
1000 A+B Problem 送分题 49% 2005-5-7
1001 Exponentiation 高精度 85% 2005-5-7
1002 487-3279 n/a 90% 2005-5-7
1003 Hangover 送分题 62% 2005-5-7
1004 Financial Management 送分题 61% 2005-5-7
1005 I Think I Need a Houseboat 几何 68% 2005-5-7
1006 Biorhythms 送分题 80% 2005-5-7
1007 DNA Sorting 送分题 66% 2005-5-7
1008 Maya Calendar 日期处理惩罚 74% 2005-5-7
1009 Edge Detection 84% 2005-5-2
1010 STAMPS 搜刮+DP 83% 2005-5-2
1011 Sticks 搜刮 85% 2005-5-7
1012 Joseph 模仿/数学办法 62% 2005-5-7
1013 Counterfeit Dollar n/a 72% 2005-5-7
1014 Dividing 数论/DP?/组合数学->母函数? 82% 2005-5-7
1015 Jury Compromise DP 81% 2005-5-5
1016 Numbers That Count 送分题 69% 2005-5-6
1017 Packets 贪婪 72% 2005-5-7
1018 Communication System 贪婪 74% 2005-5-3
1019 Number Sequence 送分题 80% 2005-5-6
1020 Anniversary Cake 搜刮 87% 2005-5-6
1021 2D-Nim 69% 2005-5-3
1022 Packing Unit 4D Cubes 63% 2005-4-26
1023 The Fun Number System 数论 77% 2005-5-1
1024 Tester Program 73% 2005-3-17
1025 Department 模仿 66% 2005-4-22
1026 Cipher 组合数学 84% 2005-5-6
1027 The Same Game 模仿 67% 2005-5-6
1028 Web Navigation 送分题 75% 2005-5-7
1029 False coin 66% 2005-5-7
1030 Rating 83% 2005-5-7
1031 Fence 策画几何 74% 2005-5-7
1032 Parliament 66% 2005-5-4
1033 Defragment 70% 2005-5-1
1034 The dog task 策画几何 72% 2005-5-6
1035 Spell checker 76% 2005-5-7
1036 Gangsters 73% 2005-5-1
1037 A decorative fence DP/组合数学 81% 2005-4-30
1038 Bugs Integrated, Inc. 90% 2005-5-4
1039 Pipe 几何 68% 2005-5-2
1040 Transportation 69% 2005-5-4
1041 John”“s trip 83% 2005-5-2
1042 Gone Fishing贪婪/DP 81% 2005-5-3
1043 What”“s In A Name? 75% 2005-5-2
1044 Date bugs 70% 2005-5-2
1045 Bode Plot 送分题(用物理常识) 24% 2005-5-2
1046 Color Me Less 送分题 64% 2005-5-7
1047 Round and Round We Go 高精度 63% 2005-5-6
1048 Follow My Logic 模仿 76% 2005-5-6
1049 Microprocessor Simulation 模仿 73% 2005-5-6
1050 To the Max DP 60% 2005-5-7
1051 P,MTHBGWB 55% 2005-5-7
1052 Plato”“s Blocks n/a 类似ceoi99 matty block 67% 2005-5-1
1053 Set Me 送分题 52% 2005-5-7
1054 The Troublesome Frog 搜刮 81% 2005-5-2
1055 BULK MAILING 75% 2005-5-5
1057 FILE MAPPING 63% 2005-4-30
1058 The Gourmet Club 85% 2005-5-4
1059 Chutes and Ladders 40% 2005-5-5
1060 Modular multiplication of polynomials 高精度 59% 2005-5-4
1061 青蛙的约会 数论 92% 2005-5-7
1062 昂贵的聘礼 DP 84% 2005-5-1
1063 Flip and Shift 53% 2005-4-30
1064 Cable master DP/二分查找 77% 2005-5-2
1065 Wooden Sticks DP 59% 2005-5-3
1066 Treasure Hunt 61% 2005-4-21
1067 取石子游戏 博弈论 86% 2005-5-7
1068 Parencodings 送分题 40% 2005-5-7
1069 The Bermuda Triangle 搜刮 67% 2004-12-10
1070 Deformed Wheel 几何 79% 2004-12-10
1071 Illusive Chase 送分题 50% 2005-5-1
1072 Puzzle Out 搜刮 90% 2005-4-25
1073 The Willy Memorial Program 模仿 77% 2005-3-31
1074 Parallel Expectations DP 63% 2005-4-9
1075 University Entrance Examination 模仿 63% 2005-5-1
1076 Bowl 90% 2005-5-1
1077 Eight 82% 2005-5-6
1078 Gizilch 60% 2005-4-14
1079 Ratio 69% 2005-5-4
1080 Human Gene Functions DP->LCS变形 39% 2005-5-4
1081 You Who? 83% 2004-12-4
1082 Calendar Game 博弈论 57% 2005-5-5
1083 Moving Tables 58% 2005-5-3
1084 Square Destroyer 搜刮? 62% 2005-5-6
1085 Triangle War 博弈论 71% 2005-3-23
1086 Unscrambling Images 模仿? 52% 2005-2-24
1087 A Plug for UNIX 图论->最大流 81% 2005-5-6
1088 滑雪 DFS/DP 81% 2005-5-7
1089 Intervals 80% 2005-5-1
1090 Chain ->格雷码和二进制码的转换 83% 2005-5-6
1091 跳蚤 数论 83% 2005-5-4
1092 Farmland 几何 63% 2005-4-23
1093 Formatting Text DP 87% 2005-5-1
1094 Sorting It All Out 图论->拓扑排序 76% 2005-5-7
1095 Trees Made to order 组合数学 47% 2005-5-1
1096 Space Station Shielding 送分题 45% 2005-5-1
1097 Roads Scholar 图论 63% 2005-5-1
1098 Robots 模仿 58% 2005-2-24
1099 Square Ice 送分题 65% 2005-5-5
1100 Dreisam Equations 搜刮 90% 2005-5-6
1101 The Game 搜刮->BFS 74% 2005-5-6
1102 LC-Display 送分题 62% 2005-5-7
1103 Maze 模仿 64% 2005-5-6
1104 Robbery 递推 61% 2005-5-6
1105 S-Trees n/a 38% 2005-5-7
1106 Transmitters 几何 39% 2005-5-4
1107 W”“s Cipher 送分题 49% 2005-5-7
1108 Split Windows n/a 25% 2004-12-14
1109 Index Generation n/a 50% 2005-1-18
1110 Double Vision 搜刮 44% 2005-5-1
1111 Image Perimeters 搜刮 39% 2005-5-7
1112 Team Them Up! DP 65% 2005-5-2
1113 Wall 策画几何->convex hull 76% 2005-5-5
1114 Chemical Reactions 52% 2005-5-3
1115 Statistical Trouble 79% 2005-4-16
1116 Library 68% 2005-4-5
1117 Pairs of Integers n/a 75% 2005-5-6
1118 Lining Up 79% 2005-5-7
1119 Start Up the Startup 送分题 82% 2005-4-28
1120 A New Growth Industry 模仿 54% 2005-5-2
1121 Algernon”“s Noxious Emissions 33% 2005-4-23
1122 FDNY to the Rescue! 图论->Dijkstra 81% 2005-4-23
1123 For the Porsche 65% 2005-4-7
1124 Oh, Those Achin”” Feet 75% 2005-4-26
1125 Stockbroker Grapevine 图论->Dijkstra 35% 2005-4-29
1126 Simply Syntax 73% 2005-5-6
1127 Jack Straws 61% 2005-4-29
1128 Frame Stacking 搜刮 55% 2005-5-1
1129 Channel Allocation 搜刮(图的最大自力集) 37% 2005-5-7
1130 Alien Security 55% 2005-5-6
1131 Octal Fractions 高精度 46% 2005-5-7
1132 Border 42% 2005-4-29
1133 Stars 74% 2005-5-1
1134 Hexagon 46% 2005-2-24
1135 Domino Effect 图论->Dijkstra 56% 2005-4-27
1136 Pendulum 68% 2005-4-10
1137 The New Villa 搜刮->BFS 74% 2005-4-29
1138 Ships 70% 2005-3-26
1139 Cat and Mouse 74% 2005-4-16
1140 Expanding Fractions 71% 2005-5-7
1141 Brackets Sequence DP 76% 2005-5-7
1142 Smith Numbers 搜刮 64% 2005-5-7
1143 Number Game 博弈论 80% 2005-4-17
1144 Network 66% 2005-5-6
1145 Tree Summing 77% 2005-5-4
1146 ID Codes 44% 2005-5-5
1147 Binary codes 机关 71% 2005-5-7
1148 Utopia Divided 机关 69% 2005-5-5
1149 PIGS 图论->收集流 74% 2005-5-7
1150 The Last Non-zero Digit 88% 2005-5-3
1151 Atlantis 策画几何->一律安顿矩形的并的面积->离散化 66% 2005-5-6
1152 An Easy Problem! 数论 87% 2005-5-6
1153 SAFE 90% 2005-4-11
1154 LETTERS 58% 2005-4-28
1155 TELE 80% 2005-5-5
1156 A STRIP OF LAND 93% 2005-5-6
1157 LITTLE SHOP OF FLOWERS DP 58% 2005-5-7
1158 TRAFFIC LIGHTS 图论->Dijkstra变形 81% 2005-5-5
1159 Palindrome DP->LCS 82% 2005-5-7
1160 Post Office DP 75% 2005-5-4
1161 Walls 图论 63% 2005-4-27
1162 Building with Blocks 搜刮 85% 2005-4-27
1163 The Triangle DP 45% 2005-5-7
1164 The Castle 50% 2005-5-3
1165 The Primes 65% 2005-5-6
1166 The Clocks 71% 2005-5-6
1167 The Buses 73% 2005-4-4
1168 The Circle 80% 2005-3-12
1169 Packing Rectangles 25% 2005-5-3
1170 Shopping Offers DP 60% 2005-5-3
1171 Letter Game 85% 2005-5-7
1172 Street Race 82% 2005-4-29
1173 Bar Codes 81% 2005-4-9
1174 Contact 76% 2005-5-7
1175 Starry Night 52% 2005-5-4
1176 Party Lamps 77% 2005-5-3
1177 Picture 策画几何->一律安顿矩形的并的周长->线段树 53% 2005-5-2
1178 Camelot 64% 2005-5-2
1179 Polygon DP 60% 2005-5-3
1180 Batch Scheduling DP 66% 2005-4-19
1181 Bus Terminals 67% 2005-4-19
1182 食品链 数据布局->并查集 84% 2005-5-6
1183 反正切函数的应用 搜刮 73% 2005-5-5
1184 聪慧的打字员 搜刮 76% 2005-5-4
1185 炮兵阵地 DP->数据紧缩 82% 2005-5-4
1186 方程的解数 87% 2005-5-6
1187 陨石的诡秘 DP(BalkanOI99 Par的拓展) 81% 2005-5-4
1188 Gleaming the Cubes 57% 2005-3-27
1189 钉子和小球 递推? 72% 2005-5-5
1190 诞辰蛋糕 搜刮/DP 74% 2005-5-4
1191 棋盘分别 DP 65% 2005-5-7
1192 最优连通子集 图论->无负权回路的有向图的最长路->BellmanFord 63%2005-5-6
1193 内存分派 模仿 82% 2005-4-27
1194 HIDDEN CODES 搜刮+DP 84% 2005-5-4
1195 Mobile phones 79% 2005-5-7
1196 Twofive 47% 2005-4-19
1197 Depot 数据布局->Young Tableau 67% 2005-4-15
1198 Solitaire 77% 2005-5-7
1199 Left labyrinths 93% 2005-4-30
1200 Crazy Search 91% 2005-5-7
1201 Intervals 贪婪/图论->最长路->差分束缚体系 77% 2005-4-15
1202 Family 高精度 87% 2005-3-30
1203 Timetable 74% 2005-2-24
1204 Word Puzzles 95% 2005-4-3
1205 Water Treatment Plants 53% 2005-4-19
1206 Servers 48% 2005-2-24
1207 The 3n + 1 problem n/a 77% 2005-5-7
1208 The Blocks Problem 79% 2005-5-5
1209 Calendar 日期处理惩罚 78% 2005-2-24
1210 City Directions 78% 2005-4-29
1211 Traffic Lights 62% 2005-4-30
1212 Eeny Meeny 46% 2005-3-12
1213 Roman Numerals 30% 2005-5-5
1214 “Accordian” Patience 45% 2005-4-16
1215 Gondwanaland Telecom 70% 2005-5-7
1216 Simulation Wizardry 16% 2005-4-7
1217 FOUR QUARTERS 递推 65% 2005-5-2
1218 THE DRUNK JAILER 送分题 29% 2005-5-6
1219 L-I-N-G-O: LINGO 85% 2005-5-2
1220 NUMBER BASE CONVERSION 65% 2005-5-7
1222 EXTENDED LIGHTS OUT 23% 2005-5-2
1223 DEHUFF 72% 2005-3-12
1224 PICTURE PUZZLE 76% 2005-3-12
1226 Substrings 55% 2005-5-7
1227 RoboContest 76% 2005-4-30
1228 Grandpa”“s Estate 82% 2005-3-9
1229 Wild Domains 85% 2005-2-15
1230 Pass-Muraille 81% 2005-5-6
1231 The Alphabet Game 64% 2005-4-16
1232 Microfiches 74% 2005-5-3
1233 Street Crossing 搜刮->BFS 75% 2005-4-15
1234 Ball Toss 47% 2005-5-6
1235 Galactic Breakup 78% 2005-5-4
1236 Network of Schools 52% 2005-4-27
1237 The Postal Worker Rings Once 35% 2005-4-28
1238 Arbitrage 85% 2005-4-22
1239 Increasing Sequences 77% 2005-5-7
1240 Pre-Post-erous! 40% 2005-5-7
1241 Knockout Tournament 42% 2005-5-7
1242 Plugged In 43% 2005-3-31
1243 One Person 31% 2005-5-6
1244 Slots of Fun 49% 2005-5-7
1245 Programmer, Rank Thyself 送分题 45% 2005-4-26
1246 Hilbert Curve Intersections 72% 2005-3-31
1247 Magnificent Meatballs 送分题 28% 2005-5-7
1248 Safecracker 搜刮 34% 2005-4-15
1249 Oil Pipeline 72% 2005-3-31
1250 Tanning Salon 送分题 39% 2005-5-7
1251 Jungle Roads 图论->最小生成树 45% 2005-4-28
1252 Euro Efficiency 63% 2005-4-26
1253 Markov Trains 74% 2005-3-31
1254 Hansel and Grethel 50% 2005-5-7
1255 Floors 57% 2005-3-31
1256 Anagram 81% 2005-5-6
1257 Cross-stitch. 74% 2005-5-4
1258 Agri-Net 62% 2005-5-7
1259 The Picnic 50% 2005-3-31
1260 Pearls 66% 2005-4-26
1261 Huffman Trees 90% 2004-12-10
1262 Input 60% 2005-4-11
1263 Reflections 47% 2005-4-17
1264 SCUD Busters 57% 2005-5-3
1265 Area 53% 2005-4-29
1266 Cover an Arc. 83% 2005-5-7
1267 Fence 78% 2005-4-19
1268 Forests 94% 2005-4-22
1269 Intersecting Lines 57% 2005-5-7
1270 Following orders 58% 2005-5-7
1271 Nice Milk 策画几何 81% 2005-3-31
1272 Synchronous Design 87% 2005-2-24
1273 Drainage Ditches 图论->最大流 66% 2005-5-7
1274 The Perfect Stall 图论->二分图的最大匹配 80% 2005-4-29
1275 Cashier Employment 图论->差分束缚体系->无负权回路的有向图的最长路->Bellman-Ford 75% 2005-4-25
1276 Cash Machine 76% 2005-4-22
1277 Beer Land 63% 2005-5-2
1278 BOAT 71% 2005-3-31
1279 Art Gallery 37% 2005-4-7
1280 Game 递推 46% 2005-4-14
1281 MANAGER 模仿 77% 2005-4-16
1282 庆典的日期 92% 2005-5-6
1283 Moving Computer 65% 2005-5-4
1284 Primitive Roots 64% 2005-4-9
1285 Combinations, Once Again 78% 2005-4-12
1286 Necklace of Beads 组合数学->POJ前面的题目算法思路【转】(上)olya

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