business stakeholders (1.2)

.  Convey information and decisions clearly in written, verbal and visual form to business stakeholders (2.1) .   Interact with colleagues and stakeholders to work effectively towards agreed outcomes (2.2)

.  Critically evaluate and apply professional ethical standards, the principles of sustainability, social responsibility, and Indigenous values as business analysts (3.1)

.   Integrate advanced data analysis techniques with business practices to generate actionable knowledge to inform and facilitate effective decision-making in local and international contexts (4.1)

Teaching and learning strategies

This studio-based subject will consist of 12 weekly 3-hour workshops alongside weekly partnering online content.

Each workshop will introduce a topic before students apply the learning to their own projects. The studio format will be  used to extend understanding and synthesize the knowledge acquired in different subjects from the Business Analytics course.

The workshops will consist of a range of diverse tasks, including individual and group exercises, presentation practice, analytical exercises, assignment planning and drafting, and analytical skills training.

During these workshops students will receive various types of feedback within a collegial, discursive learning context,

from the fellow students as well as from the tutor. Students will collaborate through a process of constructive

peer-review and discussion of each students’ submissions. They will complete pre-work before class in order to use the knowledge they have gained in a constructive manner during class.

Students are expected to consult the program section of this subject outline for instructions regarding required

pre-reading and preparation to be undertaken before each class. Workshop and pre-reading materials and activities for all workshops will be made available on Canvas.

This studio will be an opportunity for professional practice as a researcher, and students should aim to produce a

professional quality output, with mentoring from professionals. Students will find that during this studio process they  will need to recognise that a variety of solutions are possible, rather than one prescribed approach being adopted. Students will find that there isn’t one sequence to completing the task, and often the process will be iterative – that is students will run one project or experiment, realise the errors or missed opportunities, and then iterate on those to improve the outcome. Students are expected to learn from their failures and to develop work during this process.

Content (topics)

· Topic 1: Introduction to subject content and its organization

· Topic 2: Managing industry project – setting up a framework for project planning, teamwork, execution and evaluation

. Topic 3: Formulation of real-world problem, objectives and success criteria for a industry project; teamwork and allocation of resources

. Topic 4: Selection of appropriate processes and methodology to approach the identified problem

· Topic 5: Design of experiments and results analysis · Topic 6: Verification and validation of outcomes

. Topic 7: Writing an effective discussion and communication of outcomes


Assessment task 1: Project proposal, plan, and methodology

Intent: This task allows students to master their skills of searching and evaluating the existing methods and

solutions, understanding and exploring the context of existing approaches, and synthesizing this

knowledge to inform industrial project. This task also develops skills in preparing and writing project proposal, selecting appropriate methodology and preparing feasible plan of work.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 5

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):


Type: Presentation

Groupwork: Group, group and individually assessed

Weight: 20%

Task: 1.  Find an industrial partner with which the project will be done. Meet with the industry mentors and

discuss the topic for the project.

2.  Based on the discussions with the mentors formulate problem and prepare project proposal (including research questions and objectives).

3.  Prepare appropriate project plan that will enable you to effectively manage work in the group.     Make sure that clear work breakdown structure is created, tasks are assigned to individuals and adequate amount of time is allocated to each task. Workloads should be designed in a way that each team member does similar amount of work.

4.  Propose appropriate methodology to answer stated objectives and solve the proposed problem.

5.  Prepare the presentation that clearly outline all above points.

Students individually will be required to work on the presentation and then meet and agree on one presentation. Evidence of their individual work will be appendix to this presentation.

Due: In class in Week 6

Assessment feedback will be provided in class.

Assessment task 2: Report of project proposals

Intent: This task allows students to further improve their critical analysis skills and ability to prepare proper

peer review.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2 and 3

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):


Type: Report

Groupwork: Individual

Weight: 20%

Task: 1.  Students will be asked to review presentation about project proposal prepared by other group.

2.  For a given project proposal a critical analysis that will clearly state advantages and

shortcomings of reviewed proposal needs to be prepared. This will be done in a form of structured report.

Length: 600-2,000 words: tables, text on figures, captions, bibliography and reference lists are excluded, but

all other words are included.

Due: 11.59pm Tuesday 8 October 2024

Assessment feedback will be provided within 2-3 weeks.

Assessment task 3: Research paper

Intent 42048 Studio 3: InnovationProlog : This task allows students to improve their skills in conducting and evaluating real-world projects. This

task also develops skills in preparing and writing reports.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 4

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):


Type: Report

Groupwork: Group, group and individually assessed Weight: 30%

Task: 1.  Review your project proposal (Assessment Task 1) in the context of the feedback you have

received from Task 1 and from your mentors and peer-reviews. Include in your report revised list of project goals and objectives (maximum word count: 1,000 words per review).

2.  Design of experiment – prepare detailed plan of your experiments or investigation; what and how will be done. Make sure that the designed experiments will help you to fulfil the stated goals from Assessment Task 1 (maximum word count: 1,000 words per review).

3.  Conduct the experiment and present your results analysis – you need to prepare and conduct your planned experiments. The results you obtain need to be presented in a way that is easy to understand and that they help you, later on, with your discussion. Presented analysis should

provide answer to the project goal presented in your project proposal (Assessment Task 1) (maximum word count: 1,000 words per review).

4.  Verify and validate of research outcomes – you need to assess the validity of your results. Make sure that what you present is significant and correct (maximum word count: 500 words per


5.  Discussion and conclusions – you are expected to discuss and summarise your study. Also identify the potential future directions for your study (maximum word count: 500 words per review).

Students individually will be required to work on the verification and validation of research outcomes, discussion and conclusions and then meet and agree on final version they submit. Evidence of their individual work will be appendix to this report.

Length: 3,000-6,000 words: tables, text on figures, captions, bibliography and reference lists are excluded,

but all other words are included.

Due: 11.59pm Tuesday 29 October 2024

Assessment feedback will be provided within 3-4 weeks.

Assessment task 4: Reflection and portfolio


Intent: This task allows students to improve their skills in reflection on their process of teamwork and

self-management. This task also develops skills in managing team artefacts.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 4.1

Type: Portfolio Groupwork: Individual Weight: 30%

Task: 1.  Regularly reflect on what you set out to achieve in your weekly project work, how you

approached each task, what problems were encountered, what could be done differently, and what you learnt from the experience.

2.  Use the artefacts produced through the process of completing each task to examine group

processes you are using, and evaluate the progress of the project. Demonstrate how theory or  research informs your practice and show the evolution of work-in-progress and associated peer feedback on work and issues presented by others.

3.  In class, time within each workshop will be devoted to monitoring the progress of each group.

Therefore, each class member will be required to contribute to a weekly group presentation or

retrospective meeting: showing a project deliverable they have developed or are in the process of developing, discussing the process of development, and inviting input and constructive feedback   from other class members.

4.  Many different forms of contribution to your group’s project, and reflection on your process can be assembled into this reflective journal and portfolio. Examples include, sketches and plans, lists,     evidence of git commits, ticket completions, code reviews, research findings, results analysis


Within your reflection, one method to structure your reflections is to use the following format:

. Recount – describe an event that happened within your projects progress

. React – describe how this made you react/feel (annoyed, pleased, frustrated, disappointed etc.). . Analyse – work out why this event caused this reaction.

. Improve – describe how to either ensure that this is repeated (if the reaction was positive) or how to avoid or minimise the impact of this event occurring in future (if the reaction was negative).

Length: 200-500 words each week

Due: 11.59pm Tuesday 5 November 2024

Minimum requirements

To pass this subject, students must achieve an overall mark of 50% or greater         





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