dump acpi table

yum install acpica-tools.aarch64

[root@localhost ~]# acpidump > acpidump.out
[root@localhost ~]# acpixtract -a acpidump.out

Intel ACPI Component Architecture
ACPI Binary Table Extraction Utility version 20160527-64
Copyright (c) 2000 - 2016 Intel Corporation

Acpi table [SPCR] -      80 bytes written to spcr.dat
Acpi table [MCFG] -     172 bytes written to mcfg.dat
Acpi table [GTDT] -     124 bytes written to gtdt.dat
Acpi table [APIC] -    5348 bytes written to apic.dat
Acpi table [IORT] -    1364 bytes written to iort.dat
Acpi table [SLIT] -      60 bytes written to slit.dat
Acpi table [DSDT] -   26630 bytes written to dsdt.dat
Acpi table [SRAT] -    1400 bytes written to srat.dat
Acpi table [DBG2] -      90 bytes written to dbg2.dat
Acpi table [FACP] -     276 bytes written to facp.dat

10 binary ACPI tables extracted
[root@localhost ~]# iasl -d mcfg.dat

Intel ACPI Component Architecture
ASL+ Optimizing Compiler version 20160527-64
Copyright (c) 2000 - 2016 Intel Corporation

Input file mcfg.dat, Length 0xAC (172) bytes
Acpi Data Table [MCFG] decoded
Formatted output:  mcfg.dsl - 3955 bytes
[root@localhost ~]# cat mcfg.dsl
 * Intel ACPI Component Architecture
 * AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20160527-64
 * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2016 Intel Corporation
 * Disassembly of mcfg.dat, Wed Feb 27 02:39:52 2019
 * ACPI Data Table [MCFG]
 * Format: [HexOffset DecimalOffset ByteLength]  FieldName : FieldValue

[000h 0000   4]                    Signature : "MCFG"    [Memory Mapped Configuration table]
[004h 0004   4]                 Table Length : 000000AC
[008h 0008   1]                     Revision : 01
[009h 0009   1]                     Checksum : E8
[018h 0024   4]                 Oem Revision : 00000000
[01Ch 0028   4]              Asl Compiler ID : "INTL"
[020h 0032   4]        Asl Compiler Revision : 20151124

[024h 0036   8]                     Reserved : 0000000000000000

[02Ch 0044   8]                 Base Address : 00000000B0000000
[034h 0052   2]         Segment Group Number : 0002
[036h 0054   1]             Start Bus Number : E8
[037h 0055   1]               End Bus Number : EF
[038h 0056   4]                     Reserved : 00000000

[03Ch 0060   8]                 Base Address : 00000007C0000000
[044h 0068   2]         Segment Group Number : 0004
[046h 0070   1]             Start Bus Number : 48
[047h 0071   1]               End Bus Number : 4F
[048h 0072   4]                     Reserved : 00000000

[04Ch 0076   8]                 Base Address : 0000000400000000
[054h 0084   2]         Segment Group Number : 0005
[056h 0086   1]             Start Bus Number : 00
[057h 0087   1]               End Bus Number : 07
[058h 0088   4]                     Reserved : 00000000

[05Ch 0092   8]                 Base Address : 0000000740000000
[064h 0100   2]         Segment Group Number : 0006
[066h 0102   1]             Start Bus Number : 08
[067h 0103   1]               End Bus Number : 0F
[068h 0104   4]                     Reserved : 00000000

[06Ch 0108   8]                 Base Address : 0000000780000000
[074h 0116   2]         Segment Group Number : 0007
[076h 0118   1]             Start Bus Number : 40
[077h 0119   1]               End Bus Number : 47
[078h 0120   4]                     Reserved : 00000000

[07Ch 0124   8]                 Base Address : 0000064000000000
[084h 0132   2]         Segment Group Number : 000A
[086h 0134   1]             Start Bus Number : 10
[087h 0135   1]               End Bus Number : 1F
[088h 0136   4]                     Reserved : 00000000

[08Ch 0140   8]                 Base Address : 0000074000000000
[094h 0148   2]         Segment Group Number : 000C
[096h 0150   1]             Start Bus Number : 20
[097h 0151   1]               End Bus Number : 2F
[098h 0152   4]                     Reserved : 00000000

[09Ch 0156   8]                 Base Address : 0000078000000000
[0A4h 0164   2]         Segment Group Number : 000D
[0A6h 0166   1]             Start Bus Number : 30
[0A7h 0167   1]               End Bus Number : 3F
[0A8h 0168   4]                     Reserved : 00000000

Raw Table Data: Length 172 (0xAC)

  0020: 24 11 15 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B0  // $.. ............
  0030: 00 00 00 00 02 00 E8 EF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0  // ................
  0040: 07 00 00 00 04 00 48 4F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  // ......HO........
  0050: 04 00 00 00 05 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40  // ...............@
  0060: 07 00 00 00 06 00 08 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80  // ................
  0070: 07 00 00 00 07 00 40 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  // ......@G........
  0080: 40 06 00 00 0A 00 10 1F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  // @...............
  0090: 40 07 00 00 0C 00 20 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  // @..... /........
  00A0: 80 07 00 00 0D 00 30 3F 00 00 00 00              // ......0?....






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